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51502217 No.51502217 [Reply] [Original]

Talking to a woman about dating is like talking to a boomer about trying to buy a house

>boomers: I know what I got no ball offers
>women: must be 6ft tall and make 6 figures

>boomers: just pound the pavement champ, give ‘em a good firm handshake and you’ll get a job
>women: have you tried getting hobbies and a personality?

>boomers: millennials are so entitled and need to stop eating avocado toast then maybe they’ll afford a house
>women: men need to stop sending dick pics and catcalling, then maybe you’d be able to get a date

>> No.51502252

You wanted to post this on >>>/pol/ or >>>/r9k/ right? You can still delete the thread and post on the right board.

>> No.51502269
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How do you live making less than figures tho? Can you afford to kys?

>> No.51502333

that's not very zesty of you anon

>> No.51502372
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>Uhm you're alone because women have a special sense when someone's secretly an abusive CHUD and they can see that you ar... OMG is that Jeremy Meeks?

>> No.51502422

>Uhm you're alone because women have a special sense when someone's secretly an abusive CHUD
Don't most women complain that chad and Tyrone beat them black and blue when they step out of line? Honestly, having been rejected more times than I can count by these retarded whores it puts a smile on my face when I see them being beaten by their abusive partner. They made their choice and they should live with it.

>> No.51502424
File: 49 KB, 728x618, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get angry every time I have to deal with a woman because I hate them so much. It turns them on.

>> No.51502452
File: 61 KB, 828x714, 76404505aade0d2d53a9fd7ee107b4d2b7ed49941f3098f73f17872d609054d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
