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5140015 No.5140015 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you missed out on LITERALLY the biggest investment opportunity of your lifetime.

>> No.5140033

When? Where?

>> No.5140073

Bitcoin, 5 years ago

>> No.5140074

>tfw investing in shitcoins hoping for 10-20x returns when they used to be 100-1000x
how do you deal with this?

>> No.5140121
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Yea so get in on the ground floor a project that has a 10000% potential. Deeponion got 15thousand retweets to get on kucoin today

>> No.5140123

The day I decided to even get into this game was the day bitcoin spiked. Sucks

>> No.5140128

I guess we are two then. I have a few spare bucks I can throw into this, always been a lurker and was scared because the posts about success are much fewer than the ones with pink wojaks.
Now I'm going for the dumb question, that resumes what I was planning to do with my entrance on crypto.
Isn't it better to just buy the absolute shitcoin, just like the most new and cheapest one, and hold it till it gets bigger? Or do shitcoins tend to die too often?
I'm talking about biggest gains possible, since I'll be investing like 300 bucks.

>> No.5140203
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Your lifetime? Human history pal. The first shall be last and the last shall be first

>> No.5140233



>> No.5140256

>invested a lot in regular stocks instead of crypto
>can't withdraw until januray due to tax related reasons
>made 10x the profit of regular stocks by investing 100€ in crypto

>> No.5140293

How much do you guys think BTC can grow?

>> No.5140302

it's still going up bro

>> No.5140309


No idea. I never imagined it would even get to 5k

>> No.5140310

It's not quite over yet but there's no doubt you missed the boat. Still, even though crypto was probably the biggest opportunity for easy money in history it doesn't mean you can't become rich yet, it just means you'll have to work hard for it and hope you're one of 0.0001% lucky enough to actually make it big.

>> No.5140321


10-20x returns are something you should be grateful for anon.

Don't be greedy.

>> No.5140345

Wait, you guys do realize this is just the beginning right?

Normies haven't even gotten into alts yet

>> No.5140358

TFW you were a coiner, but became a no-coiner because of margin trading.
I'm eating dry bread everyday since I've lost the last of my stack 2 weeks ago.

>> No.5140374


Yes they have. They're listed on yahoo now ffs,

>> No.5140579

2018 will be the year that dapps really start to take off and there will be a lot of easy money in tons of ERC20 tokens.

Like, damn. There's probably several $100MM market cap coins that could reach $10B by mid-2019. That's 100x returns.

>> No.5141345

>tfw you missed out on LITERALLY the biggest investment opportunity of your lifetime
This could be applied to any investment, don't worry about it

>> No.5141420
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>mfw everyday I remember how I threw away 300 bitcoins in 2010 because I thought it was some stupid /b/ meme

>> No.5141442

You threw away >500k


>> No.5141451


you would only have 20 or 30x, tons of coins can provided that from here

>> No.5141466

Bitcoin has gone up 100000x since the time it was just 10 cents.

>> No.5141486
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sooooo many people are rich now

too bad you missed out, anon

>> No.5141511

Not much more than 5 million.

>> No.5141513

Averge person dont read no yahoo finance.

>> No.5141528

>implying if you bought in at $10 you wouldnt sell at $100

>> No.5141558


not since 5 years ago like OP said, since MT gox they have always been at least a few hundred dollars

>> No.5141590

come buy some coin you autists
made 30% gains twice today on these calls

>> No.5141594

It can reach six figures. The display we seen this year is that the sky is the limit when it comes to crypto

>> No.5141669

I learned an expensive lesson this year. If you find a risk that could make you 400x your money, take it.

I didn't bet on Trump when the odds were 400:1 and I was sure he'd win. Then he won and I looked at bitcoin at $1000, and decided that it was too expensive and too late to get in on it. Only finally got in a few months ago when my normie dad wanted bitcoin to buy weed with.

>> No.5141757
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>missed out
Don't let this be you when you STILL don't buy in

>> No.5141784

Unless you were going to get rich, who gives a fuck? I turned $1000 into $7000. Do I care? No, because that's a fucking piddling amount of money.

>> No.5141829

>can make easy 20-200% on your cash, DAILY
>people pretend like now isn't the perfect time to make normie money

>> No.5141836

If you just choose one shitcoin, your odds will not be very good

Even if lots of coins end up doing 2x-3x at some point, most will fall again and a lot of them stay down. You gotta catch a good coin at the right time if you want those higher gains, which I suppose is what you want, given your low budget

>> No.5141842

You didn't. There are constant opportunities like that with futures transactions or you can just go to a casino.
Of course if you're not a complete idiot you buy index funds instead, and the same goes for 10 years ago.

>> No.5141987

>heard about BTC 5 years ago
>didn't bother to understand it
>hear about it again on /biz/ 2 years ago
>start learning a bit but get distracted and don't bother anymore
>finally want to get in 2 weeks ago when BTC was at 10k
>put it off because busy and had a vacation planned
>now it's almost 20k

Fuck me so much

>> No.5142040

Man, I don't get how index funds are worth it, unless you want to spend your money once you're retired. If i put in $100k and we say that it rises by 5 % every year... It will only be worth $140k after 10 fucking years.

What's the point unless you are already wealthy/rich?

>> No.5142051
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you are like a littel babby
its not too late for you to join and become %1 resident bagholder

>> No.5142078

100M sats

>> No.5142082

>washing machine broke down, had to get it repaired for 260
>flight home got cancelled, had to fork out 470 for two nights in a hotel and another 500 for an one hour flight
>who knows when the airline will compensate for that

Thank God I even had a credit card with a decent limit. But that shit took a big chunk out of my savings I wanted to invest.. and now Christmas is here and I gotta buy lots of presents.

>> No.5142129

Yeah I will buy some today just for the hell of it. Also wanted to gift my baby niece a paperwallet with a bit of BTC on it. Maybe in 18 years it will pay off.

>> No.5142146
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Sounds like you're a seasoned Bitcoin investor already.

>> No.5142151


yahoo finance is normie central. it's worse than stockwits.

>> No.5142218

Exactly same boat as you anon. I'm selling some shares and that goes through tomorrow since the market is closed. I'll be getting around ~350$ to invest in crypto

>> No.5142238

Lol same. Bought $300 of bitcoin for my birthday for the lols and then it dumped hard. It got me so panicked that I ended up reading about crypto for a week straight now I have $600 in alts.

>> No.5142283

1. Sitting on a shitcoin with hopes it will 8000% will leave you with heavy bags.
2. Expecting major gains from the big coins is unrealistic

>> No.5142321

I'm not poor.
Just wanna get my foot in the door before I learn further

>> No.5142333

>I bought and sold bitcoin in 2013 for """ huge""" gains

>> No.5142374
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So the fact that BTC and LTC is up over 200% from last month, no big deal?

I mean sure its not 1000% in a day like some shit coins, but at least I know I could sell and that the devs are Sergey.

Also, I wouldn't be suprised if we see BTC at $50K and LTC at $5k next year same time.

>> No.5142414

at least i bought 2000 shares of AIG in 2008

>> No.5142418

Buddy you’re self cucking there are literally coins doubling in value in one day right now, there is so much fucking money to be made on this Chuckie Cheese token bullshit

>> No.5142431

Lel my first gains of the year was winning $1000 betting on Trump. I had absolute faith in his victory, which was dumb in retrospect. I should have directly reinvested into crypto and I would have some cash right now but my mind was elsewhere.

>> No.5142444

If you put in enough money that you can get rich off of 250% future BTC gains, more power to you.

>> No.5142473

It would be awesome, but don't expect it.
The only thing you can expect gains from with absolute certainty is your own ability to read the graphs and predict when something is going to pop.

300 to 5k is a 16x gain.
That's 1 year.
If you were to get 50% gains every day it wouldn't even take you a week to get that kind of money. Just FYI.

>> No.5142487

There are literally lottery tickets millioning in value right now and have been forever. Why on earth would you gamble with this low return coin shit?

>> No.5142501
File: 89 KB, 640x800, ahegeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you make 51k worth of cryptos without an initial investment

I got into altcoins 3 days ago, if you're too retarded to realize the biggest investment opportunity of your lifetime is right now then I can't help you. You could mine a shitcoin, sell it and then sell a pumped shitcoin and have thousands of dollars in hours.

I can't explain how fuckin glad I am to be alive, at this moment and time. For the first time in my life it feels like I have a purpose to exist, my dad said he was proud of me and I don't have to work. I'm actually crying a bit, it sounds melodramatic doesn't it? Clicking a couple buttons on my computer has given me something I've tried my entire life to find, and you're sitting here saying you missed it. The ride just started, get ready to start climbing. If you're smart then you'll make it, it's all laid out for you. Best of luck anons.

>> No.5142515

Are you kidding? ADA went 2x today alone, doge is going 5x in the next month, etc

>> No.5142516
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No It's 162K

>> No.5142528

>Also, I wouldn't be suprised if we see BTC at $50K and LTC at $5k next year same time.
I would be, it's way too little.

>> No.5142533

It's not really a gamble if you have some degree of common sense. This game feeds on normie money holding bags for you to profit. If you're too normie to handle the pressure then stay poor.

>> No.5142549

His point stands. I have half a mind to cash out my 401k/stocks and put into crypto. I mean I won't, but I definitely could.

>> No.5142600

Don't really have to be rich. You need to park your money somewhere, unless you're 100% in crypto. Better in a brokerage account than a checking account.

>> No.5142612

I made $51,000 FUCKING dollars in 3 days without spending a single cent, what are you gambling? Your free time? If you're a NEET like me that shouldn't matter.

>> No.5142642

>If you're smart you'll make it. Its all laid out for you

This meme gets passed around a lot but means little on this shilling board

>> No.5142658

we're barely approaching what seems like the general population realizing whats happening in the cryptospace, get the fuck in here NOW.

>> No.5142670

lel the "gamble" is just how much you make that day. some gains are better than others, but as long as you ride the wave you'll literally always profit.

unless of course you're a weak handed faggot, of which clearly there is no shortage, in which case you deserve what happens to you.

>> No.5142722

What did you mine that gave you $51k in three days?

>> No.5142744

Just take it easy. The blockchain is still a new thing and people are finding new uses to it all the time.

Right now, I know of 2 companies who are going to make resource backed tokens. The market has not discovered it yet so the price are still really low.
The american company Canamex is going to make the tokens GOLD and SILVER, and the norwegian company Element is going to make the tokens IRON and NICKEL.
It may crash the whole futuremarket, so this is some serious shit.

Having a small bet in both is a good future investment, this may be "the new bitcoin"

>> No.5142764

This: >>5142516
And 5% is pretty low. It's worth it because it gives you pretty much the best expectation value you can hope for. You may prefer gambling (bitcoin, casino, lottery, whatever) but they are not "worth it" in the sense that statistically speaking you're making a loss.

>> No.5142797

>and now Christmas is here and I gotta buy lots of presents
If you have a liberal family just convert to islam.

>> No.5142811

>10-20x returns
Yeah, i wish. Just got into crypto, making 20% profits from 80$ investment.

>> No.5142829

If you have some common sense and properly predict the future?

>> No.5142836

Your LARP sensor is weak anon.

>> No.5142845

You will be saying the same thing about today when your 40

>> No.5142865

There are people who can read markets really fucking well, and there are really rich people who have enough money to manipulate prices. If you're too much of a brainlet to do it on your own then you need to find groups of these people and befriend them.

>> No.5142882
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>daily trading meme

>> No.5142897

The gamble is that you might just as well have lost that and more. The gamble is that statistically speaking trying to beat the market and predict highs and lows you lose. Passive funds typically beat 2/3rds of actively managed funds, and they are managed by professionals, not some neet. You got lucky, now you should cash out asap and make a statistically sound investment. If you buy a $1 lottery ticket and win 1 million dollars, do you think it's a good idea to buy 1 million lottery tickets? That's what you're doing.

>> No.5142913

New things will come up, be smart.


>> No.5142916

>thinking market trends that consistently show up in sine waves is fucking hard
>attributes it to literal fortune telling

>> No.5142938
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>tfw you only saw btc as a means to buy lsd and never even considered it an investment

>> No.5142972

Then how come the majority of actively managed funds is beaten by passive funds when it's so easy.

>> No.5142985

You're a fucking moron, trading in fiat is not a zero sum game, trading in satoshis is a zero sum game but there a lot of fucking retards

>> No.5143011

because the very groundwork of cryptocurrency was laid out by 2000% gains among the major coins?

let me put it this way.
multi-thousand % gains happened within the span of weeks after years.
hundred % gains happen daily.

its up to you what you want to do.
hold out on a prayer to win the lottery that your shitcoin doesn't die and happens to be worth 100053t7y32985678329853278953092532735298783295753295327898 down the line.
or multiply your money over consecutive trades and start making some real fuckin money like, today.

>> No.5143014

BTCZ and a little bit of Verge. I realized the potential of Verge, so I sold all my BTCZ and put it in Verge. Now it's all in ADA. Common sense folks will get you far

This, anyhow it's impossible to lose on mining new coins and shilling to get more. Worst case scenario you lost time, best case scenario it goes up a bit and you made bux. Then you can be as passive or aggressive as you want, because you're not worried about losing your 'investment' that you consider your USD.

>> No.5143037

You get dividends as well from the companies in the index fund anon, which you reinvest.

It's nowhere near Cryptogains, but if you put in 5k at 18 years old and put in 2k every year for a couple decades and it'll make you a millionaire

>> No.5143039

>tfw nuked a hdd with 2 btc I mined way back just for fun

>> No.5143056

>>>5140015 (OP) #
>we're barely approaching what seems like the general population realizing whats happening in the cryptospace, get the fuck in here NOW.

This. If someone think it is already “too late”, he still doesnt understand crypto. So if you dont invest now, you dont need to blame yourself - you didnt believe back then, nor you believe now. You would propably sold anyway prematurely.

Keep calm, study how crypto works, and if you get it, invest.

>> No.5143079

let me put it also this way
>timmy has been hodling since .11 for 3 years
>tom has been trading for meager gains each day consistently making a humble wage
>BBCoin shoots up 1488% in 2 days
>timmy is rewarded greatly for his patience and practice of getting cucked
>tom bought in at .20 and still gained 1488% because he had the foresight to invest just before its massive bump

>> No.5143126

>>tfw you missed out on LITERALLY the biggest investment opportunity of your lifetime.
Not an investment, clown. It's a gamble...though odds may be better than a casino, you should be intellectually honest enough to know that you are buying into a ponzi scam.

>> No.5143143

>Keep calm, study how crypto works, and if you get it, invest.

If you're calling it "investing" you didn't "study how crypto works" or you just don't get it.

>> No.5143147

Wait what? You have insane transaction costs (fees or inflation through mining rewards) because crypto is inefficient by design to be secure.

>> No.5143153

if you never sell less than you bought you will never lose. if you dont buy at ATH you wont lose. this is only a gamble for people with no discipline. they are essentially paying you for their own stupidity, they kind of deserve it.

>> No.5143159

>the foresight to invest just before its massive bump
may was well use that super power to pick winning lottery numbers.
if there was to objectively determine when it will happen, then other's knowing the same information would change the timing.
and knowing when a rally will happen is useless after the fact

>> No.5143196

I am at this since November and have Not made a single profit

>> No.5143227
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>be too dumb to follow news
>be too dumb to see when people are pumping or dumping
>be too dumb for the internet in general
>thinks the people who do all of this are wannabe fortune tellers
>attributes it to a gamble at a casino
>buys a coin and holds it for 20 years with the belief it will make him a gorillion dollars

>> No.5143229

>if you never sell less than you bought you will never lose.

On the contrary. If you're buying in now, you've already lost.

Tell me how much 1 BTC is worth if there are no "exchanges" around and your only option is to trade directly.

Furthermore, tell me how your "stack of bitcoin" is worth anything if you aren't even trying to convert a portion of it to a currency you can actually use to...you know...buy stuff?

Say you have 100 BTC and are eyeing up a private jet or whatever cucks buy - what exchange will let you "sell" 100 BTC and trasnfer out $2M USD in two transactions?

All crypto is literally one SEC regulation away from doom, and once fake news is on the bandwagon, you can rest assured the end is near.

>> No.5143236

>if you never sell less than you bought you will never lose
or if you can't sell at a profit at all.
it's gambling because all of you're profits are ultimately realized by selling to others trying to do the same thing. eventually the system will run out of new players.

>> No.5143252

So you didn't get my point at all? Of course you can make potentially bigger gains with active trading, but still, passive funds are routinely beating actively managed funds by professionals. If you try to beat the market you lose on average. You may still prefer to try, it's a matter of preference. In other words, the richest guys will have been active traders but the average active trader will be poorer than the average passive investor.

>> No.5143269

That's me.

>> No.5143303

lol just off yourself, life isnt for you and being rich totally not even a possibility. just pathethic. buy the king BTC and go all in with all you have or stay poor forever

>> No.5143304
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I have like 1 ETH, from when I bought it forever ago. Knew about bitcoin since 2009. Laughed at dogecoin threads on /g/, always made fun of it. Lurked this board since its inception, nothing to show for it.

I don't really care about these chuck e cheese coins, just tell me the next shitcoin that's going to get pumped so I can buy a sick amd kikeripper computer

>> No.5143308
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>tfw payed 0.08 btc for a guy to write me a program over a year ago
>at the time only about $45
>~$1600 at current exchange
Pretty mild in terms of regrets. I don't think any of us would've predicted that the stakes would've become this extreme.
That said, I never properly 'invested', I've only bought and sold shit in crypto.
Thinking I'll probably play a around once the inevitable crash hits.

>> No.5143313

>BTCZ and a little bit of Verge. I realized the potential of Verge, so I sold all my BTCZ and put it in Verge

The story doesn't add up in any way. Choosing the best entry points you could have made 2x on btcz, 10x on verge and about 4x on cardano.
That's 80x, but how the fuck did you mine $625 worth of btcz in less than a day with one gpu?
yeah nope

>> No.5143342

> if you never sell less than you bought you will never lose.

I really wish this meme would die. You've never heard of opportunity cost?

Hell yeah I would sell at a loss, so that I can invest that money in something else that's gaining.

Fucking idiots. Stay poor brainlet

>> No.5143367

You must be a blind retard

>> No.5143388

Don't sink a fuckton of your own money into it?
You don't even have to buy in at all, you can get into the game for literally free. I'm well aware I'm selling people something that could essentially be worthless. That's not stopping me from selling it.
You didn't get mine. What's stopping someone from riding the entire wave of gains that you waited half your life for?

>> No.5143401

i bet 25k EUR on Trump and made ~100k EUR. The odds were never better than 5:1. Also i put most of the winnings into BTC, and only BTC. Thanks god i have the guts and act on my ideas, 99% of all people never do and thats why they suck and are poor.

>> No.5143432

>I don't really care about these chuck e cheese coins
Thats your problem, you never see the value in anything until everyone be else has.

There's no point in telling you want I think has value now, just like there was no point in anyone telling you about bitcoin or doge in the past.

Why don't you stop excepting wealth to be just handed to you (because every time it has something far you've rejected it) and actually DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH

>> No.5143440

>You didn't get mine. What's stopping someone from riding the entire wave of gains that you waited half your life for?
Nothing. Just like nothing's stopping someone from taking the lottery jackpot with a single ticket after I was trying to get the right numbers my whole life. The richest guy will always be an active trader, but the average active trader will be poorer than me.

>> No.5143446

I'm talking about general rules that obviously burn enough people that makes it possible so someone can profit. I'm well aware, reddit, thanks for your overly big and ultimately pedantic diatribe of ultimately nothing.

>> No.5143448

If people like you had never used bitcoin in the past, it would have never gained value

>> No.5143460


spare me the tony robbins tier lecture and just tell me the next toilet tier altcoin that's going to blow up so I can buy a new computer, thanks

>> No.5143507

What about the people who acted on their ideas about a hillary victory? Why do you think the odds were 5:1 in the first place? Because most people had the wrong idea and actually shouldn't have acted on it.

>> No.5143508

It's just poor advice though. You need to know when to cut your losses.

>> No.5143519

>The richest guy will always be an active trader

So who is the active trader equivalent of Warren Buffet?
That person doesn't exist.

>> No.5143531
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I was more fascinated at the time with the political implications of a decentralized currency, but I realized that's kind of stupid seeing as how it's based on fiat currency.
It should really be milked for all it's worth before the feds come and shut us down.

>> No.5143544

>still trying to connect my bank account to my wallets and GDAX

>> No.5143590

He would exist if there were more (tending to infinity) people. There's always a small chance to be always right forever.

>> No.5143615

I'm not trying to shit on you for your method, I hope it works out for you. If you want the quick easy money you'll have to work harder for it and it will test your judgement and resolve constantly. If you have enough to live at the comfort level you desire NOW then there is nothing wrong with making safe long term holdings that can provide for you down the road.
That weak hand mindset is why people get burned while others are getting rich. The lion share of profits comes from the people who "cut their losses." More people "cut their losses" 20x in a row than there are people who will know when to hold them.

>> No.5143642

you're earlier posts make it sound so easy that you'd be a fool to not dump your life savings into crypto
for people who don't know any better you may as well be shilling a strait up scam

>> No.5143651

>tfw mined dogecoin on second day and sold 2 billion of them for $800 worth of BTC
I could have been a millionaire...

>> No.5143661

>I hope it works out for you
Well that's the thing, it very likely will. I wish you luck with yours because you'll definitely need it, because statistics are not on your side.

>> No.5143679
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Who here started with a small as fuck investment?

I'm doing great, but I still have so far to go before I make it. I have a feeling that the market will explode shortly before I reach my goals

>> No.5143683

i turned 10k into 60k this month

theres still time

>> No.5143686

im old enough and i see some underlying laws in the universe other people simply dont see. it was always a 100% certainty that he will win for a shitload of reasons, most of them never even communicated by MSM, that he will win, there’s were just two dozens hidden solid indicators back then. one day before election i literally went all in and overdrew my CC and paypal so i could max out on that opportunity.

if you’re not a total fag that is constantly surrounded by women and beta males you will be able to make up your own mind and see through all the foggy BS that is constantly tried being sold.

>> No.5143719

I apologize for coming off that way.
I do want to emphasize the fact that in order for you to win, others have to lose.
I would wager that if you haven't already made a fortune in holdings than the long term game from here out is going to be less profitable than riding the waves of people artificially inflating shitcoins on the daily.

>> No.5143765

>I would wager that if you haven't already made a fortune in holdings than the long term game from here out is going to be less profitable than riding the waves of people artificially inflating shitcoins on the daily.
Obviously I'm talking about index funds not the "longterm game" in a fucking pyramid scheme.

>> No.5143791


Started out with Coinbase when LTC was doing a climb and managed to double my money. Now I want to take those gains and try to find an alt coin that I can get in at the ground floor and hold a bunch of...

But how the fuck do these exchanges work? What's the best one? Bittrex isn't taking new members, is HitBTC known around here?

>> No.5143821

For some people this is the best opportunity to build a base of wealth from which they can expand into safer investments. For just about everyone(right now) this is the quickest and simplest way to multiply what you already have. It won't last.

>> No.5143872

It's much simpler and just as quick to buy futures on a well regulated stock exchange than go to some shady crypto exchange. I've been waiting forever just to have my bank account verified so I can finally cash out what I've mined.

>> No.5143896

its not about belief it's about knowledge, which you have zero and are willing to do nothing for it.

Just buy some mooncoin

>> No.5143929

Alright, well, I look forward to seeing your threads on the gains youre making from your stocks in coming months. Keep me posted.

>> No.5143938

>It's not really a gamble if you have some degree of common sense. This game feeds on normie money holding bags for you to profit. If you're too normie to handle the pressure then stay poor.
yeah, I'm not entirely convinced you're not shilling

when bitcoin does eventually crash there's no doubt it's communities will be working as suicide hotlines. and posts like the one above are driving the more financially illiterate into that corner.

>> No.5143991

I don't need to, because I already know with high certainty that it will be about 5-20% annual gains.

I'm looking forward to see how you fare though, whether you become a millionaire or completely broke, which are both likely outcomes in the short term if you heavily invest in crypto.

>> No.5144035



>> No.5144053

Exchanges are simple.

>sign up
>Go to "wallet/balance"
>go to bitcoin and click deposit
>it generates your bitcoin exchange address created
>transfer bitcoin to that address
Same process for any other coin.
Then you just go to the coin pair you want to trade and do so

But for god's sake check how much the exchange will let you withdraw without verification. I have a lot of BTC stuck on Bittrex because they won't verify me and have a zero BTC withdraw for unverified policy.

>> No.5144122

>tell somebody directly that if you want to profit others are going to have to lose their shekels, implying that can also be you
>"you're driving people to lose their shekels"
I don't invest heavily. Anyone can get started from anything like a dollar or nothing.

>> No.5144295

people arent investing in crap in 2018. The days of get rich quick pnd ICO's are over

People are paying for innovation and things with uses

Buy Cardano.

>> No.5144316


1 penny per satoshi

>> No.5144449

I spend something like 15-25 BTC on various drugs back in 2012ish. As others have said in this thread, I never even thought of them as an investment opportunity so I don't feel too devastated. If anything the fact I had those BTC before made me stubborn to the idea of getting back into it again. I probably would have bought in a few months earlier this year had it not been for that.

It seems there's still enough time to make some serious money on altcoins, hopefully the shilling nigger Pajeets on here don't ruin it for us.

>> No.5144572

Also forgot to say that I would almost definitely have cashed out when BTC hit $1000 back whenever that was anyway

>> No.5144599

Thank you

Where do you get the bitcoin itself though with fiat? Right now coinbase is the only way I've been able to find that lets me pay with bank/card

>> No.5145074


You wanted to get those drugs, and BTC was the best way for you to get them. There is nothing to worry about.

>> No.5145366

Somebody had a great post about basic candlestick reading, does anybody have a cap of that?

>> No.5145438

Oh christ, just let go of what you can't control. You know you're still going to die and have everything taken away from you in a flash, right? Just move on. You can still make a shit ton of money..

>> No.5145552
File: 58 KB, 571x413, skywhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP you could prevent this from happening:

>it's the year 2023
>your personal assistant jewgle home is waking you up
>you ask it to play your morning news broadcast
>friendly reminder that your subscription to the news broadcast bundle expired
>would you like to renew your weekly subscription package for 599 ?
>ok jewgle what's my bank account balance?
>negative 2377 shekels - would you like to take a loan from mr goldstein?
>ok jewgle you are my greatest ally
>after listening to the news broadcaster talk about mass sterilization you decide to leave
>sitting on the train listening to your favourite stevie wonder record the music suddenly stops
>we are sorry to inform you anon but your mobile music streaming plan just ran out
>would you like to renew it for one more week for only 149,99
>suddenly your hear loud laughter from the first class seats
>you see chad thundercock and a bunch of hot asian women in perfect breeding age
>chads rambling about how he got so much skycoin in 2017 and how he has unlimited >access to entertainment and asian qts are in aw staring at his iphone xyz
>you arrive at your jobsite, put on your gear descending into the sewers
>thinking about how you gonna catch the next buttcoin dip for sure

>> No.5145574


I made more money trading options on pott stocks than you faggots did while playing forex with your internet money.

>> No.5145664

>Common sense folks will get you far
KYS faggot, pathetic that you would LARP as someone who got lucky

>> No.5146515

Most of the top 100 are shitcoins without uses. A LOT of the new ICOs coming up have real-world use. You have it the wrong way around anon.
look into DNA, ALIS, ODN (maybe not... depends if its platform is as shit as everything else its done so far plus its got no real-world need outside of the public's use, which is good but not an industry unless the press use it), PBL, HST, BCPT, DRP, DNT, ENJ. Some of those might be good for you.
Remember, 90% of startups fail and that is essentially what these are. But they are startups in a new industry so maybe it will be alright and better odds. Make sure your coin/token have a real-world application with a niche that is currently not available (in a way blockchain can provide) but has a need for it and potential for profits.