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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 1200x1200, linkedin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51445865 No.51445865 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this site so gay

>literal gay posts
>24/7 virtue signalling
>""Imposter Syndrome"" aka bragging about your achievements without looking like a faggot
>Random recruiters swarming profiles
>45yo execs posting extremely watered-down facebook memes to look hip

Feels I've been fucked in the ass every time I use it

>> No.51445896
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>> No.51445915

its what i use to find jobs other than that its fucking useless

>> No.51445922

how does a site for wagecucks relates to BUSINESS & FINANCE?
this thread is pure cancer
jannies letting shit like this live, along with software engineer posts, is why this place became a shithole

>> No.51445923

>hates thing
>keeps using it
seems like you enjoy it up the ass, faggot

>> No.51445945

>hates property tax
>still pays it
seems like you enjoy it up the ass, faggot

>> No.51445970

My old colleagues are still seething about me and checking my profile on linkedin regularly even after a year. The whole reason is because I was able to fuck the cutie in marketing department that every software dev faggot in our department was simping. Similarly I had hooked up with a girl (not employee, random) during a company event that took place in a bar, and the same folks were seething so badly. I left the job for a better offer a year ago. And I took their passive aggressive jabs in a common whatsapp chat group for a few months until they blocked me on social media one by one. Fucking passive aggressive faggots with zero social abilities lmao.

>> No.51446010
File: 27 KB, 720x394, 17795983_10206767438342998_6080917912854938239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait hold on, faggotIN is optional, how the fuck are we supposed to stop paying property tax?

>just overthrow the government bro its that easy bro i swear bro

>> No.51446015

I didn't do anything like this but still got passive aggressive attacks from jealous developers, just because I fixed my self esteem issues.
It's strange how being healthy triggers an aggressive response from weak people.
The best example of slave morality.

>> No.51446032 [DELETED] 

Fuck man I remember this hot as hell hr girl I saw almost every day when wfh wasn't a thing. Wonder what she's up to

>> No.51446068

>just because I fixed my self esteem issues.
It started the exact same way for me, anon. I started caring about my looks, weight, attitude and behavior because I got bored of lack of attention from people, wagecucking all day with no feeling of accomplishment and no validation. I wanted to be a bit more visible, so apparently I had potential and it worked. As I became more "active", jealous slaves got increasingly mad. I sort of understand why femoids hate each other, people actually hate you when you are seen as a competitive "threat" instead of supporting each other.

>> No.51446296

>Random recruiters swarming profiles
how do i deal with this? i don't have time or energy to deal with them all? is ghosting socially acceptable?

>> No.51446317

This puts me off looking for a new job.
It wasn't a thing last time I was looking for work.
Now I know some HR roastie would throw my application out and deem me unworthy because she couldn't look me up on this bullshit.

>> No.51446496

I ghost 90% of them, except the ones for companies that actually seem interesting, in that case I just tell them I' not currently interested but hope we can keep in touch for future opportunities

>> No.51446532

I haven’t had to apply for a job in at least 5 years. I get contacted by recruiters, get an interview, and that’s it.
If you’re using LinkedIn for ANYTHING other than getting a better job, you’re a massive faggot.

>> No.51446590
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Hello there, goy!

Would you like to give us some information about your race and sex, so that we can actively discriminate against you and hide your profile from recruiters' search results?

>> No.51446673
File: 2.95 MB, 854x448, 1662765264699783.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think some of the stupid shit people put in their "tagline" is hilarious. It used to be just their job title, but now everyone tries to make themselves sound sophisticated.

Like you could be a fry cook at McDonald's and put down "Optimizing nutritional delivery to encourage positive client relationships and sustain effective appetite suppression in a highly competitive and diverse food service industry in a global economy"

>> No.51446688

holy kek this is some weird clean it up jannie combined with ultimate wageslaving

>> No.51446721

>never use linkedin
>never need to put up with the bullshit
I think I've got the right idea

>> No.51446759

Linkedin is the quintessential corporate culture. Insincere self aggrandizing bullshit. No different from other social media except it has that employee of the month spin that makes it extra revolting.
Jesus christ

>> No.51447009

Awww that cute ear flicker at the end!

>> No.51447900

everytime I log on to that I feel like I'm instantly transported to an office cubicle. It's awful, especially the way people just post about random stupid shit, my feed is filled with people I don't know.

>> No.51448079

fake but funny

>> No.51448157

I deleted mine because of what you said, desire to not be on any social media, and I had left a job on bad terms. My footprint has finally trailed off google after almost 3 years. It also never helped me find a job, you get job from ppl recommending you not being a LinkedIn fagot

>> No.51448199
File: 10 KB, 177x284, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Optimizing nutritional delivery to encourage positive client relationships and sustain effective appetite suppression in a highly competitive and diverse food service industry in a global economy

>> No.51448219
File: 835 KB, 2000x1333, Braden-Wallake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.51448379
File: 83 KB, 904x864, sv7hn8iki1m31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to check linkedin
>first post in my feed is someones wedding photos

>> No.51448417

before I saw the picture when I originally saw this
thought maybe he'd boil the chicken in the coffee pot
or take the pot out and use the heating element to try to get a sear on it but still anemic and white
doesn't matter though fake anyways

>> No.51449443
File: 21 KB, 323x327, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.51450222

Does HR get paid more or something the more interviews they schedule? Ive applied to at least 10 jobs in the past month and had 80% of those reach me to technical interviews with depts. None of them have hired me though. A bit disappointing. How can I breakthrough and land a job? Seems like most have trouble getting interviews at all but I have trouble getting past stage 2 it seems. SEO/Web dev/ analytics

>> No.51450303

You need to remember that you aren’t interviewing for the job, you’re interviewing for the role of work husband number 7.

>> No.51450323

> Wallach, jewish surname
> Cries as he strike you

Can they just stop one second to be like that?

>> No.51450491

how can i up my game?im definitely noticing this is the direction i need to go rather than being "professional" and knowing the tasks and job requirements. how can i make HR mommy hire me?

>> No.51450557

I brought one a muffin and got the job kek. If HR Fuckhole is fatter than the typical shebeast, bring food.

>> No.51450576

im doing remote only btw. no in office nonsense

>> No.51451184

Unironically read how to make friends and influence people. Or take a sales job for a year or two that’s like socializing boot camp. Asking people questions (appropriate ones) and then listening sincerely and making follow up questions to show you’re interested and engaged is a cheat code. People remember how you made them feel not what you did or said.

>> No.51451294

so after my 2 and 3 round interviews they ALWAYS send it back to the initial HR person that emails me the generic "were not interested anymore" email. Would it be approporiate to email the actual other people who interviewed me late stage and try to keep my foot in the door with them? any chance at getting the conversation going again or keeping me in the running that way?

>> No.51451711

Not a good idea. If you don’t get the job don’t grovel.

>> No.51451939

It’s useful for job hopscotching if your market is hot. I’ve doubled my salary thanks to a LinkedIn headhunter sniping me, I can ignore the horrible content if it means easy advancement.

>> No.51452101

>People remember how you made them feel not what you did or said.
This. Literally just be likeable, dress and smell nice and you're in. The HR roasties I've worked with literally always noticed and commented on it if someone wore perfume.

>> No.51452158

Is this an American thing?
Never seen it

>> No.51452222

>seething tradie detected

>> No.51452281

How often do you get job offers on LinkedIn?

>> No.51452331

based fellow self-improovers
I made all my old borderline incel libcuck friends jealous when I landed a high paying job, got /fit/, and started smashing pussy on business trips. The seethe in their faces when they first saw me after a long while and their gfs wouldn't stop complimenting me was palpable; I'll never forget it. And somehow they never took the hint that maybe they should stop being weak little cucks... The weakness and servility must run deep in their genes.

>> No.51453692
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you are a cunning linguist.

>> No.51453748


>> No.51454008

How can he slap t. hippo

>> No.51454075
File: 51 KB, 651x1024, 1663005364512262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this is real

>> No.51454195

kek this has to be a troll post, I refuse to believe otherwise...

>> No.51456772

For anyone who is serious linkedin is garbage. It is useful for figuring out who isn't serious: they treat it as if it was not.

>> No.51456823

trade school is for those who were to stupid for college

>> No.51457066
File: 588 KB, 1080x1230, Screenshot_20220815-170013_LinkedIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51457114
File: 350 KB, 1080x1434, job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51459295

An electrician is definitely smarter than anyone with an arts degree

>> No.51459504

It’s true arts for the laziest of society who provide nothing.

>> No.51460833

You're right. But I had engineering and medical fields in mind

>> No.51461465

the clown world levels in america are fucking unreal

>> No.51461489

kek this might be a good strategy

>> No.51462200

LinkedIn made me homophobic. Fuck I hate working, dipshits get their status high from pathological careerism. Its not for me, Bob.