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51448281 No.51448281 [Reply] [Original]

What's really needed for mass adoption of blockchain apps and DeFi?

>> No.51448392
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Your dick, bulgarian

>> No.51448401
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>> No.51448430

Bulgarian dicks are the best

>> No.51448511

Its Italian, pajeet..

>> No.51448575


>> No.51448619

Have you tried African ones

>> No.51448647

Benchods, Go fuck yourself

>> No.51448665


>> No.51448721

A major reason I am not balls deep into crypto

>> No.51448745
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Poor fag

>> No.51448868

Mass adoption is never happening. Stop deceiving yourself faggot

>> No.51448887

Even TradFi is still struggling with security. There is no reference point for security to assessed; whether it's improved or not.

>> No.51449026

Ease of use. New users need to find it easy to navigate through on-chain and off-chain apps without friction

>> No.51449035

A baseless thought you have got,with many traditional institutions joining the space, DeFi will gradually reach mass adoption,

>> No.51449069
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>> No.51449075

User friendliness is one of the criteria for a successful software, same with crypto

>> No.51449102

He is just a norm skull

>> No.51449202

Exactly. With the entry barrier being lowered progressively by account protocols, businesses are beginning to take advantage of the positives such as instant cross-border payments

>> No.51449653

Obviously due to the seamless transactions on the blockchain, despite the fact that there are some hiccups

>> No.51449691
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That moment when you lose your sleep because you're not in control of your assets and multiple identities. Just use ORE and save yourself the stress

>> No.51449694

Jeets like you are the problem.

>> No.51449713

Frequency of hacks and scams is a metric

>> No.51449760

It begins with web2.0 identities easily connected to web3.0 such that everyone, everywhere regardless of skill or knowledge level can use the blockchain technology 'without friction'

>> No.51449823

neck yourself, WEFie

>> No.51449840

In my early years of crypto I lost my assets because I lost my keys and I had no access to them again. A moment that lingers in me. ORE ID ought to have been an improvise if it had been launched then

>> No.51449898

>Even TradFi is still struggling with security.
Same reason why moving to crypto is the best option. Asset management is quite easy with cryptovia multichain access from a single point which inevitably brings control and security.

>> No.51449933

It needs cutting-edge solutions, in my opinion, to stop further attacks and users of cryptocurrencies from losing their assets to hackers and scammers

>> No.51449979

Security will be almost impossible with fiat or tradfi
because there is a central authority which could easily be compromised

>> No.51450156

Jeets ain't talking about the merger?

>> No.51450171

It will take time and lot of things needs to be put in place such as Asset and identity security, privacy and cross chain interoperability.

>> No.51450232
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I understand how frustrating it can be when trying to retrieve a key or seed phrase that has been lost emphasizing the need for solutions that encrypts multiple keys into a single PIN that can be easily accessed anytime

>> No.51450256

Seamless access is the greatest tool for mass adoption. If and when the non computer literates can access crypto then we can talk about mass adoption.

>> No.51450266
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Take a break from the merger. Less energy consumption and the transition is overhyped and becoming a superstimuli.

>> No.51450277

>What's really needed for mass adoption of blockchain apps and DeFi?
Preventing idiots from fucking themselves up, until then, blockchain and defi will be for those not afraid to fuck up

>> No.51450344

Just a fraction though, otherwise there will never be a massive adoption

>> No.51450353

Well, user-centered designs are quite important. If web3 and decentralisation is all about giving absolute control to users over their assets, then simplified authorization and wallet creation process for users is likely going to be a big deal on the long run

>> No.51450363

Keeping my fingers crossed

>> No.51450492

Pay attention in silence. That's the strategy

>> No.51450536

Nothing can be done to influence its outcome afterall

>> No.51450544
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At the same time, DeFi users need some level of protection; you shouldn't be panicking at every point about losing your funds. Right now, users are in charge of security their identities and wallets. Good luck to any retard that hasn't found a way around identity management

>> No.51450714

Talking about control, all that is needed is a system that enables multichains access from a single sign on.

>> No.51450758

ORE ID is quite fascinating in this regard

>> No.51450837
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Over 200k accounts created within a short period of time is no fluke. Evidently, a lot of people are trying to hack their way into the web3 world.

>> No.51450858

Nobody wants or needs any of this crap

>> No.51451012

I think this is the best innovation for web3.0. Accessing the space will always be the first point of adoption and its quite interesting to see the connection between web2 and web3.

>> No.51451070

Not your keys, not your crypto. Glad the space has evolved enough for identity management tool to thrive, I mean I cant even remember the last time I had to use my seedphrase to get access to my assets.

>> No.51451178

Everybody does, fucktard. Blockchain is finding applications in almost everything

>> No.51451219
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It won't take long before simpler authorization standards displaces the complex ones.

>> No.51451265

Imo, identity security and privacy are the two best strategies to mitigates against hacks and exploit.

>> No.51451292

Well, ENS seems to be the standard for that

>> No.51451323

It's limited to a single chain. For multi-chain access, ORE is.

>> No.51451630

Centralisation is the worse thing to happen to finance.

>> No.51451867

Ease of use and security.

>> No.51451911
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IMO, there is a whole lot of preventable scams that can be prevented if users can manage things from a single and secured account.

>> No.51451933

All the buzz is in cryptocurrency at the moment

>> No.51452002

By all means, the entry barrier has to be lowered to accomodate everyone across all range of skill in DeFi

>> No.51452652
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You sure about that?

>> No.51452653

A mitigation is that a lot of anons are not in the know of the possibility

>> No.51452680

Based as fuck

>> No.51452687

Relatable. If you've ever made a big loss, you will understand how fucked the space can be if you're not fully in control of your identities

>> No.51452714

Solutions on a single chain are with enormous limitations

>> No.51452743


>> No.51453435

Perhaps they just got tired of it

>> No.51453471

kek.... fear of the unknown

>> No.51453487

Decentralized identities is the way out.

AIKON has a big influence on that

>> No.51453616
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I have a phobia for CEXes

>> No.51453668
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more shitcoins.
vinu shib doge floki are all doing god's work. even d0gbat.

>> No.51453681

Both zoomers and boomers are wising up on shitcoins and nft scams anon.

>> No.51453710

>if you are not willing to give away your hard earned money to some pajeet running a mass password cracker on his shack in India then you are a poorfag!

>> No.51453958

You lack imagination cos you just described a retard

>> No.51455442

There are somethings that are quite difficult to understand if you didn't go to school. You sound like a drop-out

>> No.51455463

Phobia is no small word. You get panic attacks when you see them?

>> No.51455558

This is a more secure option in my opinion, I think polygon ID and ORE ID are still the top tools for identity management tho with several distinct features.

>> No.51456133

I detest them, I feel unsafe with them

>> No.51456838

maximum security, and great UI. just like what Sylo got in its ecosystem.

>> No.51456959

The relevance of identity management in the scheme of the crypto space cannot be overstated

>> No.51457092

Interface. It's got to be built in to the web - web 4.0 if you will. Norman's click one button and they're providing liquidity using an inbuilt Windows tool coming as standard on all pcs and laptops.