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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 511x305, bat-eich-checks-em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51453832 No.51453832 [Reply] [Original]

BIGG things, like really BIIGGG things are coming. I wish I could say more, but good golly, I'm so excited for you guys.

>> No.51453912

stop spamming this 5 year old dead scam. it's fucking dead

>> No.51454040

They said huge shit is coming. Youre just a bitter fucking poorfag pajeet who’s mad because your BAT farm was put out of commission

>> No.51454137

this is a discussion forum not a billboard

>> No.51454397
File: 247 KB, 957x532, 7765514C-CBC0-4B2D-BC49-A24177D6603B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a billboard. Op works at Brave and is giving biz fair warning to get the fuck in now or be left holding your dick in the shit filled streets of New Delhi

>> No.51454489
File: 878 KB, 799x779, 1662398152271382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fully convinced google is actively trying to disparage BAT/Brave. It's a competitor. Even if it is much smaller is still a direct competitor. Search engine + browser and ads.

I have no proof, just trusting my instincts.

>> No.51454575

The way its looking right now with DDG about to hit its 3rd or 4th consecutive down month, Brave might flip them in under 2 years. Thats no small feat. DDG has been at it for like 15 years. Brave search is barely a year old. Its possible search ads might also speed up the new user and opt in rate for search too.

>> No.51454750
File: 1.59 MB, 375x200, A6A85FD3-77B6-48DC-B56D-E83233F43FD0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51455736

Two more weeks

>> No.51456380

Where’s TP at? I need some big BOOBA Latina copium

>> No.51456744

Link to DDG data?

>> No.51457298

i sold when they gave up on self serve

>> No.51457327


They used to have a line graph but removed it like 6 months ago since growth was flat and has now gone negative.

>> No.51457719

>They used to have a line graph but removed it like 6 months ago since growth was flat and has now gone negative
I remember now. Brave should be gunning for them directly with ad campaigns. I can hear Jenny now making the comparison. They should do ads on AM talk radio, seriusXM, and cable tv. For the price of 2-3 JRE episodes they could run smaller market ads for months on top of months

>> No.51457774

yeah, a big huge shit on your face you little bitch.
Brendan Eich here, i am so sick of you faggots talking about my earlobes. I am gonna dump on you hard and leave you bagholding until you die

>> No.51458033

> -- Lead Brave Virologist Brendan Eich

>> No.51458141
File: 401 KB, 1242x1434, 5CEC79C8-8D48-4700-9F5E-B22321DF003E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls pump

>> No.51460066

Alright, alright. I'll give some alpha, give you guys some hope.
Covid vaxx had been officially proven much worse than the virus itself. Eich will be vindicated yet again, and BAT will moon to $4000 as a result.

Hang onto your butts fellas. This is gonna be one wild ride.

>> No.51460328

This. Eich has been spot on with his covid research and he’s been in talks with Brian Armstrong about a partnership with researchhub.com. Also, Rogan wants Brendan on and that will happen before EOY. Plus, we already know search ads are on the way. The 30 Brave initiated BAT buy still remains the big mystery, but those of us in the know already know exactly what that was about ;

>> No.51460502

>Rogan wants Brendan on
SOURCE? Biggest load of shit I’ve read in these threads in years.

>> No.51460612
File: 1.10 MB, 828x618, A72FDE98-CC11-46BE-844E-D6D196ABCAEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You calling me a liar? You fucking lowlife piece of shit. You’ve been warned

>> No.51460666

No way in literal hell that fucking literal who nobody ever gets on Rogan. The blowback from his donating to stop faggot marriage would be one of many reasons. Eich is a nobody

>> No.51461569
File: 362 KB, 1411x821, Brendan jewish star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan, about half of his guests have something in common, and he was already on Lex Fridman.

>> No.51461594

Forgot link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RZFApIBGQAg

>> No.51461640

Phonefag alert, do not click that link, guaranteed to be retarded.

>> No.51461845

i turn all my bat into doge

>> No.51462575

Are we going to a quarter?

>> No.51462632

Fucking hell, they gave up on the self serve platform?

>> No.51463948

No. I implore you to inspect the 31 BAT purchase. That was a self serve purchase by one of their ad partners.

>> No.51463959

Unironically just got done selling 1500 batties for drugs lmao what a ever dumping shit coin

>> No.51463977

>source: my ass.

At least the Rogan podcast might actually happen. Didn’t Brendan say he could go on there now but wanted to wait a bit so he doesn’t talk about the same thing on lex?

>> No.51465068

yes, their excuse was that it wasnt going to be the "fix to all problems" and that though it may provide more ad campaigns, they would be significantly cheaper campaigns so it would take a long time to build that up and to see any actual profit/impact on BAT and right now they had more pressing concerns like customer retention given the lull crypto is in they are struggling to keep advertisers. so its been "deprioritized"

>> No.51465074

this is all from one of the community calls last month i dont remember which one tho

>> No.51465631

You are a fucking liar you lowlife piece of trash

>> No.51466746

The convo Eich and Lex had was pure autistic programmer talk. Rogan and Eich would discuss the covid conspiracy, the great reset, the vaxx deaths, the Y2K scam, the Google monopoly, how Eich was a pioneer in cancel culture, internet privacy, humans being hacked thru algorithms, Silicon Valley leftiodism, the speculation that Eich is in fact satoshi. They could go on for hours.

>> No.51468177

Brave search ads will make the company more money if they find a large partner that can fill the inventory.

>> No.51468441

Then what are you still doing here

>> No.51469307

he asked me a question

>> No.51471664

Bro, who bombed the twitter spaces? that was pretty tight

>> No.51472454

What happened? Someone intervened?

>> No.51474911

so why u here in the first place dummy

>> No.51475091

i want to

>> No.51475389

I come here for the thots mainly. I assume many do the same

>> No.51475461

Some DJ jumped in with a soundtrack and started announcing the BRAVE TWITTER SPACES! STARRING CRYPTO JENNIE. Then he transitioned in to some purposely lame stand-up bit. It was good shit. Better than turtles talking about his farts for the trillionth time.

>> No.51475683


That sounds pretty faggy and simpy. At least turtle man can talk about travel.

>> No.51475736

Nah it was pretty funny, he interrupted some discussion of bringing crypto to the third world and improving the lives of the poor unfortunates who lack access to financial services with something akin to the Space Jam theme. All to shill his twitter channel. So it was pretty funny. Jennie muted him before he finished.

>> No.51475768

Ah found it, he posted it. Super cringe and awkward, but super funny immediately following a heartfelt discussion of the poor impoverished Brazillians or whatnot.

>> No.51475806

That wasn't his exact bit in the Brave one, but you get the idea.

>> No.51476118

>Jennie muted him before he finished.
She’s pretty good at hosting those meetings and I’m not just saying that cuz I wanna suck her bobs ans eat her vagene

>> No.51476169

GUYS. You know that kind of talk makes her feel real uncomfortable, right?

>> No.51476648

so you sold youre 4 bat but youre still here retard

>> No.51476822

Relax. She’s not on 4chin. She’s a woman