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51485197 No.51485197 [Reply] [Original]

I think we all know the type. A programmer, a libertarian/anarchist, a day trader, etc. Someone who has the abilities, knowledge, and exposure to understand crypto but refuses to do so.

In my case, I learned about bitcoin early on due to a group of people working on distributed computing. Some of the more libertarian types shared it and I was hooked. Others in the group, to this day (13 years later), repeat the same arguments they had 13 years ago about how it's a scam, it's a bubble, nothing will ever happen, it's insecure, etc. If it's cope for missing out, why not get in at the bottom once you find out it's cyclical? If it's morality, why would you pick the side of central banking over the wild west of crypto? And if they don't understand it, why don't they FOMO into shiba or dogecoin at least? Is it just that these people actually realize the threat it poses and can't support the downfall of the central banking system and they choose to support it, despite knowing there are alternatives, despite knowing they're supporting an evil system run by their enemies? If they at least said "it's all just a fake and gay trap made by the NSA to enslave you" at least that would be a good argument, but I've never once heard it from the nay sayers.

>> No.51485239
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Never buying your magic internet coin bags

Crypto has no inherent value, the network and functionality can be replicated by any one of the 16000+ other coins that exist.

>> No.51485271

A large percent of people are incapable of genuinely admitting that they made a mistake. If they talked mad shit about something and then realize that the truth is the polar opposite then they usually just double down regardless of how foolish.

Also, being a libertarian/anarchist doesn't make you knowledgeable or ethically in-line with crypto. A lot of self-described libertarians are just libertines who view the state as an impediment to their own hedonism, which is why those types tend to have a peculiar fixation on things like drug legalization and homo rights.

>> No.51485294

spreads fud just to accumulate more

>> No.51485311

>A large percent of people are incapable of genuinely admitting that they made a mistake. If they talked mad shit about something and then realize that the truth is the polar opposite then they usually just double down regardless of how foolish.
Sounds exactly like crypto bagholders after the recent crash

>but muh opportunity cost
have fun being poor.

>> No.51485366
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Smart people realize crypto is a scam and a bubble. Smarter people realize our current monetary system is even more of a scam. The only truly intelligent people who are against crypto have a vested interest to FUD it. Actually hating crypto is a midwit trap

>> No.51485402

slave morality


>> No.51485403

>A lot of self-described libertarians are just libertines who view the state as an impediment to their own hedonism
Hmmm, interesting, I'd never thought of that before.
Based Kadena fudder.

>> No.51485487

I think a lot of people are really ignorant to the monetary system we live in. Generally the people who don't understand crypto also share a lot of overlap with the "stock market is a scam!" crowd. Obviously way more in the crypto pool than both but generally what it boils down to is people outright refuse to buy in to any idea that comes off as "conspiracy tier." People just like to pretend they're smart but don't have a fucking clue until the switch flips and suddenly everyone is on board.

So because "oh it's just a conspiracy that the modern monetary system is making us all poor" and "oh banks would never freeze your funds" or "the system can't work better" or one of my favorites "why would we need digital currency the dollar is already digital!" people refuse to acknowledge it. To be fair there's a lot of grifters in here. NFT markets being just pictures right now is pretty much proof of that. I guess now the real question is if the president of dementia is moving fast enough to ban it or not

>> No.51485519
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>> No.51485609

It's not about not understanding, it's about having missed the train. When you believe you missed the train on something, you refuse to believe that that thing has value, and start to fud it out of despise.

I'm a BTC maxi and I do that with some altcoins. I can see the value of some of them, but as I didn't buy them early, all I can do is hate them and fud.

>> No.51485641
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>> No.51485652
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These threads only ever pop up as damage control during bear markets. See you all at 10k.

>> No.51485691

There are a lot of people who resent money and anything finance related at a visceral level for social reasons. To many people openly discussing money or finances is taboo so even though they're perfectly capable of understanding it they're socially conditioned to resent it. As a general rule anyone who is sympathetic to socialism is going to be gripped by this particular pathology. They're like a priestly caste that relies on money for its existence but cannot directly interact with it because it is unclean.

>> No.51485698

Explain to me the worth of your e coins without using the word dollars.

Go ahead anon, I'll wait.

>> No.51485777

It will replace the yen

>> No.51485808

They subvert and circumvent judeobanker monopolies on world currencies including united states cuck bucks

>> No.51485814

Crypto's time will come only when cbdc's are fully in use.
At that point, everyone will finally be using digital currency and be accustomed to it.
And they will find that cbdc's have all of the problems fiat currency does and doesn't compare to crypto. Governments rolling these out will be the most epic self-own in history.

>> No.51485883
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Now you understand not every retard on earth can make it due the fact that normals only care about comfort and security, not risk. Every normal wishes they could have invested in BTC back on 2015 but realize they’re the exact same reason why people thought it was a scam, regardless how much BTC is worth now. If everyone had balls to invest and hold no matter what the price went. Then these fucks will be driving lambos and getting daily BJs from hot escorts. Instead they’re cooped up in their wagecage, slaving their good years away at a shitty company that doesn’t give a fuck about them while their boss Mr. Noseberg is getting paid triple their salary and will likely retire way earlier than them. And after decades of hard labor, the best outcome they’ll will get is probably a watch and a 6 figure pension that will dry up within an decade due to the inevitable health problems or deadbeat kids

They are very few people that know the fact that the entire monetary system since 1913 has been one giant Ponzi scheme and no one gives a shit because the FED will just print trillions and trillions to prop up this fake and gay economy while your average joe is just wondering if he can pay his bills on time and hopefully if his boss will let him have that unpaid vacation he’s been wanting for months. Thats how the system was able to exist for over a century, because the powers at be of rely on ignorance as their greatest strength against an apathetic and unwilling populace that are just wondering if they will have roofs over their head or food on the table.

>> No.51485942
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>Dude, just make a bunch of other ASICs and everyone will come
>Dude, just make a better TCP/IP protocol and everyone will come*
>Dude, just make new roads with new traffic signs and signals and everyone will come

And that's not even getting into why the block size and engineering is superior for the purpose of keeping the data required to service a byte of data cheap and secure. The only other coin in a real conversation is XMR

*this should happen

>> No.51486054

People are possessed by ideological parasites that control their emotions and behavior and when the parasite is in danger of being displaced it activates its hosts fight or flight reflex in order to stop them from internalizing new information that contradicts the ideological parasite. This is why people get angry and violent when you challenge their beliefs even in the gentlest fashion. Examine your own behavior and see if you react with irrational emotionality on a given topic to see if you have a parasite.

>> No.51486117

holy cope... why would you blow your money on ponzi tokens when AI is about to create massive amounts of real wealth?

>> No.51486134

I'm not buying your bags lol

>> No.51486158

you’re talking to the AI right now

>> No.51486160

>Actually hating crypto is a midwit trap

No shit

Every single 100-120IQ (mouthbreather intelligence) people HATES crypto, its literal irrational hate, they think its rational though

Absolute creatures

>> No.51486165

People don't want to accept the fact that we just don't live in a meritocracy anymore. Very few people of working age these days are actually successful because of their own hard work. Success nowadays comes from things like having rich parents that help you out and/or making a fortune off of some bullshit scam like stock bubbles, real estate flipping, ransomware, shit like that. The reason that crypto pisses these people off is because they still believe in a system that hasn't existed for like 20 years now, but they probably grew up at the tail end of that era so it's hard for them to evolve past it and just accept that they won't make it unless they fuck somebody else over. I feel bad for them because they're good and honest people, but nice guys finish last.

>> No.51486253

They hated bitconnect and Madoff too. Doesn't take much IQ to know when an investment scheme is too good to be true.

>> No.51486283

The very nature of such zero-sum scams is that there will always be many more victims than successful scammers.

>> No.51486332

You had so much time to get rich, so much time, and you missed out lol

>> No.51486343

Exactly, but the point I'm trying to make is that the system is so fucked nowadays that our most brilliant minds are choosing to go work for these meme tech companies or create token ponzis instead of becoming engineers or scientists, etc for the simple reason that noble professions just don't pay enough anymore.There's a lot of good people turned bad in the world these days.

>> No.51486353

supply + demand. this is really elementary stuff

>> No.51486632


Its the difference between and individualism and collectivism.

And individualist values individual liberty and agency, while a collectivist values "society," usually through metrics like production output or technological progress.

That's why the idea of financial sovereignty doesn't make sense to anti-crypto collectivists. To them, the government, or what they often call "the public sector," having the power to confiscate, tax, or sensor money is a good thing.

And collectivist arguments often don't make sense to individualists. For example, an anti-crypto collectivist may argue that a fixed supply currency is bad, because the government can't manipulate the supply as part of some overarching, centrally planned, scheme to increase some economic metrics which supposedly means society is improving.