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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51488571 No.51488571 [Reply] [Original]

I just scammed my own mother for $70
>changed the air filter in her car
>it took 30 second and costs $15
>I told her it was $85
Am I going to hell for this? Also what's another good easy scam to pull?

>> No.51488584

piece of shit

>> No.51488617

I run my own car repair shop and I usually scam people on the tires, sell them unneeded repairs and my beloved catalytic converters.

>> No.51488691


>> No.51488739

My favorite customers are woman and minorities because they are dumb as shit and easy to trick and will pay more than they really have to and they usually dont know the laws here so its super easy to make money off them.
My best deal in recent months was scamming a Ukrainian for his Mercedes. He sold it to me for 7k (its worth 40k+).
I fix it up, invest a little bit so I can make 20k profit.
Time of work? Couple hours at most.

>> No.51488841

You must be a “fellow white”. Lol

>> No.51488877

you are no better than people running rugs, even worse to be honest since they abuse peoples greed and you abuse people coming to you out of necessity. it will come back to you

>> No.51489305

my Mentor was Jewish and I learned a lot from him about how to run a profitable business.
>you are no better than people running rugs
people still get their car repaired, its not like I'm taking their money and run away.
they just pay more than they should and there is nothing wrong about it, I'm not afraid of making some money.

>> No.51489524

as the guy on the receiving end i unironically have no problem with this (within reason). i.e. if a mechanic charges me €60 for a tire change i know costs €20, not because i have any knowledge of cars but because it's easy to read it on his face, i'll pretend to be a dumb geek and pay up with a smile. spending an hour at the shop already costs me more financially than the price hike anyway, and it makes him feel happy and alpha. win/win
ITcucks and the like should think more about opportunity cost. 1, it's not worth fretting over $100 when you make $200 per hour. 2, people in blue collar jobs are catastrophically underpaid compared to bullshit office jobs, and letting them "scam" you is part of the balance if we don't want a revolution

>> No.51489619

I also dont rip off everyone, it depends on the customers and how they behave (if they are rude, if they show respect, if the argue about the price, if they are ukrainian etc.)
sometimes people show up that are likeable and I charge less than I have to because they are in a bad spot and need help, I just put that bill on the next asshole I dont like.

so Tl;dr there has to be a balance and you cant rip off everyone or else the business will wither away and die.

>> No.51489834

you charged for your labor and parts..
might be a bit scummy to charge your own mom but in this economy she should be helping you anyway

>> No.51490087

Thats what a lot of bike shops do too and the reason why I fix my bike myself now. Fixing a car is harder and not as easily doable I guess... but those bike repair shops are literal thieves. Doing simple tasks for each 20euros which takes like 5minutes and doing things you didnt ask for + doing some things flat out wrong or incomplete

>> No.51490097

>Scamming your own mother

Are you a nigger?

>> No.51490211

Yes. You will die horribly soon

>> No.51490222

it's one thing to scam others and another to scam your own mother because she will always inherently trust you.

You're a parasite.

>> No.51490572

>scamming your own mother

>> No.51490803

Serves you right for going to a """bike repair shop"""". Retard tax for retards who don't know how to Google.

>> No.51490825


you scammed your mom bro? wtf. sounds like you'd be a great piece of shit untrustworthy mechanic like the rest of them

>> No.51490837

Why the fuck would you fuck over your mother you disgusting kike piece of dogshit

>> No.51490844

>duurrrrr how do chain and gear work eruhggggg I cant fit da pedals on rite hurrrrr

>> No.51490875

i scammed my parents for 10k
wasted most of it on crypto. 2k left

i was too retarded and they was too easy to scam

>> No.51490951
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>Not fixing it for your mom for free
>Not even buying the $15 air filter for her

>> No.51491172

You are less than a man.

>> No.51491775

yeah she knows it doesn't cost that much and now will forever think less of you

>> No.51492960

This. If I can tell that someone is overcharging me for a service that I don't want to do myself, or for a small item, I just pay anyway and consider it an act of noblesse oblige. I only haggle when I'm buying something more expensive and that needs to be reliable for many years (like a computer, a car, or some kind of long-term investment).

>> No.51493003

I hate car mechanics. Useless scum. Get cancer

>> No.51493376

god you guys are pieces of shit.
probably the response you were expecting anyways.

>> No.51495136

That's not a scam, you just charged $70 for your labor.

>> No.51495189

>My favorite customers are woman and minorities because they are dumb as shit and easy to trick and will pay more than they really have to and they usually dont know the laws here so its super easy to make money off them.

Women dont know that their old catalytic converter is worth hundreds as scrap

>> No.51495264

that's a lot of words for saying you are a beta cuck and an it wage slave

>> No.51496870

> I just scammed my own mother for $70

The absolute state of /biz/rael.