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File: 2.00 MB, 1500x2000, 1663302986626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51462280 No.51462280 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51462405

I'm financially prepared to leave so yeah

>> No.51462410

My plan is to shoot OP with a hunting rifle and then radio my friend in to loot his faggy little gold stash. 1000 hours in DayZ has prepared me for this.

>> No.51462487

No I only have literally .69 ounces I need more tiiime

>> No.51462531

You will be cannibalized and looted by a group of scavengers. No amount of tactical gear or training will prevent you from being overrun and pinned down by suppressive fire.

>> No.51462559

I have no innawoods skills. My best bet is to make it with crypto, and fuck off somewhere relatively safe. It'll probably be more like Northern Ireland shit rather than Libya or something.

>> No.51462572

we will be safe on neet island

>> No.51462612


>> No.51462653

>Supressive fire

>> No.51462685

Don’t care. I just want to spend 1 link to buy a Ferrari to drive top speed, crash it and leave it at the scene. All because I have the ability to buy 13,521 more.

>> No.51462814

I can’t wait to shoot you looting niggers and hang your body from my roof

>> No.51462832

>what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch?

>> No.51462839
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is that a Berretta?

>> No.51462869
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this. sacrifice aim for small pew pew sounds kek

>> No.51462902

>Relatively safe
>Northern Ireland


>> No.51462923

If you don’t have a minimum of 1000 rounds for each caliber you own you are not ready. That’s not counting all you need to practice and maintain skills.

>> No.51462924

>Gay pointless suppressor

Lmao fucking fatass no guns detected

>> No.51462931
File: 493 KB, 714x718, a common mistake for retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silver under 18
>gold under 1700
>holding USD when you think there's a US civil war coming
Yikes....imagine being that retarded.

>> No.51462943
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>heh your PMs are gay and lame who cares about those
>b-but I'm totally an operator and I'm going to fucking kill you and take them!!!

>> No.51462966


Saves your hearing retard

>> No.51462967
File: 53 KB, 403x448, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after society COLLAPSES and it's a FREE FOR ALL DEATHMATCH, I'm going to engage in hours-long gun battles in which I expend HUNDREDS of rounds of ammunition!!!!

>> No.51462968

the only valuable thing in this image for a civil war is the gun. nobody gives a fuck about gold you stupid precious metals nigger retard.

>> No.51463046
File: 1.39 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-09-14 08.14.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bags are packed

>> No.51463074

I squinted my eyes to look for an AI pic.

>> No.51463134

>paper money
>useless metal
>niggerbrand watch
>the FN isn't tan
Christ, man.

>> No.51463295

based bitcoin safe heaven.

>> No.51463339

>Impending US Civil War
You mean the war where Russia falls on its sword, China slowly disintegrates and the US becomes undisputed single world power? That civil war?

>> No.51465346

No but when years roll by the ammo dwindles away

>> No.51465432

How does pieces of worthless junk and tiny gun make you prepared?

>> No.51465496
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Usa was the iron. We are now in the clay mixed with iron. You know what comes next?

>> No.51465528

Bitch I could shoot off 1000 rounds in a mild panic

>> No.51465579

fpbp. Only the suicidal and the stupid try to stay and steer a sinking ship.

>> No.51465612

t. demoralized faggots

>> No.51465751

Oh wow, ya gonna leave?
To which place? Europe is literally falling apart economically and has almost no natural resources unlike the us, and is much more authoritarian.
>t. europoor
Africa, yikes.
Most asian countries are meh, mostly authoritarian + the threat of china.
Australia, yikes.
South America is kinda dangerous.

>> No.51465954

What's wrong with Australia again

>> No.51465986

I started kidnapping fat people last year. I keep feeding them, they'll taste really good.

>> No.51465993

>clay mixed with iron.
No. Where are the ten kings?
Rome was iron legs- split into two parts.

>> No.51466528

North America is REALLY big.
No need to go halfway around the world, just get out of the cities.

>> No.51466632

t. Peter Zeihan

>> No.51467149

dont worry no one is going to your flyover shithole

>> No.51467177

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

>> No.51467263

There have been multiple civilian gunbattles in the last 50 years in which thousands of rounds of ammunition were expended by one side without killing anyone


>> No.51467502

I meant the civil war would be more like the Troubles. I'd find some quiet beach town somewhere in SEA or Mexico. Yes there's safe parts of Mexico.

>> No.51467539

yes I am, by not living in the US.

>> No.51467675

literal kikes. the definition of parasites.

>> No.51467721
File: 192 KB, 593x851, australia camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.51467820

Anyone with this mentality will die in the first few days. Naturally, whites will thrive and form communities to farm and till the land once more. The shitskins in the cities (with no concept of independence) will kill each other off. Some will flee to the rural world only be hunted like the animals they are.

>> No.51467822

>FN frame actually becomes twistable when left in the sun

>> No.51467846

>after society COLLAPSES
Any day now, says misguided suburbanite /pol/tard for the 4,294th time this year.

>> No.51467938


>> No.51467939


>> No.51468068

Australia is completely fucked.
Makes no sense for Asia to not own it by end of century.
So, it will never happen, right?

>> No.51468105

>You will be cannibalized and looted by a group of scavengers
That or vaporized by literal zogbots courtesy of Boston dynamics

>> No.51468121
File: 348 KB, 1338x1410, australia hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its bad there now

>> No.51468332

And they expect the USA to protect them lmfao
It's a continent the size of the USA (pretty much) and there's only like 30 million of them next to hundreds of millions of indonesians and malaysians and the philipinnes. lol

>> No.51468396

the more power they have the more they fiend for even more, its an addiction, and they are junkies. this keeps getting worse until they grab for too much and it all falls apart like a heroine addict who one day injects too much and has an overdose.

>> No.51468430
File: 621 KB, 1056x1171, SmartSelect_20220916-073618_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are your .30-06 black tips anon

>> No.51468477

lithium slugs.
also my massive cock is what i call a black tip.
only for a minute mind you..

>> No.51468562

you still need pine gap.
thats why we wont give you better radios.
but yeah, the second we aren't needed it's obvious how fucked we are.
we will be the new gypsies

>> No.51468635
File: 235 KB, 582x719, australia absolute state lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you only knew how bad things were

>> No.51468664

Why would I want to go through something like that?

>> No.51468822

FN FNX-45, probably has the osprey .45 suppressor.

>> No.51468846
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this apex guy is silly.
thats not what it is at all.
dan is a fuckwit. but get your shit together before slandering him. otherwise you make the rest of us look even more retarded.

>> No.51469838

Even the first one was a LARP.

>> No.51469900

>no guns
but he posted a picture of his gun...

>> No.51469906
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images - 2022-08-19T093341.745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting ready and putting my money on Freeway in the hopes of receiving the best returns possible. In addition to owning gold, you must also be a coiner. The best weapon is crypto imo OP.

>> No.51469933

just go to Mexico, retard.

>> No.51472040

Mexico did have some covid theater restrictions depending on the state, but they never shut down air travel and never had a vaccine requirement.

SE Asia's laid back if you're just an expat bumming around.

>> No.51472215


>> No.51472293

Does anyone have the pic of the gold bullion and pokemon cards?

>> No.51472338

I stock up nothing besides guns ammo and other combat equipment. I will steal everyone’s shit if it comes to it. Even have some super expensive NVGs

>> No.51474619

That's a smart catch to put your money into a regulated platform to generate passive income. I'd much rather do it than rely on others and beg for money.

>> No.51474645

No. I'm beyond exhausted with this world. I've been living off savings and when they run out I'm taking helium and going to sleep.

>> No.51474769

>putting my money on Freeway
>That's a smart catch to put your money into a regulated platform to generate passive income
be careful with these platforms, feels like nowhere is safe
t. lost 50k on celsius

>> No.51475263

you retards are going to get shredded by each other / actual preppers / randoms

>> No.51475396

Yes and I would liquidate the asset as to not lose money on your poor investment

>> No.51476007

Unless you have sentries to cover your back while you sleep, attackers will always have the advantage.
>muh traps
Second mouse gets the cheese.

>> No.51476019

you are not prepared

>> No.51476054

hello shareblue /k/ope lord
not that civil war, which happens only inside your head

>> No.51476055

Fortnite has brainwashed cattle into thinking they can survive a no rules battle royale in real life lmao

>> No.51476071

they are in serious shit.
as fcuked up as the situation will become in north America (not mexico, that will be much worse) the situation in Australia will be a multiple of the pain felt here. Asia is going to press them so goddamn hard.

>> No.51476089

The idea of hoarding gold for a SHTF prepper scenario is fucking retarded. Have fun trading away an ounce of gold for a pack of cigarettes or a six-pack of beer.

>> No.51476132
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dude that photo hurt my eyes
here is an adhanced version

>> No.51476168

if you turn to violence when others are cooperating you will be imprisoned or killed.
You need to cooperate to some degree, and if you would like to barter and trade and sell and buy then just make sure you have something valuable to do so with.
If you steal, especially armed, you will eventually be killed.

>> No.51476237

this. i bought some fake gold to trade it away in a shtf situation.

>> No.51476252

If the world goes to shit I dont think gold will be high on someones priority list. The people growing food and hoarding water will be the real targets.

>> No.51476272

>i bought some fake gold to trade

>> No.51476340

nobody can check it in a shtf situation
its shiny and blinks

>> No.51476366

In a real SHTF scenario people will be desperate and unafraid of killing or stealing or betraying. The only time gold will actually be useful is long after SHTF.

>> No.51476390

We are going to regress that far.

>> No.51476414

The police and military will be given extraordinary powers because otherwise they will refuse to do the tasks we ask of them, the main one being:
stop everyone stealing or threatening violence.
You will be killed if you join a small militia that is intent on using violence as opposed to arbitration to achieve goals.
Be really careful to underestimate the resiliency of the system, it will not collapse like you think.

>> No.51476430

We never left.

>> No.51476441

in reality it doesnt happen. people help each other

>> No.51476651

exactly, the first instinct people have is to get into groups. I've seen this in the military, and in civilian life.
Ask yourself this, if you as an individual had to pay somebody 10 oz of gold (worth 16600 USD today) to protect your interest for a few months, would you be able to? Well a group could get together, and each contribute to fund this security, and those individuals will each pay a smaller amount to get potentially more security. It's really hard to kill big groups of organized people, they will absolutely kill you first. They have more resources than you, and for what it's worth, if you're violent than it is justifiable that you be killed. It is morally righteous you be hunted by the group.
It's been decline for 50 years. At least technology made it bearable.

>> No.51476801

get fuckt nigger

>> No.51476837

Yeah I think you guys are actually right in a slow SHTF scenario, I don't have much else to say. Usually when I think about these dark hypothetical situations I think in the worst possible case my mind can come up with but I realized while I was on the shitter a lot of what I was thinking isn't even on the table yet for nation states and may never be. I still think there are things I'd want more than gold in a SHTF scenario but I'd probably just provide them for myself in advance and hope they don't break before things normalize.

>> No.51476856
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>didn't happen during the great depression
>didn't happen during stagflation and the domestic terrorism of the 70s
>didn't happen during the great recession
>im supposed to believe that it's totally gonna happen for real this time in 2 more weeks
Civil wars don't happen in rich countries unless two groups of elites are fighting ( like rich north industry barons vs rich southern aristocrats). The only time you should worry about civil war in america is if american billionaires start calling for their states to secede. Otherwise it's just inconsequential peasant bickering.

>> No.51476866
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I have 10 silver ounces a knife and my balls

>> No.51476970

Dont speak of such evils

>> No.51477008

>contributing to an economy is parasitic

>> No.51477035

>South America is kinda dangerous.
Oh wow yeah I better stick around for the war of retards I tried to warn everybody about 20 fucking years ago.

>> No.51477038
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why would anyone want rocks during a collapse? i want food and ammo, not rocks.

>> No.51477190
File: 141 KB, 1242x1186, Spongebob Dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood the point of showing off a fucking watch as a display of one's wealth. It's the horological equivalent of a gold-plated toilet. Yeah, we get it, you spent $900 so you can tell the time, something that I can do with the $30 chink-made abomination that Gran-Gran got me as a Christmas present from Shart-Mart 15 years ago. If my watch gets damaged, I can literally chuck it in the trash and get a new one. If Mr. Wears-his-children's-inheritance-on-his-wrist accidentally spills some nutella on his rollie and it stops working, he needs to take it to a fucking jeweler and have it professional dissected for the price of a half-tube of Krugerrands.
>inb4 haha you're poor
No, I have money and can spend it on what I wish. And I refuse to sink my hard-earned bits into a fucking wristwatch.

>> No.51477209

Civil war lol, lmao even.

As the rest of the world collapses USD go into hyper demand pushing US assets higher. If you have your doubts, take a band and watch their eyes light up. They'll kill for that paper.

>> No.51477523

Idk as an european it seems like the area around mt. Washington NH or southwestern Wyoming would be great and be mostly untouched by uprisings of all sorts.