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51402381 No.51402381 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best financially advice when it comes to cars? Buy a new Jap car and keep it for 20 years?

>> No.51402407
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I’m guessing this is a slide thread based off pic and there will be 1pbtid and the blatant bait of “a new car”

Buy something reliable for cheap that will last you until the transition into electric cars. Now is a horrible time to buy a car because you’re so closed to getting rugged

>> No.51402408
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Also don't be a dumbass posting unrealistic prices for used cars like people always do
>Bro just buy a used Mazda 3 for 2500 under 15k miles

>> No.51402423

right so it was bait called it

>> No.51402441

Real thread but believe it or not newfag people post pictures that get their thread more bumps. You need to go back

>> No.51402574
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>> No.51402739

>Goes from 100% concrete "done by the absolute lowest bidder loser nobodies who don't even know what they're doing in their own field of work" to better minimum requirements housing and greenery around an empty highway.

>> No.51402767

1-3 year old Toyota, Honda, or Nissan
That car will be cheap and last you a decade or two

>> No.51402820

Would you say Hyundais are in the same league?

>> No.51402921

after traveling cross country in america…..this exact meme is crazy accurate on so many levels

>> No.51403134

What was your favorite fast food on the trip anon?

>> No.51403151

don't buy one move to a country where you don't need one

>> No.51403153

Hyundai’s are like the next level down in quality
The japs are slightly better than the Koreans but more expensive too

>> No.51403232

Damn rip, is Craigslist the best bet for used?

>> No.51403769

buy a car that is holoride ready retard and safe your family the stress from years of another boring road trip journey.

>> No.51403866

Finally some good advice

>> No.51404040
File: 114 KB, 1473x834, Mazda price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the catch?

>> No.51404052

>Buy a new Jap car and keep it for 20 years?
you have it backwards, buy a 20 year old jap car.

they will run forever even with no oil. that's why obongo did the cash for clunkers thing; per the terms mechanics had to render the engine inoperable and there were vids everywhere of mechanics trying and failing; running the engine with zero oil at max revs and engines still wouldn't blow.

they had to come up with a special engine seize thing to replace the oil with to finally make them stop running

anything made past 1991 with an ODBII port is botnet

>> No.51404091

this is literally pol tier propaganda. the purpose was to remove old clunker inefficient unsafe gas guzzlers from the roads to keep those most vulnerable to the GFC safe from road accidents in a new safe vehicles and also reduce costs due to good fuel economy. it also had the secondary effect of boosting jobs in the rust belt. it was a win win trumptards try to write off as some baseless conspiracy.

>> No.51404155

>"old clunker inefficient unsafe gas guzzlers"
thats a nice buzzword soup how much does the WEF pay for shill posts?

>> No.51404163

these nuts??

>> No.51404170

way too obvious, enjoy the pay dock

>> No.51404193

More like those places set up as commercial areas next to towns that have existed for 100 years though

>> No.51404208

>cash for clunkers
Holy shit haven’t thought about that in a while
>struggling in the recession? Just sell your means of transportation everyone
And then when they were backtracking because of how stupid it was they started saying shit like it’s not just for cars you can sell your refrigerator too.

>> No.51404216

the catch?
It's a front wheel drive shitbox and you're paying 13k

>> No.51404218

I hate conservatives but they’re right about cash for clunkers
If Obama cared why did he let the mortgage saving program get scammed and the cash for clunkers worked perfectly

>> No.51404241

No. Buy a 20 year old jap car and Kerr it for 20 years. Geo prism that has the Toyota drivetrain you can pick up for $1500 it will last you another 200k miles.

>> No.51404248

mazda3s are /o/ approved, what would you recomend for what price?

>> No.51404256

I tell people about this all the time, glad someone else actually remembers.
OBDII is totally fine just stay away from CVT transmissions

>> No.51404259

Fuck you. Do you know how many classic cars were destroyed because of this?

>> No.51404261

Lots of good deals from people selling their cars on facebook

>> No.51404265

nooo not my heckin 90's civics! muh classics!

you should have bought them if you wanted to save them so badly. unfortunately for (you), you didn't, and it was a choice entered into by the owners :)

>> No.51404266

Hyundais & KIAs are trash after 6-to-10 years.
Honda is unreliable.
Nissan is even more unreliable and trash.

Toyotas however are bulletproof

>> No.51404275

>clunker inefficient unsafe gas guzzlers
thats american, not japanese

>> No.51404281

Why are you even here commie retard

>> No.51404287

Fuck cicvics I’m talking about the 80s station wagons with the faux wood panels that got destroyed.

>> No.51404303

This is a wise anon. Likely 40+ years old boomer. Fucks these kids they are total retards.

>> No.51404325

Don’t forget Mazda one step below Toyota.

>> No.51404384
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What's the catch?

>> No.51404418

With the kind of money they are demanding these days for cars, folks can't afford to treat them as disposable.
My '06 V6 camry beater refuses to die and it brings me to wherever I need to go without fail.

The space in a Mazda is shit and the engine is no Toyota.
But it is alrite as long as you don't fall for the Miatameme.

>> No.51404455

Bought one of those as a company car back when it was new.
It fucking sucked after 5 years, the engine was already anemic & noisy.
I can't imagine owning one for a decade.

>> No.51404459

Wait at least 6 months buying either a new or used car, the inflated prices are about to plummet as demand for cars disappears and the """chip shortage""" is fixed

>> No.51404476

That's what I'm leaning towards right now anon, but am losing hope

>> No.51404487

Hyundai makes the Sonata
Kia makes the Sorento

>> No.51404547


>implying I would ever own a fucking EV

EVs are a meme, no cleaner than petrol. It's a complete scam to serve the global elites' "climate crisis" scheme (lie) so they can more easily steal your wealth. Everything they tell the public is so they can scare/intimidate you into willingly giving up everything so they can control it. I will die in a pile of smoking brass, my barrel melted, surrounded by zogbot bodies, before I give up my gasoline car.

>> No.51404575

No buy an old jap car, 1999 or newer and use it for 20 years. Then buy a new one and give the old one to your son. He'll use get another 7 years out of it minimum. By then it'll have about 500k miles on it so just broken in (providing you do monthly oil changes. You do change your oil monthly right anon?)

>> No.51404606

But why are they bad?

>> No.51404609


Go to bed Scotty Kilmer. My 90s Honda will last long after you are dead.

>> No.51404627
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My hometown is becoming like that. I have plans to move back after I graduate but like damn. It's just not the same as it was when I was a kid. I hate these goyshops so much. Walmart and HEB are aight but the rest can get fuuucked. Especially the 15 car dealerships and soulless strip malls.

>> No.51404648


EV truly are no cleaner than petrol cars. The main argument for them is a lie. But it's worse than that. It's the transition to them as a society that is bad. They want you into an over priced EV, that has to rely on a power grid that can't support a 100% shift from petrol to electric, so they can turn off the grid any time they want so you can't move about freely, force you into trackable cars with 400 computers in them (so they can shut them off or deny features whenever they want), so you have to live your every waking second under their control. Fuck that. I won't do it. They are holding shiny objects in front of you so you don't notice them taping a camera to your head and lifting the wallet out of your pocket. Don't fall for it!

>> No.51404677

>EV truly are no cleaner than petrol cars
I don't care about any of that if they're cheap and last long. Maybe some next gen Toyota will be worth it

>> No.51404687
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Whoa that’s a lot of buzzwords anon! Why don’t we get you on some stabilization meds for your schizophrenia.

After that we can enroll you in some basic EE classes, circuit analysis for DC/AC. Then, if you manage to pass those classes (I’m not sure if you can but I’m rooting for you!) you can go onto more difficult courses that will give you more of a “big picture”
Then you can voice your opinion without going on a tirade full of buzzwords and stupidity. I’m worried though because I’m pretty sure you’re simply mentally retarded with the nonsense you managed to vomit out of your keyboard


>> No.51404877

Unless there's a massive breakthrough in battery tech and/or new massive lithium deposits are discovered there's no way that will happen

>> No.51404886

EE here, you're a retard

>> No.51404965
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I’m sure you are little buddy.

>> No.51404973

Wow since you're so well-versed in EE, surely you must know the issues that battery packs encounter during use, such as loss of charge capacity over time, suboptimal performance in extreme temperatures, and limitations on charge power that will never make charging an EV as fast as pouring gasoline into a tank!
Oh no you don't know that, you're just a bug-souled midwit obsessed with "pwning the /pol/tards"! I don't know how you found 4chan, but you'd truly be at home on reddit I'd say. Cheers!
Financially speaking don't buy a new car unless you're well into six figures. Just run through used beaters
People that new cars are like people that buy the top - either they're stupid or have so much money they don't care, and they allow smarter people to swoop in for cheapies later

>> No.51404994

>He disagrees with me so he's a Trump nazi Qtard anti-vaxxer /pol/cel!
You need professional help.

>> No.51405027

>battery degradation
It’s less than you would expect and will only improve
>extreme temperatures
Irrelevant, markets will figure out solutions.
>average person spends 7 minutes at gas stations
>supercharger can meet this but aside from that it’s irrelevant because you can charge it at home
>the grid can’t handle it!!
You underestimate the influence auto companies have by far, they will kick the utilities into gear to upgrade it

There’s a reason you dumb fuck euros laughed at SpaceX and said reusable rockets couldn’t be done. It’s because you’re have no ambition

>> No.51405160
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Also, none of this matters anyway because:

>you will buy ze government mandated electric car
>you will cope
If you’re not alive by the time the mandates happen:
>Your child will drive ze electric car
>you have no choice
Blame the Jews, blame Soros, blame Schwab, blame the NWO, blame the WEF, blame the Illuminati, blame CZ, blame Bill Gates, blame whoever you want!

You will comply
And you will COPE

>> No.51405228

That image can't be real O_O

>> No.51405385

Technically Hona Civics didn't qualify for Cash-4-Clunkers because they got too good of mileage.
If I remember correctly it was anything 25 mpg or less that automatically got 4k trade in. Which was too much in the time of the thousand dollar car.
Now there's less cars on the market and anything that runs is practically 4k minimum anyway.

>> No.51406756

I worked as quality control engineer in car factories.
Just buy Japanese.
It really is "an order of magnitude" difference in quality compared to other brands.
Toyota is a pain in the ass, they literally seem to double check every part and send them back for minor shit.

>> No.51406810

Go back