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51498012 No.51498012 [Reply] [Original]

I took a heroic dose of shrooms last night and my family think I’m a schizo now. How can I profit off this?

>> No.51498063

Oooo can you explain what you saw and felt

>> No.51498080

if your becoming a schizo your already profiting

>> No.51498081

why. none of it was real. chemically induced delusions, complete nonsense

>> No.51498086

Because I want to hear it?

>> No.51498088


>> No.51498089

Start larping as a guru. Say something like "The light of time spoke to me and said we need to be prepared" or some shit. Fuck your first cousin too, that shit is amazing

>> No.51498133

I felt like I was stuck in a time loop at first where I kept repeating the same actions. Eventually I began to feel like all human beings were a collective concious being manipulated by higher powers that we’re unable to comprehend. I began to get really emotional thinking I was experiencing the pain and grief of others. After that I began seeing shadow people all around me and I felt if I looked at their faces I would lose my mind. Shit was trippy

>> No.51498154

>I took a heroic dose of shrooms last night and my family think I’m a schizo now
you might be, i can pinpoint a massive megadose in my late teens that fucked my brain for years

>> No.51498169

Kek why does your family think you are schizo now did you interact with them while tripping?

>> No.51498173

Go all in on XRP.

It's your only hope for redemption.

>> No.51498183

Why the fuck did you talk to people while you were tripping on psychedelics?

>> No.51498189

Yea I tried going to my mom to explain what I saw thinking the trip was over but then her face began distorting and I freaked out in front of her and ran away

>> No.51498213
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>> No.51498214

At least you didn't consider pissing on the pile of clothes in the corner because the bathroom was literally an infinity hallway away filed with dangers.

>> No.51498227

You dont have a family. You're already schizo. Meds.

>> No.51498487

Wtf? Why?
Why not kill the family instead?

>> No.51498620
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Keep pretending to be a schitzo tard and mooch off the family

>> No.51498636
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Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.51498720

this. there's nothing heroic about taking mushrooms, and there's no excuse to be doing so in your family home. OP has deeper insecurities he refuses to face, where now even his own home is not comforting enough, thus he chooses escapism through drugs.

If I was your family I would send you to a professional also. It's not mushrooms are harmful, it's the fact you feel the need to use them in your own home with your family around you that is a warning sign.

Grow up.

>> No.51498811
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>Eventually I began to feel like all human beings were a collective concious being manipulated by higher powers that we’re unable to comprehend

Yeah I've always sort of thought this minus the collective conscious part. I do think we are being controlled via some other entity. That entity may either be controlling everything or a may be a one to one (for ever person, there is some corresponding entity controlling you, sort of how you contol an individual entity in a video game). This is basically simulation theory at the core. At the top of it all is God.

>> No.51498836

>I do think we are being controlled via some other entity
ya it's called evolutionary adaptation and the four fundamental forces of the universe

>> No.51498931

fuck off schizo, don't overcomplicate it

>> No.51498944

I became schizo just by semen retention and smoking weed, shrooms can fuck you up I'd wager

>> No.51499457


They let you access repressed memories so usually loads of childhood trauma in fucked up people

>> No.51499586

OP I took a heroic dose of penis envy last night and became an antenna for whatever the hell is on the other side; I was possessed and moved around involuntarily, contorting my body and moving in a way I couldn’t replicate irl if you paid me. At one point it felt like super compressed energy zapping my soul like an intense orgasm and it shattered every problem I ever thought mattered in my life.

That being said: buy XRP

>> No.51499604


So weird, I have been contemplating doing a heroic for a while and the first time I am back on Biz, this thread is at the top.

>> No.51499644

>>51499586 (me)

I thought the same thing. I really did do mushrooms last night lol, and the very first thing I see when I go on my phone is this thread.

>> No.51499646

Digits and you do it tomorrow

>> No.51499658


Even weirder than you mention antenna. I did a small 1g a few weeks back, but not in a optimal state of mind (had been drinking) and I felt an antenna come out of my head, it was about to connect to something, but I interrupted it, not being ready for such a thing at the time.

>> No.51499689


What did you experience and see? Would love to hear it all :)

>> No.51499702

If you know it’s real and give into it, you get to experience something not a lot of people can comprehend. Just know when it’s trying to get something out of you and turn away — it’ll entice you and try to trick you sometimes, just be aware and let go when you know what’s happening and you’ll be alright.

>t. Psychonaut

>> No.51499715

The elves are behind it all.

>> No.51499744

>Eventually I began to feel like all human beings were a collective concious being manipulated by higher powers that we’re unable to comprehend.
This is because most people are NPCs and the "higher powers" are Jews and their propaganda machine.
>I began to get really emotional thinking I was experiencing the pain and grief of others
>caring at all about the feelings of NPCs and Jews

>> No.51499900


I have had a big trip before, it is 2 and a half years ago, it was the most natural thing in the world to let go. This time however I recognized I was not ready for whatever it was, didn't expect to experience it at such a low dose.

>> No.51500335
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The last time I tripped on mushrooms I intentionally ate way too much seeking a vision quest experience.
But I ended up laying on my face on the floor like I was planking for 6 hours and hallucinated kaleidoscope shapes.
When I finally came out of it I was laying in a puddle of my own piss kek

>> No.51500408

weak bait

>> No.51500622

You shouldn’t do drugs around your sober family, it’s a buzzkill

>> No.51500657 [DELETED] 

Kek imagine having parents
Giga chads lose everything at the age of 7 and have to figure everything out on their own

>> No.51500707

we know this. its still entertaining to hear some nonsense

>> No.51501010

A heroic dose is not what you think it is

>> No.51502850
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>What is reality? For 500.00.

>> No.51502888
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Nooooo, only the GOOD chemicals count!!!!

>> No.51503196

>take 5gs of shrooms
>first few hours I'm laughing like a maniac
>on the come down start feel extreme paranoia and anxiety over my family
>start pacing around my room like a retard
>turn off the lights and close my eyes
>start seeing fractal kaleidoscope triangles
>feels like my consciousness is being overwhelmed by infinite triangles
>open my eyes
>shadow from pillows start moving towards me
>get up and turn on the lights
>lay down on bed and start hyperventilating hoping that would help somehow
>manage to calm my self down by using mindfulness techniques i learned in therapy

never did shrooms after that

>> No.51503312

holy COPE

>> No.51503636

This post is weird timing. I did shrooms last night for the first time. I’ve been experiencing severe depression for several weeks and I read up on shrooms being a possible cure. Today has been weird. The depression is almost completely gone. Biz bros how do I get more? I don’t have any friends I can ask. Anyone have a reliable shroom source?

>> No.51503750
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Grow your own. Uncle bens shit on Reddit is easy for beginner

>> No.51503760

1. Stop trying to source.
2. If you can't get it, you don't deserve it.
3. Abusing shrooms to "cure" your depression will lead to bad things. So don't.
4. If you still want to do it, because you're obviously a fucking idiot, then work for your drugs, fucking junkie.

>> No.51503864

First time I did shrooms was before I went on an airplane. Everyone is like do it in basement around close friends etc. was flying from Tucson to Aspen to meet my high school buddies to ski, and they told me to bring some mushrooms. Pre 9/11. Got to the airport, flight was delayed. Said fuck it. Got a pizza at the cafeteria and put them on it and ate it. Tucson to Denver was intense. It felt like the entire plane was sitting on my lap. Denver to Aspen I freaked the fuck out cuz by then it was night.

>> No.51503882


>> No.51503883

You are going to fuck your brain if you keep doing it. Do TRE or drink your urine. Those both work. And are natural.

>> No.51503901

Shrooms only fuck u up if Ur fucked up urself and don't love urself

I take shrooms occasally(5g+) but it just makes me feel chill and very tired. It's aight.

Weeds better

>> No.51503945

the depression will come back within a few weeks max, don't you worry. and if you keep trying to shroom to make it go away you'll eventually have a bad trip and break your brain.
only thing that works (even marginally) is lifestyle change.

>> No.51504161

Thank you
I will try this thanks
I’m not looking to make it a habit. My lifestyle is clean but I had a traumatic childhood and I get suicidal no matter how much I lift/ eat healthy/ etc.
Let me guess, you own Chainlink.

>> No.51504305

There is only one class of people who are qualified to offer opinions on psychedelics: people who have extensive meditation experience and who have also experienced at least one heavy psychedelic trip. If you haven't done both of these things then you're not qualified to offer opinions on the subject.

>> No.51504329

implying the reality you're experiencing right now isn't a chemically induced virtual reality constructed by your brain.

>> No.51504361
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wait, are people for real using bags of uncle bens rice

>> No.51504604

It works Reddit nigger cattle shit but whatever

>> No.51504696

have you watched Berserk or read Carlos Casteneda?

>> No.51504731

why do I need to have "extensive meditation experience"? i have tripped over 10 times on shrooms, lsd and mescalin

>> No.51504745
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we are actually descendants of ethereal beings

>> No.51504886
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>tfw your perception of time gets wrecked before the ego death part of a heroic dose

Trippy. Get to feel what it's like being infinite. It's surprisingly cold and lonely, not awesome and powerful as one would think.

>> No.51504934
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>tfw extreme tolerance to shrooms due to several consecutive weeks of LSD abuse
>literally nothing from 5g
Time for a month long break I’m thinking

>> No.51504970

Based trip. Good work anon.