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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51442087 No.51442087 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51442136

stf no longer fit the narrative
>add more volume
see it fits!

This is on par as the administration stating that 2 contracting quarters no longer is a recession.

>> No.51442144

sell signal

>> No.51442166
File: 730 KB, 1300x625, boyloverlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PlanB is an alameda account. OP is an alameda shill. This thread was bought to you by alameda.

>> No.51442182

holy kek what a retard

>> No.51442191

Shitty model

>> No.51442194


>> No.51442195

>it's okay that the model is shit because it was always shit

>> No.51442198

I was bullish up until now but I unironically might close my long rn

>> No.51442256

let's not even talk about how the ATH didn't break above the S2F line and how this is the first time since 2011 (well, ever really) that its bottomed out below the modelled range

>> No.51442270

loool, I'm not selling but the planb cope is hilarious.

>> No.51442282

just expand the blue

>> No.51442294
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>bro just expand the blue area and it fits simple as

>> No.51442396
File: 401 KB, 1194x938, see it fits bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51442401

you know why right? b/c the jews shut it down. we would of all made it and they can't have that.

>> No.51443099

why is sam afraid of the photo?

>> No.51443111

what does she smell like

>> No.51443193

Fuck i got stock to memed

>> No.51443343


this was serious hopium for many oldfag hodlers

>> No.51443386

freshly cut grass

>> No.51443423

This model only makes sense under a Fed QE regime, which is what BTC has had for its entire lifetime. The model is not taking into account we're in QT and elevated bank rates for the next 8-12 months. BTC is not an uncorrelated asset anymore.

>> No.51443432

I could make like 20 ranges that show the exact same thing at different points in time

>> No.51443859


>> No.51444713

gonna need to add another lighter band in a couple more months

>> No.51444754


>> No.51444790

haha "wait another 2 years before deciding its validity", what a fucking shill this guy is.

>> No.51445986
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I don't think they're that clever, socially at least. But then again I'm not amphetamine'd up to the gills so who knows what they're capable of.

>> No.51446025
File: 549 KB, 1242x1114, 99604C6E-E8FB-4CCB-A0A8-5175F891ED9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious how nobody was questioning the validity of the model when the line was touching the upper boundaries…but now that its touching the lower boundaries suddenly its “broken”…interesting

>> No.51446832

I'd have respect for him if he actually changed his entire approach instead of clinging to his shitty model that failed miserably

>> No.51446841


>> No.51446856

really? I still wouldn't

>> No.51446904

Because the model is designed to contain price within the lower boundary but allow for moves to the upside outside of the upper boundary as you can clearly see by looking at the chart for 4 seconds. If price escaping the lower boundary was part of the model we would have seen it prior to now because those were the results of the data he specifically chose to use.

>> No.51446939

I respect anyone who can put themselves out there, share their ideas, take the heat for them, argue for them, but then change their mind when wrong and own it. It doesn't mean I agree with that person but I don't respect people who refuse to hold on to losing ideas when it's been proven wrong.

>> No.51447253

This chart is utterly useless without rainbows.

>> No.51447429

Crypto has been correlated a lot with general economic condition, inflation, interest rate, DXY. So a lot of the recent downturn has been due to Bitcoin being dragged down..

This also goes the other way, the S&P did almost 10% annually through the lifetime of Bitcoin, i think a lot of it has been due to low interest rate and QE. A large part of Bitcoins overall % gains has probably also been due to this.

Bitcoin wont generate significant returns on itself, maybe a collapse in some fiat currencies could spark an adoption. But that is a big "maybe".
Bitcoin will stagnate for the forseeable future, a new crypto-cycle will emerge based on alt coins, and the S2F model will be obsolete when Bitcoin price action begins to piggyback on the new cycle.

>> No.51447454

Two more weeks

>> No.51447588
File: 254 KB, 1536x1085, CC11EBBB-E346-47F7-8ABC-CFF06F89575B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an updoot

>> No.51448042

I see, this is the best example of copium. His oxygen level is very low.

>> No.51450359
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>> No.51450810

>graph clearly shows what he is saying is wrong
and there are retards that will still believe him lol

>> No.51450827

Tabasco retired retard