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51496504 No.51496504 [Reply] [Original]

>helium tank arrived in the mail today

>> No.51496513

Cool, streaming it anon so we can learn

>> No.51496515

They dilute it so it's harder to kill yourself

>> No.51496534

Lots of balloons for your birthday party fren!

>> No.51496536

How can anyone use helium to kill himself. I though op was having a party and wanted helium for his ballons

>> No.51496546

Inhaling helium is the easiest most painless way to commit sudoku

>> No.51496547

ask /r9k/

>> No.51496548

Happy birthday

>> No.51496600

So we hoarding precious gases now!

>> No.51496688

See you space cowboy

>> No.51496813

Dilute it with what? Oxygen? Helium isn't poisonous. It could just as well be CO2 or nitrogen.

>> No.51496829

Can I have your loot?

>> No.51496832
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>take helium tank
>attach tubing with CPAP mask (surgery mask used to give anesthetic)
>turn on helium tank slightly
>put mask on
>lay down
>body cant tell the difference between helium and oxygen
>slowly relax and breath in until death claims you

>> No.51496865

It's totally the way i'll do it when i'm getting old and start having health issues. Fuck getting alzheimers and having my arse wiped by a nurse while my kids have their inheritance drained. I'll announce my intention and have a goodbye party then it's goodnight vienna. Helium is the way. If I change my mind halfway through i can always announce it in a squeaky voice.

>> No.51496873

keep in mind though that Earths helium supplies are running our and in 15-20 years we could be totally depleted of all helium

>> No.51496874


>> No.51496885

Wait no don't.
I'm not begging jannies.
I don't want anyone's money.

>> No.51496886

nᵒᵒᵒ ᶦ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᶜʰᵃnᵍᵉᵈ ᵐʸ ᵐᶦnᵈ ᶦ ʷᵃnᵗ ᵗᵒ ˡᶦᵛᵉ!

>> No.51496890

Dying like that sounds terrifying just because of how subtle it is, I'd honestly prefer the rope

>> No.51496896

This is actually a bigger disaster than people realize. Lots of specialized equipment relies on liquid helium as a cryogen. Say good by to MRI when you need it.

>> No.51496920

Who cares MRI is for dead men walking anyway we’ve had it too good for too long

>> No.51496928

some planets like jupiter and saturn have lots of helium so if we really do run out I guess space mining will be the new meta, its actually pretty cool that we'll likely see inter planet commerce in our lifetimes

>> No.51496941


>> No.51496958


>> No.51496959

It's also used in equipment for scientific research so it will likely become harder to make advances that would remedy the situation.

>> No.51496985

Just listen to that song by logic on replay
That song literally cures whatever bad emotions you feel

>> No.51496990

We reap what we sow

>> No.51496993
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When I read that, I get this weird sense of dread.
Something about death being so easily accessible without the fear of pain is unnatural.

>> No.51497009

>running out
ah, you fell for the running-out-of-resources psyop. cool.

>> No.51497018
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The eternal rest.

>> No.51497024

I always keep a couple helium tanks for when I'm feeling blue.
Then I try talking in a funny voice.
very fun.

>> No.51497029


>> No.51497033

i would drink some fine whiskey and od on painkillers. would be a pretty chill way to go desu

>> No.51497037

True. Maybe humanity can return to a more noble, pre-industrial existence. I'd imagine WWIII would happen first though. Nothing gold can stay, Ponyboy.

>> No.51497044

MRIs are used for all sorts not just cancer, theyre much better than CTs and such since they don't use ionising radiation

>> No.51497047

This is the way.
Have some whiskey, have a cigar, be out in nature, OD on painkillers, let the animals feast on my body, the end.

>> No.51497055

its not as nice as you think. you will fall asleep and think its over, only to realize you are moments from death when your survival instincts kick in and you reawake in a panic, unable to comprehend whats going on. you will feel unimaginable pain (the pain of dying), and perhaps you would for a brief moment remember what you had done. if not, you would think you are in are in hell if you brain isnt so damaged by then to even know what that is. its not an eternal rest, its an idiots ideal way out.

you starve your brain of oxygen, you do not go peacefully and painlessly. you cant feel whats going on inside their body after they have lost the ability to move.

enjoy your moments of fucking nightmare dread before you pass into nothingness. what an awful thing to do

>> No.51497060

>let the animals feast on my body
this is my only wish for when I die, I want to continue the life cycle and return to nature, not be turned to ash and kept on some dusty shelf

>> No.51497064

>tfw the helium tank came today but the gas purifier doesn't arrive until the end of the month

>> No.51497067


>> No.51497074

Don't try to do it on paracetamol, whatever you do. It usually fails but you fuck your liver and other stuff up, and end up dying weeks or months later after an excruciating ordeal

>> No.51497092

why not just bullet to the head? it's instant if done right

>> No.51497102

The heli shortage is actually the american governments fault, they kept selling their deposits off at a fixed price and refused to change it with decreasing supply

>> No.51497104

Tell that to Barry 'half a face' Jones

>> No.51497124

They dilute it with oxygen because if you use the exit mask method, you breathe in only whats from the tank which would otherwise be pure helium. Which would kill you because its just helium with no oxygen

>> No.51497150
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The largest consumer of Helium is NASA, for their balloon-satellite campaign, which they tell you is 'satellites-in-space'

>> No.51497172

can balloons even float in space?

>> No.51497180
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>> No.51497200
File: 255 KB, 680x976, D1774DCA-31C5-4A49-84D9-656F2F9B0FD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers never once in your entire life thought about killing yourself painlessly? Must live life on easy mode

>> No.51497254

no. why the fuck would i want to die? im a man not a big fat pussy. i have a legacy to leave on this earth and it doesnt involve giving up like a fucking little bitch.

>> No.51497269

Doesn’t ODing make you violently convulse and vomit everywhere? Seems pretty risky because you could accidentally vomit up enough pills to not end up dying and instead become a brain damaged retard stuck in a hospital bed

>> No.51497282

yes. you wouldnt go out without a fight. you would seizure and convulse and most likely end up surviving the high. you will be left in the woods braindamaged and paralyzed to be eaten by the animals you want to feed, except you're still alive.

>> No.51497286

true story believe me or not but i think i accidentally almost hero by asphyxiation while sleeping. The sensation went like this: everything is black
you have tunnel vision or it felt like your eyes merged into one central vision if that makes sense and theirs this pulling sensation towards a faint light way off in the distance. it’s weird but it feels like your soul is literally being pulled and oddly enough it felt amazing granted at the moment idk why but a thought popped into my head went like this “oh..oh no i shouldn’t be doing this…” and i came to panicking a little and had trouble breathing….

another time i tried to off myself was totally opposite:
everything is white and slowly coming to, you see fast twitching black squiggly things. they looked like worms and they twitched and moved. then more and more started appearing. i could not look away, these worm things just started showing up until theirs literally millions of them. I didn’t feel anything granted i was already in a mental state of just “dread” then i came to and was in the hospital

>> No.51497304

Balloons be popping in space dawg ya heard? Get up dere and be all like pop pop ya heard? The vaxxume of space and all dat shit be sucking balloons till they pop ya heard?

>> No.51497314

>theyre much better than CTs and such since they don't use ionising radiation
They are probably American where doctors hand out CTs like candy, even though each one is equivalent to dozens of x-rays of radiation.
Meanwhile in Japan an MRI is just a few hundred bucks each.

>> No.51497322

you sound like a pussy man. straight up. if you talk about how you think death sounds and feels amazing and brag about how you've tried to off yourself you're 100% a massive fucking pussy.

nobody is reading what youre typing. nobody takes information onboard when its written by a pussy, man.

>> No.51497338

i was 16 at the time being abused.

>> No.51497350

granted i’m older now and i tell no one this but I made my own recovery program that i did i’m secret. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to hero themselves just sharing my view, yours could be worse could be better

>> No.51497359

you're not 16 anymore man. get over it, dont try to lead other people down your shithole of thought glorifying suicide as something that should be desired. you're acting like a fucking pest, dude. fuck you.

>> No.51497373

What grade is that? For balloons? I've never bought He for personal use so I honestly don't know.

>> No.51497423
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>waaah, i gotta feel nothing, it's gotta be totally painless!
>actually wanting or needing to die for whatever reason, yet being unable to handle a bit of pain
So fucking cringe. Man the fuck up and face death like a man. At the very least use a blade. That doesn't feel very painful and isn't very frightening, but it's a hell of a lot less cringe than wanting to feel nothing.

The only acceptable (as a man) time and reason it's okay to kill yourself "cleanly" or painlessly is if you're an important public individual and you don't want others to see you in pain or see you turn into a big mess. If you're a woman (have a womb), then it's more understandable you want to do it as painlessly as possible. But even so, it's cringe. Women in the past, in pre-Christian Europe, killed themselves en masse with swords and jumping from cliffs, when when they were captured by enemy soldiers (Germanic women vs Roman soldiers for example) rather than become slaves.

A fact about death by self-inflicted gunshot many may not be aware of or have forgotten: It's way more common nowadays for people to shoot themselves in the head. In the past they more commonly shot themselves in the heart.

>> No.51497428

Nothing wrong with giving up and letting the pain end. It has to come to an end anyway. Why not on your own terms. Beats sitting in a dingy hospital depending on overweight Nurse Tiktok to help you peepee and poopoo.

>> No.51497430

Have a few drinks or smoke a few joints to get rid of the anxiety before you do it. It's basically a one man party!

>> No.51497455

Literally every single day since I was eight, now I've got severe nerve damage that makes life unbearable yet I still have to wage because I don't have enough working credit hours for disability.

So Yes every single moment of every single day.
Most these faggots have money and don't pay rent so of course they aren't suicidal.

>> No.51497490

so why do you just wage. if you are able to wage you are able to leave your country and become a monk. you will never have to work. you will have people close to you to help you. you will feel grateful. you will feel happy.