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File: 227 KB, 1125x1621, FcvIaWxaAAIU9Q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51460161 No.51460161 [Reply] [Original]

>Only 51% to trigger the Ethocalypse
>two pools already controlled 46.15%

its over

>> No.51460182

And these two pools will only grow larger and larger. People who discounted the concept that staking only makes the biggest players eventually control the entire pot are fucking idiots

>> No.51460214

Another shitcoin bites the dust.

>> No.51460235

There will be a hardfork

>> No.51460236

Actually in PoS it’s 33% to attack lol

>> No.51460239

am i stupid, that's 45.15 not 46.15
plus they are probably exchanges and have to distribute it to their customers

>> No.51460265

wtf why did they think this was a good idea

>> No.51460280

>US government controls every exchange
Ethereum is now a government coin

>> No.51460289

so obv the first one is vitalik right?

>> No.51460299
File: 587 KB, 1125x2052, 88809E6C-8056-4C84-AC25-34F80109D70F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause they love centralization

>> No.51460317

>people still peddling this stupid FUD shit

Okay, so you mean to tell me people that control 46.15% of the supply will conspire to destroy all the value they store in Eth? The second they attempt to trigger an attack the value of the currency will plummet. They will essentially be making themselves broke. Please explain to me why any rational person would ever do this? I do not care if it's theoretically possible if nobody would ever do it.

>> No.51460332

How do people pretend to be smart while ignoring this? Do we live in a world without partitions?

>> No.51460338

>I do not care if it's theoretically possible
good goy

>> No.51460350

pls explain for retard

>> No.51460370

It's more a question of it being easier for the government to demand a single address and person do something vs enacting law that affects the entire country. It's easier to coerce a few individuals to ban an address they claim is associated with terrorism than to enact a federal law to prevent mining.

>> No.51460371

>one party holds all the power
>gets hacked because its some fuckwit pool designed for normoids and dipshits to store their coins in and has no real security
>51% attack + dump makes the hackers billionaires and literally destroys the entire coin
this is why
this is what you're betting on with centralisation

>> No.51460377

>What is shorting
18 to post here

>> No.51460385

>short something that you own over 50% of

Are you stupid...?

>> No.51460396

>Please explain to me why any rational person would ever do this?
A lot of bankers and politicians don't like crypto. There's now a theoretical possibility they could completely control Ethereum at any time. Unfortunately, people like you who lack the ability of lateral thinking don't have a very good grasp of attack vectors and security. This is half the reason why crypto is such a clusterfuck of misallocated capital.

>> No.51460412

First off it's 33%, and you don't need to personally own it. All you need to own is the node.

>> No.51460419

They could place a 100x short before the attack.

>> No.51460446
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>>two pools already controlled 46.15%
Suck a cock. I'm gonna spoonfed this faggot.

- Coinbase and Lido can't halt the chain, that's not how Ethereum works
- There is no governance on Ethereum to control
- Lido is not a single entity, but 20+ independent operators, Lido is not a validator. They aggregate over many different staking services.

By your logic Bitcoin also can be halted by 3 Mining Pools: Foundry USA, AntPool, and F2Pool.

ETH after the merge is even more decentralized pic related. Suck dick.

>> No.51460449

>another miner propaganda thread

>> No.51460533

Smoothbrains think 51% is required to shut down a pos network, it’s actually 34%. Watch this video at 1:01:09 to see this smoothbrain get totally btfo:


>> No.51460571

> Coinbase and Lido can't halt the chain, that's not how Ethereum works
lol, lmao

>> No.51460756

even better

>> No.51460845


imagine seething over exchanges having like 23% each of ether. literally not enough to do anything

>> No.51460975

>- Coinbase and Lido can't halt the chain, that's not how Ethereum works
cause they.... they just CANT...

>> No.51461079

You can’t seriously be this fucking naïve. These world powers have zero fucks about money and wealth. Power power power. If they hold the power to completely devalue your currency at any time, you’ve already lost. They just turn around and print more money elsewhere. Dumb fuck.

>> No.51461088
File: 53 KB, 750x500, joker-Heath-Ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related or a finance/govt trying to destroy the competition

>> No.51461563

>so what if they can 51%-attack the chain?
holy cope

>> No.51462136

Damn, you’re naive. You tried over here, you’re not quite ready. Might need to spend another couple of years on Reddit, then come back.

>> No.51462677

I must be a brainlet, cause I don't get why the premise depends on their only being one firewall. What if there's two firewalls? Could one triple spend? What about 100 firewalls? Couldn't some absurdly small minority break the system by colluding with a large number of firewalls? 34% seems to be the most efficient faction size, but I don't see why a smaller faction couldn't break the ledger the way he describes with multiple firewalls

>> No.51462755
File: 92 KB, 1437x345, eth post merge lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great thing about a 51% on a PoS network is you aren't limited to double spends. lol, lmao

>> No.51462759

kek it's amazing to watch late adopter PoWlets just make shit up and seethe because they didn't have the brains to buy Ethereum. no amount of coping and lying will make you gain all the wei you missed out on. hope you enjoy those bags, they're never getting any lighter lmao
valiant effort but these people don't live in reality, as the months and years go on they will just get more and more deranged screeching about muh government and muh jews as their repulsive fantasies of being overlords of the planet continue to evaporate into nothing

>> No.51462953

it doesn't shut the network down, it just allows block reordering. strong possibility of MEV attacks

eg you can't push through invalid (unsigned) transactions

>> No.51463045

It’s been dropping the entire day, what world are you living in?

>> No.51463100
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>> No.51463167
File: 69 KB, 1080x328, Screenshot_2022-09-15-23-08-06-00_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You missed out on Ethereum
Thank god

>> No.51463182

>What is the US Government

>> No.51463491
File: 76 KB, 775x1024, 1661189800484351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who is right now? Could Coinbase and lido do it or not? Some autistis care to further elaborate?
And what will happen with polygon?

t. Boomer

>> No.51463506

>just trust them, bro!

>> No.51463518
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>> No.51463521

its not about the money retard its about sending a message

>> No.51463791

jesus christ. glad i'm diversified.

>> No.51463821
File: 220 KB, 476x385, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i have seen a lot of pink men regarding the price drop after the merge and i thought eth floored hard, but then i checked and it only fell like 7%.
I mean no shit, did they think the merge would have no effect on the price at all? it was gonna either raise a bit or drop a bit and 7% is totally normal.
The question is, will it keep slowly bleeding out? because without the huge mining community the interest in ethereum will plummit. Delusional fags keep thinking ethereum has tokens and shit and peope care about it for more reasons than just get rich quick scheme but that is bullshit.
I think ethereum fucked itself with pos.

>> No.51464961

please let this be bait