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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51494285 No.51494285 [Reply] [Original]

Remember the redditors that went homeless buying GME shares and continue to accumulate shares even though they sleep in their car? Rofl

>> No.51494299

Xrp vibes.

>> No.51494383

I used to frequently go to those threads and try telling them they were being stupid and eventually I just went there to troll them. Now it's not even funny because their cult has made them so pathetic. They were jewed into buying these stocks and now they are basically lobotomized faggots.

>> No.51494397


You guys are unironically retarded if you think the shorts closed

>> No.51494399

Remember the redditors that put life savings in lunc when they found out about crypto

>> No.51494407
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>tfw no more /jazz/ generals on /tv/
feels bad man.

>> No.51494418
File: 700 KB, 1167x1153, D9BEB207-ED84-4511-86A7-D80BBA68E195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the shorts in the room with us, you useless brainwashed desperate good goy faggot?

>> No.51494493


You are the good goy you psyoped shitskin ask your handler who they worship.

Spoon feeding time is over your gona rope when you realize you fudded the best play of your life

>> No.51494536

Blah blah blah. I'm still richer than you and 95% of the gremlin niggers in your GME threads. Imagine playing into a market pre-depression. Here's what's really going to happen:

You will lose 85% of your money as is historically accurate with any great crash and I'm being lenient with that figure since the industry it's in is itself in decline pre-recession yet alone pre-depression. As much as I hate the knuckle dragging crypto niggers they are in a better position than you flacid GME niggers.

You're going to regret spending so much time and money for GME and I wish you luck in the next 100 year cycle at the end of Shemitah in 2108. You're not getting any more you's from me faggot

>> No.51495512

is that a blog?

>> No.51495550

Dude its september 2022... The system isn't going to let you win. It isn't cool, you aren't a freedom fighter. You are just wasting your time and money on something that will never pay you back.

>> No.51496603

Something is going to happen

>> No.51496712

kek baggie

>> No.51496905

There was a faggot living in a car unironically hoarding mumbaishitcoins like DERO. Good ol times. Looking back it did 60x if he held

>> No.51497020

>thinks the boomers wants his internet pennies
haha, the rich are so retarded, can't wait to spend your money on a new steam deck

>> No.51497096
File: 1.08 MB, 676x947, GameStop2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought what I was comfortable buying and losing and I still hold for schizo glory. The vibes surrounding it and all the coordinated shilling from media, jeets and jews is very telling. Why make sponsored ads telling me shorts already closed? Why does the media tell me to forget about GME 3 times a week while interviewing AMC youtubers about "taking on the man"? Why would they numerously talk about daily top performing stocks while leaving out GME when it outperformed the other mentioned stocks? GME is in a position where they can no longer lose substantial stock value and it's at the very least more stable than other investments, and poses less of a risk than being invested in SPY. Also at the very least, I'm a part owner of a transforming company that's partnering with some of the most innovative groups in the industry which is on the cusp of transforming the way people own their own digital media. I don't give a shit about funko pops or used physical game sales in the long run because I know that GameStop is in the end stages for the debut of releasing an NFT store that will let me purchase and resell digital music, movies, games and DLC. I'm not in this for the JPGs and neither is anyone else who sees the writing on the wall. not to mention their ambitions to sell general goods similar to Amazon. And if shorts never covered... good luck trying to suppress or shut down the next Steam, Apple music store, Amazon prime, Microcenter, Blockbuster and Toy's R Us all rolled into one company whose stock might replace the elite class of ultra wealthy jews with ultra wealthy autists who HATE the idea of a one world government and everything surrounding the idea of it.

Shits about to get good for those who like the stock.

>> No.51497097

"yet alone" kek nice larp dumb nigger

>> No.51497138

Wagmi bro. Ryan Cohen's got our back. Jfc some never learn

>> No.51497167

the amount of sneeding from people who dont own the stock makes me very comfy

>> No.51497187

What app does this in pic rel?

>> No.51497272

He unironically does. We're in a semitic war where the side I'm betting on knows that ruling over a sea of useless niggers isn't anything to feel proud of. Ruling over such boring an unimaginative cattle would be akin to ruling over hell, and as nice as that would sound, you're still in hell. I figure RC wants to totally usurp control and the worlds wealth to implement a world where he doesn't have to rule alongside his psychopathic cousins, but with autists who who share his ideals for creating a fun, stable and creative existence with endless possibilities. Ryan Cohen is more autistic than other jews and sees that we would be true maintainers of society

>> No.51497357

She looks like a mixture of Arabelle Raphael and Harold, what the hell?

>> No.51497432

house always wins

>> No.51497478

This house was built without a foundation, friend.

>> No.51497674

it doesn't need foundation since stock market is made up of dreams and fantasies anyway.

>> No.51497722


I bought one GME stock to support the cause. The squeeze attempt was an incredible moment and it also validated the work the crypto world is doing as it demonstrated that the system was entirely rigged against people while trying to implement similar rules for thee, not for me measures would be easy to point out in Crypto.

I respect them for fighting the good fight. To get to where they did, they have to be strong believers.

>> No.51497727

do baggies really

>> No.51497733

Absolute cringe

>> No.51497740

>you guys are unironically retarded if you haven't been hodling this meme stock for the last two years waiting for the MOASS
jesus christ

>> No.51497771

GameStop by my house is hiring. I'm 28 years old and it feels like I should be shooting for higher but I also have always had a fantasy of working there ever since I was a kid. I just like the atmosphere I don't even really game

>> No.51497898

If shorts could have closed, they would have done so already. If they did, they wouldn't be putting hit pieces out on the stock. If there wasn't something so existential we wouldn't see the rapid swings with the stock, let alone glitches galore. If this was just a dying brick and mortar store we wouldn't see a rapid constructive change to turn this front from a failing business into the leader of digital distribution the likes of which the world has never seen. The "house" can't shut this down and they don't know how to win, and they are scared shitless. This will shut down banks world wide, end clearing houses, and every holder will get their own money printer with their name on it at the federal reserve before this is over. We're exploiting their own exploitations and they can't stop what is coming. That's why they're so manic, because they know it's all over yet they still can't believe it's happening. This is the end for (((them)))

>> No.51498750

based. fuck GME niggers.

>> No.51498851
File: 177 KB, 1600x900, midwitsNGMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the first time in history that record numbers of individual investors are pulling their shares out of the DTCC en masse over time in what is essentially a grassroots share recall
>numbers published by the company itself, literally over 25% of all shares that exist and over 50% of the free float
>this number grows every single day, no real signs of slowing especially during dips
>people STILL trying to act like it won't pop off sooner or later

>> No.51499065

reddit has GME
biz has LINK

>> No.51499298
File: 307 KB, 1037x1185, they_registered_how_much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I'm not homeless and I own 1,000 shares. Also reddit owns 24% of the entire company, or 54% of all the available share to purchase. The stock price remains high even in the bear market, /GME/ General is consistently the number 1 thread on 4chan every day for 2 years, FTX partnership, web3 gaming, NFTs

>> No.51499371

I'd go into their threads to give them advice to consider other opinions instead of parroting schizo bagholder rambling and they'd call me a hedgie/fling other insults like children. Fuck em, real bottom isn't here until they're gone

>> No.51499402

Here's some advice for you, your bitcoin is going to 10K, and SPY to 250.

>> No.51499423

I appreciate what reddit is doing with GME, its cooler than anything we do, especially with /biz/s biggest communities being around commie coins like link. When it comes to investing they are the redpilled ones fighting the good fight

>> No.51499515
File: 689 KB, 1106x830, 1663522590709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hedgies fraudulently printed countless shares to suppress the price to cellar box the company bro
>barely owns 25% of them

>> No.51499554

They'll just turnoff trading again lol. Imagine thinking the stock market is fair.

>> No.51499590

Look at your low effort FUD, retail owns 54% of ALL available shares to purchase in their own name. This number doesn't account for the millions of shares owned by retail that are sitting with e*trade, fidelity, ameritrade, ibkr, etc. Your only proving my point by omitting important details.

>> No.51499603
File: 156 KB, 1125x1103, 1663225832148577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based call. Agreed.

I dont get these GME and other memestock short people. They are like crazy jihadists that go all in for a lost cause. The only difference is that dying for them takes a lot longer as they become disillusioned and end up roping.

All jokes aside. I feel sad for them. They are truly deluded and lost people. Can imagine all the tears and sleepless nights these people must have.

Not comfy.

>> No.51499611

Except you can't turn off trading on shares that are being held in your own name. Think of it like taking your bitcoin off exchange and into a hardware wallet.

>> No.51499626

>I respect them for fighting the good fight. To get to where they did, they have to be strong believers.

literally low iq and gay. Plebbitors are always like this

>> No.51499639

They can turn off exchanges. How are you gonna trade stocks without an exchange?

>> No.51499657

When you short, you borrow shares, when you borrow you have to return them. We're talking about multiple parties fighting for the same piece of pie.

>> No.51499662

>how are you gonna trade stocks without an exchange?
they're the ones that eventually have to buy my shares
not my problem faggot

>> No.51499671

Yeah. I’m mostly in it for schizo reasons and not because I think I understand something the rest of the world missed. We live in literal clown world snd gaming is huge. A million people working together to accomplish something will result in something based on my esoteric studies. I’ve hedged with PMs because I have no faith in the system.

>> No.51499693

Based. Just think of all the people holding who don’t have a reddit account

>> No.51499719

Exactly, DRS holders are only a small fraction of shareholders. They do not account for lurkers, or even reddit and 4chan users who refuse to DRS, IRA accounts, European and Asian shareholders that can't DRS, etc. We own all of outstanding shares multiple times over.

>> No.51500149

Anyone else planning to have revenge sex with women that turned them down before?

>> No.51500182

>redditors think that nfts are going to be the next big thing

>> No.51500519

I think web3 gaming, mobile gaming, metaverse and owning your own gaming assets, skins, items, weapons, etc, is the next big thing. And GameStop will be the platform.

>> No.51500633

Mobile gaming is the gayest thing ever. Hopefully all mobile gamers kill themselves

>> No.51500708

I honestly can’t believe that we get to watch the stock market crash. It’s so entertaining. Anime and vidya is just so boring when we’re at the press piss of greatnesses

>> No.51500929

brother in christ, the moment they were threatened they pressured the "FREE MARKET" into literally making the pair only go one-way
why on earth do GME baggies think they can win this OBJECTIVELY UNFAIR fight?
we are all better off buying monero and withdrawing it for fucks sake