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5139965 No.5139965 [Reply] [Original]

Oh hello there,

Welcome to the LBRY,

Here we get comfy discussing the future of decentralized youtube/image sharing.

Did you know that the LBRY protocol could also be used to make a decentralized image board app?

Why not try the most basic version of this working product at spee.ch

>> No.5140011
File: 92 KB, 562x314, howitworks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are exciting times ahead: first you secured your own money without a need for a bank middlemen, next you can secure your own videos and images, without the need for censorship middlemen.

>> No.5140095
File: 130 KB, 549x312, howitworks3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some say it will be like a streaming bittorrent. Only difference is people will actually be incentivized to host, via micro payments. For the same reason, fakes will be greatly reduced. And the site won't be able to be taken down by the RIAA like piratebay was - because it is distributed.

>> No.5140146
File: 132 KB, 538x307, howitworks4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, you too could also make money by hosting videos and getting paid for views - it will be the wild west for a while. If you missed the Cypto bull-run because you didn't have a lot of money to invest, don't worry - this is a way to make some by uploading videos online

>> No.5140193

What's stopping this from becoming CP coin?

>> No.5140220

theres nothing comfy about a spider

>> No.5140329

Literally zero chance of this amounting to anything, why the fuck would normies use a special youtube with its own currency, we can't even get them to use shit like vimeo or liveleak

>> No.5140668
File: 222 KB, 600x841, 0f9fa607ddb193f95b49ac7a8727a408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vimeo and liveleak aren't 10x better in some factor.

Crypto is about money, creators will actually be paid directly for uploading content. No middle man taking 70% of the income. If Pewdiepie can get 70% more money for his videos on the LBRY blockchain...

Users will not have to watch ads, which are becoming more annoying by the day on Youtube. And the content to watch will not be restricted as it is on YouTube. And the Library of contect can potentially be bigger - how is youtube going to stop all of the content being uploaded to LBRY for profit straight away? as soon as content creators realize someone is profiting off their content 3x what they are making on youtube, and there is no way to take it down, they will create their own LBRY channel and claim their spot as the official channel, thereby capturing all of the income (because they upload first)

Open-API so users can program with own apps to interact with the blockchain - for example a very slick movie suggestion app - without being locked into nexflix.

To upload to the blockchain - nothing. As to if a popular LBRY-enabled web app will allow access to such content... highly unlikely. but would not stop someone making their own app, as happens now, CP websites are pushed to the darker corners. Basically - the free market will fix it.

>> No.5140702


>> No.5140749

sorry op I didn't read shit you wrote, but this spider girl is my new wife. W-who is she?

>> No.5140755

>free market will fix CP
are you out of your mind? CP is extremely profitable. This is next level delusion

>> No.5140975
File: 121 KB, 588x370, LBRY pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fixed banking.

More individual liberty, and more power in the hands of the individual.

CP became easier to get with the dawn of the internet, and it will probably become easier to get with the dawn of the blockchain age. I am sorry but you have to take the bad with the good - the benefits of freedom outweigh. CP will remain a crime that can be tracked by dedicated sleuths -seeing as the will to prevent it is there, whereas the will to chase people for pirating a movie is not so strong.

>> No.5141072
File: 120 KB, 880x1100, Heres+another+picture+of+her+_c1e8adf8f158ffe6c11781c7594f577b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is from a deviant art - see sig

>> No.5141582
File: 47 KB, 750x574, LBRY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]