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51448695 No.51448695 [Reply] [Original]

The World Economic Forum seem really excited.


>> No.51448748
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geee, I wonder why...
POW boys, proof of fucking work, all the rest is bullshit.

>> No.51448766
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>> No.51448787
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>tfw you realize the ETH logo is masonic

>> No.51448962

No one gives a shit about the energy, the fees are the only thing that matters and the merge won’t affect that. Dead chain walking

>> No.51449136
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>We need to remember that the earliest ideas behind Vitalik’s original proposal for Ethereum in December 2013 came about as a result of his visit to Israel in October 2013:

“Let us first begin with the very earliest version of what would eventually become Ethereum, back when it was not even called Ethereum. When I was visiting Israel in October 2013, I spent quite a bit of time with the Mastercoin team, and even suggested a few features for them. After spending a couple of times thinking about what they were doing, I sent the team a proposal to make their protocol more generalized and support more types of contracts without adding an equally large and complex set of features.”

>> No.51449163

Dump into matic, fuck this piece of shit.

>> No.51449251

That's what the sharting update is for

>> No.51449510

Kek. Never happening.

>> No.51449523

WEF neoliberal establishment is unironically bribing cryptofags to fuck off and stop opposing them with new decentralization tech. That's what PoS ETH is about - submission and control. That being said, this shit is going to flip BTC and generate biblical fucking gains until it has the crypto market firmly under control. After that we're fucked and nobody will ever organically "make it" again, but enjoy the free money for the next couple years.

>> No.51449557
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>this shit is going to flip BTC
imagine believing this

>> No.51449639
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If by "flipping" BTC he means that eth price will surpass it... well he's not wrong, it could happen, for a while anyway.
That however, would fuck things royally, irreversibly, BTC would still be fine though, you know why? because it's fucking pow.

>> No.51449675

Nonsense, I just sharted myself. gg EZ.

>> No.51449957

Now Chainlink Labs can truly begin their mission.

>> No.51451702
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>blackrock and every other globohomo big dick multi trillion fund are now going to back the environmentally friendly and diverse cryptocurrency
I give the flip 24 months tops but I really think it’s going to be EOY due to everything taking a shit but ETH shits itself less
tumblrina, you realize every first world nation is planning to ban crypto mining with the excuse of saving their power grids right?

>> No.51451801

>tumblrina, you realize every first world nation is planning to ban crypto mining with the excuse of saving their power grids right?
That's one of the reason why eth on the short term could surpass btc in price however btc is immune to taxation and prohibitions.

>> No.51451865

They don't have total control over btc, but they can easily have total control over Vitalik

>> No.51451886
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if you had said XMR i would have agreed but something is seriously clouding your critical thinking skills right now

>> No.51451887

I think it will do well in the future. But many other coins will have significant higher Roi than eth.

>> No.51451937

I won't understand the hype for XMR. It's a coin that govs and banks will obviously hate and will stop. What's a unique legal use case for it?

>> No.51452017
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I've seen tens of articles from MSM here in France suddenly. They never really talked about Ethereum before (only Bitcoin or "crypto").
The greenwashing and shilling has begun, they just didn't want the normalfags in before PoS.
I expect western gov to announce services on ETH in the next 2 years.

>> No.51452124

These people cant even manage a qr code database. Schizos unironically need to take meds if they think the dippies that throw gay pedo orgies are genuinely capable of organizing a global panopticon payment system

>> No.51452183

god i wish there were a crypto that's forever PoW to the core, with an algorithm that rewards using consumer hardware instead of ASICs, with low fees and transaction time, and reliable built in privacy. damn shame nothing like that exists, oh well

>> No.51452203

>It's a coin that govs and banks will obviously hate
music to my ears

>> No.51452229


>> No.51452271

Yes I agree 100%. but if they can't control it they will make it illegal and very hard to use. Once Dex's become illegal Jew to AML and KYC laws how are you going to use it?

>> No.51452335

>migrate from pow where anyone can mine (decentralised) to pos where supernodes and ethereum stakers only validate (centralised)
>crash the price
>you will sell us your efferiums for .50$
>own all efferiums and supernodes thereby controlling the one world currency

hmmm...wonder why they're so excited

>> No.51452397

>crash the price
you do understand this means flooding the market with liquidity and making it easy for other parties to build up large stakes... right?

>> No.51452447

Kek. Eth will never be a global currency. Gas is far to high. Why would they choose high fees, show transaction times over one of the many other green, fast, cheap coins Shiller by the WEF.

>> No.51453000
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>> No.51453212

>how will you use a peer to peer money service with other like-minded individuals to barter for goods and services
cashing out back into fiat literally defeats the purpose you twat

>> No.51453272

Bankers are gonna win not Decentralization. You dont have a hope or a chance.

>> No.51453308

>Doing so would attract lucrative financing from ESG-conscious business leaders keen to make green investments.


>> No.51453326

>he doesn’t know about wef’s favorite crypto and its fate for humanity

>> No.51453368

Proof of Work is communist style economic thinking whereby "work" and not the actual value produced by the "work" is the end gol.
>YAY we wasted thousands in electricity and as a result we have the slowest most expensive 100% impossible to help any pleb anywhere blockchain there is!

>> No.51453388

Work is not the same thing as labor

>> No.51453407

bleh. i don't think i'm selling my bags quite yet. the risk/reward ratio is the only one that works for me right now. but i will not longer be advocating for ethereum if its going evil. and i feel dirty now even holding it. this sucks

>> No.51453438

also 100,000 tps isn't enough
i used to think that was a lot, but a million is needed and no chain does that yet. only kda is potentially capable of it and that remains to be seen.

>> No.51453457

>we own all the nodes of a shitty unworkable outdated mess
Good for them.

>> No.51453481
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Crypto is a fuck you to the US Dollar from a bunch of Euro Niggers that know their precious Eurozone is a fuck-up failure being run from a printer like everyone else but without the actual economies, production, or military might to back it up.

Typical commie subversion shit. So yeah, Baldie McNigger there and his faggot accent love the (((Current Coin))) that they can shove up everyone's ass against their will.

REAL TALK: Wait for "Company Coins" to come out like "Company Stores" from the early 1900s. You'll earn coins and, eventually with luck, be able to exchange them for Sandals coins to go on vacation augmenting actual currencies. It's the only way the can offset true inflation without going Venezuela.

>> No.51453501


imagine being this retarded

pow is capitalism
pos is fuedalism

>> No.51453526

You are right. But it's irrelevant in this case where retards think value necessarily comes from either.

>> No.51453539

I'm not talking about cashin out. So it only a P2P network for illegal activities. Hope it works out well for you.

>> No.51453543

Capitalism is simply the human condition.
Everyone does it. It is impossible not to capitalism retard.
That's why all commies and vermin are so anti human and rabidly anticapitalist. They go together like peas and carrots.

>> No.51453624

It's sacred geometry you brain dead christcuck

>> No.51453628
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who said anything about illegal activities glowie

>> No.51453639

Vitalik was like 17 years.old back then

>> No.51453803

If you think XMR will be legal you have far to much faith in the Government.

>> No.51454203

it’s lasted this long, perhaps photon processors have rendered all encryption obsolete already

>> No.51454245

Imagine how hard he sucked dick to get to be the one.

>> No.51454388
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When I told anons here that the WEF had their tight hands on ethereum you guys didn't believe me and said "Oh man you're cope maxi".
Now the truth is being unveiled, good luck for the anons who hold a centralized currency that is bringing back the same system that we tried to get rid off(the financial banks and fiat)..

Such a shame.

>> No.51454755

They aren't bringing it back, they're iterating it.

>> No.51455040

ETH is 70% premined, is it any surprise oligarchs like it?

>> No.51455224

fucking idiot

>> No.51455996


the thing is,
3/4 of the stuff that will run on ethereum is severely overrated in terms of need for decentralization.
keep proof-of-work where it matters.
like monero (mineable with gpus and cpus), btc, etc, private smart contracts. etc.

why waste electricity on decentralized nft ai autogenerated furry-art? lets face it, thats what is out there at the moment.
keep the bullshit out, let it run on proof-of-stake instead of wasting time and resources and mindless garbage.

where there is demand, there will be supply. if you need proof-of-work, there will be.

>> No.51456036

honestly, just as good if Monero absorbs miners who left ETH

>> No.51456073

just wait until we have:
private defi derivatives exchanges
private smart contracts (there are already projects)

private all integrated ready made web shop solutions on private blockchain with autodestruction in case of problems

exciting times ahead

>> No.51456153


>> No.51456204


>> No.51456233

Transfer to transfers and nobody can know what the transfer is about NIGGER.
MONERO is what crypto should be in essence and how modern payments should work. Just because some control freak boomers don’t like it doesn’t mean chads won’t like it. Monero on an USB ledger is literal Chink gold, keep being a sucker. It’s literally just an adress with no information. Even if they find it, it would be really hard to prove in court it’s your adress.

>> No.51456256

they are basically happy that someone has done the work for them in making a platform for the future of fiat currencies.

since they are lazy fucks, they prefer to hijack something instead of actually creating something original.

let these kikes have their PoS (piece of shit) its not worth anything anyway.
if there is any worth to it, it will all come from advertising, insurance and traditional kike stuff and it will run on proof of stake. the kikes dont give a fuck if its decentralized or not, as long as enough idiots use it.

>> No.51456273

As long as normies pump I’m happy bro. Especially backed by globalist institutions lol.

>> No.51456286

in the end, they will have nothing because people get redpilled about these issues eventually thanks to the internet.

>> No.51456337

pump and dump, just dont forget about real coins.

>> No.51456405
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10K and MONERO ledger. Eth is just bound because it’s the little brother crypto. Jews fucking it up is not a deciding factor to not pump.

>> No.51456440

that 3/4 could end up on bnb

>> No.51456450

It may sound tempting and all, but now eth is not much different from bitbeans
Bitbean actually being full pos

>> No.51456472


Evil will win in the end sadly. WEF is unstoppable.

>> No.51456507

you bet its getting kiked.
sure, with mining you have centralization problems too, but with proof of stake, you are literally selling off the future ethereum chain to mcdonalds, blackrock and amazon.

i know it can still pump or whatever, I am more about the actual chain. it really is a huge change, many people still do not realize how profoundly this changes the future outcome of ethereum.

>> No.51456513

>legal use case

>> No.51456560

i call the merge: the day ethereum became privatized.
before it was 50/50 public/privatized, now its 100% privatized
as price grows, only the richest can afford to verify transactions. pos in a nutshell

>> No.51456591

since, they own the ship now, it will probably pump like crazy over the next years to not only make the money but also to solidify their position on the chain.
if price goes down, barrier to entry goes down as a validator.
correct me if I am wrong though.

>> No.51456610

if I was the lizard boss, I would raise the barrier to entry for validating ethereum.

>> No.51456649

thats because they profit from it, it's not that hard to see it, now they can buy eth with their funny money and can't be dumped by miners, funny is they pulled this out because of ((((energy waste))), a big old fud from the banks, nevertheless i wouldnt bet agaisnt them

>> No.51456863


its happening

>> No.51456932

i'm expecting the wef overlords to have at least 29% of total ethereum staked within the next 10 years. And yes I'll be owning nothing of it.

>> No.51456976

and yes, you will be happy

>> No.51456992

definitely because i'm probably dead already

>> No.51457089

Not if exchanges remove the Buy button ala Robin Hood.

>> No.51457181

There is no legal use case. For the literal good of society. All financial transactions should be able to be looked at by people with magnifying glasses when necessary. Its worth not having that privacy.

>> No.51457333
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>> No.51457411

If any of you had bothered to fucking read Schwab's books you'd have known that the WEF have been talking about crypto in a positive way for a while.

>> No.51457488

Retarded fantasy propped up by 4chan schizos and facebook grandpas
>the WEF is the illuminati
>the WEF is primarily a venue for TED talks by boomers with way too much money
The WEF itself isn't particularly problematic; it's boomers with way too much money who are the issue.

>> No.51458653

Especially considering that people use even Litecoin more.

>> No.51459122

>btc is immune to taxation and prohibitions.

>every transaction is public
>you can only get cash in via the banking system and exchanges do KYC
>chain analytics companies track everything
>no taxes

>no prohibitions
>Sorry goy, this BTC is "tainted" we can't accept your deposit, and your account has been closed

>> No.51459308
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>> No.51459351
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Proof of Work and Proof of Stake are Sybil Control mechanisms, by itself they say nothing about security, decentralization or efficiency.
Its basically just Spam Protection.

>> No.51459641

The only thing you will do is eat ze bugs

>> No.51459932

the masses have always fought progress, and in history it's not been uncommon for that to take the form of Jewish conspiracy

>> No.51460424
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Ethereum is a shitcoin

>> No.51460528

based ted poster

>> No.51460580


Reminder that Vinay Gupta said they (ethereum devs) are all communists.