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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51405685 No.51405685 [Reply] [Original]

Which do you prefer and why?

For me, it's a house
>garage which gives the ability to own a car, motorcycle without anyone bitching or vandalizing
>don't have to listen to neighbours having s*x, taking a shit etc
>I don't have to jump from 6th story in case of a fire

>> No.51405693

I just want a small house outside a small town in the midwest. I cant do it anymore. I need to escape florida hell.

>> No.51405978


>> No.51405992

>Want house in cheap region but it's too hard so I'll move fo a higher cost of living state

>> No.51406118

You are a fuking moron if you think florida is cheap. This is not 2012 anymore.

>> No.51406322

Are you a retarded nigger?
Do you prefer punches in the face or chocolate?

>> No.51406395

a house is obviously better retard
but an apartment is more affordable
hence you can typically have a better location in an apartment for the same price
which is why i live in an apartment right now
but when i get my money right i'll be moving to a house because i'm not a bug

>> No.51406525
File: 404 KB, 1280x664, 2020-11-09_113248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A house of course, downstairs I will have my office and above the private apartment.
That only applies for houses made of bricks, concrete and mortar, not cardboard & styrofoam shitboxes like in the usa.

>> No.51406752

I live in the middle of my city in one of the cheaper apartment complexes and because of this all the people in my block are retired boomers on their death bed. It's an old building with little isolation, so every day, consistently throughout the day, I hear my upstairs neighbour snort his nose really fucking loudly. Every night when I'm in my bed trying to sleep I hear him snort his nose every 15 minutes or so. I've lived here for almost 5 years now, and so has he.

Living in an apartment is just so cheap compared to a house though, practically nothing ever needs to be maintained or fixed, which is why there's so many old people here.

>> No.51406815

>american house and apartment building
both made from sawdust

>> No.51406851

this is a perfect home, where is this? looks like my cunt

>> No.51406860

Hamburg, Germany

>> No.51407063

>calls others a fucking moron
>doesn't even understand the post he's replying to
You have to go back to wherever you came from. You clearly don't belong here.

>> No.51407171
File: 916 KB, 854x742, townhouse-modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Modern Townhouse $550K
> 4 bedroom , 4 bath, 2,400 sq ft, 2 car garage
I wouldn't touch apartments but what I don't understand is this. Almost every new place I see is like the above and people seem to snap them up

>> No.51407191
File: 186 KB, 900x600, ranch4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1960s Brick Ranch $400K
> 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,600 sqft, 2 car garage, .5 acres, big backyard
...while I got this ranch home. Never have to go up the steps (as I age), never hear or really even see neighbors, have a huge outdoor space for myself, pets or kids if I manage to find a good woman and don't have to pay HOA fees, mostly do my own maintenence

This is in the Raleigh/Durham area and I am in a good location and minutes walking distance to parks, groceries, gym and downtown. Why do people prefer and pay $150-200K more for these huge townhouses squashed in with neighbors? I felt like I was stealing when I got my house.

>> No.51407224

Cheap apartment in a cheap city, luckmaxx and you won't have to deal with bad neighbors. I'm NEETing 24/7 anyway, I don't need more than 1 room.

>> No.51407511

Chocolate punches

>> No.51407524

either a house with enough land that i don't have to hear the neighbors or even see them, or an apartment in a high rise at the top with a walk in shower and marble counters

>> No.51407566

A lot of people like living up each others asses for some reason I guess. Plus I guess if they picked the townhouse in Cary or Morrisville or whatever they have a shorter commute to the RTP job in addition to walkability to their nearest shopping center. Plus I think the greenway system is denser near these townhouses, not that most people use them.

>> No.51407817

House of course. I fucking love my house. The only downside is I refuse to pay a gardener so there's a lot of yard work

>> No.51407829

>>garage which gives the ability to own a car
You don't need a garage for a car, silly. But yes house is far superior. Idk what kind of midwit would think an apartment is better. Endlessly paying out your income to some kike with little to no benefit rather than owning an asset.

>> No.51407866

>practically nothing ever needs to be maintained or fixed
This is the only benefit but it only applies if shlomo honors his end of the deal and actually pays to get things fixed/maintained (he probably won't)

>> No.51407888

400k??? WTF. That place is gorgeous. I need to get the fuck out of this shithole (Canada) and into the US or Yurop.

>> No.51408207

as a single guy apartment, but obviously you want a house if you have a family. the ironic thing is that the rent on the apartment i have now ($1900) is now cheaper than a mortgage on a 300k house and its rent controlled so it can never go up more than 3.25% per year, probably just going to stay here for a long time

>> No.51408209

Nobody is talkin about renting vs owning, it's about owning an apartment vs owning a house. There's no shlomo involved..

>> No.51409327

Most apartments come with garages

>> No.51410004

He says apartment, not condo. Wtf are you talking about.

>> No.51410037

One pro to renting, assuming that's what you're talking about; is that you don't get jewed with rising tax costs which will probably rise a lot in the coming years. If shlomo ups your rent to cover tax increases you can simply move

>> No.51410069

i prefer for me to live in left, and all of the worlds poors to live in right, and never for our kind to intertwine

>> No.51410241

Currently an Apartment makes more sense
>not tied down to this town/state
>3bed 2.5bath
>1year lease vs. 30year mortgage
>no maintenance
>closer to downtown

>> No.51410426
File: 1.10 MB, 1284x946, 20623FEE-0F76-4B4A-916F-A80BCB77785B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2200sqft 1802 farmhouse with Stable, chicken coop, hay fields, gardens, pond, forest, and brook.
>45 acres
Bought in Feb. Beautiful agricultural area in Western NH. Can have many children here and will have a lifetime of learning in front of me.
>made possible by SHIB

>> No.51410514

Definitely prefer a flat in a walkable city center area. I love the feeling of being able to go downstairs and be right in the middle of everything, just a short walk to the restaurants, clubs, and cafes.

You just can't get that with a house, the best you can get is some shitty townhouse in a residential district with a 15 minute commute to get anywhere good. I guess it's better than a suburban/country apartment, do country people even have apartments? Lol

There are lots of walkable city centers like this, it's really great and convenient with just an electric scooter I can get anywhere I need to go 95% of the time. No need for expensive cars and traffic

I guess it's smaller than a house but honestly idgaf not a consoomer or hoarder so I don't see why you would need more than 60-80 sq m