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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5132796 No.5132796 [Reply] [Original]

Etherdelta gem: https://etherdelta.com/#0xd2d6158683aee4cc838067727209a0aaf4359de3-ETH


What is it? Bounty0x is the first tokenized district0x district. It allows icos and other crypto projects to offer bounties to developers and people to do tasks for them.

Why buy? The ico sold out in 1 block. The cap was 1.5 m. It is sitting at 2x right now, just on etherdelta, not even officially listed, and not on coinmarket cap. VERY undiscovered. if you are seeing this thread you are early as fuck

The team is solid, and they want to get their coin listed. I think it is likely to get on binance, they said they were willing to pay the fees.

There are already 1m+ worth of bounties offered on the WORKING alpha platform.

The team said they will be doing quarterly token burns.

This is a no brainer, do your own research, but get the fuck in here

>> No.5132950

Don't get joosted on thhis
It's already down 50% from when it first started trading

>> No.5132969

no its been out for like 12 hours and is at ATH

>> No.5133033

>every project affiliated with DNT moons
>DNT still languishes at #171 mcap

Well it finally seems to be going up a bit but it's still laughably undervalued.

>> No.5133060

Who is stupid enough to keep buying ICOs in this market lmao

>> No.5133069

>riding zrx's coattails

this is what you get

>> No.5133108

icos are having a new resurgance

gifto sold out in 3 minutes ( 30m)

bread sold out last night in 2 hours ( 20m )

this sold out in 1 block

>> No.5133147

since it has an alpha, it should easily be added to binance right?

>> No.5133190

yes, from my time in the telegram it seems they really want it to go on exchanges

they said it "will be listed on exchanges SOON" (soon in bold) today

>> No.5133436

>literal retard

it's 2.5x ICO and still under 4M cap. buy or REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe forever

>> No.5133546

Y"all are full of shit. Don't get tricked by these shills. They've been pumping this up a little bit to offload their bags on others. Pre ico had a cap. The crowd sale had no cap. Whales can dump on you at any moment

Don't fall for the low marketcap memes. Plenty of others shilled here with the same promise of room to grow thanks to low marketcap. Do they moon?
Nope. It's the same with this junk coin.

>> No.5133572

btw current top 20 bounty0x hodler here. not selling until 5x and then only selling 20%. this has an excellent shot at 10xing. also have 69 eth in gifto. ICOs are back bitches

>> No.5133638

>Crowdsale had no cap
crowdsale had 1.5m cap. are you retarded? read the whitepaper or look at the website

this is good shit because its tied to district0x and it fucking sold out in a block

>> No.5133639
File: 38 KB, 529x689, bounty0x whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded. I'm the current #17 holder and I put less than 15k in this shit. There are no whales dumping on anyone dipshit. here's proof


check address #17 and shut the fuck up and stay poor

>> No.5133729

Picked some up on ED yesterday for 2x. Great project, team is very open and communicate a lot in the Telegram and they're saying new exchanges soon (probably Binance).

Ez 5x from here.

It's trading at 2.5x from ICO. Not all low market cap coins are pleb coins m80. Crowd sale did have a cap.

>> No.5133878

the main sale had a cap of 2.3 eth, so there are no whales. probably the most anyone has is like 40 eth worth at this point

>> No.5133927

exactly. see my pic above. I'm the 17th biggest hodler and only have ~35 eth in there at current prices

>> No.5134197


>> No.5134417

this is ez gains guys

>> No.5134517

100% correct. buy and hodl

>> No.5134718

This is built on District0x. I would also pickup some DNT since it's still low. Bagholders just got done dumping a few days ago.

>> No.5134763

if you put that much and youre number 17, that only proves everyone above you dedicated A LOT more funds.

Idiot, you just disproved your own point. No, i'm not that guy.

>> No.5134766

yes, dnt will moon/is mooning, so that will create additional traction for this

>> No.5134804

So this is basically where you sign up to bend over and be a corporate shill for pennies? Fuck you and fuck this.

>> No.5134882

i own 300k bnty

>> No.5134929

I only put in 17 eth, it has just 2x'd since this morning. 35 eth is nothing anyways, poorfag

>> No.5135018

don't cry in a week when this is trading for 5x. Legit just trying to help people on here because ICOs like Wabi and dragonchain I've picked up on ED and made some good profits on after seeing them here.

>> No.5135055

>an inferior Quanstamp
just bought 100k

>> No.5135082

>completely unrelated to quantstamp and smart contracts

>> No.5135122

lmao dragonchain got the same reception from biz. fuck em, only the chosen few will go to the moon

>> No.5135169

/biz/ hates icos but they'll buy into them once it's already hit a high market cap.

I bought into the POWR ICO, made a few posts here when it was trading at 10-15c, but got the same reception. Goes to 60c, then the board is full of people talking about POWR lmao.

Bounty0x will be no different, wait till it's listed on Binance and then people here are interested.

>> No.5135173

oh nm sorry i associate "bounty" with "bug bounty", which seems to be but a part of what they're doing. instead i guess you'd characterize it as "task rabbit / fiverr in the blockchain"

>> No.5135277

>I bought into the POWR ICO, made a few posts here when it was trading at 10-15c, but got the same reception
/biz/ is always late to the game
You mention a coin that's done accumulating, and no one cares. Once it moons, everyone pays attention. Fuck them.

>> No.5135423

so true, poorfags destined to stay poorfags

>> No.5135601

How do I fund the ehterdelta account?

>> No.5135658

send eth to you etherdelta address, click top right and open "etherscan address"

>> No.5135965


>> No.5136084

still cheap before bithumb

>> No.5136164

I can't find it on etherdelta

>> No.5136188

click the link in op, its not even listed yet brah

>> No.5136190


>> No.5136504

awesome how no one is selling right now, only buying. gonna wake up to a 3x methinks

>> No.5136527

its because of the tiny ass individual cap, this is why zrx mooned so fucking hard

>> No.5136679

0x was my best % gain coin ever, mmmm dat 10x.

>> No.5136786

kek it just keeps going up, get in boys

>> No.5136854

I made a thread on /biz/ earlier today when it was at 0.000041 and everyone came in saying I was a shill. up 50+% in 12 hours and doesn't look to be slowing down, lel

>> No.5137337


>> No.5137562

this shits legit

>> No.5137622

ceo said binance soon. just need to get on coinmarketcap.

>> No.5137896

Guys there is almost no supply left, its gonna fucking moon hurry your ass up

>> No.5138038


>> No.5138100

Is there anything more to the rumor that it will be listed on Coinbase?

>> No.5138274


>> No.5138446

Why hasn't ED mentioned they added it yet? Sketches me out some.

>> No.5138487
File: 422 KB, 960x544, DAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the real Etherdelta gem

>> No.5138489

they didn't officially add it yet, but you can trade any erc20 token on etherdelta. they add tokens in batches every week

>> No.5138630

They'll be listing it soon, expect a price jump when they do.

>> No.5138700


I went ahead and bought some. Project is a good idea. Don't let me down, anons!

>> No.5138762

Nice man, we'll make it together

>> No.5138827

I tried to deposit from metamask into etherdelta and the transaction has been pending for ages, is there anything I can do?

>> No.5138981

+15% since start of thread, not stopping

>> No.5139119

Etherdelta is a fucking nightmare, I can't figure out how to buy shit there.

>> No.5139175




Thanks for the tip btw! I saw above you posted about /biz/ ignoring good ICOs, but there's still lots of us out there that appreciate these posts.

>> No.5139211

Send money to your address found in the top right corner, then transfer money from the "Wallet" section to the "EtherDelta" section.

From there, buy bounty tokens, which are now in the EtherDelta section. Transfer from etherdelta section to wallet section.


>> No.5139257

fuck it's been 5 mins already since i deposited into the smart contract, been a while since ive gone chasing coins on ED. is this normal now? it was so fast before. just pressed deposit and all. left .02 eth for gas. fuuuuck it's going up now

>> No.5139292

hahaha someone fatfingered. holy fuck 1.5 eth gone just like that

>> No.5139407
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>> No.5139411

rofl how can someone be this emotionally and retarded

>> No.5139444
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>> No.5139491

Alright fuck I've been watching it since you made this thread and I'm finally buying in. Looks like a good project so I'll just put an eth on

>> No.5139511
File: 36 KB, 284x389, 2017-23-11-12-40-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the same thing everytime, I believe in Bounty and have been in since the ICO , there's just too many retards on biz that don't understand money even when its dangling infronf of their fucking face

>> No.5139534

I'm tempted but I hate ED. Gonna pass

>> No.5139543

I'm not buying this shit. The Sherrif's 'stache is pissing me the fuck off

>> No.5139576

20 mins since i pressed deposit in the contract, im getting antsy anon. is this shit normal now, fucking ED

>> No.5139614


It has been the last 2 weeks or so. I had to pay 55 gas. You can try to override it with a higher rate, if the transcription is showing up and then vanishing for no good reason, back and forth.

>> No.5139666

i mean, if it's gonna push through eventually in less than an hour i might as well wait. how long does it normally take now?

also i dont know how to override it with a higher rate anyway. mind teaching me how? ive been using ED and had no problems in the past so i never had to learn that

>> No.5139729

found it, nevermind. thanks

>> No.5139867

i hate having shit like that, i literally see it rising by the minute

>> No.5139917

No problem man. Another ICO which is actually getting listed in 3 days that I would recommend you looking into is Simple Token. It won't be as quick gains as bounty0x is, but I seriously suspect it doing well in 2018.

>> No.5139993

bought 20k. moon when? butrex when?

>> No.5139994

what's its mcap right now? pretty sure this will go at least 40m

>> No.5140029

It's around 5 mill I think? Will prob hit 90000 by end of tomorrow at latest

>> No.5140049

Thanks anon. Good posts in this thread. Exactly what I needed to cap the week off.

>> No.5140050

More like pajeet0x

>> No.5140071
File: 49 KB, 583x438, 1509593015712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even tho I hold ZRX, DNT and B0X this made me crack the fuck up

>> No.5140093

yea around 5m if you use 700 usd for eth. going to yolo this and sell till 4x, hope i dont cuck myself

>> No.5140150


When I had that problem, I just redid the deposit, same amount and all. If you do it while the transaction has left showing up on etherscan, it should go through. What did you set it at? A week ago, nothing under like 40 would ever go through. Check out their chat and see what they're saying now though.

>> No.5140174


Yeah, I'm a fan of ST already, thank you!

>> No.5140335


>> No.5140403


Thanks Anon, I'm now the proud owner Bounty0x

>> No.5140474

where can i buy?

>> No.5140510

dunno, 20? lmao i cant remember it already. but it wasnt some huge amount.

>> No.5140609

Use Etherdelta


>> No.5140712
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>> No.5140773
File: 90 KB, 780x1014, Kike_c84059_1806194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking jewstar coin
>hurr lets make a token to reward bounties
uhh couldn't we just make a smartcontract for that on eth?
>hurr hurr nah these retarded normies will buy it

>> No.5140786

it needs its own ecosystem ... ZZzz

>> No.5140855

how'd we be able to buy it on ED if it isn't listed yet btw?

>> No.5140917

you'd have to enter the contract address just like any scamcoin that even etherdelta wont officially list. dont fall for this seriously

>> No.5140926

Wowwww how didn't I see this earlier. Anything under 30m for this seems undervalued?

>> No.5140952

>it's a scam because I can't figure ED out XDDDDD
Dragonchain was a scam too huh?

>> No.5140960

>tfw by the time you get your eth on their it's already gone up 50%

>> No.5140980

it just started trading today lol. give it some time.

>> No.5141021

yes this is confido v2 without the scam part

>> No.5141073
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>> No.5141110

its not hard once you get used to it imo, I don't mind ED

>> No.5141152

106k tokens bought at 0.00089 eth, we're gonna make it senpai. I'm not selling till fkn 20x.

>> No.5141205

What gives the tokens value? Why would it increase?

>> No.5141236

quarterly token burn using tokens bought directly from the exchanges

>> No.5141358
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>> No.5141401

btw, source on the binance listing you talked about in op post? because if that's the case im not selling till fucking 10x

>> No.5141414

holy fuck this thing is booming already and people dont even know about it hahahahhhaa

>> No.5141433
File: 10 KB, 401x107, bnty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the team is very adamant on liquidity, they said they are willing to pay the fees that exchanges want (they already knew how much bittrex fees were so they also have talked to them??)

they have a working platform as well so it would be easy to go on binance

if this was guaranteed binance i wouldnt be shilling, i would be all in patiently waiting. but it is a good chance imo

>> No.5141457
File: 38 KB, 648x168, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I monitor the chat and the founders are definitely wanting to get it on Binance. They have an alpha which makes it much more likely.

>> No.5141463

such an obvious pajeet.

ITT shills.

>> No.5141488

alright anon im fucking sold, waiting till binance listing or 10x before selling, whichever comes first. tho i bet binance listing would allow the 10x to come. prolly be a week or two wait tho.

>> No.5141504

Mother of god those digits >>5141414

>> No.5141518

idk about u guys but every time i check a token graph, shit always spikes right after launch only to crash to the ground in the following days

>> No.5141570

well it might be hit or miss but wabi and dragonchain begs to differ. idk exactly about dragonchain but wabi is currently 8x. 5m marketcap of bounty0x leaves room for growth. i think a safe buy anon.

lmao rereading this thread it def looks like we're shills, like reading off a script or something. wow small market cap! wow binance listing! kek

>> No.5141595

Dropping 100k

Thanks for the tip OP

>> No.5141752

bump. going to bed. enjoy the comfy gains boys. hold until exchange if you arent a weak handed cuck

>> No.5141775

can i put this in myetherwallet?

>> No.5141813

yeh withdraw after using metamask on etherdelta, just add the token to MEW

press !token on the telegram

>> No.5141861

When BNTY will show on Blockfolio, Coinmarketcap and will show up offcialy on EtherDelta. Will be moon x10 minimum. Imagine after BNTY is listed on another exchange. FUCK IT !!!! MOOOON!!!!

>> No.5141947

thx anon

>> No.5142001

wow nice run, getting more on ED now before its even listed officially on ED. those flipping at 2x are crying hard now, even at 3x its still less than 5m mcap. Seriously when it gets to better exchange, it will do at least 3x from current price. try to get in before too late..

>> No.5142003
File: 221 KB, 568x479, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best coin together with WaBi, Fagfrogs!!
Still alot upside

>> No.5142188

This shit looks good af. Thanks OP

>> No.5142355

iron hands will be rewarded, to think this wont be above .00001 after going on binance is laughable

>> No.5142381

"solid team"

pajeet alert

>> No.5142511

Got 5 accounts. MOON BABY!

>> No.5142560

Small market cap is a sugar-coated way of saying that people who bought at ico will pump and dump and hope you dumb /biz/tards will fomo and buy their bags at ath.
It happens every fucking time.