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File: 724 KB, 1170x1819, 1588FB79-6C10-431B-99E1-441E4BC144A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51482705 No.51482705 [Reply] [Original]

I legitimately believe that when the mark of the beast eventually rolls out it will use blockchain technology

>> No.51482715

you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.51482723
File: 36 KB, 218x232, 91790909-6A3E-453F-8F3A-23B9101C3D43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re glowing

>> No.51482789

didn't we already get all marked by the beast a couple years ago though? what happened to that?

>> No.51482825
File: 2.73 MB, 270x480, 1629368203266.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhm no?

The mark of the beast will be imposed when the antichrist has already revealed himself and we have a one world government, it will also be in your right hand and will be used to "buy and sell". This is according to the scriptures

>> No.51482887

Block = 6 sides
Block turned at an angle is a hexagon
Hexagon = 6 sides
Blockchain is literally 66666666 over and over again

>> No.51483012

bullish for BAT :)

>> No.51483016


ironic comment since bitcoin was obviously created by a 3 letter agency. Oh you still think some magical japanese man did it? lol.

>> No.51483042

Yeah, I believe this. It will be Klaus Schwab telling everyone to get a chip with their one and only digital wallet to receive their UBI. The Bible even says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark. It's actually pretty chilling that something like this was prophecied two thousand years ago.

>> No.51483051

It was getting to the point where without the covid shot you would not be able to go shopping or travel, so it started to fill the requirements, but then the powers that be dropped all that.

>> No.51483064


Klaus is in his mid 80s to be fair her'll probably be out of the picture by this point. It will be whoever follows him.

>> No.51483085
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The bad times, I mean the virus, can return at any moment without notice. And so too will the lockdowns.. or maybe some new narrative.

>> No.51483086

Yeah, one if his successors, most likely, but there's no doubt in my mind that the antichrist is him or someone in his line. It's plain as day. Maybe his life will be extended somehow.

>> No.51483113

>CBDC = blockchain tech, you've invested and designed your own enslavement goy

>> No.51483119

Yeah buy ICP fast it’s the only one that can handle such an endeavor

>> No.51483156
File: 1.71 MB, 1326x1140, 43546753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Testament explicitly states that Satan is the prince of this world. It shouldn't be a surprise that the elite we have are masonic luciferians that are trying to usher us into a new tower of babel (aka NWO) and impose us a mark of the beast.

Ultimately this is the further proof that Christianity is right and God will ultimately prevail over the forces of evil. Rejoice because their plans will fail

>> No.51483190


>> No.51483254


>> No.51483288

Crypto is dead. It devolved into the instrument Bitcoin so much fought against this whole decade.

>> No.51483325

That's what I mean. To me it's definive proof that the Bible is right. I guess every generation thinks they're in the end times, but we actually are. It's scary. I was talking to my wife last night, do we have an obligation to try to stop/delay them, or not since what they're going to do is inevitable?

>> No.51483352

I wonder if these guys like Bezos, Schwab, etc understand and accept the parts they're playing in setting up the NWO/antichrist.

>> No.51483364

They know silly you think these people aren’t hand picked figureheads?

>> No.51483374

crypto is anti-privacy if you think about it.


>> No.51483392
File: 802 KB, 684x936, 437893428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ultimately boils down to the theological concept of predestination. The prophesies mentioned in Revelations will all be fulfilled. Therefore yes, we will have a one world government, we will have the antichrist (that will be worshipped by the masses) and we will have the mark of the beast. But it will be for a brief period.

Consider Revelations as a cheat code given by God to believers. It will be an extremely rough period for humanity, we will live hell on earth but evil will not prevail

>> No.51483412


swedes forever being the biggest cucks in the western world even beating out the likes krauts and bongs.

>> No.51483440

Certainly the child sacrificing cult, Clintons et al, but I mean the people on the periphery like Musk, Bezos. I've always thought about the philosophy of the antichrist and those around him - do they make the conscious choice, are they even really humans?

We believers must never get that mark or allow our families to receive it. That's what will make it so hard for us. Terrible times ahead and massive temptation to capitulate. The best we can do is maybe delay them.

>> No.51483463


>> No.51483500

There is a caste system of which "elites" are members. That includes Ari and Sergey.

>> No.51483521


>> No.51483524

So it is just coincidence that we are living in the actual time of revelations while the dozens of previous generations just lived through placid times?

>> No.51483554

Oh lawdy Jeebus, magical kike on a spike, saves us from dat baby eatin Hilary and make sure Bill Gates don't turn me into no cyborg wit his white debil vaccination and medical juju! Amen!

>> No.51483612

you also can be saved anon.

>> No.51483659

And if I act now, do I get saved for the low, low price of 10% of my income? What a bargain!

>> No.51483666
File: 125 KB, 1046x915, 1637244564648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absolutely free, anon. Always was.

>> No.51483671

no, it's free.

>> No.51483686

This version of the matrix sucks

>> No.51483927

>there will be something vaguely identifying or modifying a person which will be attached to the most regulated universal interaction
It's not chilling, it's just absurdly applicable, hence we every new thing gets identified as the mark of the beast. It's Nostradamus shit from the retard fearmongering section of the bible which was only included as cannon because it was useful for controlling the roman population.

>> No.51483956

Kek this will surely get the schizos knickers in a twist.

>> No.51483999

>So it is just coincidence that we are living in the actual time of revelations while the dozens of previous generations just lived through placid times?
what makes THIS the end times huh?

>> No.51484432

I think the end times are still far off, but you can see the seeds being planted of what’s to come.

>> No.51484452

it was a test run to see how compliant the population would be and what resistance would emerge.

>> No.51484458


>> No.51484502
File: 75 KB, 480x421, 1594245447600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is right and God will ultimately prevail over the forces of evil
you've been raised on jewish lies.
the real history of the world is one of the bad guys winning over and over and over again, kikestianity is just another tentacle of their control, it was the mass media of the old world, now they feed you the hero narrative through hollywood.
its all bs
>forgive evil
>dont judge or punish evil, its in gods hands
>your riches are in heaven
>2 more weeks and the good guys win :^)

>> No.51484509

>mark of the beast

>> No.51484537

This is an April fool's joke, right

>> No.51484874


Why don't they just mine Monero with their botnet of Windows Users?

>> No.51484952

probably already been happening

>> No.51485012

yes they want to read your brain waves ONLY TO MINE CURRENCY ...

I know about concepts to mine currency with relatively random generated data sources (biological sources).
but come on, you cannot really tell me they go into the direction of reading what you think and not see what the intention is here.

>> No.51485069

the movie In time. you have your wallet in your arm. with a glowing tattoo showing the amount. (yeah in the movie they call it years, and minutes, but besides that...)

>> No.51485125

I like your statement, what do you say, can the revolutionary site (the opposing site) have a blockchain which is less controlled ? (an alternative chain logically)

>> No.51485135

Blockchain is gonna be the general database for the super AI that's being created. Everything that's information is going to be on Blockchain

>> No.51485167

I really can’t stand boomers who ignore the scriptures but still say everything is the mark of the beast. If you believe in the mark of the beast then surely you must also believe in the book that it originated from? I guess not. Boomers spend more time watching youtube conspiracy videos about the end times than they do actually reading their bibles

>> No.51485188

Oh no they're going to use your brainwaves to mine crypto currency and they're going to find out you're a pedophile too!

>> No.51485523

He does it for free!

>> No.51485851

it's the precursor to the mark

>> No.51487086

this just incentivizes thieves to cut off people's hands instead of grabbing a wallet.
no refunds

>> No.51487122

Enlighten us, niggerfaggot

>> No.51487346

Why are they trying to bring all this shit about? Is it because they're gnostics and think satan's the good guy?

>> No.51487377

Boomers said the science juice injection was the mark of the beast. But like the anon who I'm responding to said, where was the antichrist who everyone worshiped? Where was his false prophet who made fire come down from the sky? So many things missing if you even bother to read the passage where the mark of the beast is mentioned.

>> No.51487454

They're Kabbalists and believe that Jesus is Satan.
See https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/Rabbis-Reveal-Kabbalah-Secrets:7

>> No.51487461

>according to the scriptures
AKA according to schizo fantasy fiction.

>> No.51488362
File: 1.89 MB, 1662x1372, 3522763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomers said the science juice injection was the mark of the beast
You're taking things out of context

The vaccine although poison isn't the mark per se for the sole reason that the antichrist hasn't revealed himself and it's not being used to "buy or sell". Sure...it might be a precursor to the mark considering how much it was being imposed but it's not the mark of the beast. Plenty of things need to occur during tribulations before the arrival of the mark, if you study Christian escathology you'll understand

>> No.51488746

here's the relevant passage from Revelation chapter 13:
>It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
>This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. [some manuscripts say 616]

So what was giving off Mark of the Beast vibes wasn't the vaccine itself, it was the vaccine passports which in parts of Europe were in fact needed to enter stores/restaurants for a while.

>> No.51488816

The Mark of the Beast will be CBDC's after the dollar dies.

>> No.51488878

Your obligation is to not give into the temptation of taking the mark. It will be very hard to say no. If you and your family is good then you can start thinking about helping others. But as the prophecy says it will come and you are not going to be able to stop them by yourself.

>> No.51489042

a similar technology is vein recognition (in the hand or finger).
I don't know if the amazon one uses it.
"innovative identification technology"...

>> No.51489059

actually, it's worse than this. if you are saved, you won't be here to resist the mark. Those who are left who knew those who are raptured, it will be their difficulty. Your obligation is to make sure as many as possible are not here to have to make that choice.

>> No.51489377
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That's far-fetched, faggot. Before it gets to that stage, it has to be easy for the masses to interact with first; easy in terms of identity control.

>> No.51489428

>Crypto is dead.
Not very sure about that. It's on its way to mainstream adoption, especially with the rate of delivery by solutions lowering the entry barrier even for the dumbass morons like yourself

>> No.51489440

reminder that while you bitched about muh blockchain and muh blackrock i taught myself to trade to a high level first in crypto and then in any market, and am now no longer dependent on selling my labor to earn a living

>> No.51489492

doN't yOu WanT to Live Conveniently?

>> No.51489829

Shut the fuck up, newfaggot. Bitcoin was supposed to be the alternative, not the fancy product for zoomers like you who think they're beating the system.

>> No.51489914

It's too Train a hivemind AI composed of our brains to then wipe our brains and use them to power supercomputer. It's all in the documents

>> No.51489921

>identity control
Interesting to see how ORE is making a big deal out of that

>> No.51489933

I did the thing where you watch ads on adfly for 0.05 btc each ad back when btc first hit $1

>> No.51489966
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Kek, can you just listen to yourself.

Such can only be possible and achieved through interoperability considering the number of chains covered within the whole ecosystem

>> No.51490004

it's called psychic priming, dummy. now you have the sheep conditioned to think that banning you from the fucking grocery store is acceptable under certain conditions, they merely need to change those conditions to get them to play along with even more restrictive and draconian measures

>> No.51490068
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The blockchain is pseudonymous, so what do you expect?

>> No.51490298

Ditto. Obviously, that's one of the major limiting factor to mass adoption; many people still don't understand how the whole thing works

>> No.51490315

Another reason why cross-chain functionality, especially with decentralized identities is largely underrated

>> No.51490573
File: 135 KB, 1080x1005, lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds a lot like gosticism. Thanks for the video
>a bunch of psychopaths OBSESSED with depopulation want total control over you for the sake of "continence" and "security"
Oh boy! Sign me up!

>> No.51492073
File: 390 KB, 591x480, Screenshot 2022-09-17 221243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna lead to people not wanting to hold hands anymore, because inevitable some pimp is gonna install these into the hands of their whores and have them hand hold beta virgins just to steal their CC info. god redditors are about to get fucking absolutely BTFO.

>> No.51492476

just like jannies

>> No.51492853

>no link
So fake. If you want your shit posts to be taken seriously, you need links.

>> No.51493382
File: 54 KB, 800x450, deadmentellnotales[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better start beleivin' in mark of the beast stories Miss Turner, because you're in one

>> No.51493993

This guy read the whole patent

>> No.51494898
File: 512 KB, 1200x500, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which cryptocurrencies are fully decentralized like BTC?

>> No.51494905

>I legitimately believe that when the mark of the beast eventually rolls out it will use blockchain technology

we will be lucky to have functioning electricity so i wouldnt worry about this nonsense to be honest

>> No.51494917
File: 225 KB, 627x659, ethereum-coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true globohomo currency only seems decentralised, but is controlled by the world gov

>> No.51495043
File: 63 KB, 520x780, Typhonian-Tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the matrix movies where agents look like humans but are really programs made by the machines?
The machines from the matrix in this case are representative of a species of hivemind eldritch alien known as the Typhon. They loosely resemble insects. In previous centuries they were known as demons. The lovecraftian mythos is about their existence and they are the known as "Archons" to Gnostics. They are the deities worshiped by various occult societies.
What you think of as technological progress is actually these aliens colonizing the Earth. They've been interfacing with humanity in various ways and are conquering humanity by weaponizing humans against themselves by exploiting human weakness to build tyrant technology systems that are designed to ultimately drive humans extinct and replace them with machines.
The machines will resemble insects because the machines we are building are actually meant to be the vessels of the Typhon when they condense from their other state of existence in another state of reality (dimensional, other universes with different physics).

Humanity has been hijacked by aliens to build the aliens habitat on earth and wipe ourselves out. They can control people with things like nanomachines and there are a lot of people "indoctrinated" and under their control.

You can believe it or not.

>> No.51495061

Technically it is since stores are private entities, not public.

>> No.51495089

They are highly advanced and intelligent. They traverse different dimensions and adjacent universes conquering all sentient life they detect.
In accordance with multiverse theory, alot of adjacent universe have different laws of physics, which means the Typhon, cannot simply move from one universe to the other and sustain their form.

Just like HP lovecraft described, they targeted humanity and influenced their dreams and minds to build their vessels, which is the machines we are building that will replace us.

It's how they do things, they are similar to our earths insects. They hijack species to build them vessels and then "condense" their other reality based intelligence into the vessels intelligence.
It's how they move from universe to universe.
Again you can believe it or not.

>> No.51495124

What you think has been merely "pop-culture sci-fi" of the past decades, has actually been soft disclosure and propaganda in order to prepare human beings for what is happening now.
"The Age of Aquarius".
Games like Half-life, Mass effect, and movies like Terminator, and The Matrix, were part of this media campaign to prepare humanity.

It had to be disguised as fiction because 1) the world governments would not allow actual official disclosure, nor would the Typhon. and 2) Humanities collective consciousness was simply not ready to accept reality.

>> No.51495138

But the Age of Aquarius is here, Saturn is in ascension, and you can adapt or be dominated.

>> No.51495215

Halo's "The Flood" is also symbolically related to this Age of Aquarius and Typhon subject. Similarly, the real life history of the historic Dagon cult and the HP lovecraft symbolism of the eldritch being primarily from the ocean is all related.
Outerspace is typically conceptualized as an ocean and planets as islands. We're going out to Sea.



>> No.51495414

Oh and last but not least, the eating bugs thing is part of the occult worship of the Typhon. Since the Typhon most closely resemble insects, the worlds elite see eating bugs as a sort of religious communion with these aliens.
Just like they are terraforming the planet into a machine prison, they want to terraform humanity into bugs or just simply dead.
Making you eat bugs is like communion and terraforms your soul, symbolically. It's all about invasion and colonization.

believe it or not.

>> No.51495483

amen brother