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51507876 No.51507876 [Reply] [Original]

I'm as poor as newfags now (was well into 6figs and now barely above 5).

>> No.51507896

What hap beaned ?

>> No.51507935


>> No.51507941
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idk anymore

>> No.51507955
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>> No.51508008
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thank you sir

>> No.51508014

*barely above 4

>> No.51508074

Same brotha.
Spent all of 18, 19 and 20 accumulating.
Made a lot of money. My life went from dark and bleak to something. I had hope. Finally I'd earned it. The lonesome degenerate finally made it.
Never got to spend a dime. Held, beleiving there was no way the markets would sell off to the point that even early buyers would be punished.
Why punish the early buyers. The ones who fucking deserved it thru the work they put in while everyone else was out partying and watching football.
Why punish us too.
Anyways.. that was my one chance.
5 years of work for nothing.
Rage. Silent rage.

>> No.51508102

it sucks but you can come back, we know there will be another bull market in a few years, it might take a while but accumulating in a bear is the only way to make it as a medium term trader

>> No.51508154

I tell you what happened. Faggot OP got greedy. He thought a ×500 profit was not good enough for him. He thought he was a genius trading internet shit coins.

But look at him now, he fell so low he is asking for Yous on /biz/.


You don't even deserve a pity you op.

>> No.51508167


>> No.51508188

Thanks for the bump, faggot

>> No.51508206

Yeh. Worst part is I saw all the dumps coming from macro indicators, but always ignored it because I was expecting a blowoff top. Btc is trash. Learned my lesson. A simple one. Never ignore macro indicators. Simple as.

>> No.51508632

It's clown market's fault we're all broke...

>> No.51508668

remember how smug you felt for investing in magic internet beans? karma is real

>> No.51508722

Exact same. I was optimistic until April and then I knew we were fucked. I'm still way up from my initial purchases, but the amount of wealth I've given back in the past 12 months has me in utter disbelief.

I can't really trust anything in crypto anymore. This tech will probably end up being dystopian imo, the market makers sure treat it like its worthless.

>> No.51508835

Karma will fuck you for mocking me

>> No.51508926

Got rugged by cultdao

>> No.51508965
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I went from $2500 to $250k this cycle and would say I ended up at about $150k total with cashing out. I actually thought I would be able to afford a house.

>> No.51508982

My peak was around there. Would have been good fuel to buy the upcoming dip with.

>> No.51509260

I refuse to participate in the economy thanks to this, no work no tax no consooming, no one is getting a dime from me until I get mine.

>> No.51509394
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>buying internet beans is hard work

>> No.51509408

you'll get another shot in a year. but for now, take the lessons you've learned and move on. you're still extremely young and can develop the energy to pursue passions outside of this.

>> No.51509420

>Started in Feb 2021
>Hardly DCA'd about $9k into crypto for nearly a year
>Got to $18k after a year
>Went back to $3k in the Summer
>Back up to $14k
Im not even sure how anyone else can endure my crab portfolio. Its one thing to have had had the money then lost it, but it seems like Im wasting time

>> No.51509446

That actually sounds about right, 2021 was after shib did it's mega moon mission and all the dumb money was chasing it. Everything was subpar afterwards, May dump, the 2nd inorganic pump that lost momentum at previous ATH instead of $100k+ then the big dump and crab until now.

>> No.51509476

there is truth to it, but my intentions are honorable: an energy-wasting, useless centralized memecoin is a burden to this world, god knows

>> No.51509478

What I learned:
1. Dca in bear markets. Dca out in bull
2. Never ignore macro indicators. One specifically that I looked at called the covid crash before it happened and same with the may and november crash. My problem was being married to my bags aka a retarded perma bull

>> No.51509483

you should have learned to adapt to real world developments, if you did you would have sold long ago and wouldn‘t be waiting for history to repeat itself

>> No.51509500

bought BTC below 10$
bought LINK below 1$
still pore

>> No.51509601

>I'd earned it.
You gambled you retard. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, this is a gamble.

>> No.51509701

>real world developments
Fucking meme. News is retarded to trade off of. Macro indicators I look at called the literal exact days when the crashes happened.

>> No.51509717

Bought ftm under a penny among other cheap shit (bnb, matic, etc.). One of my main issues starting off was selling too early aka scalping my stacks. I learned all my lessons, but sucks ass having to start from scratch more or less. I can probably reach 6 figs again on the first year of the bull i.e. 2023, but damn it. If btc wasn't garbage and had a blowoff top, my alts would jave made me a milliomaire

>> No.51509888

>I'm as poor as newfags
That's because you ARE a newfag retard. You came in 5 years after Bitcoin was on CNN and you're still in babby's first cycle lmao

>> No.51509928

2018 isn't a newfag, retard.

>> No.51509941

Tell us more about said indicators

>> No.51509959

2018 means you came in 5 years after Bitcoin was on CNN and you're still in babby's first cycle lmao.

>> No.51509990

Moot point. Buying in while btc was at 3-6k range is early. Saying otherwise is retarded.

>> No.51510009

how convenient that you define "newfag" as everyone who bought after you lmao. You got in YEARS after the media hype phase. Nothing you say will ever change this. Get over it.

>> No.51510044

>how convenient that you define "newfag" as everyone who bought after you lmao.
And your definition is the same, you fucking moron
>You got in YEARS after the media hype phase.
I didn't even get any media exposure on this shit. I found it when people thought it was completely dead
>Nothing you say will ever change this. Get over it.
Read above

>> No.51510058
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bought high and sold low, heinz-sight is 20/20

>> No.51510141

Imagine desperately arguing over internet labels as if it changes the fact that you came in 5 years after Bitcoin was on CNN and you're still in babby's first cycle lmao.

>> No.51510200

Still not a newfag :)

>> No.51510300
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lol just sell on the bottom

>> No.51510406
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Same, 500k>60k approx. Never sold anything ever. Was waiting for it to go to 1mil maybe.

>> No.51510424
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Better made it and be justed than never have made it (like me), fren.

>> No.51510427

Ya I was waiting for a blowoff top. Never again. I see macro sell signals in the future (during bullruns) and I'm out.

>> No.51510426
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>bought the 2017 top ICX and REQ
>100€ left
>buy LINK at 0.20
>close to 6 figs
>10k now
eh could be worse

>> No.51511590

I was getting close to cashing out most of it and buying a house. Like 2/4 of the way. It helps at least to know I wasn't THAT close. Biz bulls seems to be fairly confident we will get another run in 23/24.

>> No.51512644

is this a joke? Investing into crypto doesn't take hard work, and the only reason you lost out is because you were insanely greedy. How much were you up on your initial investment at the peak of your folio? if you were really an early buyer, it would be minimum 30 or 40x, could be even more. Boohoo I wanted a 300000x lol

>> No.51512684
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Been here since 2014 (crypto) and I'm as poor as newfags now. Portfolio used to be worth 36BTC, now it's not even worth half a BTC.