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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51426812 No.51426812 [Reply] [Original]

Fell for the LUNC meme. Sold at break even. Now everyone is just trying to pump it to sell their bags before burgers wake up and dump. Why is biz so good at finding bad projects?

>> No.51426822

Fuck off /biz/ hates those fucking jeets, no cure for your stupidity.

>> No.51426824

I fell for this meme too friend. Down 30% and sold before it goes to $0

>> No.51426836
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Don't blame /biz/. You're the retard who fell for this shit. You didn't use your fucking head and now you're dead. Should have went for bitDAO, BTC or ETH. You chose to be a retard instead.

>> No.51426851

Couldn't even wait until the 20th lmfao

>> No.51426857

LUNC was shit from the start and everyone said so. Retards were just hoping to beat the system and get rich quick. As if it would suddenly go straight back to its old price.

>> No.51426860

LUNC was always a long term hold. You'll regret being a paper handed bitch.

>> No.51426864

Dao and btc are chink only eth is trustworthy and stable enough to be a currency

>> No.51426866

I fell for the meme too but still 300% up
Not selling lmao

>> No.51426874

You had 4 months. Not our fault you fomoed. Should have bought the lows, did research on the revival plan and waited. I got in at 0.0~8 and even swapped my post-depeg 2una airdrop back into lunc. Took out my initial awhile ago. The 1.2m lunc I have left is house money.

>> No.51426888

>Retards were just hoping to beat the system and get rich quick
This it, like every other meme stock and dog shitcoin, it's fueled by retards trying to escape the wage cage.

>> No.51426897

No because in just a few hours the burgers are going to see the arrest warrant news and sell even more.
eh, i'm not so hard on myself. this arrest warrant was a black swan. i didn't lose anything. nbd
bro this is cope. c'mon. don't marry your bags.
at least you had the sense to cut losses.

>> No.51426915

Why are you so negative ? Lunc price will obviously go up again, he just has to hold. People who criticize this project don't know anything about it.

>> No.51427055

All you stupid nuggets bought way to late. Real G’s bought this ducking coin sub 0,0001 and are still 200-300% up. We shilled this ducker for 4 months and you mongoloïds did not buy. FUCKING RETARDS, we will be rich and you will clean my fucking gutters while your wife is blowing me in my new Ferrari

>> No.51427069

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the average IQ of these LUNC jeets.

>> No.51427239

>sold at break even

what kind of retard A) is selling before the burn and B) bought anywhere above the .00001 it was hovering at for MONTHS? lmao

>> No.51427292

It’s a scam

>> No.51427427

I'm holding to 0 with the rest of the schizos, I will never side with the jew. Also I'm glad that weak minded zoomer retards like you get shaken out even before sept 20

>> No.51427757

Dumb nigger got shaken out
Do Kwon being arrested makes no diff to LUNC. its only 2UNA niggers who should be panicking. This is actually bullish for LUNC because it helps decimate 2UNA.

>> No.51427789

Holy fuck people are actually and unironically selling their LUNC. The shakeout memes were fucking real. Imagine tossing the golden fucking ticket into the incinerator good fucking lord.

>> No.51427824
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You fomoed cos of greed. didn't you? There's a lesson there. Try multi-blockchains with good fundamentals next time. That way, you won't be in a coma from your losses.

>> No.51427840

Will be here to laugh in your face newfag. Don't care. Will keep slurping Geeq rewards and blockchain innovations. Hfsp

>> No.51428532

Holdooor. Must be a newfag

>> No.51428545

Did you guys learn nothing from Ethereum Classic or Bitcoin Cash and its subsequent shitforks?

>> No.51428556

BTC was here before eth. What are you even saying?

>> No.51428679

Holy shit you fags are dumb. Bitching about biz being the worst, you had fucking months to buy in sub 0.0001 and sell for a 5-10x but what did you do? You bought the top like a fucking retard, as usual. No sympathy for you degenerates, you're as impulsive as a woman and that is why you're NGMI

>> No.51429159

Most L1s are trustworthy imo, especially those with multichain fundamentals. 5 years from now would be interesting in the blockchain space.

>> No.51429194

Plebs know nothing. Quite sure they would miss the emergence of geeq and their blockchain data. Don't care.

>> No.51429400

>he thinks the arrest warrant is bearish
What do you think is going to happen when they seize his assets and find the missing BTC? Just in time for the burn no less. This thing is going to the moon and all the FUD biz can muster won’t stop it.
>Every reply to this post will be seething fomopium

>> No.51429755
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another OG schizo here. I bought in just after LUNA's crash back in May, and kept DCA-ing since then. LUNC is going to eat a zero when the burn goes live on the 20th, then we have the Binance ama with TR devs on the 22nd where they'll probably announce the off-chain burns. anyone who sells prior to that is a fucking mongoloid, or straight up fudder.

just hold frens, WAGMI. it's been a long 4 months, and we're almost there.

>> No.51429928

Based. Donkey Kwon's arrest is honestly the most bullish news LUNC has had in a while. We've been waiting for this for months.

>> No.51430141

It was a collapsed ponzi scheme. Only retarded newfags thought this was anything but a short term pump and dump

>> No.51430257

The fucking desperation just leaks out of every word

>> No.51430408

I've never been as comfy with my crypto. It will rise and you will seethe.

>> No.51430685

I want you to tell me why you think LUNC will ever pump. What is the value proposition here? Are these good fundamentals?
>Arrest warrant for founder based on fraud charges
>Price death spiral programmed into the protocol
>99.9999% down from ATH
>Everyone has jumped ship aside from people looking to make a quick buck
Are you dense?

>> No.51431229

Can we pump floki tomorrow?

>> No.51431341
File: 53 KB, 1077x794, A9320352-A29D-4756-A02B-B0EBBFE24E80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entire global economic market is crashing….LUNC IS A SCAM EXIT NOW lmao OG stacklet here since June do not fear bros the chinaman is based and wants to make money too the fud has increased 220% in the last two weeks but the real question is can you wait two more?

>> No.51431599
File: 599 KB, 1125x1525, 0BDA7169-83D8-464C-934F-47848F565090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is biz so good at finding bad projects?
biz spoonfed you retards for 4 months. you had FOUR MONTHS faggot, yet you still fomo at the top. OG’s are still up a few X’s. no worries, you’ll fomo back in after the burn is live and you’ll sell again when it dips like a good npc.

>> No.51432086

i fomod in at the top, i fomod in last night, i will continue to fomo in at every dip, i will fomo until i cannot fomo no mo

>> No.51432628
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What an original and organic thread! Thanks jews and pajeets! Very cool!.

>> No.51432679

calling the people you are trying to convince to pump your bags "retards" is a bad technique, you need to be more polite and subtle

>> No.51432687

Can you name a legit reason why u invest in Luna classic? Apart from buzzwords like burn? What it's use case? Do people actually use it? What problems does it solve?

We are in a recession, literally everything is on the edge of dumping hard again, stocks, crypto
And you are invested in an useless (prove me otherwise pls) already failed memecoin which salesperson just got arrested? Is this what sub 50 IQ looks like?

>> No.51432738

Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.