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51434484 No.51434484 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is this to do. Give me some tips niggers I'm tired of making less than 50k a year

>> No.51434547

Are you good at math ?

>> No.51434611
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"Learn to code" is a meme. I'm proficient in all modern programming languages and every database architecture under the sun, but because my degree is in physics rather than CS I can't even get an entry-level interview for a code monkey position.

>> No.51434623


>> No.51434637
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My degree is in psychology and I've been a software developer for 15 years, there's no way this is true unless you're either not as good as you think you are or you have some other massive personality flaw or something

>> No.51434646

It's not hard, just requires a lot of time

>> No.51434660

Bro just do a masters in computer science and you're good, im sure you have good enough skills if you did physics anyway

>> No.51434695

This everyone quit now i just got fired from my job and replaced by a jeet its over cs bros we got too cocky

>> No.51434730
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You are just comforting yourself. You probably just suck. I would consider myself below average and my linkedin is bombarded daily.

>> No.51434740


> proficient in all modern programming languages and every database architecture under the sun

What is the advantage of BSON? Is it better for reads or writes?

Columnar vs row db advantages?

Query slow in RDS, wit do?

When rds, when graph, when key value?

Why lazy load in java 8 streams?

Does .net have a memcache?

What is a closure in js


>> No.51434829

How did you get into your position? I've been shotgunning resumes for the last 6 months and haven't had so much as an interview. I think it might be because my GitHub is basically just boilerplate for trading bots and numerical stuff I did for my degree.

>> No.51434845

Than learn a low level language

>> No.51434892

you don't even need to be good at math. obviously you'll make more if you're good at math but frontend user design and things like that don't really require advanced math.

>> No.51434931


What can you do? Skills list on your resume? Post it here?

School projects listed as experience?

Have your linked in?

Can you:
Unit/integration test

>> No.51434988

No entry-level posting is real though? At most they are H1B harvesting.

>> No.51435540
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> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!

> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

>> No.51435709
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>What can you do? Skills list on your resume? Post it here?
I'm best at numerical/simulation programming, but I can do parallelization with CUDA, low-level OpenGL/Vulkan, network programming mostly with TCP, basic ML with TF or pytorch (though this is self-taught), robotics and microcontroller stuff, and most other skills you would expect from someone with a physics BSc.
>School projects listed as experience?
Wdym? Most of my programming-related projects for school were one-off scripts for solving differential equations or converting stellar database entries into useable arrays (fuck VAX floating point btw) or something equally banal.
>Can you:
>Unit/integration test
Seeing as I've never deployed any actual products since I've never had a programming job, I'll let you take a guess. I've worked with AWS and Azure to deploy trading bots, but that's it.
Yeah, I'm thinking that's my only way forward at this point.

>> No.51435734
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I had some fully working personal projects I could point to to show I could do what I said but honestly not much else. Every company I've applied to has said it's a struggle to get quality developers and I don't even consider myself above average but apparently the bar is quite low. My first position was advertised as HTML/CSS role because they didn't know wtf they were doing. I knew PHP so used that, over time transitioned to WordPress and nowadays I mostly work with React.

Either you're setting the bar too high for a first-time position or you're not as good as you think you are.

>> No.51435968

For the low hanging fruit and a foot in the door, you need to reorient your resume so that you emphasize skills that are useful for business software. A guy who manages a team of SQL/C#/typescript business software devs is going to read your resume and see nothing useful. SQL/C#/Typescript are not hard to learn and if you can hack a physics degree and all the tech you mention, you can hack getting employably skilled in modern business software stacks. Don’t wast your time making $50k

>> No.51435976


Serious reply, you are niche and competing with phds. Most pleb jobs need front end, back end, some flavor of sql.

If I was interviewing you, I would ask about your trading bot code. Language and algorithms used to decide trade. If you used ml, I would ask you the very basics like local vs global minima and why it matters in a cost function.

On resume, want to see clear explanation of trading project - trades per second, api's used, number of users.

>> No.51435999


Note how two people told you the exact same thing independently.

>> No.51436127

Who referred you to your first job?

>> No.51436192
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I guess I've been trying to emphasize a breadth of knowledge too wide then. I know C#, admittedly not as well as C/C++, but I can get something working. I've also programmed an SQL database that holds options data I've been scraping for the last year. How important is Typescript specifically? I know JS but I hate it with a passion.

>> No.51436212

Nobody referred me. They told me I was the only candidate who applied and knew what they were doing. I'm not even going for hard programming jobs but it's something I hear in most interviews. Developers are hard to find and good developers even moreso. I guess it depends on your specific programming niche and location.

>> No.51436490


TypeScript is not critical. I assume you can learn it on the job if you know c# / javascript.

>> No.51436864

Have you tried adding projects to your resume or applying to companies that don't run on nepotism

>> No.51437224

>They told me I was the only candidate who applied and knew what they were doing.
Now I know it's a LARP.

>> No.51437622


Yea, sure buddy, everyone hot their first job in a small Kentucky company that no one wants to work at through connections

>> No.51437855

I had the same problem with a BS in physics from Caltech. Go back to school and get a MS in CS.

>> No.51438605

It's true but it is mostly because of location. It was a weird set up where it was a married couple who each ran a business and the office was a room in their house. They lived on some private estate quite far away from even the nearest town so they would not have had a long list of candidates. It was the foot in the door I needed to get started though and once you have one job under your belt with proven experience, it gets much easier to find more

>> No.51438634

The learn2code meme is the biggest LARP in STEM. I've only ever had a single coworker without a degree in CS/EE, and the guy was an applied math PhD.

>> No.51438671

Programming it’s self is easy. There is endless resources online, start reading, or get a good book and read. Like anything it requires studying and practicing. The shitty part of coding in the corporate world is the endless buzzwords, flavor of the year tools, meetings, that agile bs, ‘code reviews’, stand up meetings, design meetings, blah blah blah. Better to just program on your own and come up with a good idea that can be sold or turned into a profit in some way. Maybe go look into Python to get started.

>> No.51438990

If you're after a pretty easy way in id learn Rust or Soldity, I know ill probs get hate but considering ive been a recruiter in the blockchain space for the past 2 years I have a pretty good idea of what is in high demand.

Solidity is super fukin easy as long as you're attention to detail is on point, the hardest part will always be landing your first job. I would reach out to companies you're intereted in and see what you would need to do to interview their. Build relationships with the people inside the company. If you want to go down a trading route, speak to a quant recruiter and ask him what skills he is asked to hire, or look at the top devs on linkedin for that area and see what theyve been up to in their jobs.

Ill give an example, I have been learning Rust for 5 momths now, I have a good relationship with a senior at a very good bitcoin startup, and should be able to land a junior job in a couple months because I've been working on bitcoin specific projects built in Rust.

Find your market, make connections, reach out and introduce yourself, ask what it would take to land a job their, keep in touch, boom.

Any good start up with half a brain cell knows devs they can build from the ground up tend to be better investment than external hires. Hope this helps

>> No.51439217
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1.Do not learn low level language like C, C++ or Rust
2.Learn python
3.Learn algorithms and data structures
4.Grind leetcode for at least 1 year
5.Learn about unit testing
6.Learn about GIT
7.Again, LEETCODE!
8.Do a small project of your own
9.Learn at least linux command interface
10.Get a job

>> No.51439278

you just suck, my BS is in biology and i got a 150k a year job. just do projects bro

>> No.51439328

Anyone here use R? It seems to be the program companies use for big data

>> No.51439366

>Ill give an example, I have been learning Rust for 5 momths now, I have a good relationship with a senior at a very good bitcoin startup, and should be able to land a junior job in a couple months
So your "example" is a hypothetical job that you imagine you will have at some point in the future? Uh, kek?

>> No.51439551

serious answer? Give yourself a challenging but achievable project. Do an app or something that you actually find interesting. Lots of possibilities in emerging fields. Get into it and actually be passionate about it. You will be decent in no time. It'll also be something you can talk about during interviews etc.

>> No.51439570

ive been promised it

>> No.51439578

Telling someone to "learn to code" is like telling them not to be a fucking illiterate 50 years ago. If you learned how to read and write then, you'd be in a better position to get a job, but not if you're completely useless otherwise. And like how 99.9% of people who can read and write aren't professional readers and writers, you probably won't have the title of 'computer programmer' unless you're particularly good at it. IT support should know shell scripting, secretaries should know VBScript, designers should know JavaScript, data analysts should know Python and SQL, electrical engineers should know C and Lua, finance guys should know C++. It's not really some advanced skill that only a select few people have any more, it's something that is just a basic requirement if you want a white collar job. Virtually everyone has internet access, and anyone with two brain cells can learn it on their own, and soon you won't be able to even be an office drone without it. File clerks had to be able to read and write back then, and file clerks now have to be able to code.

>> No.51439586
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>They told me I was the only candidate who applied

>> No.51439607

I’m a sysadmin in aerospace and we have a few projects that use R

>> No.51439730

This, but replace python with JavaScript

>> No.51439773

>What is a closure in js
My brother in Christ, this question went out of style in 2018. But I'm a senior developer and would fail your interview otherwise, kek

>> No.51439934
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I'm exhausted, I did the whole l2code meme and after a lot of struggling finally landed my first job 2.5 years ago. It's an underpaid junior position, I know I have to move on soon but I'm just burnt out, I never really enjoyed coding but ended up with no other option after getting psyop'd into getting a useless science degree when I was younger. How do I find the motivation to get myself to do projects and stuff outside of work hours when I'm already drained?

>> No.51440000

>an actual SWE on /biz/
Go back to Blind, we only give meme advice here

>> No.51440002

This is the part where you make up ever more fantastical details, I guess. (Without realizing that said details make it even less likely that you found the job, if you ever even had it, without someone to put in a good word for you or to even just let you know the job existed).

>> No.51440175

I found it on a local job posting website. I don't know what you find so fantastical about it, I never said anyone put in a good word for me

>> No.51440216

n-word used

>> No.51440408

>software engineer job
>150k per year
>only work < 10min per day
>able to stall work tfor weeks
>play vidya all day from home while "working"
feels good man

>> No.51441047

how long did it take you to get there?

>> No.51441569

Just do projects, and if you can’t will yourself to do them, then do one of those two year contract gigs. Get your two years and then you can go anywhere you want

>> No.51441910

Nah, if JavaScript if you want a jeet level web dev position. Python and SQL if you want to get into datascience and ML.

>> No.51441940

I would be in the same situation if it wasn't for the scrum meetings. Agile development is the worst meme of all the globohomo memes ever made, you just lose so much time organizing each sprint.

>> No.51442164

sounds like you are looking for someone to give you a job rather than creating one for yourself. If you are good at programming and have a brain come up with a program for your business to make money. Or, offer your services to several universities that need custom programming for the physics department experiments. When I was at uni I worked in the physics department even though I was not a physics major. They had a whole floor dedicated to an advanced machine shop and other tooling for manufacturing custom experiments. I took several classes in physics and knew the building well, or so I thought, but I did not know about all the custom manufacturing that was going on. They had like 30 machinists and had their parts store, high lift bay, lifts. Shit was interesting. In addition, there are contractors that specialize in building the major physics experiments like SLAC, CERN, LIGO.....They need hire people that know the field and can understand what they nee.

>> No.51442266
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>What is the advantage of BSON? Is it better for reads or writes?
Binary format is more compact than json/xml/csv/etc, so advantageous for writes, ie save on storage. Advantageous for reads as well because it's faster to parse large datasets.

>Columnar vs row db advantages?
Columnar: makes most sense for large datasets and read only queries. If access pattern only reads a handful of columns at a time then it's wasteful to read and parse all of those additional columns from every row into memory, especially if the table contains hundreds of columns, so columnar helps here. Furthermore, columnar data is very well suited to compression because of single datatype across down one column. Downside is insertions/deletions/etc are much more difficult.

Row: makes sense for transactional access patterns where reads/insertions/updates/deletes are frequent and only a small number of records are needed to be loaded from disk at a time.

>Query slow in RDS, wit do?
idk, never used this before

>Why lazy load in java 8 streams?
never used java, but streams in generally are potentially unbounded (could be over a network, filesystem, etc). If the entire stream was exhausted and loaded into memory at once you could be OOM

>Does .net have a memcache?
idk .net

>What is a closure in js
lol, inner functions have access to the symbols in the namespace of the outer function

>you are niche and competing with phds
even phds aren't making it these days, pic related

>> No.51443297

Look up how to spam add recruiters on LinkedIn. Also lookup how to put the job description buzz words in your resume for each job

>> No.51443500

Go to leetcode.com

Once you have done about 70-80 medium questions, and can do them comfortably in ~20-30min and explain why the code works, time & space complexity you should be good for an entry level job