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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51408325 No.51408325 [Reply] [Original]

go to work

>> No.51408426

I guess I can give you same deal now that my dad had in Soviet Republics.
I'll pretend to work, and you pretend to pay me.
USA. 2022.

>> No.51408472

Isn't that basically the entire tech industry in the u.s?
>do nothing all day
>get paid in company stock you can't sell for a certain period

>> No.51408482


>> No.51408505

i work for one of the largest companies on the stock market and i make it a point to do as little as possible. i like to think of it as UBI for people with a brain.

>> No.51408511

Attached lobe

>> No.51408514

Make me

>> No.51408535

Yeah but then shareholders of the tech company/stock actually take huge losses so that all those bros can go hiking/mountain biking, drink green juice for $14 and put tens of thousands into their Roth IRA and never question anything because it all worked out according to plan.
Except they are all completely fucking useless assholes and we don't need more digital architecture we need more fucking real goddamn architecture.
We need more houses, pipelines, green energy, farms, fertilizer, boats, planes...

>> No.51408569
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I work at a help desk where I answer 3 tickets a day + play diablo 2 and make 60k plus bonus while living in a rural town with very low COL
feels comfy desu

>> No.51409113
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>> No.51409173

Yes sir! Mr. Democritically elected President of These United States of America

>> No.51409186

i will after you stop sniffing kids

>> No.51409209

no no no we want less infrastructure so the parasites can die off

>> No.51409301

i thought republicans and democrats dont get along? why is mitch smiling behind joe

>> No.51410388

this shit is getting so tiresome.
wen civil war?

>> No.51410434
File: 66 KB, 1168x549, Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 16-09-49 Employment Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to work
the USA is above and beyond full employment at the moment.
labor force participation rate doesn't count in an ageing population. don't be a dimwit.

>> No.51410540

North America is literally the ark. Europe and Asia about to BTFO hard when the dollar dies

>> No.51412980
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not my problem.

>> No.51413350

Biden has had so much surgery he looks like a different person now.

>> No.51413363
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hopefully soon!

>> No.51413376

I would bet every penny I had on being able to take a baseball bat to the head from biden

>> No.51413404

But the only work I'm qualified to do involves kneepads. I dont want to go back to that.

>> No.51413408

>Doing something
Pick one. This guy blatantly stole your election and the whole country just sat and took it. Lmao

>> No.51413423
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But Joe I am at work.

>> No.51413429

Because its all a big scam and you fell for it.

>> No.51413453
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>i thought republicans and democrats dont get along
Sanji and Zoro don't get along but they're still part of the same pirate crew.
Mitch and Joe don't get along but they're still part of the same pirate Jew.

>> No.51413539

>bro stand up and fight
Yes but fighting is not getting angry online and shitposting about tweets on a fucking chinese board for the rest of your life, just sayin.

>> No.51413568

Don't work = don't eat

>> No.51413641

Dumpt was omly president because the russians wanted it that way, plus even if he handled the historical pandemic and market crash well (which he did not) he still would have been blamed for it and btfo by democrats. Russia will probably intervene again next election, making biden lose, if it makes your tiny conservatard brain feel any better :).

>> No.51413769

I don't know if you're being ironic or if you're just retarded?

>> No.51413913

Is it too much too ask not to worship and cocksuck a russian plant and vocal white supremacist? Maybe you should fuck off back to The_Donald then nazi faggot?

>> No.51414211

Ok. But you take your meds first senile old fuck.

>> No.51415012
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Also, shouldn't you be the one going to work and fixing America you senile old fuck?

>> No.51415098

Kek I got a call from a trades recruiter practically begging me to take this job earlier. Told her I’m not doing that kind of work anymore and she asked me if I had any friends that might be looking for a job. Kek, fuck that bullshit I just got an easy office job with full benefits and 401k