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File: 371 KB, 1957x1048, 0CAAA813-5E23-459C-AED5-58968C2A0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51470625 No.51470625 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit ashfall looks damn fucking good. Totally blew away my expectations. The chink theme will make this super popular amongst gaymers. Oscar winner making the music too Hbar bros gmi. Cope seethe dilate mETHeads and ftm trannies. This isn’t even the only AAA game coming. Kek



>> No.51470657

good thread

>> No.51471360

Looks like generic garbage, the market is flooded with MMOS that are far better than this, why even bother. Do they devs get a grant or something? That would explain it

>> No.51471624
File: 4 KB, 200x202, 58EA1A9A-6CD3-4087-ACE7-7F6887A1FD59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha cope seethe dilate top fucking kek. Music by Hans Zimmer too. Gaymers gonna love it. Not even the only title coming to Hedera.

>> No.51472076


Just read the comments (or watch a guy ride around on a fluffy boar goat hybrid loot things in a dead city and later get excited over damage numbers). It's not pretty

>> No.51472435
File: 153 KB, 1200x671, 104926E3-8A4B-4CE0-892F-102207EAD07F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just read the comments!
Your cope is delicious. Coming to consoles and pc. Running on Hedera. I am literally jacked to the tits.

>> No.51472624

holy shit this looks bad. even the concept art is shitty photobash

>> No.51472735

>generic inconsistent DA
>ass gunplay
>shitty stiff animation with dark souls roll
>ugly UI
This looks like dogshit.

>> No.51472844

Top kek your seething is even more delicious when I consider at least one of you is samefagging. Imagine not having a AAA title coming to your shitcoin. Hbar is going to take over and dominate. Hello future!

>> No.51475558

how much are these chinks paying you, hbaggie? gonna be as "popular" as spider tanks

>> No.51475869
File: 144 KB, 667x617, leemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this looks so fucking generic. AAA companies have the same amount of artistic vision as an NFT pixel artist. At least AAA is adopting Hedera though, WGMI regardless

>> No.51475893

This. Looks totally shit

>> No.51475907

generic garbage

>> No.51476699

Dude, this isn’t AAA. Not even current gen. Which doesn’t matter to me. As long as they’re trying something new. This isn’t.
It’s a literal Chinese knock off fallout. Your first mission is shooting rad roaches in the basement. And in true chink fashion, you eat ze bugs and massacre cafeteria supervisors.
Nobody cares if Hans Zimmer put his name on the soundtrack. They should have saved their money for English voice actors. Even they skip through the pointless dialogue in the vertical slice.
Lastly, I don’t know what this mediocre grind fest has to do with crypto. You can see the players ignoring the loot. Obviously it’s not worth anything.

>> No.51477405
File: 667 KB, 1125x1688, B28A2DE2-C07C-426D-9E5D-53693E769811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha. So angry. AAA title IS coming to Hedera. I’m sure industry titans have a much better feel for the market than random poorfag biz chuds writing on an anonymous forum. Bottom line: you’re jealous. Top fucking kek. Cope seethe don’t forget to dilate. First triple a title is coming to Hedera and this is a huge landmark. Still another year in development to make sure the game is a smashing success. Going forward more companies will use Hedera to launch as well.

Eth = still inflationary
Ada = vaporware dogshit
Ftm = dead with no chance of recovery
Icp = literal joke
Avax = septuple spend w hardcoded blocks
Algo = vaporware dogshit

Hbar is the future and this is only the beginning. Don’t forget to dilate.

>> No.51477532

the shooting is satisfying but it's also pretty chinky idk

>> No.51477673

and just like that i lost interest

>> No.51477699

>bullet sponge
no thanks

>> No.51478214

Kek really put the gay in gaymer
And yet you’re in an Hbar thread. CSD

>> No.51478545
File: 386 KB, 1885x1080, soyfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This will sell our games!
What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.51478964
File: 401 KB, 1080x1125, Cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually better and worse than poor execution.

>> No.51478981

Common hbar L

>> No.51479027

Hahaha holy shit so bad. This idiot thought to post this thread thinking biz wasn't gonna shit on it. Then he made another thread rambling about coping seething and dilating. This guy went mental. Inb4 schizo insults and manic laughter

>> No.51479043

this game looks kinda bad

>> No.51479109

so chinks stole the name. Top kek

>> No.51479114

Then you’d be happy to know it’s not the game top kek. Fudders btfo

>> No.51479187

Are you telling me OP posted the wrong game?

>> No.51479203

/v/ fag here
This game looks genuinely fucking awful.

>> No.51479236

Yes. Chinks stole the name after being pitched ashfall. What are the chances of that.
That’s good then because it’s not liithos game.

>> No.51479342

I agree its good news but don't get too excited. It will probably be years before the game using hashgraph comes out.

>> No.51479354

Lol. You posted the Chinese knock off of the NFT based game, as >>51478964 pointed out.
Believe it or not, I’m looking forward to the first AAA NFT game. I don’t care what platform it comes out on. Doesn’t even need to be all that decentralized. The game just has to be fun. If I can get that little gambling thrill of risk/reward, great. But it’s not gonna make anybody rich.
Games are a tiny fraction of the economy. One legit AAA game could justify hbar’s ridiculous market cap.
Bitcoin is set to be the standard reserve currency. Ethereum is set to decentralize brokerages.
If hbar could open markets for micro transactions and used asset libraries, that would be cool.
But it’s still too centralized to take seriously.

>> No.51479406

What's the purpose of the game being DLT based?

>> No.51479411
File: 221 KB, 1125x950, E0FB3E54-4528-43D4-921B-CB8E6E69D266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally just tweeted that. Also
> But it’s still too centralized to take seriously.

>> No.51479427

It’s not the game some Chinese studio ripped off the name when they were pitched ashfall earlier in the year. That game above was called project 56, and then they just stole the name. The game is an mmo with marketplace supported by hedera.

>> No.51479452

Games don't need market places. That just makes them worse.

>> No.51479663

This has to be bait.
Every comment in youtube dissing it.
Looks like a mobile game.
95% hate towards the game in the youtube comments just shows how bad it is. Thats objective fact.
youre not from peru or a 3rd world shithole where they only have ps2s are you? LOL

>> No.51479973

Yes. Ethereum is bad enough. But miles more decentralized than the competition.

>> No.51480018

Gaming is a stupid use case for hedera in my opinion. And I hold a bunch of it

>> No.51480656

Can someone explain to me what a game a game on hedera would look like?
I really cant imagine what purpous it would serve.
It is not the engine, so is it like the online service they provide for the mulitplayer?

>> No.51480732

OP don't listen to the retarded fudders on here. I am going to read this shit twice just to make sure I really absorb everything of value in it. I, for one, appreciate you trying to help us autists. I am only just beginning to read it, but when was the date this was published?