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51441865 No.51441865 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is the greatest wealth transfer in human history. SmartCon is a celebration of that.

It takes a fairly intelligent person to come up with an idea that sounds just plausible enough to change the world. But it takes a genius to devise a method of concentrating all the reward towards a group of insiders while placing all the risk on outsiders in a way that convinces them that they're the ones who've secretly discovered a way to turn tokenized lead in to gold by each year's end.
I have been able to exploit a temporary, ethereal blind spot that modern law and society has yet to fully comprehend. To conveniently avoid the last hundred years of progress in investor protection and security laws, while still maintaining a corporeal presence that voraciously consumes on an often weekly basis, a monetary amount sufficient to flaunt abundance. And conform to modern social signals by funding lavish lifestyles and salaries of departments that produce little, and that consist of various members of society who represent what those graciously funding them claim to either vocally oppose the inclusion of, or often enough outright hate in explicit terms.

>> No.51441884

While they believe they have discovered it themselves, I have actually managed to recreate the modern equivalent of alchemy for a select chosen few. But with a technological twist. While completely avoiding becoming the target of criticism myself by those able to recognize the ruse. Doing this by cleverly finding a very large, very soft, very naive front man to create a strong, self-perpetuating gravitational well as he greedily consumes criticism as he does burgers.
The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. But the greatest trick I have pulled off is temporarily offering to turn that lead in to gold at an early enough time, and truly offering the riches to those who would choose to take it, while relying on the collective greed of those under my spell to reject the offer in hopes of that day returning again ten fold or more. Naturally as we celebrate at SmartCon, the confidence trick worked greater than I could have possibly imagined and very few escaped with their gold, and all who remain are now linked and bound by their chains of hope for eternity.

>> No.51441906

Many of the greatest scams through out history are those where the underlying idea itself isn't necessarily one that itself is a scam, but the implementation itself is one where the victims slowly but surely become so deeply ensnared that their personal identity becomes fundamentally linked to the idea itself. They becoming willing to stake more than just tokens or money on their glorious future being true. They become so detached from reality that the idea that things may unfold differently becomes inteneable. That severed link allows them pool their collective conscious and stake their very sanity on a shared memetic desire.

We said staking would be live soon in 2019. We did not misspeak. We did not lie. If you misunderstood, then I'm here to correct those misconceptions and inform you that you have been staked since August of 2020.

Staking is live. The link is permanent. There is no exit, no end of year, and you will be happy with that arrangement.

See you at SmartCon 2025.

>> No.51441923

I told you guys the team still reads the board.

>> No.51441926

Cool. So when moon?

>> No.51441956
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>> No.51441974

Bullish for LINK that someone would actually type this out.

>> No.51442023

kind of true, a sort of knights templar of link holders has been developed slowly over time

>> No.51442091

End of year. What year?
This is your clue.

>> No.51442126

you're delusional if you think anyone left on this god forsaken board has the attention span to read all of that

>> No.51442149

never. the greatest trick is the simplest. dangle a carrot on a stick. never let the subject eat the carrot. rinse repeat for eternity

>> No.51442156

10/10. Sublime poetry.

>> No.51442185

Enough of your silly mumbo jumbo. Will we get Staking V0.1 upon Merge completion considering that the ETHUSD feed is the most critical DON?

>> No.51442206


>> No.51442208

Fantastic posts desu. I sold near the top and bought back in under $6. Thanks for the free $1.7 million Steve, here’s to a few more

>> No.51442249

If you are really Steve you should know Sergey's favorite cologne.

>> No.51442254

What's the LINK sui/make-it stack? I want in on the cope posting when everything except LINK pumps during the bullrun.

>> No.51442444

1k / 10k

>> No.51442507


>> No.51442523

If what you are saying is true, and your plan was to rob anons off of their money this entire time. I hope you wear a bulletproof vest to smartcon.

>> No.51442537

The sad part is the seethe will be from genuine anons who I hope do make it because they were fudded out by nefarious actors. Same as last time..

>> No.51442566

If you aren't larping give me a make it stack.

>> No.51442591

Seriously though, TEN MILLION LINK transferred to Binance?
Wait, nevermind, now they're saying it's from Binance to Binance, not from an unknown wallet.


>> No.51442667
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>> No.51442905

I should thanking you. Without such examples we would have never been able to move a similar amount that you gained in dollars in tokens themselves almost every week.
My favorite part was managing to restrain ourselves enough to allow multiple returns above $30. Just enough to give hope, but not close enough that those who anchor themselves to the previous high in dollars would be satisfied.
If you manage to succeed again, please do post about it. If anything, sometimes I wonder if we could have done even better had we created a bigger social media presence of people demonstrating excessive gains through Chainlink. Rather than the current situation making it challenging to maintain demand.
Thankfully at this point we've reached a phase of success where we no longer have fear failure. And the most interesting part about that is meeting and now working with those who fully understand reaching a phase where money only acts as a way to help quantify the true goal: control.
There are many people like Eric Schmidt who once they learned of what we've been able to achieve, and how few boundaries and restrictions we face both legally and otherwise, instantly grasp the potential.
The exciting part is that there are more like him, just very few believed this unhindered level of control would be allowed to exist in our modern era. With him on board as an evangelist, it becomes impossible to dismiss. And gives us a way to demonstrate our new paradigm and use it as a framework to replicate its success repeatedly. Indefinitely.
There will now always be a new Chainlink. You just might not realize it.

>> No.51443002

Reminder to ignore and hide these tranny fudders.

>> No.51443143


>> No.51443939

We took a risk as much as anyone did.
No violence. No robbery. Arguably no criminal acts.
Everyone is always in a state of choice. Choosing to sell. Choosing not to sell. Choosing to buy. Choosing not to buy.
The idea of choice is the very essence of why we succeed. You are free to choose. You value the idea of a future you have imagined more than what is offered to you now in exchange for what you have. If you were starving and homeless, would those thoughts keep you warm and fed? Probably not, and your choices would likely be different and even more predictable.
You're comfortable, but uncomfortable enough to be predictable.
It does not take an an oracle to predict what a hungry man will do in order to feed himself. In order to reach a state where daily hunger is not a concern, it implies one must consider the future state as well as the present one. And since one does not lose that ability to consider the future after their daily needs are met, that creates an opportunity as one becomes faced with choices that lead to pain, suffering, and uncertain outcomes.
That is when ideas begin to have value. The idea of truth begins to have value. If i can imagine the future you desire, I can influence your choice often enough to have meaningful influence on the outcome. I do not have to be an oracle to do this, just understand the value of the idea and offer a future where no one has to make any choice at all.

>> No.51443962

this would've been a great fud post in march. missed your opportunity by months

>> No.51444074
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, DF21088F-B9E3-4928-B71C-BA3C11B57E20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a quick rundown? I’m not reading all that. We mooning?

>> No.51444646

you cannot fool god.

>> No.51444786

As much as fud has clearly redefined itself as a verb and become a word to describe the act of communicating generalized negativity, it wasn't always the case.
First person I remember introducing it as its acronym, capitalized and all as 'FUD' was Gavin Andresen when he was lead maintainer for bitcoincore(or was it still bitcoinQT then? Maybe).
In that sense I don't think it's fair to call this post that.
Fear? At this point? What is there to fear? Everything relies on inducing comfort and complacency. People fear losing their idea of their future and having to face reality that they'd have to find a new Chainlink again more than they fear the truth.
Uncertainty? Nothing is changing. If anything, the worst is over and most people have settled in and accepted things the way they are.
Doubt? Do you think I'm saying the token will never go up again? Of course not. SmartCon can be both a celebration and an event meant to generate demand. There is nothing to fear because I could get Sergey to repeat everything I've said here on the live stream and it still wouldn't change anything for all but a small handful, and those are the ones who already were full of doubt.
The real magic is finding out how much humans desire to seek a future where their choices are made for them and be told what is true. We are not there yet, and for now the crux of everything relies on choice.
But the idea that we can offer the truth, and the results of that truth can be immediately and unstoppable executed, and not only are people willing to accept that, but the vast majority of people actually desire an existence free from choice, and thus consequence of their own actions.

>> No.51444825

kek, congrats for this beautiful astroturfing operation on /biz/, you truly have managed to get every anon in here to drink the kool-aid

>> No.51444843

I've forwarded this to Sergey and Rory on discord steve, I'm sure they will be very disappointed and you will be kicked off the team momentarily.

>> No.51444986


>> No.51444997

Brilliant fud, just bought more.

>> No.51445036

>A Saturn year is 29 earth years
Except it won't be worth $1000 then either

>> No.51445067

Steve I zone out when I read your posts can you summarize?

>> No.51445093

God damnit steve ellis be more conccise. No wonder sergey doesn't bring you to events.

>> No.51445099

Ari disagrees fool

>> No.51445116

It’s not Steve it’s a tard from discord practicing writing fa fiction

>> No.51445129

prove it fellow discord tranny, post his handle
you can't? then suck a dick

>> No.51445138

Whats even funnier about this LARP is that Coronavirus itself was a greater transfer of wealth as TRILLIONS of dollars were exchanged from poor and middle class to the top 1%. This vaccinated larper probably doesn’t understand the statement above but if you think the exchange of a couple billion dollars from anons to yourself is the greatest transfer through “mysterious crypto means :o” you’re absolutely wrong. You know nothing about the fabric of power and what it really is based on your posts. Decent fud, won’t lie 7/10. You’re incorrect though. Not that the CL team would care about corruption in US markets as you are centered in the Cayman Islands in the first place.

>> No.51445145
File: 975 KB, 320x240, 5C041D45-9C7A-4FFE-9856-938CADFBD16B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about this place that attracts such weird mother fuckers?

>> No.51445158

So you know exactly who it is then. You post it

>> No.51445184

Timestamp or larp

>> No.51445263
File: 85 KB, 982x726, shutterstock-editorial-5883363t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think so?

>> No.51445445

lmao imagine reading this and being impressed. I bet OP thinks this is his magnum opus or some shit, that it's on par with Ulysses or War and Peace.
OP, listen, when you use the thesaurus to make your fud try not to change as many words. Try and be a little more subtle. It would also help if you were just a little less on the nose and generally less arrogance. I'm not suggesting that you think that we all believe that you're the actual Steve Ellis, but it becomes a little easier to suspend disbelief (and everything we know about Link's promising future) if, as you're reading, the post doesn't come across as a manifesto for Satan.
It was a good effort other than that, I am sure it will turn away some of the newer newfags, and for that I am sure you'll eat well tonight on the finest ghivetch your family has had since the fall of the Soviet Union.
As always I won't be selling even a single Link, certainly not at this juncture, but thanks for being so invested in my own investments, it feels good to know that someone else cares far more than I ever could about my portfolio. Keep up the good work.

>> No.51445449

>founders literally become billionaires overnight without doing anything
>hurrr the transfer of wealth was not GREAT enough, confirmed larp!1
kek, the absolute state of bagholders, keep chasing that carrot goyim

>> No.51445451

No amount of rules from the physical world can ignore the laws of the spiritual world and its desire for freedom and positive vibrations.
If Chainlink becomes corrupted by the decaying powers one day, the spiritual world will find a way to change this.

>> No.51445459

aaaand here comes the damage control brigade
>huurrr fud too simple!
>hurrr fud too elaborate!!1
>newfags, listen to me, I am genuinely concered about your financial well being, so buy chainlink nao!

>> No.51446413

what is this blind angry at nexo????? we are no pay for fud ok sirs?

>> No.51446445

pssst shill, it's time to update your script
nexo is insolvent remember?? short squeeze imminent marines!11

>> No.51446473

I had a teacher in high school named Steve Ellis. That's the only thing I'm contributing to this thread. I didn't even read any of the posts

>> No.51446702

He's not wrong, baggie

>> No.51447550

>steve ellis here

>> No.51448282
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You know what is really interesting? Get a bluetooth scanner on an android and you will see random 12 random letters and numbers, a mac adress not a device. You can test it right now and see for yourselves, what you will see is that every Chainlink idiot is infact one of these Mac adresses. Its quite a trip knowing what Chainlink actually is reality along with these news of a cyber attack. I think its the dead switch on the chainlinked goyim combined with a blackout on internet communications infrastructure.
Again don’t believe me, you need to see it for yourselves.
Its nano parasites broadcasting, grown inside Link holders. Demon world next

>> No.51448626

Agreed. You can tell how hard this low iq nigger is trying... It's not even clever or funny.

>> No.51449475

If this actually was what you were trying to do, why are you larping like you discovered something? This isnt new. This identical scam has played out in crypto markets for well over 5 years. Realistically, its not even exclusive to crypto. People have used the promise of future riches to bilk money from unsuspecting rubes for literal centuries. Why do you believe your particular scam to be a new “discovery”? You put a lot of effort into this larp, and based the entire novel you wrote on an obviously false premise kek.

>> No.51450918

yeah pretty much this, but its unavoidable
money printing led to asset inflation and eventually to housing inflation so a normal life is now completely unavailable to most people
meaning you have two choices accept your fate as a forever serf or gamble it all on some moonshot
provide the moonshot or the illusion of one and bingo bongo free money printer
this phenomenon will only grow much more extreme in the coming years as daily conditions deteriorate even faster and more people catch on

but the joke is that you put this on chainlinks feet, this is the one coin that didnt pump and dump itself to enrich its owner, they could have released unbacked inflationary stacking in late 2020 rode the rocket up and dumped their project into oblivion in may
that they didnt really says it all that the link team still sees more future value in link than a present day pump and dump
if you said this about shib, solana, icp or any related shitcoin then it could be accurate
especially icp that was the biggest legal smash and grab i have ever seen, so in your face too

>> No.51451062

they arent cashed out billionaires yet anon
token emissions at price levels werent high enough for that

>> No.51451107

you have absolutely no idea what happened to all of the 500k and later 700k dumps that happened from 2019 to 2021
>b-but wb my emmiuzionz?
thanks for playing retard, now be a good goy and keep holding and promoting our token

>> No.51451724

its rather basic math, take the total coin dilution minus the subsidies at even the most optimistic assessment and add up
the claim that the founders cashed out as billionaires is rather easily proven to be impossible
at peak the mc was just shy of 30 bil and there was no massive dilution near the peak
i am not saying they didnt enrich themselves in the process, just that it simply cannot be to that level of opulence

otc is completely meaningless in this discussion, you are just throwing terms you dont understand around

>> No.51451940

I like OP's style ngl, begrudging respect from the back row

>> No.51452014

I am starting to get it, they literally want to be slaves, it would be unethical and unnatural to deny them this future

>> No.51452511

imagine typing all that and it turns out it's just binance to binance transfer

>> No.51452638

>Binance with over 100m LINK in 2017
>Coinbase with 20m in 2019
>Kraken with 15m
>FTX with 8m
who the FUCK do you think gave them these tokens anon, and HOW?
kek, the sheer state of ignorance

>> No.51452818

meaningless numbers and words
the only way you can mathematically claim the founders cashed out as billionaires is if the majority of the ico was fake and instead went into their controlled wallets

>> No.51452850

ding ding ding ding we have a winrar!!!
exactly anon
that also explains the early "miscommunication" between the team and the investors about who was eligible or not and what was the actual amount of LINK sold

>> No.51452966

>1/10 of the supply given to a centralized entity in a non transparent way is meaningless numbers and words
Jesus the cognitive dissonance is getting ridiculous, are you people even real?

>> No.51453313

dunning kruger wants to talk to you about cognitive dissonance and opportunity costs

>> No.51453336

Reminder discord trannies fud like this because they are seething at the thought that a newfag can still accumulate a decent sized link stack, and they failed to sell the top. Nothing fills their heart with seethe more than knowing that some filthy newfaggot with more starting capital can still own a larger link stack than they were able to afford with their neet bux 5 years ago, if they didn't care they wouldn't post here, nobody here gives a fuck about your financial interests unless it directly affects them in some way.

>> No.51453395

yep. it's insane how much fud there is about link. I was a newfag who bounced off it at first then when I saw all the fud I started buying. It's so bizarre that strangers care so deeply about anons selling link.

>> No.51453559

veery organic bro, LMAO, it doesn't seem like samefagging at all
thank you btw for caring so much about anon's financial well being that you go through the trouble of deboonking the nefarious bulgarian tranny discord fucks

>> No.51453725

well then it would be possible got no numbers based argument against that
going to need to see some pretty good proof of that tho
be would admit a faked ico would truly be a glorious scam and worthy of remembrance

and a math challenged idiot appears, i am not asking you yo do anything fancy here just simple multiplications and additions but even that seems beyond the capabilities of nubiz
truly just let him stew in his own dunning kruger dont try to educate him

>> No.51453833

the fuck you all talking about? a tenth of a billion is 100 million, are you all retarded?

>> No.51453902

What a gay larp. At least it’s more original than token not needed I guess.

>> No.51455187
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hey steve does eth merge to proof of stake mean that eth now needs chainlink to function?

>> No.51457405

anyone notice the price for smartcon tickets are $1477, like two numbers below 1488 but with the 77 meme

>> No.51457954

Then they cut the price by 700 so tickets were $777

>> No.51459714
File: 16 KB, 299x475, D4EC7600-E46F-4562-B4E4-DEF29830AA2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but muh memes
>b-but muh charts and graphs
>muh fundamentals
i dont need you to validate my portfolio you faggot shill

>> No.51460065

what am i looking at here?

>> No.51460095 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 704x512, 1663167924592295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water pipes next to a wood stove
>what am i looking at here?

What are you? A dumb nigger?

>> No.51462158

Wood fired still

>> No.51462197

14 words gg