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File: 5 KB, 900x500, ethereum-name-service-ens-logo-vector-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51422182 No.51422182 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine holding anything else lmao

>> No.51422447
File: 111 KB, 1343x909, ensstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Registrations are now 200k+ every month

>> No.51422507

am i the only one who thinks 3 letters are so underrated ? faggots trade those fucking 6D when there’s only 17k 3L.

>> No.51422533

No I agree with you but we're not shit sheik so you don't understand the epic license plate of digits in Dubai...or something.

Imagine telling someone "adb.eth" versus "103789.eth"

>> No.51422629

They are criminally underrated, it might be because of the high renewal fee. 3Ds are more justified because of the lower supply so they were able to take off despite the renewal fees. I've said it multiple times before but 3Ls in .com are like $12k-17k MINIMUM even for the trashy ones.

>> No.51422690

What is the token for?

>> No.51422733


>> No.51422774

This market is phony. It seems like the same group of whales just trade between each other to artificially raise the price on normies. Spend enough time on twitter and you will see. The average joe cant even get 4 likes on a sexy 6D.

>> No.51422917
File: 207 KB, 1076x1002, 1626942417833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone pay special attention to a 6 digit holder? I suck at twitter too if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.51423025

Single Ethmojis STILL under a 1 ETH floor.

I’m posting this every day so that people can take screenshots like that trips digit guy

>> No.51423059

how much you wanna bet it’s the ens.vision faggots pumping their own bags with shit like 6D
>bulk register tens of thousands of 6Ds
>create a brand new club on the website
>wash trade for some volume
>plebs ape in thinking it’s the next big thing
just look at how many retarded clubs are listed there

>> No.51423067
File: 28 KB, 1199x507, 604AFBF1-1AEF-496D-9BFA-AD4BB0B6AE88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking there won’t be a massive market for this aesthetic in your Metamask and everywhere on the chain

>> No.51423098


Anyone know the contract and tg chat?

>> No.51423161
File: 2.16 MB, 450x450, 1624233502369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's some sort of conspiracy it's just natural that some degenerates went from 3D to 4D to 5D to 6D and so on. 6D is literally top-tier in terms of poopoo categories, there's much much worse. Check the ENSregistry bot on twatter from time to time if you truly want to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.
Yea that's cool fren but ENS can be so much more than that

>> No.51423189

> ENS can be so much more than that
Such as?

>> No.51423240

Its just the NFT and shitcoin people. Theyve moved to the next thing and like musical chains, someone will be left holding a bag of overpriced gamertags

>> No.51423352
File: 141 KB, 1125x377, BC68A92A-143C-407C-B77A-C251B49B81BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such as using your ens domain to send and receive crypto instead of using your wallet address.
>see picrel

>> No.51423495

This is exactly how it happens. Rigged. Phony. Average joe can't make a sale regardless of how sexy the combo. I have several so called "grails" also which have 0 views.

>> No.51423769
File: 25 KB, 1000x916, 1637251284710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Websites and everything that comes with it. Brands aren't buying their .eth just because it looks cool in their company wallet, a decentralised naming service for this whole web3/metaverse thing makes sense. You can argue for weeks about whether or not some ugly monkey jpeg is worth something but domains are intuitive the same way you type in traditional domains and not the IP address. ENS could potentially have the best of both sides, the only thing holding that side of it back right now is that most browsers don't natively resolve it. Another upside although small in comparison is that you can also use it to redirect to a BTC LTC and DOGE wallet, a smart contract, or a traditional domain. You can wrap a traditional domain to make it ENS compatible, so basically you could use a .com to redirect to an address when someone tries to send money to it but this doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you don't also own the .eth. ENS is still being developed so it's not like there won't be more in the future. ENS will be relevant for as long as crypto is alive.

>> No.51424009

I have 2 solid 3L acronyms, a 3L brand and an undeniable grail 3L dictionary
people get fudded out by the renewal fee lmao
it's relevant for floor 3Ls for now, but look at 3 digits. Does anyone consider renewal fees when buying a 3 digit? Fuck no.

The number of widely recognizable and desireable 3L words/acronyms/abbreviations is under 1000. Ergo, floor price for such names should be at least equivalent to 3Ds. Only reason it isn't right now is discoverability and liquidity. Once the tools (that are being built) become available, this will be a non-issue. No more digging through wjc, mnx, wzl and thousands of other dogshit 3Ls. Grails only.

>> No.51424043

Matt Higgins just bought two 3-digits after learning about ENS less than 2 days ago, 713 and 917, Houston and NYC area codes respectively. If you don't know him, he's one of the rich fucks on Shark Tank.

But yeah, just anonymous whales pumping and dumping like every other shitscam NFT project.

>> No.51424059

lol boomer
ENS is for identity and flex, that's where the real value is. Anyone can register a random string of 5-6 chars if they want a shorter wallet address. People aren't dropping mid 5 figures on 3-digits just because they're convenient to type kek

>> No.51424126
File: 48 KB, 773x578, bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are in a bubble
>pic related

>> No.51424247
File: 194 KB, 939x1004, 1647074395824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically fudding with the ensregistry bot
lol, lmao even. if those actually sold then it would be a bubble, but they don't. all that they're doing is feeding money into the DAO and providing me with some entertainment.

some sussin fud all of a sudden in this thread. maybe it's the same anon who fudded another out of his single emoji yesterday

>> No.51424903

maybe take a couple of hours off to read the thread again, slowly word by word, get some pen and paper to take notes if that helps, maybe just maybe you’ll see no one’s talking shit about 3D’s you fucking retard. your post is is not even closely related to what I or anyone itt was saying. there any no words in the english dictionary to describe how retarded you are.
>ENS is for identity and flex, that's where the real value is.
kek. flex the value of deez nuts on your chin faggot

>> No.51425081
File: 195 KB, 596x891, ens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy my shit you fucks