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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 465 KB, 1407x776, Screenshot_20220916_113339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51472104 No.51472104 [Reply] [Original]

That's embarrassing.

>> No.51472145

Leave cornpop alone!

>> No.51472232

/leftypol/ is celebrating and making fun of us again...

>> No.51472260

Just bleed

>> No.51472358

Its only appropriate for a system that builds its wealth on the back of others to eventually fall, which of course is a good thing. I cant wait till these capitalistic pigs scurry from the fire like cockroaches when shit truly hits the fan. Its going to be a site to see once when we pull them from their houses and hang them in the public square.

How many times does this have to happen when we finally learn that capitalism is a lost cause. Yes communism has its flaws, but I can argue that the collapse from a capitalistic system is far far worse.

t. Masters in History with a focus on Financial History of Early Antiquity (smarter than you)

>> No.51472478

so whats your solution? any government seems parasitic by nature and thus unsustainable

>> No.51472552
File: 47 KB, 591x631, C6299B43-37EB-4009-8073-8139E999AD84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL live a comfortably NEET lifestyle off my dividends and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.51472614
File: 19 KB, 534x506, shrek ke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Masters in History
>Its going to be a site to see
> be a site to see

Checks out desu

>> No.51472772

Thanks Biden!

>> No.51472851

Why? Most anons with the exception of bullrun tourists are shorting. They do realize that there is money to be made in both directions, right?

>> No.51472877

shemitah. unironically.

>> No.51473082

I just finished First as Tragedy, Then as Farce by Zizek and it's quite crazy how much sense he makes and how well he anticipated everything in 2009.
Problem is that even him say that no one still found how to develop a communism that works and we still have to try a lot before it will.
I'll never be a commie anyway, but I think UBI would be a perfect middle ground even if won't save the planet or get rid of the capital.

>> No.51473116

>/leftypol/ is celebrating and making fun of us again...

just jelly they don't own anything

>> No.51473649
File: 160 KB, 800x600, 5655ABA7-F484-4CB5-BB9B-6503B5BA43A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.51474113

It's because of people like you the system is so fucked up now.
You socialist fuck, you literally don't deserve to live here.

>> No.51474939

Its literally teetering on the edge.

>> No.51475009
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>t. Masters in History
Whatever you say poorfag, keep eternally coping and seething

>> No.51475321

>Yes communism has its flaws, but I can argue that the collapse from a capitalistic system is far far worse.
Not really, communism never had as far to fall.

>> No.51475351


>> No.51475467
File: 57 KB, 734x800, 16464324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird how they made dark red the color for lighter losses.

>> No.51475785

If your a bell end

>> No.51477600


>> No.51478014

I am literally so poor

>> No.51478054

>(smarter than you)

Doubt it

>> No.51478147

>Financial History of Early Antiquity
>Early Antiquity

>> No.51478167

no they probably don't know that, they're too busy chasing the 2016 political meme high for the rest of their lives.

>> No.51478573

please be real, if this is bait its just not as funny.

>> No.51478593

Nice baiting, well done.

>> No.51478613

Retard alert, can’t wait to see you in the gulag you dumb idiot. You’re only a communist because you never had any money in the first place since you have a liberal arts degree

>> No.51478636

>Home Depot in the green
lmao so being a tradie is not a meme after all

>> No.51478814

Grate bate ruined by the last three words. Shame

>> No.51478983

>capitalism is a lost cause
thanks to that shit we can get money out of fictitious "coins" like vinu, literally a blue dog is feeding me

>> No.51479076

An artist is never poor, anon.

>> No.51479196
File: 3.82 MB, 498x401, vaush-soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mentally ill leftoid tranny detected. Also if you frankly think this market is "capitalism" (free markets deciding fair value) - then you are delusional.
It shouldnt be like this, central banks setting the price of money, and a system of debt and constant expansion of said debt to keep the system liquid.
This is the fundamental flaw in the system.
Communism collapsed everywhere, and killed millions of people. Now we are just left with the authoritarianism of communism, in a crony capitalist fake-money economy.

TL;DR , larp away all you want. Fact of the matter is I know youre a weak minded faggot, and person. And you will ALWAYS remain the cringe-fringe far left just like your nazi friends.
You wont succeed at anything and your "dreams" wont come into fruition.

>> No.51479213

this is impressive bait because you actually took the time to write all of this dumb fucking midwit stuff, complete with the troll t.

10/10 bait but you have too much time on your hands. get a job, bub

>> No.51479216
File: 80 KB, 800x420, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never be a commie anyway, but I think UBI would be a perfect middle ground even if won't save the planet or get rid of the capital.

Fucking retard believing in UBI and not thinking that its another flavour of communism....

Oh and "mUHHH PLANET". Literally mentally ill. You're low IQ.

Go throw some ice packs in the sea faggot and save the planet from the temperature changes.
