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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51463826 No.51463826 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up before the sunrise
>rush out the door
>force feeding
>hour+ commute
>work 10 hours but paid for 8
>constant meetings
>Wait for the train 20 mins after departure was meant to happen
>get home well and truly after the sun goes down
>eat dinner
>clean up
>go to bed
>repeat 5 times
>time for weekend
>see friends for a few hours if not too exhausted
>usually too exhausted
>just watch stuff on TV
>get groceries for the week
>weekend now gone
>repeat from top line 2,600 more weeks until retirement
Yep living the life

>> No.51463835

Then get a better job.

>> No.51463867

Kek. M8 I’ll let you in on a secret, the game is over. People are quitting on mass. The ones left over are burning out more and more by the day. What happens when people stop playing the ((game)). That’s right the game finish’s and a new one starts. OP my only advice is don’t raise or make problems with your peers and mangers. If things get bad ,quit and leave. You can always get another job, especially in this job market. The job market has completely changed since the pandemic.

>> No.51463902
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>The ones left over are burning out more and more by the day.
Fuck this is true man
>That’s right the game finish’s and a new one starts.
I am scared by this wtf does this mean
>You can always get another job, especially in this job market. The job market has completely changed since the pandemic.
No jobs near where I live, too expensive to live in the city these days especially considering I'm a rentcuck

>> No.51464359

Do something better you faggot. I probably make 3x what you do and i normally do zero work. You shouldn't live in an area where you're a train slave, move to a non cucked part of the US

>> No.51464451
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>The ones left over are burning out more and more by the day
I felt that... I may be one of those. I am so tired, bro, it's not even funny.

>> No.51465232

>work 10 hours but paid for 8
retard here, how does this work?
aren't you supposed to get paid for every hour you work?

>> No.51465374

it's called unpaid overtime and it's pretty common already. It's easy to gaslight one into doing it.

>> No.51465407

Why would anyone do it?
For hope that they would get good boy points or what?
What happens if you don't do it?

>> No.51465425

NTAYRT but if you are doing shift work, they can retaliate by cutting your shifts down or giving you terrible time slots or responsibilities until you quit so that it's not 'firing'

>> No.51465450

oh yeah just let me get 5 degrees, learn 8 languages and have 40 years of experience before i am 25 so i can get paid 2$ per hour more.

>> No.51466400

>Wake up at 8.55 AM
>Go downstairs and make an espresso, maybe some toast
>Work 2 hours, get paid for 8
>Chill meetings
>Close down laptop at 5pm, after a "hard days work"
>Go to Brazilian Ju-Jitsu class
>Come home and make dinner, feed the kitty and give him some pets
>Shitpost and watch YouTube videos

Yep, living the life.

>> No.51466436
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Jobs are for losers.
Real chads take out student loans to then put in into crypto since I’m not working anyway so good luck getting the money back government cucks.

>> No.51466446

Just get a new job. I used to work in the slave farm known as the Big 4, so anything is better in comparison.

>> No.51466453

>You can always get another job, especially in this job market. The job market has completely changed since the pandemic.
I'm in UK and can't get a job, job market is completely fucked following lockdowns. Gig economy is the only option.

>> No.51466464

That's not true at all unless you're only looking at jeet tier service jobs.

>> No.51466527
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Jobs drag you down. When can these wagies fuck off from /biz/ I’m trying to be rich not a slave. Fuck off with your gay ass retard advice
>Muh job
>Muh mortgage
>Muh 401k
>muh im a slave but act like I’m not
Fuck off.

>> No.51466546

Not everyone can, or wants to suck from their mommies teat for the rest of their life, parasite.

>> No.51466555
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>> No.51466661
File: 310 KB, 1125x1069, 1765E673-1FCC-432B-B39F-EEA5C54CBA5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical wagie cope argument
>Muh because I’m a wagie and you have Criticized my poor lifestyle choice you must be Muh leeching of parents.
Hahahahaha cope more.
You just wasted half of your life on a job and a degree (you probably paid for). Go on wagie keep on working make your woman boss happy ahahahah. Sucker. Me? I just bought cryptos hahahah.
T. Zoomer who will never work again in his life no matter what.

>> No.51466685

i used to work in center city philadelphia and it was pretty much like this. 1 hour 15 minutes by car and $30 to park in the basement or 15 minute walk + 1 hour by train + 20 minute drive to train station, train was so packed i had to stand and the train station was overrun with homeless drug addicted niggers (suburban station or 30th street station.)

>> No.51466714
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Oh yeah you’re a slave btw.

>> No.51466765

you lose your job

>> No.51466781
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You mean you don’t clean your apartment?

>> No.51467977

Should've actually taken ownership of your learning instead of assuming teachers/professors had your best interests at heart. It's easy to get a WFH job if you're specialized in something.

>> No.51468387

>let me tell you how things are where you live
Fuck off

>> No.51470646

Lol the game isn’t over you and every other wage cuck LOVE having your nose pushed in the shit by Jews/government/corporations and you sign right up to lick their boots and comply so you can consoom and pay taxes like a good little cuck. Wagies aren’t leaving in mass, wages aren’t going up, housing is staying stable above affordable levels and inflation has run rampant and they take it like good little submissive betas because they love being told what to do and being controlled. The masses would rather burn people that go against the grain at the stake rather than take a look at themselves/what they’ve allowed their “leaders” to do. I will say though wfh has made waging at least 50-75% more bearable so in that regard it has changed and improved for those of us able to get into those roles.