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51511613 No.51511613 [Reply] [Original]

ALL of the major projects that we considered "stable" have rugpulled or done nothing to get adopted. From luna, to link, solana, dot, all the big "solid" projects.

With the coming bullrun they will get one last pump and i will manage to get out without losses..but ive learned my lesson.

I simply cannot afford to trust anything other than Bitcoin anymore. luna was a top 10 project who just rugged from 90$ to 0$ and kwon is not on interpol's red notice.

So shill me whatever you want. Im never trusting anything other than BTC. all just scams with no store of value or adoption.

>> No.51511635

>I simply cannot afford to trust anything other than Bitcoin anymore
bitcoin is 85% down, retard

>> No.51511647

and everything else is down 90-99%
congrats, retard

>> No.51511652

Newsflash, crypto was always about getting rich quick. Problem is that people don't realize that trading is zero-sum game. No money is created by crypto, it only changes hands. For one retard to make money, another retard must lose it.
It's still going on because of human greed. People imagine themselves as the winners, they don't take being on the losing side of the trade as a consideration.

>> No.51511662

shh little baggie

>> No.51511663

i know that bitcoin is 85% down, but its the only coin..where all of us refuse to sell, with actual store of value. you need the most billions to even manipulate it.

with any other smaller projects..it takes so much less money to be manipulated, pumped and dumped. bitcoin also doesnt have a CEO to dump on you.

with bitcoin you have whales who sell...but then they have to buy back...if they want to keep playing the game.

>> No.51511669
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>With the coming bullrun they will get one last pump

>> No.51511678

>2 weeks before smartcon
>every big cunt in the world represented
>staking, ccip, deco ready to be launched
>Chainlink has done nothing and therefore will continue to do nothing so sell your Link and buy this dumb token!
t. 95% Link 5% BTC and have thought many times about making that 1% BTC

>> No.51511681

pitiful cope

>> No.51511693

>ALL of the major projects that we considered "stable" have rugpulled or done nothing to get adopted. From luna, to link, solana, dot, all the big "solid" projects.

It's all bullshit. Nobody outside the crypto club understands it or has any need for it.

If all crypto vanished tomorrow, most people wouldnt care or even notice.

>> No.51511752

It's not store of value, as it has no value on its own. If anything, it's waste of energy. Nobody needs bitcoin and never will. For comparison, house / land are store of value, because people need those to grow and survive. Investing in a company can be store of value, because this company on its own might be needed be people.
Once again, nobody needs crypto, people were never using it for intended purpose described in whitepapers. The only use for crypto is gambling, which is finally coming to an end because of looming recession.

>> No.51511787

bitcoin has value from the energy that has been used to create it. and that energy comes from coil, gas etc and from the cards made to mine it.

i mean they can still manipulate and crush it to 0$...but its very hard. most people wont sell their bitcoin out of spite.

>> No.51511806

>these holes in the ground are valuable because I bought a lot of shovels to dig them

>> No.51511824

> bitcoin has value from the energy
It doesn't store this energy you retard. You can't access this burned energy later, so after the fact bitcoin has no value at all. Energy is just cost to produce bitcoin, net value is negative.

>> No.51511829

well not as valuable as lets say gold..but certainly more valuable than paper cash. it cant be printed endlessly.

the problem is the nwo cartel can keep suppressing the price of gold forever or even ban it.

and if you try to trade gold with your friends for food or tools....they government will SWAT you

>> No.51511832

You’re right. Slaves don’t need money so they don’t mind if their toilet paper fiat loses 30% of its value per year

>> No.51511836

I love perusing biz and seeing posts like this because it shows how early I am in owning tokens actually used RIGHT NOW in the real business world with profit mechanisms and the entire deal that don't even involve mining and staking.
You are all so easily distracted by whatever is posted here you will never find these coins and operations until far too late.

>> No.51511865

> being early
BTC is not first and not the last speculative bubble.
You would do great buying beanie babies too I'm sure

>> No.51511888

Nice strawman, I never mentioned that Fiat is good store of value. I mentioned property, land, real busines.

>> No.51512028

>well not as valuable as lets say gold..but certainly more valuable than paper cash. it cant be printed endlessly.

in effect it can be printed endlessly because bitcoins can be split into billions of satoshis.

there will never be a shortage of bitcoin.

>> No.51512085

>and if you try to trade gold with your friends for food or tools....they government will SWAT you

lol you realise that if things get to that level, the electricity won't be working, right?

>> No.51512096

land, cars, businesses can fail. you can make a bad purchase. niggers or a storm can come.

with bitcoin..its like golden coins. you have them. you exchange them.

how are you going to sell your house in detroit to someone?

>> No.51512104

you think your US government will let you live as little communes (like in death stranding) and not try to connect you back under central nwo command?

you better have a home made nuclear warhead and a shit ton of dirty bombs.

because thats the only thing that would keep your government away from invading your little village.

>> No.51512119

>you think your US government will let you live as little communes (like in death stranding) and not try to connect you back under central nwo command?

you're not understanding this. they won't be able to. the electricity isn't going to be working.

>> No.51512148
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i can assure you the government has their own bunkers and generators, and weapons.

you can still play guerilla warfare...but dont expect to survive and be left alone without a nuclear deterrent.

a community that can produce food, with doctors, dentists, welders, hunters...everyone will want to enslave you and get you working for him.

>> No.51512168

Agree with all your points, OP.
Altcoins are only useful for short-medium term (ie, one year).
I made money with HEX, today I see it as no more than a scam (it rugpulled 95% of its value). But I used it to recover bitcoin I sold.
People use altcoins with the sole purpose of getting more bitcoin. Don't be another techboy who is constantly duped by talk with beautiful words but no real development.
Nothing will replace bitcoin. Monero wont replace it, because people need transparency. Ethereum wont replace it, because people need stability.

>> No.51512200

.The only thing that will actually be adopted is HBAR. That does not mean you may ultimately make money speculating on it but if you learn it it may be useful for getting in an IT wage cage.

>> No.51512226

>>you think your US government will let you live as little communes (like in death stranding) and not try to connect you back under central nwo command?
>you're not understanding this. they won't be able to. the electricity isn't going to be working.


>> No.51512248

All of this has happened before and will happen again. You aren't supposed to iron hand alts.

>> No.51512266

4ch says I'm spam.
The point of my post is that you will never make it.
Nor will you do anything that involves effort.

>> No.51512284

>i can assure you the government has their own bunkers and generators, and weapons.

doesnt matter. their generators will run out of fuel before long.

>> No.51512294

I fear that you're right, I'm uncertain about the future of crypto and have my doubts if I should keep holding.

>> No.51512305

Right, business can fall, land can get destroyed, but bitcoin will prevail. You're living in a dreamland.

>> No.51512377

>Right, business can fall, land can get destroyed, but bitcoin will prevail. You're living in a dreamland.

Somehow the electricity and internet will still be working after the collapse so people can barter food and water supplies for bitcoin using their phones

>> No.51512425

yes however..they will use that time to strategically raid and confiscate all fuel from their citizens.

and if you have solar panels they will shoot them or confiscate them.

you need a nuclear deterrent or to live in a dense forest.

>> No.51512443

Also when crysis hits, I'm sure the first thought people will have will be "I must buy BTC from bagholders... I mean crypto investors".

>> No.51512471

sadly yes...in SHTF...with no internet.....say bye bye to bitcoin

>> No.51512480
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Welcome to the maxi club friend, now you get to learn about global macro, ESG scams, fiat shit food and medicine. Also self-custody, lightning network, and fediments.
Much better investment of your time than looking at shitcoin charts all day

>> No.51512496

>From luna, to link, solana, dot, all the big "solid" projects.
only bitcoin is solid. it takes a cycle to find out. I hope you realize now. (monero is solid too, cause it has its own market)

>> No.51512522

it has a lot of value to me, I can transact with anyone in the world and i can take it with me anywhere I go and it will keep its value. if my shithole collapses I ROON with all my crypto and I'll have my value preserved, while the people who put it in houses and money, gold and other stuff will get their value taken, stolen , destroyed.

>> No.51512537

without internet the entire world economy collapses, fiat dolars will become worthless long before bitcoin. also when it goes that far you need guns and food, not bitcoin, gold or silver

>> No.51512555

monero is solid as a currency with anonymity.
its not good at storing value.
bitcoin is just more solid.

>> No.51512655

>its not good at storing value.
i think you'll be surprised with its performance the upcoming decade, even with so many regulators trying to get rid of it

>> No.51512724

Don't forget, Bitcoin and other crypto has been tested and proven to be transmitted over ham radio.
If anything it would be smart to get into ham radio for SHTF instances.
It's a cool hobby.

>> No.51512773

transmitting bitcoin over radio?

>> No.51512793

>yes however..they will use that time to strategically raid and confiscate all fuel from their citizens.

impossible. it would take too much fuel to do that for it to be worth doing.

>> No.51512825

I'll stick with icp and lunac

>> No.51512842

bet on black baby lol

>> No.51513255
File: 118 KB, 262x266, neverkilledanyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill me whatever you want

>> No.51513345

>Im never trusting anything other than BTC. all just scams with no store of value or adoption.
So proud of you OP, it's like watching Neo beginning to believe.

>> No.51513378

transmitting bitcoin over steam signals, blown right off the tops of hot tendies

>> No.51513405
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, banderas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the coming bullrun

>> No.51513437

>you can anonymously send 0's and 1's that you cannot exchange for anything relevant
big whoop

>> No.51513782

Saying crypto is useless right now is like saying the internet was useless in the 80’s.
Settlement of money across the globe should not take days.
Stocks market should not be open only during certain hours/days.
Identity should not be held by a fe FAGMAN actors.
Single point of failure should not exist.
Supply chain should be traceable.

You will see the changes coming and will seethe as you were so close to make it but did not. Iso20022 is their plan, play accordingly.

>> No.51513821

>> what is a unit of account
>> what is money
>> who has the assets?
>> who has the bitcoin?
BIG WHOOP. I'll be trading with other bitcoin holders and i'll have a ticket to any of the bitcoin citadels. while you starve at the outside fighting niggers for ratmeat.

>> No.51513904

>and kwon is not on interpol's red notice.

This is why I know nothing will be done about the $2 billion fat fuck Richard stole from people that invested in pulsechain

>> No.51516206

Just like in every bear market. How does a dumbass like you even make it past the captcha?

>> No.51517766

Lol, no one cares about anyone outside the crypto club retard, OP fell for the big names and got rekt thats no ones fault when there are relatively solid projects in the mid/cap and lowcaps region especially in the web3, Defi and asset management sector.

>> No.51517832

>You aren't supposed to iron hand alts.
Exactly what I thought, alts are meant for profit taking and luckily you might one with a solid usecase and working product like MATIC,BAT, ORE or UDO for long term hodl.

>> No.51517882

Dont lose hope anon, especially if you believe in your bags or you are invested in Defi, Asset management and Identity management niche.

>> No.51517883

>relatively solid projects in the mid/cap and lowcaps region especially in the web3, Defi and asset management sector.

i might actually believe they were 'projects' not scams if any of them actually built anything before they start trying to get people to buy their patheitc token.

but we all know the sales pitch for the coin starts on day one, don't we?

>> No.51517948

Regulators are actually targetting the entire privacy sector in crypto because they know its the foundation of true freedom and decentralization.

>> No.51517993

Biz anons are seriously retarded.

>> No.51518012

>luna, link, solana, dot
You're just a fucking retard who gets scammed easily, anon. None of those were ever "bluechips" and luna is the only one for which a crash was even remotely surprising.

>> No.51518050

Lol another brainlet sighted, I'd sell both just for a bag of RAIL or MINA at this crucial time where privacy is needed.

>> No.51518065

The value of land and homes is dependent upon government manipulation (zoning, building regulations, property rights enforcement). Houses are in a fantastically large bubble pumped through the last 40 years by government faggotry in an attempt to prop up MBS (a bedrock asset of the financial system).

>> No.51518248

The problem is most people do not do their research before buying and they just follow the crowd. I know a couple of projects with products that are already being adopted and are not token gated, just dyor on Railgun privacy protocol and see for yourself.

>> No.51519508

I think Privacy protocols with optional privacy is preferable if the need for audit or litigation arises

>> No.51520433

The very reason why governments have been against privacy tokens/coins, although the Railgun privacy platform has the option to provide transaction details when demanded by authorities for legal proceedings

>> No.51520651


>> No.51522023

Don't panic, crypto is gradually approaching mass adoption as payment solutions emerge and complexities in the crypto space are simplified like ORE is doing

>> No.51522050

This happens every single bullrun.

All shitcoins pump once against BTC and never recover. ETH was the only exception but now with PoS ETH is probably finished as well.

>> No.51522507

Interoperability makes the use of blockchain easy and makes adoption super fast since everyone can easily harness the power of multiple blockchains.An identity management tool is quite of utmost importance

>> No.51522515

>85% down

>> No.51522623

>From luna, to link, solana, dot, all the big "solid" projects.
>With the coming bullrun they will get one last pump
ETH has exponential growth compared to other alts because the blockchain is actually being used, not because it was PoW...