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File: 127 KB, 962x642, 62377215-11209615-Back_in_black_DiCaprio_wears_a_similar_all_back_look_with_a_blac-a-21_1663129806478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51424948 No.51424948 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don't see the point in being a 50 year old multi-millionaire with no kids

>> No.51424976

>still on the "need kids to prove ur worth" phase
typical midwit

>> No.51424983

Even Donald Trump had kids. Shut up, incel.

>> No.51425024

>still on seeking other men for validation phase
typical midwit

>> No.51425046

Same, I think that's why so many on this board are trying to make it as fast as possible so they can get the "multi-millionaire" part out of the way and then just focus on starting a family before they reach their 40s-50s. Making it by late 20s to early 30s is ideal imo.

>> No.51425109


> Have millions
> Spend all free time with a bitch and her shitlings

Fuck that.

>> No.51425208

you can just pay a surrogate to have your kids once you make it, men can reproduce until they die (if they dont get sterilized by some weird pharma shit)

>> No.51425703

He could have 10,000 kids with 10,000 different women for all he cares, but he doesn't, he mogs you

>> No.51425741

Living the hugh hefner lifestyle minus the cucking part in the beginning with his first wife

>> No.51425977
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Maybe he’s impotent

>> No.51425993

DeNiro must have really good looking children

>> No.51426030
File: 86 KB, 530x564, 9C134A51-0521-42E9-A4FE-EE28FA19C7A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fo shizzle

>> No.51426043

It's pointless

A man with no kids has no purpose and has failed to fulfill his instincts.

The best use for money is breeding healthy and intellectual children. Materialism is a distraction from this

>> No.51426092
File: 44 KB, 640x448, D7279BAC-9E74-4D73-98C8-CA06941674EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite meme. It encapsulates how gay the jewish miscegenation card truly is.

>> No.51426107

I honestly don't see the point in being a 50 year old multi-millionaire with kids

>> No.51426129

He knows what he's done

Your existence is miserable and entirely ends in death. All your ancestors are cringing and seething at your for ending their genetic line

>> No.51426176

Lol not if I’m worth millions and can do whatever I want

Everyone dies in the end, faggot

You sound like you had kids and regret it lmao cope more nigger

>> No.51426193

By the time you're 50 your kids should be adults

>> No.51426331

>movie tuff guy unironically married a sheboon
>movie lover boy bangs 20y olds on a daily basis but somehow is a closeted homo
im good with my life, dont envy those mongos.

>> No.51426338

Kids aren't about proving your worth.
Don't have kids until you're 50, and experience the existential dread for yourself.
Most family members you knew growing up start dying, the only way to assuage this pain is to start a new family line yourself.

Eh, that only applies if you and your wife are the same age.
Having a younger wife has a lot of advantages in its own right, but you'll be a little older when you have kids.

>> No.51426666

Everyone dies, your ancestors are dead and don’t care. Your children will die, your bloodline will one day complete cease to exist. You are not special anon

>> No.51426723

>Your existence is miserable and entirely ends in death. All your ancestors are cringing and seething at your for ending their genetic line
The story of men having a miserable family/being stabbed by his son is as old as time, even aristotle/socrates made a joke about a man with a miserable family makes a great philosopher or smth

having kids won't make your existence not miserable lol

>> No.51427094

>If I'm worth millions I can do what I want
Then you're a fool and will fall down the same soul destroying and meaningless pass countless men have before you

>> No.51427120

>Everyone dies
Do you feel smart when you say this? Did you understand what I meant? Do you understand what lineage means? Do you have any grasp of the architipel narrative world you also exist in?

Having kids gives you meaning and purpose it's literally what youre genetically engineered to do, why would you even try to deny this? How can you even thinking avoiding having children is a path to happiness?

>> No.51427238

>architipel narrative world
lol no woman will fuck you if you talk like an autist

>> No.51427254

I would normally agree, but no kids is better than Deniro's kids

>> No.51427317

>I honestly don't see the point
This is just an expression of your value system. The reality is that if they exist, then meaning, value, purpose, and significance are all independent of reproduction.

And frankly expecting my children to imbue my life with meaning in a way my close, chosen friends do is an unfair expectation to put on them.

>> No.51427331

>even public retard#1 had kids
yeah, exactly. idiot

>> No.51427373

Got married when I was 23

>> No.51427374

You tradcon larper with no life experience. My sister had beautiful and healthy kid. The boy grew up to be narcistic, selfish asshole you cant rely on. You have some illusions about kids that may never happen.

>> No.51427385

That's because she didn't raise him, probably takes after you with your narrow-minded materialistic point of view

>> No.51427395

>Having kids gives you meaning and purpose
maybe if you lack agency

>> No.51427422

Kids are not path to happiness. People had kids so they work for them, profit. now you work for kids, loss. Kids are just different people who will do what they want and will call you a boomer when they will grow up, once turn puberty they will give no shit about you. You want to live through kids because you failed in life but at least you want larp as 4chan tradcon man of success, kids are copium.

>> No.51427462

The boy had best mom and dad in the world, still grow up to be sociopath and asshole. Truth is you will have little control what your kids become and you live on hopium. Why you think so many are bitter ? They spent life on 'kids' just to find out it was just illusion and their kids give no shit about them. All whores from from OF are somebody daughter.

>> No.51427631

Avoiding kids is a direct path to unhappiness, you're rejecting every instinct in your body, it'll start to sting more as you age.

Kids are stressful, annoying, intolerable, they piss and shit and cry all the time sure, but you can't collect the gold without slaying the dragon. The reward of meaning is ultimately worth it, avoiding the challenge is selfish and cowardice

Some of us actually have lives and aspirations, there's no need to larp

>They had the best mum and and in the world
Sure buddy

>> No.51427649

>fulfill his instincts
Men were highly violent until tamed by civilization.
Should we go back to those days too?

>> No.51427671

You're a slave to your animal instinct, no different than a dog sniffing another dog's anus or a nig that has 6 kids because it's the "Right thing to do". having kids is nothing special, african nigs have 10 of them per family.

>> No.51427672

This guy gets it. Nothing is more validating or fulfilling than having your first child.

>> No.51427748

No? You're just as retarded as >>51426666


>Having 10 kids per family
As did your ancestors, now do your job and outbreed these thirdworldings before you're completely replaced

>> No.51427785

>The reward of meaning is ultimately worth it
Yay human capital breeding more human capital

>> No.51427811

Retard read about heritability of BPD and temperament

>> No.51427820

The narrow minded insight to life on this board is unbelievable, even /Poltoids have a better understanding of being, meaning, purpose and the importance of Godly aspirations in life

>> No.51427841

Having children without raising them in a civilized manner (boys learn philosophy, martial arts and finances, girls learn how to be a good housewife) is worthless. Nay, negative even. And 90% of people don’t raise their kids this way

>> No.51427852

>tamed by civilization
The peak of human civilization was 1st century BC and men were still highly aggressive (when needed)

>> No.51427857


>> No.51427862
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This is what happens when a nigga mainlines Jordan Peterson without ever cracking a book. "Architipel" holy fucking kek. Get a library card man.

>> No.51427873

White people shouldn't breed

>> No.51427952

How's this related to JP? Read Aquinas

Correct, I'm of course advocating for raising them correctly

>> No.51428040

Being a millionaire ALLOWS you to not have kids.

If you're poor, you need to have kids because otherwise when you're old you're fucked.

>> No.51428063

Your bloodline ends with you, and rightfully so, you are a faggot and a loser, self absorbed by the abuses of the world. My guess is, no matter how great a first impression you make, you always end up low man on the totem pole when you join a new group.

>> No.51428112

Your a slave to your animal instinct. You belong to the same level as afrian nigs

>> No.51428117


>> No.51428136
File: 824 KB, 1242x1185, 73E3E845-8563-469B-BD0F-26DAFCD3CB85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must reprodoooooce!!
Shut the fuck up

>> No.51428141
File: 115 KB, 526x579, C57F7CFF-7A13-41AB-B571-9AC79D102F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 35 and getting pretty close to making it.
If the next bull run goes well, I’ll be retired before 40, and the plan has always been to start a family.

However, when I start walking through the steps of how that looks like, I’ll have to find a good woman in her 20’s that wants to have kids and isn’t some monstrous liberal slut from hell.
How am I going to know when I’m safe to gamble my wealth on a future with some woman I haven’t met yet.
Every relationship I’ve had fell apart because the more I get to know a woman and the more I see inside her brain, the more I inevitably can’t stand to be around them.

On top of my hatred for women, how am I supposed to spend my life with someone from a completely different generation?
Imagine being dragged around like a mummy to hang out with a bunch of zoomer friends of your wife.
The more I think about it, the more I’m thinking about staying alone and continue to have shallow relationships that end after a few months when they inevitably leave due to my lack of “commitment.”

>> No.51428148

You're a monkey. A primitive animal that is a slave to their instincts.
Only a retard would reproduce in such a fucked up planet.

>> No.51428193

jesus christ look at those fucking animals

>> No.51428212

She's fucking on the side buddy, sorry to tell you...

>> No.51428214

A marriage can be extremely fulfilling for your life in some cases, and children would add even more meaning to it. However at least 95% of the marriages are done to fulfill a social duty instead of pursuing your own happiness and make everyone who is part of it miserable. Unless you found someone to reach that fulfilment you shouldn't marry

>> No.51428222
File: 686 KB, 960x508, fewer kids more immigants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. fell for it

>> No.51428356

We plan, God laughs. Just try to enjoy life

>> No.51428375

Italian genes cleaned

>> No.51428385

t. troon who cut off his wiener

>> No.51428408

ITT coping genetic dead end losers

>> No.51428421

literally flushing your genes down the toilet. How could anyone willingly do this?

>> No.51428437

You’ve never had your butthole licked by a 22 year old.

>> No.51428449

Sad nigger. The planet is fucked up but only low T faggots accept life like that. Kys asap Troon.

>> No.51428451

Men are still fertile in their 50s, If you're multi-millionare you can breed on demand

>> No.51428469

>Men are still fertile in their 50s
Well beyond, actually.

>> No.51428481

you'll be 50 with no kids and no multi-millions
what's the point of you?

>> No.51428527

>Become a millionaire
>Get a bitch pregnant
>You whole family can't wait for you to die so they can inherite your shit

No thanks.

>> No.51428583
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>> No.51428585

This. After having 2 kids I’ve discovered that nature is much stronger than nurture. I knew my daughter was going to be a problem the day she was born. Yes you can see their personality from a newborn. Not much different when you spot the asshole out of a litter of puppies. Fortunately my 2nd child is normal but we’ve been through 4 years of hell with the first born. Sometimes you just get a bad seed. I have changed as a person though and matured into adulthood. I don’t think you can truly do that without having kids. Every #childfree person we meet us emotionally stunted. Like a 30 year virgin is stunted in a way.

>> No.51428741

Agreed. Marrying someone just to have children is the most retarded thing you can do and you will literally ruin your life if you do that. The best thing to do is to find a woman you love first, children will just be the cherry on top of that fulfilling relationship. Nothing more.

>> No.51428767

Enjoy having retarded and/or diseased children. Nature intended for men and women to reproduce in their 20s-30s for a reason.

>> No.51428773

>low T faggots accept life like that
Post your body :)
Fatass probably can't even do what I did in my teen years, KEK

>> No.51428790

Have fun creating more cattle. Literally just food for jews.

>> No.51428809


>> No.51428849

Everyone in this thread that wants kids is on the left, kek. The right one is only for millionaires which clearly none of you are.

>> No.51428875

In a way though he's not wrong. Having kids and raising them well is perhaps the most worthy thing you can do. It contributes to the success and survival of humanity and society. And besides, it's something of spiritual and immaterial value.
Getting paid a king's ransom for pretending to be fictional characters on screen, while you spend this money on luxury, gas-guzzling items as you preach austerity to the masses is hardly a man of worth or substance. That's a self-serving, avaricious man who contributes nothing but mild entertainment/distractions to the masses and get far more than his just desserts for doing so.
Return to your masculinity and morality, modern man.

>> No.51428899

Now post the maternal one lmao

>> No.51428905

cope lol

>> No.51428913

>Return to your masculinity and morality, modern man.
tardlarp. kys

>> No.51428975

>The best thing to do is to find a woman you love first, children will just be the cherry on top of that fulfilling relationship
There's nothing that ruins a relationship faster than having children.

>> No.51428981

Men and women should both reproduce in their 20s-30s, like I said. If they don't want to end up with a genetic monster they have to take care of their whole life, that is.

>> No.51429015

Having kids is necessary for a self-perception of worth. Remember why you have them gonads.
Do not have them if you're broke or if your woman is not trustworthy.
If you get by decently and your significant other is not a whore or a cunt then you will be happier having them.

>> No.51429137


>> No.51429164

you will never convince the chud wahhabists on this board of that

>> No.51429193


>> No.51429213
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are white and you're not reproducing you are most definitely suffering from low T and you deserve to get captured and beat up and let the strong white men spread their seed instead of basedcucks.

>> No.51429220

I don't mind being wrong or having my opinion balanced out with well-reasoned disagreement.
Show /biz/ what you're made of, son.

>> No.51429229

Some people just dislike kids in general.

>> No.51429235

stop autocorrecting s o y to based WTF is wrong with 4chan nowadays

>> No.51429246

People keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

>> No.51429309

How can you look at yourself in the mirror after posting something so cringe?

>> No.51429352
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>How can you look at yourself in the mirror after posting something so cringe?
>People keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.

you have chosen to die off lonely and irrelevant

>> No.51429384

Imagine not having kids while being succesful and seeing your company and legacy being acquired bunch Kikes? Most trustworthy successor to your own empire is your own children, no way around it.

>> No.51429414

Kek his father was a fag. Look it up. And instead of being honest with himself, he lived a lie and reproduced and shitted up the world with his faggot son that votes Democrat.

>> No.51429476
File: 95 KB, 1080x1260, 1662498726619635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God white men are too low T and cucked to reproduce. It's going to make the "BLACKED" process go a lot faster. Thanks again cumskins my descendants will have a great time using the capital you all acclumalted.