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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5149162 No.5149162 [Reply] [Original]

Can't say much except get into BTC within the next 10 hours or so

Final warning

>> No.5149180

50% crash followed by tether collapsing and everyone selling btc for bch?

>> No.5149239


The amount of shilling you cash fags on biz are doing has me absolutely 100% sure BTC will keep crushing for years. Us BTC supreme gentlemen will be on the moon and you cash retards will stay poor

>> No.5149253

Source for your information first please

>> No.5149278

b-but the flippening Jihan and Ver promised

>> No.5149290

24k incoming (less than 4 days) followed by a slow climb to 32k over the course of the next 2 months.

>> No.5149335

>btc for bch
keeping bch now is economic suicide.
In 2 weeks coinbase will give their users 500k BCH that most will dump.
500k BCH entering the market all at once, the biggest dump in the dumpest history of dumps

>> No.5149348
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Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that is actually used as currency, and it's a finite currency at that.

The other cryptos fluctuate but simply don't have the same staying power. They are imitators at the end of the day.

>> No.5149377

Not him but just look at gdax wall, he figured it would take about that time to break it.
Once a wall is broken, there is a huge spike after it, It might go to 24k or something.
Then it will come back down quickly too!, but then keep going up

>> No.5149400

And basically 99% of cryptos have lost BTC value, but gained $ value because of the huge spike in BTC

>> No.5149415

I'd have easier time believing that if my transaction of 0.3 btc to an exhange weren't stuck unconfirmed for third day on a row for now...

>> No.5149417
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>Exchanges have BTC reserves
>Shitcoins are valued in BTC
>Institutions are only aware of BTC and maybe ETH if they are hipsters
>Thinking he can still move X coin to y coin if daddy bitcoin crashes
Let me tell you something cashie death of core will be death of crypto. Exchanges will start exit scamming all over. The can't cash out meme will be true. I'm guessing you are a shitcoin holder and you use one of this exchanges
>Binance kek
This will fall the hardest with all your shitcoins retards
Public confidence will fall. Only the Blockchain ledger tech will be cherry picked and integrated into banking systems. The Jews will win once more Be careful what you wish for cashlets

>> No.5149420

bruh you can buy drugs on tor with monero. That's how bitcoin started too.

>> No.5149438

honestly, I don't think a real global currency should be deflationary

>> No.5149453

shilling will increase tenfold these days

coinbase drop is coming and it is scary

>> No.5149464
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>Being this poor

>> No.5149523

Can't say much except get out of BTC within the next 10 hours or so

>> No.5149529
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You like worthless American dollar backed by infinitely sinking negative values, That's fine I go print more!

>> No.5149569

Wall street

>> No.5149628

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a buy signal.

>> No.5149644
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>> No.5149656

There are clearnet sites that take all sorts of crypto for things. Not just slow and expensive bitcoin.

>> No.5149671

Ding fag. Ibanks aren't trading on a fucking sunday.

>> No.5149710


The other cryptos are paid for in bitcoin, sure they may spike but they're extremely prone to panic selling and plateau/collapse.

>> No.5149886

can't say much othe that the truth
Go 50% in bitcoin now,if it goes up 20% congrats u just got +10%,if it goes down put the other 50% of your usd into it

Thanks me later boynos

>> No.5150070

explain those mental gymnastics again?

>> No.5150210

btc will be worth less than ripple after today

>> No.5150265

Monero is the better choice thanks to it's actual anonymity

>> No.5150295

When was the last time people shilled Bitcoin this hard?

>> No.5150348

>shilling btc
No one needs to shill btc - it pretty much speaks for itself. That said, it's a dumb time to buy more - it's gonna drop big and recover big sometime soon. This board is going to be wojack central in a month or so.

>> No.5150362
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>Coping this hard.
If BTC goes to those levels it will be a fucking capitulation.XRP as you know it won't even fucking exist. Everything will be obliterated. I saw it with Gox and that wasn't even a -99% kek

>> No.5150393

How do I get into it?
Just buy a wallet?

>> No.5150526

the amount of people predicting a christmas crash makes me think this will be self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.5150538

Top kek
Its a yuge dump incoming
So far normiebase holds 500k bcash with rock hands
When they distribute, and even 10% of holders sell, its an insane dumpening

>> No.5150572

will they start supporting BCH though?

>> No.5150614

Go home grandpa. Bch, xrp and Link are the cool kids coin. Children are the future, just sell your btc, ltc and ftc

>> No.5150628

Just like everyone dumped post fork and bch never ever recovered from $150
A significant share of coinbase users are turbonormies who won't know to transfer bch to exchanges where you can sell it
Reasoning like yours will make the rounds, though
So dump right before jan 1, then pump as people realise nothing happened

>> No.5150650

At this point I suspect you're right

>> No.5150794
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>My opponent made perfect sense
>He is also probably more experienced than me and has diversified his portfolio
>I will call him old and assume he suggest buy telling the others he holds dinosaur coins
>I will also shill my coins to lurkers reading this thread

>> No.5150818

What's a wall?

>> No.5150830
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Kek. Guilty of phone posting

>> No.5150842
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People will cash out to buy their Christmas lambo

>> No.5150848
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>tfw just realized I have more money in the crypto world than I have in my checking account for the first time

>> No.5150853

> muh dragonslayer!!

>> No.5150874

you are not ready for /biz/. Get out and start learning. You will be taken advantage of here.

>> No.5150878
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>not going balls deep

>> No.5150941

A large amount of coins being sold at a specific price. It takes a while for people to buy-up all those coins hence the "wall".

They do have a way of magically disappear though.

>> No.5150960
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>Spoon-feeding normies

>> No.5151192

Wew lad