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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51431579 No.51431579 [Reply] [Original]

>Bachelor's of Science, Mechanical Engineering
>65k salary

>> No.51431635

To I started at 40k with a finance degree 10 years ago. Flex up and keep going. These doomer posts are from weak willed faggots

>> No.51431659

>WAAAAH I """""ONLY"""" GET PAID $6666666666 A YEAR
entitled firstoids have no idea they have it so good

>> No.51431744

Who makes these retarded threads?
Besides your wage is worthless info without:

If you're making that wage while living modestly, cooking instead of eating out, not living in a big city like SF with ridiculous rent/mortgage etc. then what are you crying about?
If you're some degenerate retard who eats out every day, commutes 2 hours a day, spends all the money you make on stupid shit etc. Then you could be making 200k dollars a year and you'd still be a miserable prick

>> No.51431765

My friend who just graduated in May started his first job as a mechanical engineer at around $80k. He also had a 3.9 GPA so that might have helped.

>> No.51431769

if your parents had any degree they were instantly placed into the top 5%

now you need degree to avoid being bottom 50%

>> No.51431792
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>Mortgage: 1300/mo 3b/2b 1880sqft
>car payment: 0/mo
>insurance: 100/mo
>utilities: 200/mo
>commute: 15-20 minutes
>401k contribution:15%

>> No.51431793

PhD Molecular Biology
150k salary

Pretty comfy

>> No.51431813

>Bachelor's of Science, Biology
>Entry-level biotech job (3rd shift)
I got lucky

>> No.51431822

>Bachelor of Science, accounting degree
>wfh $60,000 starting salary
It's nice to get paid to play vidya and workout and do a few returns a week.

>> No.51431852

after taxes and benefits it fucking sucks. my 2500 check turns into 1850

>> No.51431950

I dont think any of you do what you say and most of you are just bots.

>> No.51431987
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>> No.51432014

I have seen many threads here of MEs complaining about the shit job and low pay. Are there that many anons who made the same mistake or is it the same couple whining over and over again?

>> No.51432020

yeah we are weak willed. that's the point. we can't change our temperament and sensibilities. that's what we are.

>> No.51432264

its a meme, imagine wasting 5 yrs of your life doing advanced physics and math to make 65k

>> No.51432321

Does a starter home in pajeetland cost half a million dollars?

>> No.51432437

they don't cost 500k in the usa and I don't care about your goalpost moving

>> No.51432459

so just kill yourself then subhuman

>> No.51432491

That's more than $50k in today's dollars and a finance degree is easy unlike an engineering degree
Okay sounds like 65k is more than enough for you then faggot

>> No.51432548
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No and there's a reason

>> No.51432555

>if your parents had any degree they were instantly placed into the top 5%
Lmao you're retarded

>> No.51432576
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i posted my finances, somehow lowly poorfag me manages

>> No.51432579

Tradie here at $45/hr clearing about 120k/yr in a comfy Midwest white city

>> No.51432596

>no degree
>irrelevant experience
>get offered six figure engineer job

Y'all retards need to discover defense contracting and apply for jobs whenever companies win new federal contracts. They're desperate to fill those jobs so that they don't lose said contract or get fined for not meeting a certain level of manning.

>> No.51432643

How many more times are you going to do this fucking pasta?

>> No.51432909

Is molecular biology worth studying? Do you need to have a PhD to get a decent salary?

>> No.51432953
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>Bachelor of Arts, History Degree
>Salary $160,000/yr

>> No.51432972
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>bachelors in pure mathematics
>unemployed, living in a van, $200 left

>> No.51433021
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Eh Zoomers can't handle when the hear people like me who have zero debt and WFH making 150k a year.

Zoomers cant' stand someone being smarter than them :)

>> No.51433070

I don't have to. Reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.51433100

>masters, computer science

>> No.51433140

You fucking idiot, just do a masters in computer science or do a bootcamp instead of doom posting.

>> No.51433141

>Self taught programmer
>2 wfh jobs that pay 80k each

>> No.51433159

I have a Cultural Anthropology BA and a Puerto Rican and Caribbean studies BA and work at Starbucks.

>> No.51433195

>Bag++ ID

Additional info:
Rent: $0 (parents' basement)
COL: Low
Commute: None
Lifestyle: I eat out once or twice every weekend, buy somewhat expensive gadgets, travel occasionally, I generally buy everything I want, except expensive cars and housing.

>> No.51433253

You bring girls to your basement?

>> No.51433339

I don't presently have interest in romance or sex. I have been profoundly lonely after a bad breakup in 2019, but eventually I started feeling contented on my own and have been clinging to that feeling.

>> No.51433681

as long as you rely on third parties salaries you will ngmi

>> No.51433692

kek I work an entry level email job for a megacorp and make 66k a year
I took 0 education for the role

>> No.51433894

>its a meme, imagine wasting 5 yrs of your life doing advanced physics and math to make 65k
This is exactly why tons of STEM fields range from mildly to heavily cucked (imagine negotiating salary from 32k/year -> 34k/year like my sister)

I'm convinced that normal people know that they need to upsell these positions to young boys (and some girls), in order to get people to do them.

65k is legitimately less than probably every recruiter I know. In the 1st world, you don't need to do STEM to survive or even thrive, so you really have to ask yourself what the struggle is for

I thought pursuing a high paying field would get me cuter girls and more generally a better lifestyle, but now I'm just another depressed FAGMAN engineer with $800k net worth, $300k/year salary, and no friends/gf

>> No.51434140

>be me, EE
>starting salary 64k
>Current salary 200k
It's not enough. It's never enough. You always chase the next thing. I think about quitting every day just to be a stinky NEET. Also I'm underpaid for my area and should be making 250-300k for my yoe and role. If Link doesn't go back up it's over for me

>> No.51434283

>BS Mechanical Engineering
>started at $95k
>currently $1.5B per second

Why live?

>> No.51434969
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>> No.51436203

>Bachelors of Business Science; focus in Supply Chain Management
>Salary: 45,900
I haven’t an hero’s because I don’t want my mom and dad to be sad

>> No.51436231

>mechanical engineering
So you’re a professional Mexican?

>> No.51436348

Im a garbage man for the city I pulled down 69k last year.

>> No.51436453

nigger link is going back up you know it and you did not need to write that and you knew you did not need to write that... It's designed to scale with globohomo for it fucks sake...

>> No.51436534

I hate my fucking life so much bros
I’m such a fucking loser, I really should kms. My job is low paying, overworks me, and the director screams at people. Plus I can’t wfh at all, even though all the corporate fags do. They have fancy offices while we get run down cubicles.

>> No.51436541

65k is top 1% in any country

>> No.51436562

Biologists don't work in biotech larping faggot

>> No.51436598

what do you do? im BSME and it took me about 4 years to even get to 65k

>> No.51436608

> BSc Maths and CS
> MSc Computational Finance
> Quant Developer
> £70k in hand

>> No.51436649
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>Bachelor's of Science, Geology
>56k salary

>> No.51436722

Personally I make 66k salary and another 5k in bonuses as a mechanical engineer but I'm not really employed in something that's related to engineering. I'm kind of just comfy because I've negotiated work from home, my 401k is fully vested, and I'm not really looking to job hop during economic downturn when I have a stable job. I'd need to do some real retraining to jump into engineering again but I'm looking to pivot to controller work more anyways and I'd rather just use the opportunity to focus on the rest of the shit going wrong in my life. If they force me back into the cage or try to get me to get the jab though then I'm gonna take a long vacation and soul search. But as it stands, an extra 10-15k isn't enough to get me back into the cage right now so I'm gonna stay put.

>> No.51436755
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>BA History
>fucked around so much in school, didn't even have good grades
>no networking while in school besides my roommates but they all went into fields I have zero interest ever working in
>160K salary plus bonuses, fully remote, do maybe 5 hours of work a week
Insurance is extremely boring and soulless but you can get a healthy salary and once you advance past entry level the workload diminishes.

>> No.51436770
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>Bachelors of Arts: Economics
>Risk Business Analyst in Health Insurance
>$53k right out of college (no occupational experience)
>Guarenteed promotion within next 3 months, probably sending my salary to market range (65-70k)
>Make about 3000 after 401k, benefits and taxes.
>1400/mo for rent, 1BD 1BA, open brick walls.
>200 for utilities
>Work from home, no need to commute, plus no car
>after saving for food and investing, leaves me with about 1k to do whatever the fuck i want.

Idk OP, sounds like you just can't budget well enough.

>> No.51436932

300k a year would make so many europoors seethe, top 0.04% at least even in some expensive places like London.

Please hero yourself if you can't be happy with that.

>> No.51437026

> phd of computer scie…
Wait no
> masters of computer scie…
Damnit, no don’t have that either
> bachelors of computer scie…
No no, didn’t finish that one
> HS diploma class of 1997
$210k Salary
College is a meme

>> No.51437047

Bro now do you live like that. What’s the struggle like?

>> No.51437048

lol i live in Eastern Europe and not even CEOs of companies with 2000 employees make 300k a year here

>> No.51437056


>> No.51437100

Engineering fag here, what languages do you use to milk the FAGMAN?

Just as OP, I've had enough with being an engineering cuck, I have the IQ and free time to learn2code and free myself from this talmudery.

>> No.51437102

Pretty sure it's all the same tards making these threads.
>be me
>am not retarded and good at math, so easily land an aerospace job doing all the fancy shit I learned in school
>starting salary ~80k/y in mid 2010s
>get awards at work, am top performer
>get promo, job hop anyway
>land ~150k/y job as senior engineer
>get more awards, get promo'ed to staff engineer at ~200k/y
>YoE not even 10 years yet
You have to not be a retarded CADnigger and learn skills that people will pay for + you need to job hop to get the real gains. Problem is the grass is always greener; techfag salaries and benefits have outpaced aerospace now so I'm considering hopping over there if I can land an interesting enough project to work on. The point is to stop being lazy and lern2code unironically.

>> No.51437107
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>Bachelor's of Science, Mechanical Engineering
>$65,001 salary

>> No.51437127

Biotech is biology, faggot

>> No.51437135

>stationary engineer
>trained as an apprentice at union training center free 4 years (2x 4 hour night class each week) while earning
>large hotel making 120k and free food
your welcome

>> No.51437166

Congratulations on being a little industrious stooge for the (((Military Industrial Complex))).

However, OP is not wring or baiting, ME is the worst after civil, EEs and ChEms get far more and more easily.

You must have gone to a top 10 school,a nd as you admit, you are a little diligent faggot. Not everyone is like that.

>> No.51437171

Bachelor of Arts, Biochemistry
170k TC management consulting

>> No.51437182
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ty for the keks

>> No.51437197

I quit codecucking back in 2008 and became a Linux/virtualization/ storage sysadmin. There is a huge need for complement sysadmins because the vast majority don’t know what they fuck they are doing. Also get a job in a space, robotics, ai, aerospace or similar r&d company. They pay well for the most competent the people. You don’t want to sysadmin for random corporate IT it’s mind numbingly boring and your want to suicide yourself.

>> No.51437220

>focus in Supply Chain Management
this should be your golden time lol whats the story there?

>> No.51437225

Working at Costco Canada
65$k pushing carts outside
No kids
Rent is 425$ in Montreal.
I'm spending all my winters in Thailand.

I can't complain honestly.

>> No.51437255

That's life denying. I make 35k which is nothing in a HCOL area without an associates degree and Currently interviewing for roles in the 50-60k range as my second position as I have been in this current role for close to a year now.

>> No.51437294

Checked. My point is that ME is too broad to generalize like that. If you're an ME who is EE-adjacent (controls, mechatronics, robotics, signal processing focused, etc.) then it doesn't matter that you're an ME versus an EE. The ME degree is not holding anyone down, it's the fact that they haven't focused on skills that have a high market value. It shouldn't be surprising that if your idea of ME is CAD, then you're trying to break into an already saturated market and you're not gonna get paid well. It's economics bro. CSniggers have it EZ because there are not enough coders relative to market demand; as soon as that is no longer the case then techfag benefits will evaporate. Also, no matter what your specialty, your first job is probably not gonna be the best paying, which is why you need to job hop to get to your true market value.

>> No.51437334

Is the mitochondria really the powerhouse of the cell?

>> No.51438143

high shcool diploma
92K salary

t. overachiever

>> No.51438409

High school dropout
$450k TC at a FAGMAN with 8 YoE
Learn to code, even illegal immigrants make six figures in 2022

>> No.51438482

>be me
>graduated 2019 BS Computer Science
>did manual labor for a year while looking for work
>got a programming job making 60k
>now make 110k wfh, live at home, almost 6 figure savings

I feel like I made it bros

>> No.51438565

> 6 figure savings
That’s in some kind of investment right? Please tell me it’s not in a savings account.

>> No.51438600
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lol dumbass

>> No.51438639

you mean all the markets that are down 15+% this year? lol

>> No.51438880

Yeah I am sure Coscto lets you take the entire winter off to lounge in Thailand...

>> No.51438977

What's a good college to study Civ Eng at?

>> No.51439118
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>tfw I make $70k/year with a 2 year associates degree in electronics that cost $2000.

>> No.51439556

It's 70% in the stock market in etfs, 20% in crypto, and 10% in the bank/emergency fund.
But I'm not adding any more into crypto after I got burned by luna

>> No.51439606

Median house price in california is like 800k

>> No.51439623


>> No.51439654

Mechanical engineering is fucking awful

>> No.51440232

you know how you're sitting comfortably in an air conditioned room right now?
you're welcome

>> No.51440311

I'll thank the HVAC guy who makes more than you

>> No.51440330

>Is molecular biology worth studying?
The exact major (molecular biology, biochemistry, biology, etc) doesn't really matter as much as your research experience, specifically, what techniques you've learned and the significance of your publications.
>Do you need to have a PhD to get a decent salary?
Pretty much. I applied to what was considered an entry-level job at my company, and it's very competitive. Having a PhD is the absolute bare-bones requirement unless you somehow find a once-in-a-generation public job in a low cost of living area. If you want to actually get the job, you need to have a strong publication record (which means choosing an advisor with a history of strong publications and collaborations) and letters of recommendation as well. I should note that I got my degree from a low-tier state college; they don't care that much about pedigree as long as you prove your value.

>> No.51440349

>software developer
>lose half to wife
feels fucking bad man

>> No.51440401

What do you do in the insurance industry?

>> No.51440409
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>0 degree/debt
>45k salary
>can't afford to live by myself

>> No.51440481

I did EE and I am topping out at $70K starting, can't seem to break through even in high cost of living areas.
I was expecting a serious big dick salary but this is pathetic.
Also engineering is all salary so you will be expected to work 12 hour days with no overtime.
This sucks I should have done literally anything else.

>> No.51440786

>Associate's in Nursing
>Made $540k in the last 3 years traveling
>No debt
>Own my home

>> No.51440824

Kys vaxxie fed

>> No.51440917

Damn, I made 70k out of school when I graduated 10 years ago with my B.S. My rent was $600 at the time which was awesome.

>> No.51440972

I make $70K salary before taxes and work 60 hours a week.
My rent in $1800 a month for a studio and I have $60K in student debt.

>> No.51440987
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>No degree

>> No.51441806

Great the economy pays diddly fucking squat for shit like that