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File: 2.30 MB, 270x480, 1663446162873-VideoToMp4 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51488538 No.51488538 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short New York?

>> No.51488622

I would long NY here.
You know how many jobs this guy just created?
>Mcdonalds repairs
>Some to clean up the mess
>Police response
>Medical response to those he hit
>Therapy for the women
>Doctor to treat his aids

>> No.51488627

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.51488677

brainlet take

>> No.51488686

>takes a bunch of punches and assult
>the one in the white shirt yells a slur or something insulting
>guy decides oh its like THAT and gets his axe
>proceeds to educate everyone in the art of not being a disrespectful bitch to someone

>> No.51488701

>doesn’t understand the broken window fallacy

>> No.51488707

per s if u r from leddit

>> No.51488717

Based, this is how America became #1 GDP

>> No.51488718

kek wtf

>> No.51488767

Why did the guy in the black vest who had been hitting him just sit there calmly afterwards while the guy stomped about behind him with an axe? He didn't even flinch. He's lucky he only got knocked off the seat and not killed.

>> No.51488791

NPC moment

>> No.51488820

post that comic about paying someone to eat shit

>> No.51488829


he's waiting for the axe attack to finish and then he gets his gun from his backback, they're waiting their turns like in an RPG battle

>> No.51488840

Maybe you should short white people.
lmao that little white bitch boy sitting on the stool like a cuck while the cuntoid had an axe waved in her face

>> No.51488872

Imagine collecting dividends on all of that just from this single act. Goddamn.

>> No.51488881

thats what you focus on? not the blacks and muslims beating on a guy all at once or the guy with the axe? but you focus on the white guy? wew anon you REALLY need to stay off 4chan for awhile its starting to cause you to be racist

>> No.51488887

Also technically this might count as self defense. He was ganged up on and the other guys swung first after he walked through.

>> No.51489016

Americans aren't white

>> No.51489075

until they look at one of 20 phone videos and realize the guy could have walked away and decided to go full nigger.

>> No.51489083

based and job creator pilled

>> No.51489095

Americans aren't white.

>> No.51489132

Why’s there a guy dressed in farmer attire. Is he lost?

>> No.51489133

Easy Chang, let your sister ill be over tonight

>> No.51489139

it amazes me the amount of stupid people on this website and the stupid things they actually unironically think.

>> No.51489170
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 1CF3BF0A-3DFC-41E4-BAB3-018B7B33C9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are niggers? I don’t get it

>> No.51489208

Dystopian as fuck. Imagine walking around NYC without being armed. The second he drew the axe someone should’ve put a bullet in that nigger’s brain. Simple as

>> No.51489209

You're allowed to defend yourself. All bets are off once you're assaulted and you are encouraged to retaliate with overwhelming force. If anything his fuck up was not finishing the job, because he can now be held liable for civil damages related to "trauma". Nothing criminal, though.

>> No.51489230

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.51489235

>You're allowed to defend yourself
Yeah he's defending himself by causing property damage and using a deadly weapon against people uninvolved in the assault. You should goto law school anon

>> No.51489316

Maybe you should go to law school. Collateral damage during self defense is taken care of by the state and/or charges are transferred to the party who initiated the assault since they are responsible for the assaulted party having to defend themselves. In short, you get a hall pass and the jannies have to clean it up. The most a person who is legally defending themselves can be hit with re property damage is a civil suit, so go nuts.

>> No.51489338

look at that happy bastard at the start of the video walking away. hes winning a game you didn't even know you could play. he secured the bag and hes strolling. let the niggers nig

>> No.51489364

Doesn't jew york require you to retreat if you have the option? I'd be shocked if they didn't.

>> No.51489384

>During self defense
He wasn't defending himself, the situation had diffused and he came back with a deadly weapon.

>> No.51489417

the way the axeman tanked the hits and then slapped instead of axxed the seated bystander showed a lot of class. he's a good man

>> No.51489426
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>> No.51489456

>that guy at 1:18 who didn't even bother moving away
He got what he deserved. You don't just sit still when a tweaker with an axe walks up beside you

>> No.51489471


>> No.51489497


>> No.51489511

Lol if I was there I'd shout at him and tell him to stop being a fucking nigger then unite the white people at the store and fuck him up

>> No.51489542

lmao maybe you should go to law school you big larping faggot. It is actually the opposite in the real law, their is a moment when self defense becomes excessive force and he crossed that line. Not just by a little either, by a longshot.

>> No.51489564
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>> No.51489594

They make more than you and are happier than you in whatever fly over cow town you are getting drunk at the bowling alley with the other townies that drink liquor served out of plastic bottles.

>> No.51489630

>randomly shoved in front of a subway train by a nigger
>No one seems to care

>> No.51489648

Nice larp, but it's jew york retard. The moment you called him a nigger they'd all gang up fuck YOU up

>> No.51489649

They may make more money, but the townies can actually enjoy the second amendment. The townies also aren't at a constant risk of being cannibalized by a pack of antifa that materializes on any given street corner.

>> No.51489658
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>> No.51489675

Okay, buddy. I hope you enjoy your 500sq ft apartment.

>> No.51489707

You should only shit talk what you know.

>> No.51489711

their mistake was to let him open the bag. they should have KO'd him before

>> No.51489728

Federal trumps state, there is no more duty to retreat. You also have the right to terminate proven threats (other guys assaulted first):


I repeat, this guy's only fuck up was not finishing the job.

>> No.51489746

Your coastal city is being overrun by foreign #tech workers who are sympathetic to socialism and hate this country.

>> No.51489760

they couldnt, he went full anime antagonist. They need to train more

>> No.51489766

The threat ended, the guy returned with a deadly weapon. That isn't self defense. Cope.

>> No.51489843

Threats dont end until they are terminated or detained. Otherwise police dispatching SWAT teams for no knocks *after* crimes have been committed and criminals are resting would be illegal because the criminals would no longer "pose a threat". Thousands of officers would be in jail for murder of people and animals.
As we all know, that isn't the case. The reason why is because threats dont end until the threat actor is completely stopped.

>> No.51489876

>impying police are held to the same standard as everyone else
Everyone knows that judges go easy on police, the one thing I agree with niggers on.

>> No.51489892

>agreeing with niggers
You lost the argument. Dont bother responding.

>> No.51489896

More cope. Threat ended, guy returned with a deadly weapon, case closed.

>> No.51489907
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 8C09E74F-3908-4B0F-A82C-6DD1AC8AD837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol when did this happen? I live 10 minute walk from this McDonald’s

>> No.51489909


>> No.51489917

How do those boots taste?

>> No.51489930


>> No.51490018

being white in 2022 is so damn embarrassing

>> No.51490037
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>being white in 2022 is so damn embarrassing

>> No.51490101
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>They make more than you and are happier than you in whatever fly over cow town you are getting drunk at the bowling alley with the other townies that drink liquor served out of plastic bottles.

>> No.51490206

But they'll never use it. I grew up in small towns and anyone who has knows that townies are the most cowardly people in the country. Move a few ghetto families in and everyone will start selling their properties and fleeing like rats. Townies will never defend their land, they only exist because urbanites allow it. That's the harsh truth.

>> No.51490359
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>> No.51490390
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>> No.51490489
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>> No.51490501

I thought Americans had guns?

>> No.51490522

kek wtf are those spics doing swinging like that?

>> No.51490555

Not in jew york or commifornia. If you guys could do us a favor and nuke those two states it would be swell

>> No.51490611
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tax sponges

>> No.51490689
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>> No.51490753

>ghetto minorities move into white area
>white people cry, shit their pants and sell all there shit as fast as possible to get away
>entire cities, counties and metro areas instantly ceded to the people who conservakeks claim they'll shoot at without hesitation


>> No.51490952

The video is pretty bearish. As soon as the guy reaches into the bag, everyone should have cleared out and instead they hang around like idiots. He could very easily have had a gun and shot up the joint and they are all just filming and laughing.

>> No.51490981


>> No.51490991

short cali and flrida too. jews have been pouring into florida and ruinging it with their stolen fedres kikebucks. florida is ruined cali is ruined. where go for white man

>> No.51491001

I was worried for him the whole time. Jesus. What the hell happened to fight or flight?

>> No.51491006

niggers are liquidity.

>> No.51491043

Based black guy here, he asserted dominance without killing anyone. See the way he slaps around the fag at the end? He could’ve easily chimped out and killed him but decided to be based instead

>> No.51491059

kek this was my neighborhood mcdonal

>> No.51491065
File: 1.24 MB, 720x720, 1596493272858.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I short McDonalds?

>> No.51491069

Now that's what I call cope!

>> No.51491070

why wouldn't they?
nobody wants to live near animals
you have no right to live near whites

>> No.51491093

They'd move away if a white person was too urban for them too?

I've honestly never been to small town America for more than 10-15 minutes and it's always to get gas

>> No.51491135

Yankee Doodle went to town, got raped by a nigger
Always talks about his guns but will never pull the trigger!!!

>> No.51491152
File: 1.54 MB, 360x240, 1662735082416483.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I short highways?

>> No.51491181

based pit maneuver foid

>> No.51491265

Honestly a solid pit I hate retards who do this where the fuck are we even going we're all at the same pace in traffic what the fuck did you think that was gonna accomplish

>> No.51491353
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bad ass. fuck the law. fuck jewbags. fuck all laws made by jewbags. Everyone fears a bladed weapon. It makes wanna-be-badasses turn into bitches. lolololollol

>> No.51491407


I spent a week in NY about 6 months ago.

> was affordable
> food was great
> no fights or chaos
> everyone was helpful and nice in conversation

Really didn't live up to the stereotype at all. I stayed in north Manhattan just below Harlem.

>> No.51491563

Neither are you

>> No.51491593

Yeah I’d suck the life out of those milkers

>> No.51491714

Based. I get it. Correct reference.

>> No.51491748

That unironically has to be a man. There isn't a woman on Earth who drives like that.

>> No.51492429
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Kek. NYC is recession proof.

>> No.51492492

I can tell you're a dumb faggot, try this in real life, you will be sentenced to mandatory life. Once they backed off him they no longer became a threat. And this isn't some liberal speaking, the time to go buck wild on them was when they kept hitting him.

>> No.51492532

you won't believe how many have zero situational awareness and just freeze in bad moments. It's like their brain just shuts down unable to process anything. If anything really really bad happened in the west alot of people would just be dead

>> No.51492567

>standing still in the corner when a crazy motherfucker starts digging through his bag

>> No.51492574

Niggers plain and simple can’t live around them. They belong in central Africa dont believe me you should read about how Egypt turned to shit by Nubians race mixing with Egyptian Aryans
>Diversity is our strength

>> No.51492618

Sits in his downtown loft for $3.5k monthly, listens to the beautiful dystopian sounds of people screaming, black people hooting and hollering, a cop telling someone they can’t use public grass, cars honking at 2 am, lack of fresh air, but plenty of fluoride and hormone fresh water. Yeah screw those townies with their acres of land and fresh food man I’m so glad I’m in NYC this is where dreams are made I just gotta tell myself that. It’s totally not like if I’m late to work by 10 minutes or more for a number of days I will end up like the homeless people outside my downtown loft, no not at all Mr. Goldstein is way too chill, he’s practically one of the bros.

>> No.51492646

How come black sneed at the start didn't do anything?

>> No.51492687

>Yeah screw those townies with their acres of land and fresh food
i love this fake idea that towns in america aren't just post-industrial skeletons rife with drug addiction and everyone shops at walmart, no its definitely just healthy in shape people eating farm fresh food on tons of acres yup thats exactly it

>> No.51492805

The only based character in this situation gonna eat his Big Mac and watch everything unfold from outside the window

>> No.51492829

Alpha take right here

>> No.51492888
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>>51491065 well I guess we’re all human now aren’t we no matter the colour chimping out isn’t endemic to one people
>also imagine the smell

>> No.51492914

That's a spic...

>> No.51492958

Police can legally shoot someone who has never done a crime before and who has never touched a gun or knife before as well. As long as they "feel a danger" which can be something like not being able to see the person's hands or something. Even if the person is not agressive because in court they cannot bring in how the situation happened. Only the exact moment the situation happened.

>> No.51492998

>is aggressive and instigating everything, pushing people
>gets stopped by a group of people with weak ass punches
>they stop but stand there
>niggers thinks he's can get away with "they were attacking me and standing around me menacingly" defense
>people back away
>nigger pulls out his hatchet and braking shit and even hits some frail bystander cuz they white
Fuck your nigger or rabbi take, niggerabbi.

>> No.51493004

Absolutely shit tier use of force take from someone who clearly had NO use of force training nor has dealt with an agitated or aggressive subject

>> No.51493023

this man got it

>> No.51493035


>> No.51493046

Why do you think I have no training in that? It is still legal for them to shoot if I have training or not. There was a supreme court case (1989: Graham v. Connor) that decided the things I said. It isn't legal in America for them to shoot because of my training in anything. i was 5 years old in 1989 and I had nothing to do with the case which makes it legal.

>> No.51493064

If animals are running around the zoo instead of in their cages, do you blame the animals or the zookeepers?

>> No.51493082

This. The guy did nothing wrong. He was assaulted by a mob and defended himself in line with the non aggression principle. Even more admirable he didn't hurt them.

>> No.51493098

>>51493082 = bullshit

The only thing we don't know is what happened before the camera started. But then again, this big nigger is pushing everyone into a closed area, aggressors don't usually backup into a bad position, this nigger is pushing them there to control them. That he got pushed into a small area behind the garbage cans was his mistake, but then again, they're much younger than him, teenagers and he's some grown buck starting shit with yappy kids. The fuck he want or expect from kids?
gtfo axe-nigger, go home, it's just words. Control your Proud Strong Black Man mind and body and pick your battles. Pushing kids, what a tard.

>> No.51493154

>I can't refute you but he's wrong because he is le black
Reverse the situation and make it a white man being assaulted by a gang of blacks and your post would be different. You're not looking at the scenario for what it is because you're prejudiced.

>> No.51493182

We don't know what happened before they started filming

>> No.51493183

37% of blacks aren't currently in prison. They are 37.5% of prisoners, and there's generally 6-7 million Americans in adult correctional facilities (not just prisons). So that's 2.4 million, while there are 45 million blacks in the US. So 5.4% of blacks are in some kind of correctional facility. CNN says 0.81% are in prison.


>> No.51493187


>> No.51493220


you have no idea what you are talking about.
the nigger initiated the first instance of actual assault that justified the multiple defenders' defense.
even if he had pulled out the axe as he was being beaten the first time it would not be a valid defense to say he had to defend himself from a conflict he himself initiated.
in fact even if THEY had been the ones to initiate the original conflict, the nigger STILL would not be justified because the fight had ended and they were no longer presenting a threat, so attacking at that point would not be self defense.
word dribbling 병신

>> No.51493233

This anon has unlocked the secret to Talmudic wealth and influence.

>> No.51493299
File: 2.60 MB, 4128x3608, RAP-INDUSTRY=JEWISH-DESTRUCTION-OF-BLACKS - Copy (2) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at the actions of both sides. His actions all point to him not just escalating but also starting it. They even backed off and there was a pause but he continued and further escalated. His inclination was to escalate because his big black man feelz was hurt and wanted to punish them for daring to stop his instigatory actions. He made this situation and wanted to punish them for daring to not let him win his little spazzy anger game.

Niggers are what niggers do. I might consider calling him 'black' if he wasn't acting an over the top criminal asshole which is what everyone really means when they say the n-word (see crime stats and why they're called out, it's not a million whiteys calling black men the n-word and they're just taking on their duty to give whitey what they deserve for saying an insulting racial slur, the very notion of "hate crime" is to give a foundation for illegal reprisals like this, it's literally a legal basis for pushing black people to attack anyone that pisses a nigger off, it's for the worst amongst black people to be attack dogs for the people that wrote this legal basis, catching on yet?). Dumbfuck politically-brianwashed mommy-guardian of the poor downtrodden minority -take. Stop.
see >>51493183
It's not just a stereotype. It's a cultivation of aggressive tendencies (picrel). But this would assume that they're automatons and don't have free will. But in the end, someone has to pull the trigger. And they usually do. What you gonna do when one shoots you, coddle them and say yea us colonialists programmed this into them, it's our fault? No, nigger, you're going to want the full force of the law to come down on them so you can get justice.

>> No.51493304

why would you short it? that a normal day

>> No.51493318

No, "charity" is the real secret. Give rabbi 10% and your income will double, every year, without fail.
The Jewish Secret To Wealth | IN GOD WE TEST | Full Movie
Aug 27, 2022

It's a string of jewish business men and couples stating the same thing for the whole "movie" with no reasoning or insight, just give rabbi charity and god will provide abundance. In a world of bots and fed printed money, just take a guess how that works out.

>> No.51493331

>The nigger in the bacj absolutely losing his shit

I always feel his joy when watching that webm

>> No.51493342

damn the new final fantasy tactics remake looks dope

>> No.51493413

>instead of slowing down and giving a chance just endanger the lives of everyone on the highway
Its a cunt move.

>> No.51493490

FL anon here keep up the good work guys.

>> No.51493729


Yeah, this lady is fucking retarded, just tap the brakes and let the other retard in, it's very simple.

>> No.51493738

Looks more like the suv didn't gage their distance well enough and cut in when too close. But she shouldn've backed off the gas pedal or touched the brakes if she had enough awareness.

>> No.51493749

and stop hacking me pls. pls.

>> No.51493763


>> No.51493775

Let me guess. You're black? Post hand

>> No.51493920

It would probably require a slightly greater number of urban whites to trigger the response, but yes.

>> No.51493930

keynesian wet dream

>> No.51493988
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>> No.51494004

>he thinks the broken window fallacy is a binary problem/solution when it really exists as a subjective spectrum of 7 billion people's opinions on breaking/fixing things and what they're worth
Hey retard zoom out and stop thinking your viewpoint is the most correct because you listen to your neurotic brain all day

>> No.51494027

He relaxed and got lucky desu.

He seems like a typical npc.

>> No.51494039

holy based

>> No.51494060

Social media and mind numbing apps.

Ive been saying this for a while. Watch recent videos where people are seconds from obvious disaster and there are just retard npcs that flock toward disaster behind a phone.

Theres just this insane competition to post the next craziest thing for social media clout and you end up with people doing life threatening stuff for likes. Its so bad its overwritten basic human instinct. People arent even human anymore.

>> No.51494078

eg. This guy was probably aware there were people filming and he weighed up the chance of receiving an axe to the head or getting interent famous cause he was rhat guy that wasnt scared of the scary black man with axe.

>> No.51494135

>nigger thoughts.

>> No.51494168

So if I chopped off your arms and legs to assert dominance, it would be okay as long as I didn't kill you, huh?
This is why people are still racist. Because you let gorilla thoughts overpower you.

>> No.51494200

The endless scroll
The infinite news feed
The tailored algorithm
The targeted ads

Remove those 4 things and you literally fix society, people have to actually seek out the media they want to consume. If you want to check on a friend you have to go to their profile or message them.

>> No.51494217

Man. Good thing Democrats refuse ccw permits in new York. That guy could have had a gun in there!

>> No.51494268

You have no idea how accurate this really is I'm winded thanks I hope you don't die tomorrow

>> No.51494444

Thought that was Sergey walking past with his maccas meal at the start. Im bullish!

>> No.51494533

>they make more than you
Nah, I’m basically in HENRY territory almost after half a year of working full-time and am able to invest 80+% of my income pre-tax. Most of those in cities making 200-400k live paycheck to paycheck and know they sure as hell aren’t going to get social security when they retire like their parents did. I’ll be retired in my early 30s in my gated community with no crime.

>> No.51494534

Pretty sure you can't shoot people for moving into your area, it's illegal or something

>> No.51494579

Who’s going to arrest you, the white police officers?

>> No.51494766

Yeah realistically they will

>> No.51494798


You can see it sometimes in accidents, attacks or your local cartel beheadings. People just go limp like deer.

>> No.51494811

This is New York buddy. They'd fucking crucify him, but he's black so it's okay because they don't know any better.

>> No.51494817

How come there are heaps of white women there but no white men?

>> No.51494838

>one rear naked could've ended the whole thing
Daily reminder to learn basic fighting, don't just hook x100.

>> No.51494853


>> No.51494856
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That assault weapon shouldn't be readily available to anyone. It belongs in a porn production only. With our girlfrens.

>> No.51494857

Now try getting an apartment somewhere where you won't get robbed during the day.

>> No.51494862

JY has a duty to retreat but in this case you'd be fine as you're acting in defense of others.

>> No.51494908

they literally don't, cope harder urban cattle

>> No.51494921
File: 1.60 MB, 480x854, walkable_cities.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE you have to try the SUBWAY it's so great living in a WALKABLE CITY!

>> No.51494928

never went to america, but is this a typical day in the us?

>> No.51494952

Yes after we wake up, salute the flag and eat our mandatory breakfast big mac, we have our scheduled ghetto slip and slide party but only on the 1st and 15th of the month

>> No.51494955


>> No.51495265

Self defense. Case closed.

>> No.51495906

birdlet-magpie vs chad-hawk

>> No.51495922


Everyone in that video is such a pussy faggot, they all deserved to be beaten by the hammer of justice.

>> No.51496113

biggest brain on /biz/

>> No.51496295
File: 356 KB, 1234x1500, silke 3 bar870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it really worth it living in new york when you have to deal with the stress of being around these unpredictable, violent gorillas? if you're not making more than 250K there, what's the point?

>> No.51496386

Here bro read it.
Some other real world examples :- Chicago.

>> No.51496408

But without mass imigration who would twerk on the subway?
Unironically yes

>> No.51496427

Obviously no, the only people that "live" in NYC are subhumans like in the OP video and other hoodrat wagies (cleaners, burger flippers, public services etc), nobody with a decent job and family actally lives in NYC, all these men just commute to work, the rich gorillionaires have their private penthouses in Manhattan and mansions up North.

>> No.51496434

Imagine taking the subway in NYC, it's literally plague.

>> No.51496455

Lol at the retard with the girl just sitting there during the whole thing instead of taking her and leaving, didn't even move when George Floyd was walking his way with a hatchet or whatever. Unreal how normies have 0 survival instinct.

>> No.51496482

Honest to god yeah I could walk down to the main road gas station on the corner and probably find some nigger shenanigans going on within the hour.

>> No.51496576

Home to the north, New England, and the midwest.

>> No.51496579

Sorry nigger lover u got fucking owned. Nigger returned, he should be killed for the axe.

>> No.51496690

Why didn’t anyone tackle him the moment he reached for his bag? With all the shootings you’d think Americans would have better self preservation reflexes.