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51489383 No.51489383 [Reply] [Original]

>I know a guy who won the lottery (30 million USD$+)
>next year he became homeless and died of tuberculosis
do these things really happen or is it just a poorfag cope like heaven and hell?

>> No.51489455

The system is rigged so you gravitate towards not 0 but towards the negative abyss of debt.
Look at Notch that sold Minecraft to MS for 2 billion.
You think he has a choice but to live in that 20 million dollar estate in California?
You think he can afford to not pay millions on a security detail and staff and other maintenance and expenses for that estate?

>> No.51489461

there are no real lottery winners, its all government plants

>> No.51489502

karma is very, very real
additionally, if you get rich and are not equipped to handle it, it will absolutely be detrimental

>> No.51489507

It does happen, if you don't learn how to control money it will end up controlling you

>> No.51489519
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The worst thing you can do for poor people is give them money.

Just think about the difference between a man that lives from his own labour vs a 'man' that gets money from the government.

>> No.51489521


With a large enough sample size you're gonna get weird shit. The statistics are also flawed. The bulk of the tickets are bought by total degens who blow 10% or more of their pay on tickets, so they're more likely to have issues. The study also counted minor $10,000 scratch card jackpots as being "lottery winners"

>> No.51489570


look funny story here. It's been a whole time since I watched Tyler1 stream like months without watching any stream and I would watch like 5 minutes of a stream what I want to make clear its that I am not a stream watcher.

The other day I had a dream with this fellow being my boss while I was working in fucking walmart.

this gotta be the weirdest and random dream I ever had.

>> No.51489610

>karma is very, very real
no it isnt, its a case of a retard getting money

>> No.51489613

I love the theory that it's just a way to catch time travelers

>> No.51489835
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probably because he took a one lump sump and when the government gets their cut he probably ended up with less than $10 million which isn't much, so he probably just said, "fuck it" and splurged or got addicted to something, drugs, gambling, prostitutes, etc. it's too tempting not to splurge if you're a poorfag and discipline yourself and still live like a rent-free poorfag instead and you're not exactly motivated to get even richer because shit you're sitting on nearly $10 million after taxes, so you get lazy and probably live off goyslip delivered to your house for lunch and dinner daily which can add up quick

>> No.51489873

ah, to be ignorant again

>> No.51489935

>live off goyslip delivered to your house for lunch and dinner daily which can add up quick
I get your point, but supposing this costs $30/meal this is "only" $22k/yr. I'm willing to bet these people blow through it buying expensive gifts or paying off debt for friends/family. It doesn't take many houses to blow through $10mil.

>> No.51490186

all he had to do was put that shit in boomer dividend stocks and get a condo. No one would know who tf he is

>> No.51490232

we all try to be humble and pretend we wouldn't do anything different with our lives with money, but I'd do some eccentric shit.

>girl or femboy posts pics of themselves
>hook up on discord and willingly pay for them to fly to me and pay for the ticket even if they chicken out because "money doesn't matter to me"

>> No.51490470

pretty sad bro, thats a cucked mindset

>> No.51490515

this. there is nothing stopping you from not living beyond your means after making it, other than yourself

>> No.51491422
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>> No.51491436

There's a reason why poor people are poor
I'm not talking middle class, I'm talking poor

>> No.51491501

That's what happens when you live for hedonism without any higher ideals or ambition. If you have no reason to deny hedonistic impulse, then you won't, and it will fuck you over in the long run.

>> No.51492256

Notch is cool though.

>> No.51494496


>> No.51494504

Kek, not heard that before

>> No.51494624

These things often do happen. Many people who are generally low intellect, manage to fall through life and often end up in well paid roles. Despite this they have no little to no money with everything bought on finance or credit.

Tldr The fox kills all the chickens in the hen house when it enters. Despite only eating one.

>> No.51494739

Only poor people/people that suck with money win the lottery.

It doesn't matter how much money they have, they will always find a way back to the bottom and still have no idea how they got there.

>> No.51494867

Whatever helps you sleep at night man

>> No.51495243

>Even in his fantasies he's a simp

>> No.51495277
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Lotteries fuck people up. There are two main problems. The first is that expensive shit isnt just expensive to purchase, but also to maintain. A huge mansion doesnt just cost a lot to buy, but also a lot of gas to heat, a sports car also guzzles fuel, etc. Since your old income (if you even bother to keep your job) is never able to sustain it. You have to math out how much your monthly expenses are for the rest of your life whenever you buy something big. Most people cant do that, so they end up having to sell everything.

The second problem is other people. Everyone wants a cut, complain the gift isnt enough, and hassle you. People you havent seen in years come around, and you have no idea who is a friend and who is just there for your money. Meanwwhile salesmen and scammers assault you from all sides to try and suck as much out of you as they can.

If you ever win the lottery, just put 90% in secure investments you can periodically siphon money from, use 10% to buy some not too nice shit, and dont tell a soul youre loaded. Then NEET out

>> No.51496291
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this is why you do not tell anyone about your crypto. If you made that mistake then make sure and spread the word how you had to go back to work because you longed at 42,000 and went broke when it hit 21k.

I was going to donate heavily to my small town of 600 people, but after testing my "friends" it turned out that they did not care to drive 8 hours total roundtrip to pick me up and bring me back when I told them I had car trouble and had to stay at a homeless shelter. I even gave them a week and offered to reimburse gas and mileage, but they would not take off work nor time with their girlfriend to come and get me. I guess it is better to find out that way.

>> No.51496364

Most probably women and friends. Once you get cash people will parasite on you. Some people are weak minded and will buy women and friends anything they want for validation. I mean they are simps who casually give 50K-100K tips to e-whores in one session.

>> No.51496432

Most people including close family will let you down, before it happens it smart to fake crisis scenario to test them then at least you know you are on your own. Life is better if you have no illusions. Once I looked myself out, meet my friend to borrow phone to contact landlord but couldn't reach him, I was not offered a bed or even place on the floor from my "friend" and had to sleep next to door. People are very selfish unreliable and I believe "friendship" is just a cope to not be lonely. And if you are rich are in big trouble, people will fake your lovers and friends to get favours and money, best idea is just to keep low profile.

>> No.51496465

Notch should have bought a place in a nice state instead of commiefornia and should have laid mines all around his property instead of paying a security detail.

>> No.51496478


probably true.

don't like 70% of sports athletes go broke even after they made tens of millions?

>> No.51496487

Do you see the stupid bullshit people spend money on kek of course it’s real

>> No.51496509

Yeah friendships are definitely cope most will quietly seethe if you better yourself I’ve noticed

>> No.51496705

I just don't get it. Just buy property worth of Millions of dollars, like a penthouse in New York and quit your job. Now you don't have cash, so you can't degenerately waste your money on cocaine or hookers but you still have a nice asset with which your net worth grows. Problems weren't. Are people really this fucking retarded?

>> No.51496762

The Greeks figured this out thousands of years ago kek boy look into hylics and nigger cattle

>> No.51496781

>property taxes proceeds to rape your ass
Buying things they can not afford to maintain is probably the biggest mistake lottery winners make

>> No.51496822

>Now you don't have cash
great, now you cant pay for food, utilities and taxes. If you dont care about passing on wealth, you rather get a cheap house in a quiet place, sure it wont appreciate in value, but you wont have to spend as much and you have no concerns such as its proximity to work

>> No.51497135
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> big daddy government takes half
> instead of a lump sum, you get your winning in fixed amount per year
> you only end up with 500k/year across 10 years, and you STILL need to pay income tax on this money
> every one starts asking you for money
> you think you are hot shit and starts snorting cocaine on hooker’s assholes
Its not that much money and really easy to fuck it up for people with no financial literacy. The wisest thing to do is probably shoving it all in a fund and keep living life as you would without the lottery win

>> No.51497145

Some jurisdictions give you the option to keep your identity secret. Given this option, only a fool would allow their identity to be published. If you opt for privacy, they still publish your region, perhaps even the store the winning ticket was purchased from. Even with this anonymity, your immediate reaction to a win, and any "beyond your means" spending, is likely to identify you to those around you. So a good first step is to shut the fuck up and not say anything to anybody. Keep some of the winnings as discretionary liquidity, do something nice for yourself, sure. But you should protect your wealth by establishing a trust/corporate structure. To an extent for (later/ongoing) tax purposes, the ability to draw down on the funds and other assets, and most importantly to obfuscate your wealth from the parasites around you (who may even live under your same roof), and to shield yourself from lawsuits and other chicanery. Ideally, within this trust/corporate structure, you'll have invested in a broad range of asset classes - stocks, bonds, passive index funds, managed funds, commercial and residential property, precious metals, term deposits - whatever your particular portfolio may be. Within this trust/corporate structure you create, you can do all sorts of wonderful things to mitigate the tax jew for life and use jewish magic to grow your wealth. For example, in a normal economic environment and assuming an annual 10% return, if you have $10 million in cash, the banks will let you borrow $1 million at <1% interest when the nigger cattle consumers are stung well over 10% for loans. All of a sudden you're net gain utilising leverage is 9% annually, when the nigger cattle would never be able to use leverage to achieve a net return. This is how money makes money, but only when you have money to begin with. This is jew magic. Anyway, the lottery is a stupid tax on the poor who are undeserving of winning because they are incapable of shutting the fuck up.

>> No.51497280

>There is a magical system that rewards good ppl and punishes the bad guys!
Sure it is, Rajesh.

>> No.51497328

>stupid tax on the poor
Thats mostly because you have an astronomically small chance of actually winning. You have some popsci lists where they list out freak accidents. Chance to get hit by lightning, chance to get killed by a shark, chance to die from a heart attack while fucking a supermodel. And lotteries are usually near the bottom of those lists. The odds are just that bad. So playing the big yearly lotteries is basically throwing away your money.
That people end up losing all their money in a few years is just a side effect

>> No.51497344

I hit the character limit and figured this went without saying.

>> No.51498737

>run into 30 million without doing anything
>start abusing drugs, sodomy
>get aids
>die of tb
some people are better off being poor

>> No.51498798

Ever notice how all of the giant lottery winners live not far from where a lot of satanic/pedo shit goes on? Kek

>> No.51500430

stuff like that happens but they don't talk about the guys that win the lottery and don't fuck up.

>> No.51500569

Why not take the bus.....

>> No.51500719

Your writing does not make any sense whatsoever.

>> No.51502111

Why, its pretty simple. People consume as much as they can without trying to save anything. Even if they have a well paying job that could easily support them, they just keep going on credit. Only once the debt cannot safely be increased do they stop and live hand to mouth.

So if you give people like that millions they will just burn through it until they are back to their old level.