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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5146277 No.5146277 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>19 back in 2014
>heavily involved in cryptocurrencies(nxt, blocknet, crypti etc)
>try to convince my parents to invest $3000 in the Ethereum ICO in 2014 and hold the coins for at least 5 years
>they refused multiple times and instead bought my brother a new car
>mfw the $3000 could've bought me 9090 ETH in the ICO
>mfw that $3000 investment would now be worth over $6.5 million

Fuck them. Seriously just fuck them. I stopped talking to them.

>> No.5146311

What did they say after you revealed what could've happened?

>> No.5146354


They are fucking boomers.

I already watched all the meetup video of ETH in London and Berlin and I was 100% sure this would fucking boom.

The tech that they demo was out of this world back in 2014 for the cryptocurrency market.

>> No.5146364

This is why you need to be able to depend on yourself anon. If you had the funds you'd be stinking rich. If you were more daring you'd have gotten the money yourself. A loan, credit anything. But you didn't. I'm sorry but it's your own failure

>> No.5146371

>be you
>vaguely saw an opportunity
>didn't believe in it enough to get off your ass and hustle any way you could to earn a paltry 3 grand
>now blame someone else for your failure
You could have also went all in in DGB at the beginning of the year, sell at the peak, buy back at the bottom, and you'd be sitting on a million from 3 grand.
You could have invested in the OmiseGo ICO. You could have bought Eos at 50 cents last month. You could have went all in in Cardano yesterday and doubled your money. There's opportunities every single day, and you're solely responsible for missing out.

>> No.5146431

Its also your own failure because you weren't able to persuade them. In buisness that's a huge tool you need. The art of persuasion

>> No.5146523

Let it go, man, they’re your parents. There are people who don’t know their parents or their parents are fucked up or what ever problems that are far more soul-crushing than not giving you money to make what would have been a well-timed investment. There is no amount of money in the world that can replace your parents when they are dead.

They gave you life, go out and enjoy it.

>> No.5146582
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>> No.5146602


this. stop making yourself the victim you fucking faggot. you have the mindset of a poor man

>> No.5146621

If you would have saved up money from some shitty summer work this wouldn't have happened. I despise boomers a lot but jesus fuck dude, ur bad

>> No.5146646

>cant even scrounge up 3 grand

>> No.5146888


>There's opportunities every single day

This. Only the weak get paralyzed by their "losses". It's like starting to cry when you missed one day of work where you could have made $200.
>abloo bloo, why I didn't go to work, I could have bought a SNES MINI with that money.
Bitch, just go to work the next day.

>> No.5146941

In 5 year this thread is going to happen with LINK too. There still is time OP.

>> No.5146942
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>own fault
He was 19

>> No.5146973

My sides.

>> No.5147509

>Go into debt at 19 years old in order to invest into crypto

You must have the IQ of an actual nigger to think that this is a good idea

>> No.5148176

I had 12k in my bank account by the time I was 19. Had 3k in Crypto when I was 20. Have been buying my own groceries and paying for my expenses since I was 18.

White people are weak and doomed.

>> No.5148370


stfu yellow man, go back to the factory.

>> No.5148424

You know what seperates visionaries and your average man? Being daring and cunning enough to forge a path into new and unstable ground. If you've never done something like this you wont understand but these bold calculated moves are what cause evolution.

>also 3000 debt at 19 isn't shit. If you find that to be anything more than piss money then you're the nigger tier thinker

>> No.5148607

He's right desu, most college kids have way more debt than a measly 3k

>> No.5148670

How many 19 year olds aren't in debt? There's college to pay for, after all.

>> No.5148719


yellow man spotted

>> No.5148835

probably something about tulips and crash

>> No.5148874

I have literally never been in debt in my life. I'm nearly 30. Stop being a poorcuck.

>> No.5148973

Good advice, old fag.

>> No.5149112

>be me
>19 back in 2011
>buy some drugs for a total of 21 BTC
>if I have kept it until this day, I would have been a millionaire where I live
>mfw drugs literally cost me a fortune

The best move is to let go and focus on the future.

>> No.5149199

>millionaire where I live
>where I live
The only "millionaire" that matters is a USD millionaire.

>> No.5149231

Blocknet is still set to explode tho

>> No.5149246

> mummy and daddy didnt gib me free money to play around with
What a horrible life you must have, must be terrible to make it on your own. Such a cruel cruel world

>> No.5149340
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ahahahahaha this is the kind of autism I like from this board. to be honest. you won't make it kid.

>> No.5149367
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Uni is like 300€ a year here and that includes a public transport ticket.

>> No.5149373 [DELETED] 

Yeah I was telling my dad to invest in bitcoins in early 2013 cause all I had was piles of student loans and was living hand to mouth. He wanted to help me pay some of my loans off but I managed to trick him into giving me the check rather than sending it to the loan company directly and I dumped it all into Eth at $7 instead. Now I can easily pay off all my loans and support them in their old age. Boomers are the most brainwashed generation in history, it's partially not their fault.

>> No.5149533

Stop blaming
If they let it pass, its their money

>> No.5149610

a real BUSINESS MAN convinces his mother, granny and her pet cats to put 3k each, you're just a dick loving faggot.

>> No.5149730

Yeah I was telling my dad to invest in bitcoins in early 2013 cause all I had was piles of student loans and was living hand to mouth after I gave in to their intense pressure to pursure more higher education. He wanted to help me pay some of my loans off eventually but I managed to trick him into giving me the check rather than sending it to the loan company directly and I dumped it all into Eth at $7 instead, along with maxing out my credit cards. Now I can easily pay off all my loans, repay my dad double and support them in their old age, but my dad probably would have disowned me if he knew what I was doing at the time for making such "bad financial decisions." Boomers are the most brainwashed generation in history, it's really not their fault, all they know is what their schools and the mass media told them.

>> No.5149781


Going into debt young is a much better idea than doing it when you're older. At 19, he had his entire life ahead of him to pay off the debt. At 19, there's basically no financial situation you won't be able to dig yourself out of eventually.

>> No.5149932

Honestly, nobody outside of the US gives a fuck about that.
If you're set for life, then it doesn't matter if you have $3,000,000 in Switzerland or $100,000 in Philippines.

>> No.5149992

Bro, you had 19 years , not 5.

Flipping a couple of burgers you could’ve made enough money to change your life forever anyway.

>> No.5150039
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>Go 30k in debt at 19 years old to get a piece of paper

Extremely common

>> No.5150356

>This is why you need to be able to depend on yourself anon.
The problem is that he depends at his parents to make him man enought to not depend of his parents.

Its like those monkeys they train to send then back to jungle. If the guys at the zoo arent good enought the monkey won't be idenpended enought to be able to leave the situation he is in

>> No.5150430

Tell them you dumb nigger.

>> No.5150458

The 3000 was their money, and so would the 6.5 million be. So how is this your business? You probably don't know anything about their finances anyway, they might have tens of millions.
You are probably 19 the most now by the way. Mind your own business, champ.

>> No.5150743
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i would drag my balls through a mile of broken glass if i could stuff taytay's mouth with cake

>> No.5151074

Oh, she did get pretty fat, wow.