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51374030 No.51374030 [Reply] [Original]

My parents are really trying to fuck me over here. I'm 35 and only got like $10k they gave me as a 'starting fund' and they want me to move out. I just don't know what to do. I have zero experience with working and never lived on my own. They say it's time for me to find a job and a place to live on my own but 10k doesn't even get you a house these days. Anyone have any idea what I can do how do I at least grow this 10k so I have money to buy a house

>> No.51374036

I fucking hate them why the fuck do they always have to make my life so difficult. I'm thinking about faking a suicide or something so they can cut me some slack or at least give me some extra time to figure out what i'm gonna do

>> No.51374038


>> No.51374040

>$10k starting fund
holy fuck I hate boomers

>> No.51374042

What have you been doing from 20 y-o to 35 ?

>> No.51374044

All in LUNC

>> No.51374047

Just sit still. they cant physically push you out and they wont call the cops on their child. Literally just dont move lmao

>> No.51374049

Tell them to give you at least $20k before you can move out.

>> No.51374050

They want you to use the 10k to buy heroin

>> No.51374057

I mean, why did you waste 17 years of your adult life? The blame is all on you...

>> No.51374064

>10k doesn't even get you a house these days
What do you mean "these days"? $10k hasn't been enough for a house since the fucking 60s. Use your money to find an apartment and make a down payment on a car, then get a fucking job. $10k isn't enough to "make it" by any measure if you have living expenses eating into it.

>> No.51374065

idk mostly just playing videogames at home, going to the occasional family visit and when i was in my early 20s they took me on holiday with them

>> No.51374071

i smell bullshit

>> No.51374084

it just never came to it. I never had a girlfriend which I think is also a reason for this. If i at least had something to live for then maybe I would have had a job by now or made a few hundred k to buy a house. Instead it just never happened. Its fucking unfair. I guess i'm just ugly or something

>> No.51374085

The only blame you should be giving the parents in OP’s situation is that they let a jobless bum live his life doing absolutely nothing until he was almost middle aged. He owes them money if anything.

>> No.51374087

You're a loser. I suggest you an hero ASAP

>> No.51374097

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard how the fuck am i to blame that i'm ugly and never got a girlfriend or had experience with working or living on my own if I never was able to do this in the first place?

You are either fucking born lucky or you are doomed for life and now I should pay for something I have no control over?

>> No.51374100


>> No.51374107

I got two jobs with no work experience and made up my resume. Went from unemployment to six figures in half a year working from home. Assuming your story is legit you have no excuses in the world you could give being almost 40 because who in their right mind doesn’t do something to make at least a few hundred bucks each month to buy themselves some cool stuff they like?

>> No.51374110

LARP. Obvious demoralization shill that gets off to writing degenerate posts.

>> No.51374116

Im looking for a comfy working from home job though that way I have an excuse to live here longer. What kind of job do you do and how do you got it? What did you put on your resume?

>> No.51374126

also im not really materalistic. I just ask for new PC parts every christmas. Like one year a new GPU, the other year new memory, motherboard and cpu. Or just a bunch of videogames usually during steam winter/summer sale.

That gets me going. Im not really into expensive clothing or useless shit like that

>> No.51374171
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>My parents are really trying to fuck me over here. I'm 35 and only got like $10k

Really, OP? Really? because it sounds like they have been far too generous and forgiving.

>> No.51374185

well for most of us we got kicked out at 18 with $0

what were you doing for the last 17 years? could have been working and making investments. because once you're on your own its paycheque to paycheque just to cover expenses.

>> No.51374195

>i'm ugly and never got a girlfriend
that applies to like 80% of us, you're nothing special here

>> No.51374213

typical white family, as soon as you're 18 you go to work, and after a couple months you have enough money from work to cover first and last months rent and thats it, off you go, never to get any support from your family ever again. you see them on holidays and eat a turkey and thats it.

>> No.51374236

letting you stay an extra 17 years longer then most, and then giving you $10k more dollars then most, and you're mad at them? they want to get on with their lives and they want you to get on with yours.
>just a few more years
you said that a few years ago. maybe they believed it then, they're not going to believe it now.

>> No.51374247

You parents gave you 10k and they're trying to fuck you over? How does that work?
My parents gave me nothing so I would make my own way in the big bag world and now I have a career, a family and a house.

>> No.51374257

This thread is actually excellent satire, can't believe so many people don't get it.

>> No.51374269

PLEASE telL me this is all a larp

>> No.51374276

What does your resume look like? Did you go to college?

>> No.51374280

I wish it was but lately they cant even get that right. For example I wanted a 2090ti but apparently them beign the old retards like they are the clerk at microcenter told them a 2080 was just as good and could run every game at the same quality so they got that instead. So now they are even cheaping out on me. And I dont even ask for much. Literally the only gifts I get are around christmas and Steam Summer Sale cause my birthday is in July

Other than that im pretty silent. never throw parties I dont even invite anyone cause I dont even have to invite anyone. I just stay in my room most of the time and yet they still want me out

>> No.51374285

meant to say 3090ti fuck im tired I think im just gonna go to bed this has been a shitty day

I dont really have a resume. I finished highschool and did one year of uni but dropped out cause it wasn't really for me. Then I just went home to think about what I was gonna do with my life and now here we are

>> No.51374286

Customer support for crypto/crypto adjacent companies. You can do a google search for crypto jobs sites and find a few job openings if you wanted to.

>> No.51374291

so like customer support like through zendesk for exchanges such as binance and shit?

how much does it pay ?

>> No.51374295

a girlfriend is a disadvantage for your future-work life

>> No.51374299

>still peter pan
Seriously just shoot yourself. What a fucking waste of oxygen. 35 year old baby that can't look after itself. Grow the fuck up or stop stealing my air.

>> No.51374312

Put that 10k into chainlink. It’s literally all you need to do.

>> No.51374319
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Honestly OP, it sounds like your parents have really done you dirty here. I'd recommend demanding more money from them, and don't take no as an answer. They have a responsibility to you. If you have social media, be sure to post this story there too, so people can see how good they are as parents. You deserve more, so show them that and they'll respect you more.

>> No.51374333


Time to be a man, get on testosterone 500mg a week, blast for the rest of your life, never stop.

Do some research first, get bloods done etc.

Get a labouring job, work 70+ hours a week, try earn around 1500-1800 a week after tax.

I recommend construction, and lift 4 days a week, read starting strength by Mark Rippetoe.

Stop being a pussy and never talk to your parents again for raising such a pussy

>> No.51374336

what was the understanding between you and your parents for the past 17 years? that it's ok for you to be a NEET that does nothing forever? that's the only case in which you have some justification against your parents, because to have that understanding for so long and then abruptly kick you out with 0 preparation is pretty scummy

>> No.51374344

he's not going to get the job he wants. he'd be lucky to get a telemarketer or toilet cleaning job. he can't afford to be picky. mcdonalds probably wouldn't hire him. he probably knows jack shit about customer support or crypto or really anything. and he's going to spend months or years trying to pick out a job only to get rejected from it when he finally sends out his empty resume.

>> No.51374356

Am I tripping or did I read this exact same thread yesterday except the larp was that you had 200k dolars from mommy?

>> No.51374357

I wish I could but I dont really have social media and I even got fucking banned from reddit so this is like the only place I can go to

I thought about asking /adv/ too but they probably dont know what to do with the $10k thats why I try /biz/

Yeah its pretty fucked up. Its not my fault or maybe a little of course I can agree to that but i just never really thought that this day would come

Fuck off you demoralizing fuck

>> No.51374358
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kek, have mercy..
uhh, honestly? this..
Here's what i'd do. Get a job on a cruise ship, any job. You live on the ship, your cost of living is nothing. The isolation, the work, the liquor and the ladies, it'll grow your ass up really quick. Save money from this lifestyle arbitrage and you'll make it. Piss it away on liquor and drugs like everyone else on board, and you'll die poor and exist as an aged degenerate.. But god dammit, you'll have lived for once.

>> No.51374360

This is why he should just get into manual labour, besides construction pays much better & it will put him in a workzone where no one will accept him being a faggot pussy mommas boy.

OP needs to blast on testosterone and work a manual labour job and turn himself into a man.

Money aint shit if you look and feel like a pathetic loser.

>> No.51374367

I cant do heavy lifting I got a weak back and im not looking into destroying my body for spare change

i just want something comfy, where people dont disturb me alot around $20 to $25 an hour seems fair for someone my age

>> No.51374375


I never considered working on a cruise ship... Imma look into this, but I still think OP should work a manual labour job, something in civil construction like road ashphalting or concreting, plumbing etc

>> No.51374382

Fuck off im not gonna destroy my body or work in the rain for mister sheckelstein I want something at least like an office job or work from home job then I can maybe keep living here for longer since I already got all the PC gear i could turn my room into a home office

>> No.51374390

Faggot, the job will make you strong.

Also, you are going to blast testosterone 500mg a week and turn into a man, youre gonna love manual labour after the first 6 months once you realise how its turning you into a man instead of a weak pathetic faggot that you are.

God damn I want to actually beat the shit out of you and rape your unconscious body.

>> No.51374391

And im not gonna go on some goddamn boat either you fucking retards. I hate holidays I havent been on holiday for over 10 years when they forced me to go to France with them. I dont wanna be on a fucking boat I can get sea sickness and its probably full of foreigners and thieves

>> No.51374399

This has to be a larp. No person, even a degen neet, would have the self respect to out himself out like this in such conditions.

>> No.51374402

You have been thieving from your parents for 17 years, anon.

>> No.51374403

>seems fair for someone my age
That's... not how it works... you must have something valuable to exchange.. a skill, expertise, so on and so forth.. age is irrelevant. Value is built, until then your a mutt, human garbage, cursed to perform low skilled labor..

>> No.51374405

Hardly any Jews are in the construction industry you dumb fuck.

At least do 12 months in manual labour and construction so you can tell yourself you actually did a mans job once in your life.

God you are so pathetic

>> No.51374407

I think your only option is to start a drug habit, go to San Francisco and live on the street

>> No.51374408

I just dont give a fuck about anything or anyone anymore you goddamn retard. My fucking life is over. I got nothing and only 10k which is not gonna get you anything in this fucking world.

The last thing I give a shit about is what you fucking faggots think fuck you

>> No.51374411

sure, if a construction job is desperate enough to handle a soft beta manchild with no muscle mass, soft hands, and zero experience. who will come to work with an attitude and fail to take orders. being trusted in the vicinity of heavy machinery even though he has zero situational awareness and blanks out half the time. yeah if he survives that it would make up for years of arrested development.

demoralizing? it's true though. by all means apply to the jobs you want anyways, but after a few months and you don't hear back from any jobs you want and your 10k is running out you're going to start applying to jobs you don't really want, and then when you don't hear back from them you're going to start applying to the shittiest job with the lowest pay no one wants and guess what, if you're lucky then maybe, maybe, you'll get one of those jobs.

you had 17 years to work shit jobs and make investments. by now you would have had a resume and could start getting somewhat better jobs.

>> No.51374412

Kinda weak anon, maybe something about your sister doing onlyfans to spice things up.
The graphics card part was good I will give you that.

>> No.51374420

of course it's a larp, it's bait, we all know that. let us have our fun.

great work by the way op, you got talent

>> No.51374421


Spend 10k on fake tits, become a tranny and suck Jewish dick for money.

Then unironically kill yourself.

>> No.51374424

>i hate holidays
trust me, it's no holiday...
im now leaning towards this >>51374407, you got my 0.02, balls in your court. Godspeed OP

>> No.51374426

This is the most obvious pathetic LARP ever

>> No.51374433

I own a construction company.

I hire soft cunts like this all the time, one of them was worse than OP when he started ... been with me for 14 years now and has a wife & kids as of about 5 years ago.

Had him start just cleaning up job site, moving shit about etc helping the contractors, now I got him driving bogies

>> No.51374467

>Get a job on a cruise ship
How can I get a job like this? I'm currently on the mining industry and I love these kind of isolated jobs where they give you all the services in a camp

>> No.51374474

I’m 23 years old and I made a post yesterday about how my extremely fucking lazy older sibling and autistic cousin does the same exact fucking shit, mark my words I will become a billionaire buy a quantum computer from IBM and destroy the infrastructure of discord so you cannot talk to your imaginary autistic friends any more, I would delete discord
Crunchy roll
9anime I would make it so you turbo autistic lazy faggots have no possible way to talk to people online nor watch anime, this isn’t a meme screenshot this and save it because I will eventually do it.

>> No.51374484

>mining industry
How is it there anon?
Are the risks of illness really as high as people say?

>> No.51374492
File: 64 KB, 800x450, mr-ice-cool-feat-good-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious bait thread
>65+ replies to the OP

Every.. fucking...time.

>> No.51374502

No, its actually pretty fucking boring, unless you are on an actual third world country the safety measures are really strict

You can't even drink energy drinks on site for christ sake, its really fucking strict.

Its amazing though, you get everything for free, your room is isolated, hvac is amazing, a lot of high quality food, you can even go to a gym after work if you want. Rooms are cleaned every day and you get your things registered before entry so nothing can get stolen

There's lot to do so the day goes pretty fast and companies also pay your travels expenses. The only reason I don't live 24/7 on camp is that I can't bring some home goodies like my simracing setup and that the internet quality is pretty poor, everything else is excellent

>> No.51374525

Just apply really, isolated hotels, cruise ships, tourism general has incredibly high turnover. they're always hiring.

>> No.51374576

Do they pay travel prices?

>> No.51374600

You cant go through your life blaming the world and other people. Rent a place with that money and go on NEET bux if you have to, however your life and mental health will improve if you find a way to earn money.

>> No.51374749


>> No.51375637

Even ugly dudes have hot girlfriends, you just need to take the life pill.

>> No.51375775

Dude be happy you at least got something

>> No.51375863

Your parents are retards, how the fuck do they house you till the age of 35 and ask you to leave on 1 months notice you have no work experience or any income. What's 10k going to do for you......reason with them to give you 6-12 months and in that time find a job or start a business. Perhaps buy a Van and become a delivery contractor, landscaping (cutting grass, shrubs etc) plenty of youtube videos on how to get started market your business etc, vehicle detailing, pressure washing business. Honestly perhaps something like that is better for you, your own boss and you work on your own time.

>> No.51375886

bad LARP

>> No.51375941

Did your parents only teach you to LARP?

>> No.51376084

Fucking man child

>> No.51376623

Lol, boomers at it again. Go all in on a solid privacy project offering zk-SNARK privacy, hodl and be happy.

>> No.51376631


>> No.51376661

Do you think they will physically remove you? If not just stay there and say “no”.

>> No.51376679

I dont know but they did sound very serious this time and I could see my mom was getting upset and my dad looked very disappointed. I first gonna wait a few days to see if things will settle down. Thinking of using 2k of the 10k into upgrading my PC cause I run a 3600x which is starting to become slow as fuck then I can finally get some distraction and relax and maybe think about what i am planning on doing

I just feel so tired right now, like the weight of the world is on me. I never asked for this

>> No.51376695

LINK is based but not a product of massive gains, a project offering same crosschain interoperability in the lower market cap region is a better option.

>> No.51376710

I refuse to believe this is real, to whine that everything is unfair after getting a completely free ride and doing fuckall for over a decade would be complete lunacy

The wanting to spend 20% of the only money you have (with no income to add to it) for a fucking GPU adds to how blatant of a LARP it is. Either that or you really are completely deluded on life in general

>> No.51376718

lmao grow up and get a job you're old as shit now

>> No.51376720

Yngmi, sell that shit and move to RAIL or keep staying with your parent.

>> No.51376727

Live in vehicle, work full time

>> No.51376745

A 3600x is not a GPU but a CPU you fucking retard. If you cant even know the difference then maybe you should not try to give out advice?

>> No.51376749

I moved out at 24, my parents gave me 1k for rent and food for the first month, which i had to pay back in 2 months.
I have no sympathy for you, and none should. Worthless.

>> No.51376755

invest the 10k in paying for a course of some kind and get certified in something, literally anything

>> No.51376772

You are definitely getting rekt with this. Qan is your best bet anon

>> No.51376774

If you're spending $2k on a PC 'upgrade' most of that is not going to be a CPU, it's gonna be a GPU. It's not like there's any reason for someone playing games to be buying shit like threadrippers

>> No.51376775

>My parents are really trying to fuck me over here. I'm 35 and only got like $10k they gave me as a 'starting fund'
How in the hell is giving you 10 grand fucking you over? I had to move out at 18 with NOTHING. Grow a pair and figure it out dipshit. I can see why they're eager to pay you to leave.

>> No.51376778

I understand but I think it's also good to just try not to think about this and stress cause that's gonna do more harm than good. Maybe I need to get out for like a week and isolate myself from them to think about what I really want? If I rush into making any big life changing decissions right now its meant to fail

>> No.51376796

>If I rush into making any big life changing decissions right now its meant to fail
you're going to get wrecked

>> No.51376831

>never throw parties I dont even invite anyone cause I dont even have to invite anyone.
Maybe that's why they want you out anon, you're a fucking loser and they can't stand your negativity.

>> No.51376849

Can you fuck off or give decent advice? Thanks

>> No.51376939

Pathetic, you should take a look in the mirror and your anger should be directed inward. Your existence is honestly embarrassing. Sure it is their fault for sheltering/spoiling you, but you have to dig yourself out and that begins with realizing you are a useless parasite. Nothing is more pathetic as an adult man than having no agency/self reliance for extended periods of time.

>> No.51376971

Pathetic thread with OP being a pathetic excuse of a human being. Stop victimization of thy self faggot.



>> No.51376981

> kicked out at 18 with no money

amerigoyim really?

>> No.51376991

too pathetic, not believable.
1/10 frog posting retard fake thread
wouldn't read

>> No.51377024

Im sorry did I asked to be born?

Cause I cant remember asking if I could be born

>> No.51377041

Noone did faggot. What makes u so special? Why should everything come to you so easy? No wonder you don't have a job and a GF. If I were ur dad I would beat the living shit out of you and kick you out without any money. Fucking freeloading autist.

>> No.51377070


>> No.51377072

This has to be a troll. You’re really complaining about your parents gifting you $10,000 and telling you to get a life at 35? What the fuck lol. I mean I guess it is partially their fault for raising and enabling an absolute loser.

>> No.51377094


OP may be a total loser but he is a pro troll.

>> No.51377147

this is going to get a lot common within 5 years. these gamer losers i fucking swear

>> No.51377195
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Thanks for the (you) random neet nigger. Don't hold your breath on me dying before u do.

T. Own place since I was 23. Moved out with 0 moneys from parents. Still got a good paying job and a GF without any education.

>> No.51377235

When i was close to 25 i moved out on my own will, without any money, parents are divorced, my father constantly nagged me and played mind games as an ex-cop, so i had enough of that shit and moved in the opposite side of the country. My first rented apartment was a room with other high school kids, it was cheap and it was what i could afford with pocket money. Since i had low experience, i went to work yolo in next country, as rented/lizing workers on construction sites. I have computer tehnic school as education yet it is useless unless you study programming (i hate it). So i slaved in all dirt, blood, sweat, heat, rain, .. for an above average pay, since i started on bottom. I worked for a elektro montage firm, that usually pulled cables thick as my hand, in 3 years i got a injured back and other micro fractures and i couldnt go on with such work. Since i showed i was a good worker all those years, i got each year a raise and where i worked. Somehow i met a worker from another firm that was going to quit and go work direct for a foreigner firm and asked me if i am willing to work with him. So he would be electrician and me his helper, so i agreed, bigger pay, not anymore just pulling cables but also working on lighting, fire detector system, so on .. so i learned the craft and even if i do not have an education, i still am paid nowadays as an electrician. The only thing i do not work is fuse boxes yet. I had to learn german language too, since i get a lot of independent work and must do it solo or if i get assigned a team, to lead them and complete tasks.

So you at least got 10k for free, you just lack discipline and determination to move your ass and do something .. most start at bottom, so if most can do, you can too.

>> No.51377238
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Investing in it before its Mainnet by EOY will definitely give a huge ROI

>> No.51377240

just get a job dumb op

>> No.51377262

>I got extremely lucky early on in life and so could you when you are already 35!

you guys are fucking useless

im done with this thread

just let it die already

>> No.51377265
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we are on the verge of the AI revolution

what anybody thinks of you here is irrelevant. what you think of yourself is irrelevant. what your parents think of you is irrelevant. by the time you're in your fifties, the world would have changed so dramatically that it doesn't matter whether you had a job or didn't, whether you had money or didn't.

the way of life that people are used to is winding up and it begins now. just look at how the illustrators and photographers on the internet are seethmaxing about DALLE2. They've spent a lot of time developing those skills and they are within a year or two of being made completely redundant. Within 10 years these tools will be unbelievable. Within 20 years, we won't recognise our current world.

My advice to you is to just try to get by, just survive and pay attention to what happens next in the world. You might need to share a place or live in a trailer somewhere or get autismbux or something but all you need to do is survive. Everybody is much closer to living on a level playing field than they think right now.

>> No.51377268

Why it's so hard to believe? I'm in the exact same situation OP is. And we are many like this, who simply gave up at life/refused the wageslave lifestyle.

>> No.51377280

Get a job.

>> No.51377295

>How are YOU not to blame for:
>YOU never got a girlfriend
>YOU are ugly (as a man this is not an innate trait -- you are in control of it)
>YOU have no experience

You have had over a decade to:
- Work on your appearance / social skills
- Acquire skills
- Quit whining

>How am I to blame? I was never able to do anything in the first place
Holy fucking shit listen to yourself bro. What do you mean "in the first place?" Like... out of the fucking womb? Yeah, nobody can do ANYTHING "in the first place", that's why it's important to learn instead of complain that you weren't just magically born a gigachad with a 10-inch dick and a 10-zero bank account.

But you know what's REALLY funny, anon? I can tell that if you WERE endowed with this "luck" you speak of, you'd be doing pretty much the exact same thing you're doing now. You'd be posting on 4chan about how nobody understands you and how lonely it is at the top, and how it's not your fault that you were born with all these amenities and never learned how to relate to anyone. Endless reasons why it's everyone else's fault but yours that you are a miserable beta.

If this is bait then good job, 7/

>> No.51377303

Thanks bro finally someone that makes sense. But the problem is I dont know how easy it is to get a trailer with just 10k. And I need to spend some of the money so I can get a little distraction of this mess. Like Iw as thinking upgrading my pc, clearing my head with some new games for a few weeks then when I have calmed down think again about what I really want.

Idk how if I can get benefits. I will ask my dad next week if he can look into it for me maybe it is enough so I can start living on my own at least

>> No.51377345
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are you stupid? AIs aren't real.

>> No.51377349

Join the club retard ive never had a gf or been laid, still live at home at 29, but the difference is i have a job, which led to friends and income, which in turn led to my parents not being concerned with whether or not i could live on my own. Now i have a decent professional career and my parents actually want me to live with them

>> No.51377367

the Chad move here is to kick your parents out.

>> No.51377476

The developer royalty will be a huge incentive coupled with the fact it has a hyperpolyglot feature

>> No.51377637


>> No.51377650

It's a test from your father to become head of family. Be a fucking man and tell him you're the boss now.

>> No.51377670

>a job, which led to friends
you coworkers do not count as friends. either learn that now or learn it when one of them gets you fired.

>> No.51377671

You didn't 'refuse' anything you were supported by your parents and once that support is withdrawn you will be pushing carts

>> No.51377695


Larp confirmed with this

>> No.51377749

have you tried dividing $10k by minimum wage across various states to at least reflect on the fact that almost every single person you see in the world is living on the same margins w/ threat of homelessness, scarcity and discomfort if they don't make it work? You realize a lot of people work more than 40hrs/wk right? Out of necessity.

Try being homeless if you don't like it. Get a laptop, backpack and go somewhere with a good transient community vibe(lol) and see how long you can hack it.

>> No.51377845

dude I guarantee theres a fuckton of guys out there dumber and uglier than you, but they go out and do shit like work for a living and play cards and drink and fuck, they live a normal working-class life. You can do it too. There is literally 0 barrier for entry, because once you're in you still struggle a lot to get by. Go live like a normal person. Get your own place, do some drugs, try to get an ist idk

>> No.51377888

>If I rush into making any big life changing decissions right now its meant to fail
not really, just get any job, move out to any place and get on with life and its daily work. Can't really go much wrong.

>> No.51377893

Kys if you hate being born so much lmao

All the same I believe your life parents have a responsibility to take care of you just because throwing out your useless child is like littering. Either don’t have a child or do everything in your power to build them into something healthy and attractive and economical in their early life if you want to empty nest

>> No.51378057

Boomers hate him. Learn how to insulate yourself from responsibility at the expense of others with this one simple trick:

At this point you should just do what you do best. Act mentally ill and apply for hand outs. Goverment gibs, welfare, the works. You clearly gave no wants other than sitting in your gamer chair and playing video games all day.

>> No.51378084

You get a girlfriend by being desirable to females, not by living at home playing videogames with no job all your life

>> No.51378093

> If i at least had something to live for then maybe I would have had a job by now or made a few hundred k to buy a house.

If wanting to construct a better life for yourself isn’t enough motivation then you are just a beta male pussy that would’ve never done anything anyways even if you had met that arbitrary criteria. You won’t do shit though since you are a genetic dead end and permaloser. Have fun dying alone cuck.

>> No.51378547

buddy, you cant afford to upgrade your pc right now. rent, energy bills, and food while you search for a job. after you get a job you can think about upgrading your pc, but by then you won't want to because it will be with money you had to earn and now you'll feel cheap. you'll realize you don't need to run at max settings and the best frame rates. my computer is a lot older and slower then yours and i can still run minecraft. i can even play star citizen though it gets a bit choppy at times. not interesting in upgrading until my computer finally dies after its decade of hard work. a week of playing video games isnt going to clear your head, you've had 17 years of playing video games. you need to fake a resume and put some thought into that and then apply to hundred, literally hundreds of jobs, the shittiest minimum wage jobs. because you're not going to get a well paying job with no experience thats not how anything works

>> No.51378562

no chances are you wouldn't even have 10k let alone a few hundred k. minimum wage would cover your expenses month to month with very little to save up or invest.

>> No.51378600

>parents housed and fed a man for thirty five fucking years
>fully fund his emergency fund and tell him it's time to move on
>everyone blames parents
I guess they are to blame for enabling such a loser to exist and not performing an honor killing when they had to

>> No.51378611

your parents are products of a different time, when home ownership was a doable dream. get used to renting, thats the best you'll ever get.

>> No.51378643

a decent shotgun can be purchased for under $500. 00 buckshot max $10. the end with the hole in it goes in your mouth. leave the rest of the money as payment for whoever has to clean up your mess.

>> No.51378646

He really is their mess to deal with though

>> No.51378674

Don't you want to be successful for yourself op? There are no excuses, I grew up in a poor household, was abused by family friends and school and it turned me into a beast full of love and a drive for success. I'm 32 now and transmute all of my negative shit into success as much as possible.

1. No porn or masturbation. Retain your seed.
2. Instead of masturbation, get a gym membership and start lifting ever 2 days to transmute your energy.
3. Read books. Start with some Napoleon Hill - outwit ting the devil or think and grow rich. Read how to win friends and influence people by dale Carnegie. Then never stop reading.
4. Apply for some jobs, literally anything. God will support your endeavors as long as you try
5. Open a TFSA and start investing in EFTs and dividend-paying REITs
6. Take care of yourself

That's my advice
God bless OP

>> No.51378693

i dont really like books arent there any youtube videos that cover the same info in less time?

>> No.51378711

This has to be a shit post,
You mean to tell me that
>you haven't been kicked out at 18
>Been given a years worth of rent.
>Free housing and food for 14 years

This is why white parenting is a failure, they raise man children like this. Even if this is fake there are losers that live like this.

>> No.51378717
File: 485 KB, 720x407, 45689B0C-5A9E-4894-B97C-DDBD9D93C61A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or had experience with working or living on my own if I never was able to do this in the first place?
>I never accomplished a thing, therefore I am incapable of doing so!
You are just making excuses now. Literally just pack the necessities and leave. Go live in a shithole studio apartment with sketchy roommates and try to find a job. If you can't, buy a tent and a book about bushcraft with your remaining money and live on the street. Get on welfare. Get in shape. Get in a fight. Strive for something, even if you fail. Who even gives a shit what your standard of failure is? It doesn't matter. You are not obliged to live in leisure and comfort your whole life. Generate some actual life experience, you weak, coddled urbanite faggot.

>> No.51378722

you made this thread yesterday with the same image but pretended you had "only $200k"
it didn't gain as much traction
interesting to see "only $10k" gets 220 replies
well done opee. i have a feeling you're actually a 23 years old psychopath doing engagement research for whatever startup you've got going

>> No.51378725

great advice for a man starting out on his own in the 1970s

>> No.51378740

nah he's just fucking around. we all do it from time to time to let off some steam. we know what pushes our buttons so we push each others buttons sometimes. its a form of play in a way. i dunno im enjoying it

>> No.51378797

do this except
>jerk off only once a day or every other day, every third day at most. not fapping at all is a fucking larp and probably more harm then good for your sanity and health. transmutation of energy fucking lol
>get a gym membership? you'll probably never us it. get some used exercise equipment on kijiji and go out for a daily jog instead
>reading self help books is mega-cope, don't even bother. the only people getting rich off that are the ones selling the books
>apply for literally any jobs since you can't afford to be picky and thats the only reason
>i don't even know what tfsa and etf and reits even are to know its some boomer larp growing your funds slower then the rate of purchasing power lost to inflation. waste of time and money. you need a higher risk to reward ratio since you're not living in a decade where lazy shit like this still works

>> No.51378841

When you leave cut them off they are toxic when they are old throw their ass in a home if they ever come to you for anything.

>> No.51379111

I doubt this is a larp and it's only going to get more common. 50% of adults (and rising) in metro areas are still living at home in their 30s so this isnt too far-fetched. Not to mention the incel epidemic preventing men from finding any sort of motivation to make something of themselves.

>> No.51379256

You’re hopeless. Take the 10k and plant trees for future generations, then do whatever.

>> No.51379627


>> No.51379684

You are a worthless faggot. I'm one year older than you and I have a wife, two kids and a bug house and two cars I own. My parents did not give me a lump of money. I chose to not be a waste if space and a total failure. Go get a job anywhere that will take your worthless fat ass. Besides that thw only other thing to do it murder suicide yourself and your parents, because they are complete waste of space as well for allowing you to become such a failure.

>> No.51379702

get a job you manchild grow the fuck up
I have a friend like you he lives with his parents at 37 its pathetic. the guy is basically an overgrown child he has no idea about the realities of life like paying bills and shit

>> No.51379770

Thanks for the self esteem boost.
I'm 19 working pisspoor europoor job (we're talking like 3$ an hour post tax) living independent from parents while finishing IT trade school.
Also I went from 350lb to 220lb and got a gf.
Yngmi, if this isn't bait you should unironically rope and give the 10k to a random hobo (me)
Also anyone got any ideas on what country I could move to after finishing IT trade school and what wage I should aim for? I'd only get 1.5-2k here if I'm lucky, which is only 5x my current wage.

>> No.51379827

Get a job, commie. Your parasite days are over.

>> No.51379863

Didn't you fucking get bored ?! For fuck sake man take some courses to improve yourself. The 105 level Wizzard won't be of much use

>> No.51379874

Just go chase some whores i'ts a lot of fun especially in the first two weeks - later is hell but still

>> No.51379933
File: 90 KB, 737x659, 1544859966131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f 200k
No you're not. Same thread image and language.

>> No.51379944

What about that makes you hate boomers?

>> No.51379996

Dunno what to tell you nigger, we dont work together anymore and still hang out. Smells like projection to me, maybe be more charismatic

>> No.51380356

get a job

>> No.51380380

Don't fake it, do it for real.

>> No.51381296

based and fatpilled
OP should research the most calorically-dense foods and spend the $10k cultivating mass

>> No.51382527

honestly the only thing that's left for you to do is to fuck your mother in front of your dad, like actual sex and make sure you record and upload it on xhamster or something, good luck

>> No.51382611
File: 481 KB, 1400x1400, 1504560244942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>travelled to 20 countries before covid
>work from home permanently
>do nothing except press a few buttons every few hours
>152k salary
>play vidya or creampie my gf all day
sucks to suck, op

>> No.51382641

I know you're not able to see it from this angle but your parents are actually trying to do you a favor. Clearly what you're doing wasn't working anyway. The change might be good for you.

>> No.51384201

How do I avoid my kids ending up like OP?

>> No.51385050

Ensure your son's lose their v card by 16, if they have a sister have her fuck them to ensure they aren't virgins

>> No.51385096

Elaborate larp faggot. Nice try though

>> No.51385190

HAHAHHAHA ok OP this one's a dead giveaway

>> No.51385248

What is your job and how did you get it?

>> No.51385297

Reprogram your brain to adjust from a vidya dopamine addict to being a functional human again, it will be both tough and long, but you can make it. Idk about your situation, but thats what I can see from it.

>> No.51386387

I don't know anon, I'd rather diversify into other assets as the chances of LUNC have gone slim again with Binance refusing the tax burn. I would go into yield farming Cake or wait for delegated staking for Sylo to maximize passive income streams.

>> No.51386476

>typing like this

Either this is g8 8/8 b8, but if not holy shit grow up

>> No.51386542

>boomers can dispense with 10 grand like were nothing
Yeah, I hate them too

>> No.51386638

Use the 10k to take them to court and squeeze them for everything they have

>> No.51386648

Holy shit you're pathetic as fuck.
The fall of the west is imminent.

>> No.51386761

based if true.

>> No.51386975

I’m in a similar situation. I’m 27. Droppef out of college and have some savings from working for my dad, been a NEET for the last year because I couldn’t keep up with the job. I applied for a bunch of jobs. I got an interview at the movie theater, but they never called me back. I decided to use my savings to go travel, hoping that I’ll be able to become somewhat self-reliant.

Frankly this thread feels like a LARP, but I know a ton of guys in the same situation. Once they reach 25 I would suspect that 90% of them are suffering from an undiagnosed mental illness.

>> No.51386995

> if a construction job is desperate enough to handle a soft beta manchild with no muscle mass, soft hands, and zero experience
They are. As long as he can reliably show up and do the work (not even do the work *well*), he will be hired. Construction always has vacancies even during the slow times because it’s some of the most undesirable work imaginable. If he gets a few certs like OFA or flagging he can make even more. I last two weeks flagging, it was the worst job I ever had. Security is another option if you can work alone.

>> No.51387281

Use 8k of that 10k to buy and insure a van to live in.

Use a couple hundred on a gym membership for showers and a couple hundred on necessities; water bottles, toothbrush, etc.

Use the local foodbank.

Buying a house is now 10 down the line of wagecucking every single day and basically being homeless.

>> No.51387305

If you merely worked a part-time wagie job over that time you could have $200k in the bank easy, much more if you invested it. Your fuckup.

>> No.51387329

What is the point of playing vidya for ~30 years? Don't you get bored?

>> No.51387410
File: 574 KB, 498x498, pepe-dead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever the sector you choose it's going to be affected by the quantum computers so it's best 1st secure your crypto wallets with a quantum resistant blockchain.

>> No.51387414

Based except the part about a back injury, make sure you take care of yourself and ease up once your financially able to

>> No.51387511

Find out where your nearest holy retreat/ monastery is, tell the monks you want to devote your life to God and surrender yourself to this path. You'll have to give up vidya, doritos, sodas, cooming to porn etc, but you will be taken care of so long as you fulfill your vows and earn your keep helping your brothers. This is a dignified way of taking "the easy way" out since its clear you have no intentions of functioning in regular society. The alternative is winding up in jail being a prison bitch until you get murdered in your sleep, or getting murdered by some crack whore on a dark street corner.

>> No.51387531

You're 35 and never worked a job?

>> No.51387955

im 29 and a lot like OP. Is it too late for me?

>> No.51387984
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon definitely you will atleast have a fucking phone with you. Just wait till QANplatform's mainnet is live so soon after that using the POR concensus you mine the tokens with your mobile phone.

>> No.51388017

OP you are an absolute fuck up and you deserve nothing in life.
That said, buy 10k of Linkies and watch E eryone seethe when you become a millionaire.

>> No.51388054

You're fucking up op. Since you sound like a bitch and are blaming your parents even though they "gave" you time and atleast a starting $ point. It's probably over for you. You can find a decent shitty apartment to room while you work up a shit low wage job. You shoulda stayed on good terms with moms and pops while you worked so you could just build experience, but I assume you fucked that over so now it's sink or swim. Work (focus on finding a decent paying full time job) and study in your off time for something you want to do. I'm 31 in about the same boat but my dad died so I do shit for my mom and have worked shitty jobs to give her SOMETHING for letting me stay at home. I'm about to start a shitty retail job friday, but I realize that I have to get something going cause as is I won't change for the better sitting at home, 10 years will go by fast, since i'm youngest of my closed family I get the pleasure of seeing the people I care about die, and ill have to hold the fort down myself. Best to experiment and test NOW while they are around rather than wait and suffer more later.

>> No.51388078

anon didnt you say you have like 200k, why lie on the internet

>> No.51388080
File: 11 KB, 205x246, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek... I would rather stack upon AVAX, QRDO, METIS and QANX $5000 on each. As these bluechips will definitely moon in the next bullrun and I will be settling down in Greece as it always been a dream too me.

>> No.51388109

Rent a room on craigslist with a bunch of other people, and save up enough money for a down payment. Don't spend money on stupid shit.

>> No.51389323

I know that this is probably a LARP but I ACTUALLY did this. 33 now, living with my mom and grandma. Few years ago made some money with crypto but I just chillin' because I had zero motivation. Or more like... I gave up in my mind... Because I thought I'll never make it, so why work a job I hate to barely afford a rathole in the city. Lately I'm trying to motivate myself and get out of this mindset but it's hard AF. Guys, do not waste your 20s, it's gonna feel horrible looking back.

>> No.51389683

you're just lazy and the dictionary definition of pathetic
you're a slime, net drain on everyone around you, complainer, probably a little slow in the head too
bes thting for you would be to drop you off far away in the woods somewhere and let nature take its course

>> No.51389691

>just graduated at 29
>moving out in 3 months
>decent job w/ ok money
is it over for me bros

>> No.51389708
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>> No.51389739

there is a small possibility that OP isn't larping. in that case he just grew up in a totally dysfunctional low iq family.

>> No.51390274

>buy a house
how about you look to be a roommate

>> No.51390400

i am the 38 year old with 200k who posted this thread the other day. i cant fucking believe you op. i know your a larp but im not. the fact that you got 200 replies while i only got like 70 is making me seethe right now

>> No.51390416

Lol you are 35 and have no independence yet? You don’t know how to find a place to rent and then look for a job?

>> No.51390430

I got 0 dollars from my parents. Quit whining

>> No.51390440

the first 2 posts of that thread are some of my favourite of all time

>> No.51390456

im glad my suffering is entertainment for you

>> No.51390463

Nice bait

>> No.51390514

Hit the gym and lawyer up.

>> No.51390723

You're getting 10k? My spouse's family gave him a "discount" (I say this because I've never seen the bill) on his car payment and phone payment when he moved in with me. Then they claimed him as a dependent for that year. Then they kept his stimulus check the next year. Then they demanded his college laptop or the total loan balance on his car and phone. We sent both back to their dismay. Just recently due to the student loan forgiveness news, we discovered that they gave themselves 1k from his student loans, AND kept an $800 grant we should have received last year. Every opportunity they've had to take money from us, they have, and got mad when we ended it and called them out. They still don't know we know about the student loan money and grant money.

You will be fine with 10k. Get a cheap car if you don't have one, rent a room or find a cheap apartment and find a roommate. Slowly build up.

>> No.51391064

>10k doesn't even get you a house
hahaha yeah nah it doesnt

>> No.51391132

i'm in a similar position. but my parents feel they helped put me into a mess of debt. so there is some guilt attached to letting me live at home. if you aren't burdened with debt like I am. I would have south somewhere and find some type of menial part time job and get an apartment or something. I guess you're a brit tho? I know nothing about europe.

>> No.51391327

>work 6 days a week
>give $200 a month to my mentally ill disabled mother to make sure she can pay her rent and doesn’t go homeless
you disgust me

>> No.51391424
File: 45 KB, 700x689, aXar6VVx_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a larp, get a real hobby and stop wasting the catalog you fking serf

>> No.51391436

Which country do you live in? In Australia there are a tonne of call centre type jobs that will hire literally anybody starting at 54k.

I'm 22 now, been promoted a few times and am on 85k now in a non front line role. Bought my own apartment a couple months back and supports a comfortable lifestyle for myself. No university of college education.

Start getting into a routine. Exercise, get some social hobbies, start going out and get a social life.

>> No.51391437


t. White “men” when they don’t have white privilege dragging them up the ladder Kek

>> No.51391508

Bing Bing WAHOO

>> No.51391583

You only have 3 choices:

1) You can use the $10K sustain you while you apply for scholarship, aid, and student loans and then enroll in a University.
2) You can use the $10K to sustain you while you look for a job, any job, that will hire you and work your way to better jobs from there.
3) You can join the Air Force.

>> No.51391630

sounds like capitalism isn't working in your favor if your mother will be homeless if you aren't working.

>> No.51391682

>35 years old still relying on your parents for handouts
You don't deserve to call yourself a man. kys

>> No.51391742

did I say it was? lol wtf

>> No.51391776

buy a cheap car, live in car
shower at gym
find the best job you can.
I hope you live in a warm climate.
God speed, anon.

>> No.51391786

nice bait op but still kys
verification was required 8GP00S

>> No.51391803

Digits confirm

>> No.51392680

>35 yo
>zero experience

They should have done it early.
Well, now you are going to understand the meaning of "if you don' work, you don't eat".

>> No.51392811

>desperate commie doesn't know communism would have killed his mom for being a sex worker

>> No.51393169

i believe in capitalism, doesn't mean i can't recognize its flaws.

>> No.51394840
File: 56 KB, 750x563, jockow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like videogames give a false sense of purpose and accomplishment. your brain is tricked into feeling like you're making large strides and progressing, but in reality you haven't improved on anything.
instead of spending time increasing a skill and making jumps in a career, you're grinding experience points for a new level. each new level triggers some reward mechanism and releases dopamine in your brain, telling you job well done.
vidya sap your ambition and rewires your brain to tell you that you're fulfilled.
I had way more ambition to reach higher levels playing runescape as a kid than i do now financially as an adult.

>> No.51395171

Honestly you should kys

>> No.51395236

I never had a job or anything until 22 and now I make 7k/month net

>> No.51395272


There was a good thread a few days back. Get a job at a janitorial company. Yeah I know, just fucking do it you lazy vidya gamer. For one thing, the feeling of job satisfaction will change your life. People were meant to be productive, life is meant to be difficult.

Once you learn the business, start your own janitorial company. Buy your own house asap, get some roommates, let them pay your rent.

You think 35 is bad? I'm 43 and just re-starting.

>> No.51395631

What if they had an accident?

>> No.51395720


>> No.51395840

You're a loser, OP.
Thats not meant to be an insult, its just a fact.
I recommend IMMEDIATELY feigning a SEVERE AUTISM diagnosis, and then getting on neetbux.
Apply for literally everything, be a drain on the system like you've been on your parents.
Also, encourage your parents to get huge life insurance policies, because if they think 10k is enough to do anything in 2022, the chances of you inheriting anything are slim to none.

Be a nigger to the system, anon, but make sure you're stockpiling everything you can for the impending deindustrialization/collapse of modernity.

Or, as you're going to do, don't follow my advice and end up as a homeless bum in some shit-infested major metropolitan area.

I don't care, I'm not your dad.

>> No.51395886

>job satisfaction
>from being a literal jannie

>> No.51395921

I have a cousin like this. what a fucking absolute waste of a life

>> No.51395928

Board is blue, but still tits or gtfo
Or kys if youre a fag and are fag-married.

>> No.51396235
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon just start to learn coding languages these days the opportunities for the devs are real good. Using the QVM now the devs can code the smart contracts in any programming languages and for that royalties are offered too. Seems like a sweet deal to me.

>> No.51396519
File: 19 KB, 683x449, images (82).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks interesting. What's the name of the project jeet?
Is this live to begin with?

>> No.51396522

you can still save this in two easy steps
1. get younger
2. turn that money into more money
When you're 35 again you're in a pretty good spot

>> No.51396962
File: 896 KB, 326x498, pepe-creepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qanplatform is the name of the project and the QVM is live for your information fucker. Almost 20 million devs are interested to code the smart contracts in any programming languages at ease.

>> No.51397109

op is a blatant fucking nigger. he stole my thread which only got 58 replies. the only difference is im not a larp and clearly op is a faggot nigger

>> No.51397121

Anon I have heard about this blockchain. Are they live already?
There was something interesting we users can benefit from I completely forgot

>> No.51397208

The WHO was right about gaming being a mental illness. Fuck gamers.

>> No.51397250

imagine ever choosing to have children knowing that they might end up being 35 year old sponges who are ungrateful when you give them $10k and ask them to find their own apartment

>> No.51397273

maybe you should try getting a job.png

>> No.51397328

POR it is. Proof of randomness is a consensus algorithm where the scalability is taken care as well as we can mine the QANX tokens with a mobile phone or with a raspberry pi. I guess this us the one you are referring to

>> No.51397845

Mining crypto on my mobile phone is definitely something I don't want to miss. It reminds me of LP mining on Sylo for-based rewards.

>> No.51397882

>jeets start to shill random bullshit in an unrelated thread
Definitely don't want to miss this opportunity sirs

>> No.51398102
File: 6 KB, 228x221, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing in similar anon. This is one off and an eco-friendly approach.
Jeet the threats of a quantum computer is damn serious. Better realize it soon or else rekt.

>> No.51398158
File: 601 KB, 789x484, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some real estate agents accept crypto and offer cashback through Utrust, so that's one way. You can also stake UTK to earn huge APY on maiar.

>> No.51398175
File: 245 KB, 1440x2020, Screenshot_20220912-101840_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy aeva

>> No.51398181

put 9k in Link, take 1k and buy a gun. Tell your parents you'll leave at the end of the month. wait for smartcon. if Link pumps you'll be rich as fuck and you can cummin your dads face, if link dumps you can blow your brains out, or kill niggers in minecraft idgaf

>> No.51398201

Unironically claim squatters rights
Even if they do end up kicking you out, it will buy you years of time as well as cost them everything they could have hoped to save from kicking you out
It's a win-win really

>> No.51398903

they're doing you a favor by trying to make a man out of you. You can't just suck off your mom's titty forever. The world isn't all that bad, but you could have prevented this and made the experience a lot easier for yourself. It's better late than never, time to be more self sufficient. Your parents wont live forever.

>> No.51398974

You will become a wagie until you are... wait, you are already 35???? ... I don't know what to say. Maybe you are lucky to be a wagie until 40, but the remaining decades of your life will be living on social security and doing trash jobs.

Your parents have literally thrown you under the bus. The moment you leave their home, your funds will be gone in around give or take 2-6 months, depending on how skilled you are with money.

It's over anon. Getting thrown under the bus by your parents is a death sentence in the economy. At least you know that you are experiencing Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest (your genes are the once getting removed from earth).

RIP anon. If you are already 35 and couldn't get the ball rolling, your statistical chances of succeeding now are pretty much 0.

>> No.51399608

I see you're so broke like faggot but become a node provider and constantly run software on a capable device, providing storage space for the network, and get paid for all your life's foolishness.

>> No.51399656

I'm a good pussy sucker, i want to work for a porn company. can a retard link me up?

>> No.51399768

Go across the Italian border to Germany you terrone bastard

>> No.51399776
File: 8 KB, 250x187, 2dc76ecb-80ff-4937-9ef2-0ff6567d28f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why trannies are clubbing every night and feeling funky like idiots. Thanks to the low hardware and energy requirements, dumbasses will be able to join as a validator on its MainNet.

>> No.51399832

lead me through the russian boarder...

>> No.51399847

best payment platform that has taken the crypto space by storm.

>> No.51399947

what a fucking new life for developers, it's got high-level data security solutions for third parties, and its own security level meets currently available cryptography standards.

>> No.51400640


>> No.51400652

i was kicked out at 18 with an Xbox 360 to my name
you sound like a pussy

>> No.51401492

OP/anyone else in a similar situation please start by humbling yourself and reading the Quran and worshipping your maker by showing it on your limbs then make sure your parents get you on benefits if youve never worked and then getting free housing since judging by your level of maturity youll be more than eligible if you live in the uk and if all of this falls through but you stuck with the Quran and praying you can go squat in your local masjid and socialise while your there eventually a brother will hook you up with a job if you need it. Alhamdulillah for everything.

>> No.51401626

Not even a good larp

>> No.51401702

Grow up you fucking pussy

>> No.51401765


>> No.51401925

Life's an adventure, bro.
Go fuck shit up.

>> No.51401955

I know someone like this irl. Frens brother is probably going on 20 years post high school just doing nothing. Mooching off parents while all his siblings grew up, got married etc.

>> No.51402102

Trips of truth.
OP, listen to tri-trips above. Once you actually get your life moving, all this shit you’re spouting will be like a faded memory of someone you once knew. The T will show you stuff you forgot existed.
I’m all for comfy work-smarter stuff, but you just need to get fucking moving mate. Take full responsibility for your life and circumstance, regardless of who you perceive to be at fault.

>> No.51402470
File: 26 KB, 460x349, e7361d51953f1919c660f5622e381127--a-meme-bradley-cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, I got you.

Step 1. Stall for more time
Tell your parents you need more time to organize yourself. Say you're researching college or some BS like that. Lie if you have to. Tell them whatever they need to hear so that you can transition smoothly. "Mom, I'm searching for an apprenticeship in X field and I need more time to find the right company". Obviously they want you gone but they've put up with you for this long so what's 3-6 more months?

Step 2. Make a plan
Decided how you're gonna find your lifestyle. 10k goes out the door real fast when you don't have a job or a steady stream of income. Don't over complicate it. You just need to have a boring job that pays the bills and puts food on the table. You need the experience for your resume anyways.

Step 3. Invest
Take that 10k, split it in half. Take the first half and open a saving account. 2 weeks later, go back to the bank and get a loan for 5k using your saving as collateral. Take that money and pay it back 1 month later in full. rinse and repeat.
Take the second 5k to a credit union and get a secured card or secured credit card. Start putting your monthly bills on that card and pay it off every month. 3 months later, call the number on the back of the card and ask to "lower my interest rate and increase my credit limit." As long as you've been paying your bills, your initial 5k you used as a deposit for the card is now returned back to you. Now you have 5k in cash, at least 5k on a credit card, and 5k in the bank (15k total) Take that 5k in cash, go to another credit union, rinse and repeat. 3 months later now you have 20k. In a year, you should have 4 credit cards with 5k limit, and 10k in cash (30k total). On paper, you have perfect credit and you're liquid.

Step 4. Keep investing
Go on YouTube and research a book called "Rich dad, poor dad". This will teach you how to identify assets. Once you understand that, you can use the 30k to buy something that gives you cash flow or goes up.

>> No.51402637
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, pepe kek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a bunch of credit cards
>read rich dad poor dad

>> No.51402836

This but also if you leave that workplace you might visit them 2 more times.
I got laid off for covid, never saw any of the people I hung out with from work ever again. I still have home friends from highschool so maybe that's why but still.

>> No.51402957
File: 47 KB, 720x709, 1638954828820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, we've had 100 posts saying "Just get a job".
That problem is settled, but literally how in the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
Fucking how? Walk up to one and say, "Hi, I'm Anon."
>The girls you work with.
Ok what if 3 out of the 5 are married and the other 2 are fat? What if they're all factory 3rd shift roastie whores? What if they have literal drug problems?
I literally don't get it. I've never met a single woman I had access to that I'd be interested in dating. There was one girl but she was in a relationship the entire time I knew her (not married though).

>> No.51402968
File: 56 KB, 310x315, 1552244907056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people acting like this is a LARP when being a NEET was praised all during the bull market. This is what happens when you don't make it as a NEET.

>> No.51404008

God damn it, I refuse to visit /soc/ or whatever the abbreviation for the advice board is, I never even learned it. I stopped caring after he made a hundred /v/ boards and NONE of them can have generals. There's even a whole board that would rid /vg/ of the fucking cancer of gacha games.
Fucking nip moot.

>> No.51404100

just play the wheel on tqqq or some shit

>> No.51404364

you can literally just make up shit for these customer support and remote jobs and get away with it.
its what the pajeets do.
these jobs aren’t rocket science.
you don’t need a physics degree to click two buttons on a screen and switch tabs occasionally.
i literally got a 60k yearly support desk job with a made up resume.
as long as you know the talking points and can bullshit during the zoom interviews you should be good.

>> No.51404522

KEK If you're still NEET beyond 30 it's fucking over Anon

>> No.51404632


>> No.51404764

If you failed to take any legal action against them for all of that you deserved it desu

>> No.51405105

Never heard the story of neetflix? And thats just wordly peasant status. Please go read the Quran with a humble heart and visit a local masjid you need some bro hugs.

>> No.51405601

between larping as a neetshit faggot or being real worthIess human dirt I really don't know what's worse

Kill yourself op

>> No.51406238

I got kicked out at age below 18 with zero $0. I've realized my potential ever since I started buying ETH and staking it on Binance and Freeway.

>> No.51406273
File: 3 KB, 121x125, 1641470437168s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe he used heroin before turning 35, hehe. If my parents gave me those dollars, only. From the first day, I'll have journeyed with Bitcoin and staking it in a relaible platform like Binance, cryptocom, nexo and freeway

>> No.51406424

Larping about getting kicked out of your family is not the flex y'all think it is. It's the hyper capitalism of western nations and it's why there are so many faggots in the West

>> No.51406471
File: 8 KB, 222x227, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the boomers are so pissed to see "youngins" make money so easily. Life has never been easier

>> No.51406488
File: 8 KB, 276x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't buy a house anytime soon newfag, Do yourself a favour and pay attention to multi-blockchains. Those are the future and have the potential of changing your life.

>> No.51406503

Fucking manchild

>> No.51406521

Pleb. That's how you get rekt. Would rather stick to the passive income rewards in Geeq and their blockchain innovations. Ngmi if you don't.

>> No.51406719

Stake it as fiat supercharger and enjoy the 43% on Freeway while you figure out your life

>> No.51406727
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1643635118907s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're the faggot here. I'm guessing that you've invested your funds in shit and trash coins. That's why you're complaining like baby.

>> No.51406759
File: 9 KB, 204x250, 1655715674668s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fool doesn't read and he'll keep getting rekt when he could have protected he's asset with a reliable asset management protocol

>> No.51406796

you're old enough man, go fucking take care of yourself, loads of opportunity in the DeFi space. Spool for instance gives a 7% APY for staked stables.

>> No.51406923

What about blockchains tho anon? Tell me you saw all the developments. It's getting to businesses as well with geeq data. What do you have to say about that?

>> No.51406931

If you can run nodes and build both chains and dApps on that, I'm sold. It's all about multichains that work this time.

>> No.51406942

You had 30 years to do something and you sat in the basement like a dumb poor faggot. That on you

>> No.51407013

> I'm 35 and only got like $10k they gave me as a 'starting fund' and they want me to move out.


I earned 37 Ruble-Money-Bux for this post! Thanks Taiwan!

>> No.51407172

Based, also look into squatters rights

>> No.51407350

Defi is still young, and loads of cool projects are out there, the likes of Railgun, Holoride, AllianceBlock, etc. can all make you rich and better in the long run.

>> No.51407381


>> No.51407395

>uh idk i just played video games for the last 15 years of my life

>> No.51407461

You can just put some of that into crypto. Spread it across various tokens like GSTAR, APTOS and SUI. These are yet to launch and you can follow up on them.

>> No.51407468

The same way gaming is young. You can dive into board games coming into the blockchain.

>> No.51407503

r u being serious or trolling ?? they gave u 10k and ur crying about them asking u to move out lol try having some realproblems im a 30 yr old hermit whos mum just got over cancer to find out my dad who im estranged from only by me being a heremit has less than a few months to live then after the fact find out ill get no enheritence because he had a gold digging whore gf who he was with for three years made him get married to her so she has full control of his assets theres some real problems for u do u want exchange lives with me anon ??? sat here in my dark flat just woke up mid day got a mcdonalds to try and feel it little less worse than iam already but made me feel worse now undecied shall i do wrists or rope wrists or rope which ones manliest but i love my neice and nephew more than life its self do i carry on one more day for them ? my nephew doesnt even like me hes 3 and says im big and scary hahah fuck life why do i get up every morning am i kidding myself into thinking life will get better what jewish psyop is this that has completly ruined my life and gone from a popular outgoing teen to a fat depressed anxious hermit ... is it porn ?? is it some sex demon like the succubi draiining my life force ?

>> No.51408889

you cost them propably close to 2-3 million until now you leech

>> No.51409170

>I fucking hate them why the fuck do they always have to make my life so difficult
You sound like a woman with BPD. Enjoy your FREE 10k

>> No.51409215

I'm 33 and my parents only gave me 50k which I managed to turn into 70k but it could have been 108k had I sold at the top

>> No.51409678

>part-time wagie job over that time you could have $200k in the bank easy
lol, imagine thinking any wagies have saved even 10k from their wageslave job. absolute delusion

>> No.51409787

Grow some balls, parasite!
This is surely a larp?

>> No.51409821

Im one of them , but im trying to fix it now

>> No.51409885
File: 49 KB, 655x560, 1637723001246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, there are actually people who think wageslaving for some megacorp for their whole adult life is 'making it' and get angry at those who don't follow this path or are you all just LARPing?

>> No.51411303

>time to be a man and run your body and mental state into the ground for a little bit of cash that isn't even enough to buy your own property , most of which you can't even touch until your a broken down depressed 65 year old
If that's what "being a man" entails no wonder so many dudes are becoming trannies nowadays.

>> No.51411429


>> No.51411656

>10k they gave me as a 'starting fund
Kek, my father gave me 50EUR at 22 and I never took a cent since then. I'm 30 now.