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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1513466313700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5140239 No.5140239 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm able to afford a different call girl every night
When you make it this far are relationships literally obsolete?

>> No.5140317
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1501413479988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a delicious degenerate lifestyle.
You have much happiness and fulfillment coming in your life. Make sure to use a shotgun when you commit suicide, a handgun won't do it quickly in one shot.

>> No.5140354

Sauce or name pls

>> No.5140367

You sound fun

>> No.5140394

You need Jesus Christ in your life.

>> No.5140409

He's right. Money is a necessity and a lot of it is great, but it's not a reason to live.

>> No.5140417

>fucking a skanky hookers dry pussy
>fucking my gfs dripping wet little puss that is all mine

Choose one

>> No.5140418
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>> No.5140472

fucking a new cunt everyday is better than anything “friends” can ever give you. not joking

>> No.5140473

Can’t put a price on a woman that truly cares about you... that isn’t your mom. When I was in college my girl stripped to pay my tuition. Now that the tables have turned, I’m paying her way through nursing school. She means the world to me and yet I still see call girls every now and then (unbeknownst to her, yeah so what?) So to answer your question: No. It’s invaluable to know a woman will love you even if you’re broke. C’est la vie.

>> No.5140490

>being this much of a degenerate

>> No.5140498

I would never touch a whore.
How can you have sex with used goods?
It's disgusting.

>> No.5140506

>thinking there's some greater purpose to man
On a universal scale we are essentially lichen growing on a pebble that developed a little self awareness at some point. Deep down even you christcucks know it to be true.

>> No.5140513
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Money makes the call girl's pussy wet.

>> No.5140532
File: 292 KB, 432x530, AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't make babies with a different roastie on the pill every night.
You have no future.
May as well be a faggot swinging through AIDS infested discotechs.
Abysmal genetic dead end.

>> No.5140571

> Impregnating my wife with my aryan seed
I choose this one.

>> No.5140586
File: 21 KB, 480x423, 19437599_1984390238457027_866915095849078844_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting drunk before you pull the trigger will help.

>> No.5140587

Procreation is a meme. Odds are your descendants will come to be everything you stand against and there's pretty much nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.5140591

I'm not religious. It's just true. Consumerism as a replacement for a normal relationship or family life will probably make you depressed--unless you can distract yourself with expensive hookers.

>> No.5140594

When is she coming back? Did we scare her away?

>> No.5140600

Oh and you forgot to mention he has to use condoms. LOL.

>> No.5140611
File: 26 KB, 530x298, FB_IMG_1502567052389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw /pol has invaded biz with the normies.

>> No.5140618

I only fuck shemales and I can have a new one every night from tgatas.net

>> No.5140650


>> No.5140666
File: 46 KB, 450x322, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many bitcoins do I need for a humble virgin girl who doesn't crave sex and wants to live with me and grow old together

>> No.5140675

hookers are the best, you fuck them in the ass and then cum all over their face. 5mins later they are paid and gone and you can turn to your activities again instead of having to manage a stupid woman (that doesnt even do oral) and children that kill your nerves and dry your bank account.

>> No.5140681

Enough to pay the bull. Because you are gonna get cucked hard.

>> No.5140687
File: 122 KB, 398x373, 1511819202896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Procreation is a meme.
Said none of your ancestors.

>> No.5140704

Only if your nonwhite.
If you're white and not constructing a positive, low time-preference relationship that will bring you and your race many kids, you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.5140711

a whore is nice every now and then but spending money on them every day is sad as fuck senpai, are you that much of a beta that even being wealthy doesnt pull you some free puss at social events or something

>> No.5140713

Divorced men have the highest rate of suicide.

Divorce rates are higher than ever.

You're argument has no basis.

>> No.5140714

Disgusting cheater scum

>> No.5140726

I'm going to kek hard when you blow your brains out because all your grandchildren are androgynous neon haired attack-helicopter-kin pansexuals.

>> No.5140737
File: 55 KB, 773x425, 18446848_681454775375035_5676050404381326125_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That entire statement in regard to mine is so retarded I do not know how to even respond to it.

>> No.5140743

>all mine
Lol, oh anon...

>> No.5140752

Great (((totally self-constructed opinion))) you got there.

>> No.5140768
File: 88 KB, 399x388, 1509777351727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humble virgin girl who doesn't crave sex.
Sounds like you're describing my wife (except for the virgin part).

>> No.5140795

>you are under the mind control of le juice

>> No.5140811
File: 881 KB, 350x350, 1503324821448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she dies and just when you're starting to get over the loss you die too

>> No.5140822

I didn’t know women trolled this board. If you understood human nature beyond Michael Jackson you’d realize that monogamy is a farce. Humans are not wired for monogamy, it’s literally institutional oppression through religion and societal/political expectations.

>> No.5140824
File: 52 KB, 640x400, 17904300_10206824491089074_7891090089466365244_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh we gotta good goy here. or maybe a kosher fellow.

>> No.5140839

I wish I was part of the tribe, I'd be even more loaded than I already am.

>> No.5140843

>(((hookers are the best, you fuck them in the ass and then cum all over their face. 5mins later they are paid and gone and you can turn to your activities again instead of having to manage a stupid woman (that doesnt even do oral) and children that kill your nerves and dry your bank account.)))

>> No.5140857

So you're saying you'd be okay if you found out she was fucking a different Chad from her college every week?

>> No.5140877
File: 74 KB, 500x750, 802c832bdd3a9b59b8c9ab53ef76d448cc437e67071a9dceb0a136aaea1db674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That really says it all.

>> No.5140882

Well let me explain it anon.

Perhaps living a lifestyle of banging hookers can leave one feeling empty that they commit suicide, which is what you are implying.

However, the highest rate of suicide is NOT from never-married bachelors. It's from divorced men who lived the "fulfilling" lifestyle that I assume you are pushing. It's men who have realized that the difference between a wife and a hooker is not as separated as they had imagined...

>> No.5140936

Stop reading /pol/

>> No.5140937

ebin nazi memes bro, success breeds jealousy I guess.

>> No.5140990
File: 111 KB, 634x482, 3536eb667a493f2ab525ed4b4e28626305f0f44959e4ef4666d24aad6696dcd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be jealous? You're the one who's gonna blow his brains out. My crypto gains are very satisfactory. I wish you nothing but a wonderful degenerate life and a quick suicide my anonymous friend.

>> No.5140999

>tfw made over a million of crypto
>too afraid to waste a single penny
>Never been so frugal
>tfw have been making loads of money because of my refusal to waste a single penny and instead use it for investments that I will never use for any actual consumption

I finally made it, but I cant even get myself to use the money..

>> No.5141006

First time I saw it, some OP on here said it's his ex who broke up with him for some reason involving cryptocurrency. It seemed genuine but knowing /biz/ it probably was not

>> No.5141009

you sound angry.

>> No.5141029

cause we have a feminin society that promotes pussy boi behaviour. they weed themselves out after they figure what they’ve been told by media and school doen’t fit with actual reality.
we’ve too many fags that simply cannot take the truth.

>> No.5141038

Women aren’t wired the same way as men. It is in their nature to convince one man to be their care taker in their 9 months of pregnancy. Women are biologically inclined towards monogamy for that very purpose. Their lack of physical ability + the burden of bearing children makes them reliant on men/their social circle for survival. You have to realize our intellect is by far out pacing our biology, wherein lies the cognitive dissonance we experience in our daily lives.

>> No.5141041

The purpose of life is life.
You don't need christ for that...
Though it makes it a shit load better.
Fuck an A you have huge portions of your brain constructed for religion for god for kin and culture and science which derives from it. Who the fuck would want to lobotomize that?
"hey some fat fuck in a fadora says I should not feel and do what nature made me to do. He is right. I should totally cut off a chunk of myself for...well fuck. For who and what am I doing this again? If there is no meaning why am I sacrificing my nature in recognition of meaninglessness?"

I guess you can feelz real good on reddit when you BTFO of christcucks. Am i Right? Such epic battles of the mind you will have fought and all the glory of sitting in a dark empty room smug in your wins.

>> No.5141043
File: 486 KB, 540x735, 1482617475025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projection can be a misleading thing anon.

>> No.5141056

>I finally made it, but I cant even get myself to use the money..

ik the feel mate i dnt knw for u but that's prolly bcz i was born poor lmao .

>> No.5141094

>being this passive aggressive over someone else's life decisions

>> No.5141113

>sex with condoms
>sex with STDs

If you're not cumming bareback in your wife's pussy every other night then I don't know what you're living for, man.

>> No.5141132
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>> No.5141166
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>> No.5141167

you need to chase those TEST gainz my lad

>> No.5141176
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, 1512912897307.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call girls
Relationships were already obsolete when VR was invented. Feel free to throw all your gains away on the 3DPD meme though. It feels good already being satisfied with my waifu and not needing to fill an all-consuming void in my soul with literal whores.

>> No.5141209

just fuck some cheap hooker everyday and go full gym-bro in between, it will give you satisfaction once you overcome your societal installed beta cuck feelings. pump & dump !

>> No.5141222
File: 1.21 MB, 1375x904, WintersMoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem
The deflationary spiral is real!!

I would not worry about it though
Eventually you have to eat.
Honestly think bitcoin is a good match for white man's nature.
We were made by winter's killing.
We save to live through it.
It is only by crass materialism and the ever falling value of fiat that our nature has been so distorted.

>> No.5141709

>tfw I gaze into the eyes of my wife as I creampie her in the missionary position every night
I don't have much money but I am a very happy man.

>> No.5141800

When I was like 18 my definition of making it was being able to go to the local amusement park every day for the rest of my life.

>> No.5141839

Nice mental gymnastics there dickhead.
I hope you get cancer.

>> No.5141852

>Women are biologically inclined towards monogamy for that very purpose
hahah oh Brad, you haven't been redpilled quite yet!

women are hypergamous

long way to go before you become a chad

>> No.5141895

A real cuck here

>> No.5141908

So cucked you have no argument fag

>> No.5141934

>This thread
>Business and finance

>> No.5141940


>> No.5141971

to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to invest in cryptocurrency

>> No.5141986

Are pure, virtuous, loving and caring girlfriends obsolete when you can have a whore that's had 10 dicks already on the same day and a free std on top of it every night?

Maybe, whatever suits you.

>> No.5142007
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>> No.5142016

2016 called little buddy they want their low-energy internet insult back for some reason

>> No.5142056

haha i love this meme. i can see that you are a distinguished oldfag like me! thanks for reminding me of SmileBuddy
SmileBuddy...He'll Give You A Laugh!

>> No.5142113

finding a love of your life is rarer than TV makes it out to be, and staying in sub-optimal relationships for too long can be an even worse wear on the soul than loneliness. there is nothing wrong with taking the flings that come and leaving them just as quickly if they're nothing more, and there is certainly nothing wrong with buying sex if that's all you want

>> No.5142142

...your digits holy..

>> No.5142376

o ya socrates, how bout u tell us the meaning of life

>> No.5142386

> t. cuck

>> No.5142403

>paying for roasties
>especially ones that you have no idea where theyve been

>> No.5142415

If you really didn't care about being judged you wouldn't make up an elaborate narrative to explain why that situation is good

>> No.5142435
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1510507705015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW that's a picture of my ex wife.

>> No.5142436

the absolute state of religious belief in the current year

>> No.5142457

Definitely not due to cryptocurrency

>> No.5142459

but anon, this goes against the things I don't believe but want to believe because I think believing them will make me less sad

>> No.5142468

Sorry to say this but I am very doubtful it's purely for you

Sounds more like a rationalisation to get your approval to do something she wanted. Perhaps daddy issues and subtle attention whoe

>> No.5142489

im not unsympathetic to the desire to retain the white race, but it's seriously too late to do anything about it

>> No.5142513
File: 88 KB, 640x852, 44122111232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess no one believes me

>> No.5142540

You better dump your folder negro.

>> No.5142567

>Prefer your girl not to fuck other men

>> No.5142589
File: 141 KB, 926x501, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a good folder. forgive the filenames.

>> No.5142596
File: 120 KB, 809x464, Screenshot 2017-12-17 02.22.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're serious post something that isn't indexed by Google.

>> No.5142598

go on.

>> No.5142607


>> No.5142633
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 2231412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure I can't post nudes on blue boards, right? you see the tattoo?

>> No.5142651

I really, really like this post

>> No.5142661 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5142685

she looks like Lena Dunham familia

>> No.5142704 [DELETED] 

You're doing it wrong. Just upload it on as one image hosting site and give link. They gonna ban you here

>> No.5142711
File: 95 KB, 719x960, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.5142719

just google “GGG Bukkake” if you want some real shit...

>> No.5142728

this seems a little unhealthy

>> No.5142803

you're right. here you go.


it's my ex wife. no i didn't lose her to crypto, i didn't even know about crypto. i left her because she got pregnant and i told her to get an abortion. which she did.

>> No.5142861
File: 31 KB, 480x297, IMG_20171210_170123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find your nearest BTC ATM
>Take out $100
>Spend it on lunch
It's a start

>> No.5142880

Is that why you're the faggot still jerking off to her nudes?

Go back to /b/

>> No.5142899

i have a lot of videos and pictures of a lot of girls i've been with since. i'm sure if you married someone that attractive you'd take some pics too

>> No.5142901

t. whiteknight

>> No.5142959

You ain't alone bro I have hundreds of pics and videos of my ex that I fap to still. Your own porn is the best porn. Especially when your ex is actually hot and kinky.

>> No.5142973

i literally have a video of me getting her pregnant. why would i ever ever delete that. that's a very sacred meme

>> No.5143026

She pretty hot. Got any other pics? I'm doing nofap right now but still like the eye candy.

>> No.5143042

NIGGA post a blowjob video somewhere

>> No.5143338

this, whats the point, id rather try pickup girls from bars where there is a 50/50 chance they dont want to use a condom anyway.

>> No.5143470

how do you go aboutit with hookers? I know absolutely what your saying in terms of having that unconditional love and affection but the sex in my relationship is non existant these days and the fact I get shot down 9.5/10 every time I try and initiate sex and even when we have sex shes frigid and wont suck cock is really begging to take its toll on me.

Im looking at escorts or maybe just pick up girls whilst im traveling, id love it if she would just let me have fb's but weve discussed this and she wont.

its a catch 22, she wont fuck me, doesnt want anyone else to fuck me yet here I remain un fucked, jerking it...probably going to fuck an ex when I go away over christmas because why the fuck not.

>> No.5143724

Why don't you just dump her then? You put yourself in this situation.

>> No.5143737
File: 70 KB, 570x904, SQfb2qfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nudes of your exes are the best nudes

>> No.5143786

Fucken beta. Dump that trick ass hoe

>> No.5143843

dump that dumbass