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51447744 No.51447744 [Reply] [Original]

How did millenial men fell so behind compared to their opposite gender?

>> No.51447797

Holy digits. Fuck women. I rather be celibate for the rest of my life. Not dealing with their shit.

>> No.51447807

the secret is they didn't. women have a 10 year window to live their biological life, men don't.
middle-aged (27+) childless women are a sad consequence of men having little interest/means to settle down with women of their generation leading them to just take the women of the next generation when they do

>> No.51447816

>women over 40

Sad that they fell for (((feminism))).

>> No.51447835

> woman over 40
maybe if im 70 i'll be interested in them

>> No.51447840
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>women over 40
>still dating
>"it's men that are lonely, not us
coping harder than anything I've seen in 4chan

>> No.51447876

this is some fucking premium gold plated diamond encrusted cope, holy shit

>> No.51447901

>Even the prospect of being alone isn't enough to scare us
clearly a cope article written by a bitter old maid

>> No.51447933
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Women over 30 are bad enough, but 40? Imagine being such a failed male you date some used up senior citizen

>> No.51447952
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It’s all part of the process goy

>> No.51447953

>We're not lonely, you are!
So much cope written by a wine aunt/career-only who looked back at her last 20 years and is now only regretting it.

>> No.51447955

Oh look the journalist found female dating strategy on r*ddit

>> No.51447977

>women over 24


>> No.51447999
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40 yo anon here
single females over 30 have no reason to exist

>> No.51448232

I don't think there is a Man over 40 that is desperate for a woman, once you reach that age you just don't care anymore.

>> No.51448319

>Women over 40: dating younger men with a fetish or who enjoy going bareback on infertile women.
>Men over 40: have families or wealth, sometimes both.

The late 20's, early 30's window is kinda shit for men but I'll take it over the hellscape that is post-wall womanhood.

>> No.51448354

>The late 20's, early 30's window is kinda shit for men

why would that be shit for men? A man should be making some money at that point, should be a good period, shit period is when you leave high school and everything becomes about money and you have none. that's like 18 - 23 when you're going to college or just starting to work.

>> No.51448380

i'm barely 36 and i can't even muster going through the motions to fuck cute girls who are literally inviting me to their place then "inadvertently" flashing their cunny at me
not even some oh woe is me i'm so depressed or whatever shit, it's just... it's just sex. how much sex do you need to have in your life. i'd rather have a good wank and be done with it
sex is utterly pointless unless it's with your loving wife and for the purpose of procreation

>> No.51448412

The main problem is women, they wasted their youth “having fun” aka riding the chad cock carousel instead of settling for a ltr, they only start looking at 30 but by then they are broken and not worth dating

>> No.51448419

Lots of words to say you're gay

>> No.51448423

can you imagine eating a 40 year olds pussy lmao yuck

>> No.51448467

Little amount of words to say you are a subhuman nigger

>> No.51448586

fuck this gay rat race. i'm out.

>> No.51448649

Arbeit macht frei

>> No.51448669

Women over 40 have no options. Cope by calling themselves picky.

>> No.51448677

>the metric used is tax
>all men are becoming sustenance farmers to live tax free
yea keep telling yourself how ahead you are

>> No.51448686

I'm 28 and I don't give a shit anymore. I've fucked enough pussy, I match with women on tinder and I'm literally too lazy to go out of my house to fuck them. Women are fucking boring and their only purpose is as a cooking/cleaning house slave and only if they keep their need for attention in check because we got better things to do

>> No.51448735

I need to watch non non biyori again

>> No.51448737

It's more about a low tolerance for bullshit, eventually you just get tired of putting up with bullshit, you're too old to entertain it. I would still fuck a cute girl showing me her pussy, but the only thing I'd be weighing it against is the amount of bullshit I might have to tolerate because of it.

t. 40

>> No.51448764

Kek are you simping for a random grandpa?

>> No.51448770

Graduate women at a higher rate, hire them into upper-end jobs at a higher rate, and promote them at a higher rate.

It's a mystery.

>> No.51448886

60yo widows do.

>> No.51448921

I wouldn't fuck a 40 yo woman with Bea Arthur's dick.

>> No.51448952

> why won’t you sign this high risk low reward contract !!!!

>> No.51449111
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>> No.51449169
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>men under 6' have no reason to exist
Everything you can do I can do better

>> No.51449338
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This. Women over 30-35 are batshit.

They can't balance the 'strong women' shit that got them the money and what most 'men want' so they go back to just fucking anything with a pulse to justify their wretched, ever-wrinkling, and shrewd eggless existence until yet another guy gets tired of their stupid drunken bullshit.

Unironically 'two more weeks', that's how quickly you get tired of these old(er) bitches and their stupid shit.


See all of the above. Biggest failed experiment in human history is giving women more than the ability to go in the front yard.

>> No.51449379

>do i fit in now guys?
even the ayyys can see the glow from where they are

>> No.51449402
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How can you compete against alpha muslims?

>> No.51449433 [DELETED] 
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widows are supposed to be buried/burned together with their dead husbands

>> No.51449549

Why would you bury windows

>> No.51449559
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Pretty sure by the time you’re even 60 you’ll be smart enough to reject 40-somethings anyway.
t. Old Fart

>> No.51449670

Women that are free to let their biology run wild are completely awful and unfortunately somewhere along the way we allowed civilization to mean oppression and in the interest of liberation we told women “go ahead and do whatever your whims tell you to in the moment.” Now all women are irrationally behaving daily quest givers who deliberately fuck things up as a means of testing your character while you have zero real recourse to tell them to shut the fuck up or act like adults. If you don’t keep them under control, they all get “girl projects” in their head and they OBSESS over them. If they get it in their head you need a king size bed, they don’t buy you one. They terrorize you until you buy one. Now with a vacancy in their mind, a new girl project forms in their head and the conflict begins anew. Women are fucking horrible currently and they all act the same. There is one woman, she’s a cunt, she just wears a million different faces. That’s why they seem like a hive mind.

>> No.51449676

LOL no man wants a woman over 40.

>> No.51449724

Grannies with decades of parenting experience exist to keep your kids busy while you take your wife somewhere to put another load inside her

>> No.51449728

This. When I was in my late twenties and not married a wise old beaner at my work said oh then you’ll never marry. I said what do you mean, men age better than women and can marry later in life. He said if you haven’t married a woman before 30 you never will because you won’t be interested in their bullshit after that. Ten years later and boy was he right.

>> No.51449729

>women over 40
lol barren roasties getting "picky", yeah im sure thats it

>> No.51449735

Single women over 40 have a 70% chance to have type 2 herpes. There was studies that were done to confirm this

>> No.51449761
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>no u
roastie moment

>> No.51449766

the whole story laid bare and I needn't even read it

>> No.51449821

I’m 28 years old and dating a 42 year old milf right now. She used to model for playboy and is a chef, so we smoke weed, fuck, and eat dank food all day long. She forced me to basically move in with her, though. Could be worse.

>> No.51449878
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>There are more lonely single Men
>Prospect of being alone isn't enough to scare us
Top fucking Kek this dumb cunt is coping and seething.

>> No.51449885

holyshit who wants to date women over 40

>> No.51449931

western men (assuming they are normal looking and obese) can easily take the eastern europe or asia pill. it's hard to go back to dating western women after that

>> No.51449959
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A 36 year old made me move in with her back when I was 27. I felt raped on several early morning occasions.

WARNING: You're going to end up abruptly, albeit temporarily, homeless. Hope you have a car to crash in while you find an apartment when she gets tired of you.

>> No.51449960

>How did millenial men fell so behind compared to their opposite gender?
You're all fucking retards for not noticing this ESL shit. Obv demoralization thread

>> No.51449999

Why is it always niggers in these stock photos now? It is disgusting. Is it sellling alot of burgers at least?

>> No.51450034

>they only start looking at 30 but by then they are broken and not worth dating
No, they staart looking for a ltr BECAUSE they are broken and not worth dating

>> No.51450060

Africapill is an underrated phenomenon as well.

I briefly dated a Nigerian, Igbo I think, and I was honestly blown away by the cerebrality, economic instinct, and personal beauty standards.

But vain and heartless at the end of the day; such is life with women.

>> No.51450063

>written by a woman
the truths is, they simply get rejected. ofc she manipulates people to think, that they are the active rejector. wrong. they get rejected and can't deal with men opting out kekkk

>> No.51450078

Lmao what a pathetic cope.

>> No.51450150

To trick whites into thinking they're actually people. That's it. That's why. Gay forced multiculturalism meme is gay.

>> No.51450165

>African women
Do you feel embarrassed after saying things like this?

>> No.51450190
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>> No.51450198

>tfw 72.85 inches tall and an incel since 2017

>> No.51450264

Wouldn’t say it’s an experiment
There are no do-overs, unless someone actually hits a reset

>> No.51450325

it keeps the crazy ass whamen outta the genepool. which is kinda based

>> No.51450380

Based pebble hurl

>> No.51450487

No grannies exist for me to lick their cookie and eat their cookies.

>> No.51450489

epic comeback anon
please, your generation has like 30% of male virgins because you guys can't even talk to a girl. instead of seething you should be rejoicing for less competition

>> No.51450592

Igbo people in particular have Caucasian level IQs. Along with lactose tolerance iirc.

>> No.51450729

>over 40


>> No.51450739

it isnt about raw score on an iq test, its about how they behave in a daily routine and what their average conversations are
rich decadent post imperial society where everything is easy you get the modern western woman
africa on the other hand where survival isnt guaranteed it forces you to get redpilled real fast or you're out
so yeah anything middle class in africa is better to hold a conversation with than almost any normie in the west
inb4 women shouldnt speak

take the angola pill, we arent pol

>> No.51450776


>> No.51450794

Women don't care for you at any age unless you have social status and an attractive face. That's reality. I'm alone at 30+ and get zero attention. Got barely more in my early 20s. Shit I see on here is an incel cope, finding a decent girl gets WAY harder as you age especially over 30

>> No.51450809

Single, childless Western women entering middle age are literally the most unhappy people in the world. Bitter, lonely, confused about why their feminism didn't make them happy, and addicted to anti-depressants, tranqs, and/or alcohol. And, of course, they blame men even though that strategy is what got them where they are. I don't generally take pleasure in the suffering of others, but . . . sometimes it's hard not to feel it a little with arrogant, loudmouthed, self-righteous feminists.

>> No.51450906

The only thing I want from them is a loyal wife (not an immobile landwhale or cock carousel whore or single mom) and white kids of my own.
Women suck at that and I am tired of their shit.
-t. 34

>> No.51450908

You're not looking at the big picture. We're told to stay kids until we're 20. In college until, oh idk, 24-25. Economic recession until we're 28. Okay only 8 more years of saving money for a down payment for a house now

The maze is longer than ever and the cheese they bait us with is dollar store velveeta

>> No.51451119
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This entire thread

Steve Bannon really did a number on you whackjobs lmao

>> No.51451175

>t. 30+ yo winelady

>> No.51451199

Being with women is the fastest way to know how shit they are.

>> No.51451234

Isn't it weird how men who complain about their dating prospects are unironically called terrorists while women can complain about not finding a rich chad in mainstream publications?

>> No.51451251
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It's like 2016 all over again

>> No.51451354
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I take the third position - I’m in my 20’s and with a hot, tall, and lean 39 y/o. My cost of living in her house is minimal and I’m constantly well fed and pampered, pretty comfy.

>> No.51451361

please stop posting your retarded memes in every thread

>> No.51451373

Schizo anon is ban evading again. Clean it up jannie

>> No.51451394
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Meds. Now.

>> No.51451406

based sugarboi

>> No.51451411

That's how they roll

>> No.51451447
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>stop interrupting my incel general on the /biz/ board!

>> No.51451526
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I'm so tired of this shit. How do I invest in sexbot startups?

>> No.51451547
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They've got that ass backwards.

>> No.51451578
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>> No.51451614

They are all chad only now


>> No.51451788

I'm in my early thirties and I'm planning getting a wife from SEA
I'm too tired to give a shit about women with high standards
I want a simple girl that is humble and loyal

>> No.51451854

The only acceptable age bracket for women is 15-19. Other than that, they're either too young or too old to have sex with.

>> No.51451924

Japan in a nutshell

>> No.51451954
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>> No.51452040
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>y-you look like that!

>> No.51452049

That's any nation aside the US. I live in eastern Europe and banged a 16 yo when I was 38 two years ago.

>> No.51452076
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>> No.51452088

I love the way they frame it like men are really missing out here. Holy fucking kek we need to invent a way to use cope as an energy source.

>> No.51452128

nooooo that'd kill my XOM holdings

>> No.51452130
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>> No.51452141
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>we need to invent a way to use cope as an energy source.
Then incels would be self-sustaining, holy fucking kek indeed.

Too bad rightists are too retarded to create or develop anything themselves LMAO

>> No.51452149

>women over 40
why the fuck would i date a woman over 40 ??

>> No.51452175

Idk what amerilard politics has to do with what I said, but ok dude. Shine on you crazy diamond.

>> No.51452185

It's easy to say no to something you can never have

>> No.51452193

>rightists created the originals that lefitsts are cannibalizing from
when's that new episode of Rangz of Powa

>> No.51452214

this didn't really answer my question

>> No.51452221

Let’s be real here. What man worth his weight is even looking at taking a woman over 40 years old seriously in the dating game? Fucking != Dating. Some serious cope by the author of this article.

>> No.51452231

>leftists overtook rightists
So what you're saying is leftists are more powerful and cunning than rightists? I guess that makes sense, lefitsts won the election and culture war, after all.

>> No.51452237

Oh man I sure dont want Space AIDS. I say NO to that.
Aww, but I'll never have it. I'm so sad that I'll never have SPACE AIDS. Dumbass.

>> No.51452256

>imagine baiting this hard on /biz/

>> No.51452258

>relationships where we are doing most of the graft.

God this is what I hate about feminism. Feminism is premised on the idea of equality but what the heck do you think equality means? For eons, men have been doing most of the graft in a relationship so what the fuck did you think would happen if equality happened? Did it ever occur to those dumb bitches that sometimes they would have to do most of the work men had been doing? Fuck them bitches.

>> No.51452261

Lmfao who hurt you dude? Look at this unadulterated seethe desperately disguised as smugness. You stick out like a sore thumb

>> No.51452264

Nah just more persistent. Their brains are hardwired to let rightists live rent free. Leftists can only win when every rightist creation has been censored and destroyed

>> No.51452288
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I'm 6'3, have a Chad face, but I'm legit autistic as fuck. I catch women staring at me in metros and occasionally smile flirtatiously

Then I open my mouth. It's pretty crazy watching the calculator in her brain try to figure out wtf is going on and whether or not she wants to mate with me. I usually sever the conversation abruptly, power walk away, then spend the rest of the day in regret and pain

>> No.51452295

>the truth is bait
Time to ask your mental health professional about increasing that dosage!

So you admit that leftists won. Well, at least you're right about something LMAO

>> No.51452304
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oh yeah, they have an interesting cerebrum alright.

>> No.51452325
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based triple dubs, alright men, I just learned about cougar dating app, why shouldn't I?

>> No.51452345

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.51452350

>leftists won
Nah, Mein Kampf is still for sale on Amazon

>> No.51452361

Literally just have a job and be moderately well groomed and you will beat most men.
Likewise if you're a woman just don't be fat.
Come on people the standards aren't even high you all just suck.

>> No.51452375

truth about what?
that all, except you of course, ITT can be minimized to a meme that you picked up on this site?
you realize that chuds, chads and what not do not actually exist but they live in your head, rent free
go touch some grass son

>> No.51452378

interesting to see that they still after all this time havent figured out you need to disrupt a board with its own culture or you are glowing so hard i can use you to power my mining rigs
we are not pol you idiots, take this to your supervisor

>> No.51452408

What? This certainly isn't true for me + I'm 6'1.
Maybe because I only leave my house for work.

>> No.51452412

You might wanna leave then

Oh, so that's why you seethe about leftists and women 16 hours a day on a /biz/ board LMAO

Everything you quoted

>> No.51452433
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>Oh, so that's why you seethe about leftists and women 16 hours a day on a /biz/ board LMAO
Do I?

>> No.51452475
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Someone woke up in an argumentative mood today! Mommy didn't give you enough attention so you come running to /biz/ to get it?

>> No.51452490

stop talking idiot

>> No.51452496

Yep only going to work and not surrounding yourself with young women is definitely making it harder. Why don't you also lock yourself in an isolated mountain cabin?
>well see i'm 6'8 and cool and jacked but actually i dont leave my cabin much just chill with my bear bros lol fukk women

>> No.51452501
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Which shithole? I'm in LatAm now until beach season ends in year but need to get laid so bad I'm willing to forego that to head to Eastern Europe.

I was thinking Albania, surrounding countries, and Egypt.

>> No.51452505

If there's lonely men there's also lonely women.this article is fud

>> No.51452509


>> No.51452530

If you aint getting laid in latin america you aint getting laid anywhere lol

>> No.51452534
