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51475334 No.51475334 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51475367
File: 190 KB, 944x968, 253ED53C-AF41-4F4C-A06D-1B913C1A0322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros … what if the triple halving was the price ..
>t. G0Y
It’s over

>> No.51475381

if single digit ETH is sub 500 eoy

>> No.51475496
File: 24 KB, 264x325, 1460782051635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aryan chads are all in in ETC already, enjoy holding the ETH backs goys.

>> No.51475592


Because we're in a bear market and gas is extremely low. The threshold for ETH to be deflationary is also extremely low at 15 gas.

Did you know 900 BTC are mined every day?

Bitcoin's daily sell pressure is $18M, EVERY DAY.
Ethereum's sell pressure SINCE THE MERGE (more than a day) was $660.000.

Think about that before you shitpost again.

>> No.51475609


>> No.51475644

>Because we're in a bear market
So basically in a recession/depression ETH inflation would absolutely skyrocket.

LMFAO what a joke of a coin

>> No.51475653

Don't feed the trolls, anon. If gas was high and supply was actually going down, they'd just be posting the usual "WOW NICE MERGE, STILL DOESNT SCALE KEK"
There's no winning with these people. Just let them be.

>> No.51475764

No it would not you absolute retard.

Even at a continuous ultra low gas amount for weeks on end the inflation is A LOT smaller than it would have been under PoW or in Bitcoin.

If you would actually use your brain and eyes you'd use the 'simulate PoW' slider and see the difference for yourself.
If Ethereum had stayed PoW since the Merge happened, 19814 ETH would have been mined.

So under PoW there would have been $28.4M sell pressure in about one and a half day.
But since we're in PoS now the sell pressure was only $660k AND THAT IS UNDER EXTREMELY LOW GAS AND THUS HIGHLY INFLATIONARY context within PoS.

You're a fucking retard. No matter how you spin this the issuance situation is miles better under PoS, and also miles better than Bitcoin's will ever be.

You're right, but you have to prove them wrong for the lurkers and onlookers, so they get informed properly. It's never about the actual retards themselves, they're in way too deep to ever return to being open minded. Religious cyber hornets looking to purity test anything and everything.

>> No.51475781
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>> No.51476613

how did they ever think it was equivalent to a halving when bitcoin doesn't get rid of all mining expenses in one go when it does one.

>> No.51476641

That's fucking nothing though

>> No.51476671

double or triple the user base of eth txns and tell me if thats going to all for eth to be deflationary or not

it wouldnt be this bad if eth foundation devs themselves didnt sell the merge as a primarily deflationary upgrade, going so far as to pump out educational videos on emissions reductions

>> No.51476776

you didn't hear? eth is just a ponzi token now. massive issuance changes, arbitrary fee burning in 1559.
they realized it couldn't ever be bitcoin so they started playing all the altcoin tricks in the book to pump the price.

>> No.51477643


>> No.51477649
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actually really really embarrassing samefagging and im screencapping it

>> No.51478253

(and here’s why that’s a good thing)

>> No.51478268

Now simulate PoW.

>> No.51478286

>was only $660k
so who was buying that 28.4M sell pressure and why did it stop now

>> No.51478306

>under PoW there would have been $28.4M sell pressure in about one and a half day
under PoW those coins where fruit of honest and fair labour
under PoS the oligarchs get the lifetime privilege of diluting plebs supply
PoS deflationary model was built taking into account people will keep minting retarded jpegs on opensea forever, which is clearly a fade
you better invent another dozen of buzzwords if you want some minimal activity on ETH

>> No.51478361

>He's implying oligarches could not get mining rigs and free electricity for his electric moneys.
All of crypto and the world have the same problem and nothing solves it. Monero is the only thing where someone entry level actually has a shot.

>> No.51478383

gas needs to be above 15 gwei for eth to be deflationary

>> No.51478418

660k of pure profit from not investing any energy use. 28.4M of ETH which was created through energy investment.

>> No.51478444

PoS is destructive to value and pays legacy holders from early days only

>> No.51478450

No cap

>> No.51478459

not true. monero has close to if not the worst profitability because it forces cpu mining, and so only becomes viable at massive scale, or simply using botnets with stolen electricity/hardware

enforcing cpu mining has the opposite effect long term, only retaining activist mining at the individual level, not enough for decentralization.

>> No.51478472

1 BTC = 1 BTC

>> No.51478496

>activist mining at the individual level
>not enough for decentralization.

listen to yourself deluded fucker

>> No.51478503

value is demand you financially illiterate eunuch

>> No.51478510

Good thing the people minting it have a huge sunk cost of electricity and computing power so they won't want to sell at a loss....oh wait.

>> No.51478520

the only delusion is you thinking a handful of fanboys is going to help decentralize a mining network as compromised as monero's
cpu mining worked when it wasn't artificially made inefficient

>> No.51478552

Blame the ‘green movement’ muh, save the planet from the evil miners

>> No.51478568

completely deluded

>> No.51478584

POS basically shits on all the miners who have made the coins what they are today. Without the miners, where would any of the coins be right now? .
The devs/powers that be get all high and mighty, want to save electricity whatever and forget the people that supported their chain since the get go, fuck them.

>> No.51478583

you really don't get it, do you?
activist mining is by definition niche. it's not like gpu mining which is a profitable endeavor at the individual level, and so incentivizes decentralization. monero incentivizes centralization by keeping profitability pathetically low with randomx. if your decentralization depends on charity (ironically monero's privacy also depends on charity, but that's off topic) it won't last for long.
its no different to ethereum under proof of stake with ~6% APY. too low for individuals to understand how to set up staking but enough if you just sent it all to coinbase with a promise they'll return it.

>> No.51478592

monero used to be good profit before they let ASICS in

>> No.51478599

>Monero is the only thing where someone entry level actually has a shot.
you can only mine monero at loss since most of the mining is done on someone else machines with someone else electricity, if you know what i mean
it's A LOT cheaper to just buy monero than mine it

>> No.51478600

>So basically in a recession/depression ETH inflation would absolutely skyrocket.
if this is bait, that is good

>> No.51478603

this. crypto is a loss now on all fronts. cant short cant long cant earn. its a big fat loser. stocks are dead. too. capital is guaranteed to lose no matter what. time to kill jews

>> No.51478605


Miners mined, and got their rewards. They aren't need anymore, so why should we need to pay tribute to them? Any miners from even a few years ago are rich as fuck, unless they sold for fiat instead of holding, then they don't deserve it anyway.

>> No.51478628

>implying they had no hardware nor bills to pay

>> No.51478716


Go donate to them then, nothing is stopping you. You can look up the miner's addresses and send them your crypto.

>> No.51478728

eth had decentralized security and early defi. thats all dead and worthless now. there are better pos chains, and those are a gamble too. fuck casinos,see ya

>> No.51478754

Literally because it’s not programmed to be able to be sold yet you dumb retard. It’s basically hodlemode: the token

>> No.51478804
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The difference is BTC wasn't a premined scam coin
mEth heads are delusional
They've given complete control to exchanges and the banksters yet it's "bullish"
Just lol

>> No.51478817

>muh ultrasound money

>> No.51478891


>> No.51478900
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Also their oracle provider is in league with WEF and wants us all to eat bugs and live in pods

>> No.51478982

kys faggot