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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51457205 No.51457205 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally never going to go up again, crypto is going to fucking zero, I'm losing so much money right now. HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK!

>> No.51457257
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>> No.51457259

This time feels worse since the overall macro economic factors are worse.

>> No.51457280

It's gonna be crazy when in 4 years people post screenshots of this period in /biz/. This is some of the worst macro conditions I've seen

>> No.51457295


>> No.51457303

As retarded as the mumus

>> No.51457384
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>> No.51457532

>As retarded as the mumus
Don't be so hard on yourself anon.

>> No.51457562

As a nigger nigging like a nigger in a nigger way niggerishly niggerly and niggered, nigger and niggers, niggers knows.

>> No.51457571

I refuse to call 2021 a bull market

>> No.51457878

i mean as a MATIC holder i've been enjoying a bull-run since the market crash, when my bag went up by over 170%, and the fact that polygon has the second highest growth among the top 20 in the last 3 months

>> No.51457983

This poster did the needful

>> No.51458048

Bull runs - When Republicans are in power
Bear runs . When Demorrats are in power

>> No.51458053

the golden bear run is just starting

>> No.51458106

this to be honest
i haven't seen a worse macro outlook in my life since 2008, and in some ways this is worse because it feels like we've been on the edge of disaster for like 9 months now.
by 2024 things are going to look a lot better, and the path will be paved for the next bull run.
i just hope anons can see it now and not be fudded out of it all, because times like this are exactly when you need to start risking your funds in order to make it.

>> No.51458213

as a MATIC holder i've been enjoying a bull-run since the market crash, when my bag went up by over 170%, and the fact that polygon has the second highest growth among the top 20 in the last 3 months

>> No.51458709

Thinking about buying 30,000 usd worth of FTM or BOO right now

>> No.51458745

Is that because you din make munnies?

>> No.51459124

why would you risk your funds NOW? it is obvious that everything is still being propped up, crypto stocks housing etc, so why would you buy NOW? buy in 2023, when prices are -50% from here

>> No.51459153

this logic is horrible and I hope you can figure out why, i really do

>> No.51459258

BTC went 20x
>Not a bull market

>> No.51459421

It's only been 8 months since last bull run, jesus.

>> No.51459481

t. i have no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.51459537

now we see how people get fudded out of buying the bottom, again and again and again.
not saying that this is the bottom, but there's no chance all these bears will call the "real" bottom. they're just going to keep repeating "it's over, the jews will never let us make money again, these are the worst conditions ever, it can and will only get worse"

>> No.51459663

I already bought I'm just hodling for 4 more years

>> No.51459761

I mean objectively all of that is true though

>> No.51459769

Hey it's these threads again! We seem to be progressing nicely along the stages of market corrections. We're definitely somewhere deep in the 'despair' pit, maybe even close to the bottom.

I'll take this as a sign to start DCAing in. Thanks OP

>> No.51459793
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Oh I’m buying alright
Buying huge shorts

>> No.51459828
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>I'll take this as a sign to start DCAing in. Thanks OP
Based retard basing financial decisions off of shitposting. I'm not even in the market.

>> No.51459835

I still consider 2021 a bottom.

>> No.51459943
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kek ok you're right guess it's time to kys

>> No.51459955

Can't it be in 2023? 2024 is still so far away for fucks sake

>> No.51459959

between the kikes astroturfing this place and the gullible retards under their influence, countertrading any overwhelming sentiment on this board generally works very well

>> No.51459976

i'm surprised more people don't see this
no-one seems to understand that the point at which most people think it's over and going lower marks the actual bottom.

>> No.51459991

This is a strong bottom signal, if we haven't seen one yet.

>> No.51460039
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Kek, never change biz retards.

>> No.51460051

we'll most likely at least retest 17k if not fall through it with great bobo euphoria and many calling for sub 10k
but yeah we're a lot closer than most of these dipshits seem to think.

>> No.51460073

sure thing. don't forget to fomo in at 40k once the next bullrun has been "confirmed".

>> No.51460122

>most people think it's going lower
are you kidding? the sentiment i've seen is that the worst is behind us and it's time to recover. as if being 20% down from an inflated ATH in the stock market was some massive crash and it's all behind us now. we still have so much further to fall

>> No.51460153

lmao are we reading posts on the same board?

>> No.51460160

LUNC will take BTC place EOY

>> No.51460180

This is it, we need insane bobo euphoria for bottom. 17k will trigger it

>> No.51460186

last bullrun for Bitcoin, kek. Better find some altcoin ponzis

>> No.51460467

i'm not talking about biz, but more mainstream outlets like reddit, the news, facebook groups, etc. they are all bullish right now

>> No.51460735

>Implying my buy orders aren't already set
Buy high, sell low kid. Stay mad.

>> No.51461307

kek no - biz thinks it's over, reddit thinks it's over, msm think it's absolutely over with fear articles everywhere. everyone thinks it's going to get a LOT worse.

i'm not saying this is the exact bottom but we're close if not there already.
buy into the narrative that everything is going down another 70% if you want but I'm buying now.

>> No.51461356

You remember 2008 and you think this shit is gonna turn around in two years? You’re fucking retarded. We’ll be just touching the bottom in two years. It’ll take 5 years just to start the recovery process

>> No.51461362

Nfts were this cycle's ICO boom and gold rush and if you missed them you basically missed the golden bullrun. Saylor buys 500 million Bitcoin 2 days ago and it's under $20k again. There simply is not enough capital in the universe to pump this garbage anymore.

>> No.51461470

the bear market GFC (worst financial crisis since 1929) was just over 2 years long kek.
we're now 9 months past the top in January - avg bear market is about 300 days. If this is a horrific bear market, we're about half way through in terms of time, and we might drop another 30% or so.

cope, seethe, post on biz - i'll just keep buying everyone's bags and i'll make it in 2025. it's really your choice what you decide to do.

>> No.51461546

Crypto was never money dipshit. You were always broke.

>> No.51461600 [DELETED] 

Not just crypto, but other risk-on assets like stocks. This clown world economy has finally come to an end.

>> No.51461634


This is the first day I am demoralized. Mining profits gone. Ethereum dropping. Cushy tech work from home at risk. Real risk of honest-to-god-wagecage is looming, and I already work 10 hours a day.

>> No.51461663

If you're at risk of losing your job, I understand. That would also make me very nervous as it would limit my ability to buy big bags over the next year or so. Just do whatever you can to keep it really.

But I think that situation and mindset is pretty much exactly what signals the bottom. People are scared they'll lose their jobs and not be able to afford mortgage payments, and can get 4% on a high interest savings account and stay liquid (so why would they risk it on stocks/crypto that have been performing horribly the past year?).

This is the time to be massively risk on imo....because everyone else is risk off. I won't time it right but I did it in 2008 with the ~$100k I had at the time and it payed off massively.

>> No.51461679
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>> No.51461680

Lol the bull market never ended, we are just in a minor pullback before we pump higher.

>> No.51461716


Well, to me, it seems like it's only now clicking for people, but I am also around a bunch of professionals, so maybe I just missed the general mood for a while.

I was confident we bottomed, but now I am not so sure, since "fear" is only now barely kicking in.

Any specific ideas on coins (or stocks) right now?


Yea, and your id isn't the pinkest pink.

>> No.51461877

imagine looking at pic related and thinking the bottom was already in, or even close. We unironically could still drop 50% from here, with btc/eth doing -75% and most alts doing -90%.

>> No.51461890
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forgot to attach lol

>> No.51461900

For stocks I have a hugely diversified global index fund and infrastructure fund - I've never tried to pick stocks, I'm happy with a 7-10% average yearly return - because i've already 'semi' made it so I don't need a 20x or whatever.

Crypto makes up about 10% of my net worth, I mainly hold BTC, with pretty much a generic bag of alt coins that I'll avoid naming - but they are all in the top 50 and have all been around for a few years.

>> No.51461941

so be it, I will be buying all the way to the bottom if I'm wrong - I honestly don't care and have cash buffers/loans I can draw from/income from work that will fund my bag buying over the next 6-12 months. I own my own home outright so don't even pay rent kek, I am flush with cash and have absolutely no issue with buying crypto that is 75-90% off ATH, and index funds that are 30-50% off ATH.
Trying to time the bottom is a retard's game not worth playing.
My advice to younger people would be to focus on making money and using it to buy at times like these.

>> No.51461966

I don't even know what a green dildo even looks like anymore.

>> No.51462011
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yes it is HIGH INFLATION that has once and for all killed bitcoin. You see once we reach hyperinflation it bitcoin that becomes worthless not fiat currency.

all hail the dollar.

look back at this in 50 years. does this sound reasonable?

>> No.51462032
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Those fucking retard color boxes are pure fake news fearmongering.
>minor 4% market correction occurs

>> No.51462056
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Lol this.

>> No.51462097
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Lol this. For example, GOLD is dipping rn during a period of "inflation". That means that BTC is currently being hedged against literally gold. The chart is going to go up

>> No.51462119


I’ve been waiting for 15 months for things to get better and shit only continues to get worse. I am so fucking black-pilled. It really is over. I got into too late to this shit to make it. Fuuuu

>> No.51462156

aiming to get $75k in btc, $75k in eth, $50k in mid cap alts, and $50k in low cap alts. will this be enough to get $2m+ if i buy the absolute bottom and sell the absolute top?

>> No.51462162

>Someone buys 1 bitcoin.
>$20k goes into exchange
>1 year later you need $22k for the same value as the previous $20k
>Go back to exchange
>Still $20k in exchange
>"Hello, I need $22k now because inflation went up in value so therefore bitcoin must also go up in value".
It makes zero sense. It was all a lie. And not just a lie, a farcical one, that only a moron would fall for.

>> No.51462167


dotcom bust ATH wasn't reached for 10 years. Holy fuck.


>> No.51462196

>Go to Europe
>economy fucked cuz covid fascism & muh jewkraine
>$1 USD is now worth way more euros than it was pre-pandemic

>> No.51462206

Sounds like cope.

>> No.51462296

>I'm losing so much money right now
Heh, I already lost all of mine, slowpoke. It's not so bad being homeless, you figure out ways to survive, the pride pox is a little scary tho ngl and I miss hearing my farts but at least I'm alive

>> No.51462322

20k to 60k was a pathetic excuse of a bullrun.
If there isn't a better one this cycle, I'm out, fuck this shit

>> No.51462377

as a MATIC holder i've been enjoying a bull-run since the market crash, when my bag went up by over 170%, and the fact that polygon has the second highest growth among the top 20 in the last 3 months

>> No.51463336

Based. Though I have also made some gains holding a few other tokens whilst I connect my bags to a privacy platform with a mobile version for on the go onchain privacy