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51396830 No.51396830 [Reply] [Original]

>Day 2 of being sober
How do you guys profit from this? I can't sleep without being drunk

>> No.51396905


>> No.51396924

The way you easily override withdrawal symptoms is to drink your urine. Also drinking your urine will help you fall asleep easily. Remember, urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma. And it has all your critical antibodies, stem cells, minerals, salts, hormones, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, etc to heal from any illness.

>> No.51397454

frog! frog!

>> No.51397609

>just drink your own piss dude
Fucking KeK

>> No.51397648


>> No.51397664

I myself handle the withdrawal by not trying, like I just do shit until I collapse.

>> No.51397786

get addicted to something else

>> No.51397835


>> No.51397857
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Unironically take some valium for a couple of days if you have alcohol WD symptoms. That's what they usually give and it will help your sleep too

>> No.51397868
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> he took the pee pill

>> No.51397899
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Valium and/or xanax

>> No.51397943

>dude lift heavy object you will feel good
It's not the lifting that's making you feel those things, it's the supplements

>> No.51397950

>dude just take an even more addictive depressant that has worse withdrawals
However I will say I have taken klonopin every day for like a decade and I only smoke weed. I have absolutely no inclination to drink alcohol. When I do at social events, I'll drink one beer and be done. Tbh I hate drinking. Yes I know ill probably have dementia by 50 but whatever. The world will be fucked by then anyways.

>> No.51397953

I had around 100 beers this year and at least 10 bottles of wine.
Thats like 50 euros worth o beer and like another 100 to 150 worth of wine.
Thats 200 that didnt go towards something better or something worse.

>> No.51397998
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>100 beers in a year
i've unironically had over 100 beers this week

>> No.51398017

What supplements?

>> No.51398025

ok let me just go to the valium store like wtf

>> No.51398030

Did they get my water while I was in there?

>> No.51398049

What a fucking degenerate lmao

>> No.51398071
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>> No.51398080


Retard DYEL detected. Have you never heard of endorphins?

>> No.51398087

Drop 1 bad habit, take on 2 good habits.
Focus on the 2 good habits and doing them well. It will take your mind off the 1 bad habit.

>> No.51398148
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kek, I am slightly buzzed on some red wine. something I don't do usually.

>> No.51398231

Yeah, it's cope. The only thing exercising ever made me feel is tired.

>> No.51398241

Quit for like a month and try to knock the sugar intake down over the month.
Wake up, skip breakfast. Go for a walk. Slam a beer and pay attention to exactly how it makes you feel.
If it makes you feel like shit and gives you a headache you'll be done for a long time.
If it makes you feel better you need to focus on getting your headspace right still. It's all in your head. Physical withdrawal is real but as long as you're not a bottlenose Nikolai a day you'll be fine, it's all in your head. You need a reason to better yourself

>> No.51398260
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>Day 2 of being sober
>How do you guys profit from this? I can't sleep without being drunk
old milennial bibulous scumbag with 12 years of hard boozing under his belt here. answer is: you're already profiting. also, day 2 is great news, that means you're most likely out of the 12/24 hour red zone hell of shakes, agitation, anxiety, worst of the wet brain, confusion.

accept that your sleep schedule is fucked for awhile. bit of insomnia will be part of life for awhile. maybe sweats. listen to music that works with the silence of the sober world. i like arvo part, in particular "fur alina" & "spiegel im spiegel".

you profit by realizing that if you're already depressed, anxious, just plain sad or just plain bereft and empty, booze was never going to be the change that fixed that. booze is a beautiful treasure for social occasions, though.

"One of the great insights of psychoanalysis is that you never really want an object, you only want the wanting, which means the solution is to set your sights on an impossible ideal and work hard to reach it. You won't. That's not just okay, that's the point. It's ok if you fantasize about knowing kung fu if you then try to actually learn kung fu, eventually you will understand you can never really know kung fu, and then you will die. And it will have been worth it."

booze is a tool for time wasting and not feeling bad about it. a resistance to change tool. an inertia tool. reducing/removing it will get you $ back. it will get you time back. free time is terrifying but, like a man, you will come face to face with the terror of free time and be forced to invest it. and, some days from now, you will sleep very well.

>> No.51398278

Have u really never experienced physical exercise? Lol

>> No.51398295

Being sober is a lot easier when you're working out and have a fitness goal in mind.

>> No.51398310

I can’t sleep drunk ama. Used to smoke the devils lettuce but a sober sleep is the best sleep full of fun dreamies

>> No.51398337

Genuinely curious how does one fall into alcoholism. The few times I have drank I never liked the taste and the feeling of being drunk and not in control of my actions is somethings that’s never really fancied me. Being slightly buzzed first few times was funny but after a while it just died down for me.

>> No.51398345


>> No.51398353

>How do you guys profit from this?
by saving the money you would normally spend getting drunk, high, and all the impulse consoomer bullshit you bought because you were brainwashed. are you fucking retarded?

>> No.51398368
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Just be ready for the dreams when you do sleep. I had the most fucked up nightmares when I was getting sober. Rotting animals chewing on my limbs and everyone around me acting like nothing was wrong. It was fucked. Anyway, valerian root tea, magnesium, vitamin D, and hold on to your ass. It gets better and if you hold on you never have to feel this way again anon.

>> No.51398391

I exercise every day. I just get tired, that's it. I have no idea how everyone apparently gets EUPHORIC because they move their body a bit. I can only assume it's cope

>> No.51398412

I dont take anything and a 1 hour bike ride would clear your head and make you feel good

>> No.51398441

I don’t think anybody likes the taste, just ones they hate less. The thing is when drinking, everybody likes each other a little a bit better. Unless it’s like a glass of wine I don’t really drink alone, only in social spaces.

>> No.51398614
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>Genuinely curious how does one fall into alcoholism.
well certainly not just by having a few too many, even a little too often, here and there. also hated the feeling of being drunk myself when younger. having that "two pints" guy turbo-drunk. off-putting at first.

lotta different ways to become an alcohol but a common thread unites most of them: escape. and disliking that drunk feeling is no match for escape's sweetness.

a boozehound doesn't start with a 9AM gatorade bottle that's 4 shots vodka, water topped up. that's the physical+psychological end result. alcohol, similar to other abusable chemicals, is the eventuality of a thousand evenings avoiding and escaping. escaping what? that's where everyone has their own fun and unique answer.

but the key is that alcohol is an escape, a strong one, better at it than any vidya. it lets you never feel bad about an inertial life, about avoiding change, escaping having to test yourself against a challenge or on the new. a thousand, two thousand nights of any amount of boozing (do it alone to buff the effect), and you can find out for yourself.

“How we spend our days is, of course how we spend our lives."

>> No.51398646

Almost 2 years here. Seek Christ and keep going, it's worth it.

>> No.51398665

I’ve been sober since February. After the first 5-7 days it’s pretty easy. After a month you’ll feel better than you ever have. I suggest you also start eating a high protein high fat low carb diet and get daily sun exposure if you want feel even better. Also workout

>> No.51398705
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> My G
Thanks anons

>> No.51398770

If you really are going through it don't be afraid to hit up an AA meeting. AA can be gay as fuck when it comes to wallowing in pity but having people to talk to that understand what you're going through can be invaluable. Take as much or as little from it as you need. But some of those dudes are addicted to being addicts if that makes sense, you'll understand if you go to some meetings.

>> No.51399132
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today is a good day because you did your best. whatever your best might be capable of being for you today. well done bro.

no matter how far wrong you've gone, you can always turn around.

>> No.51399154

Smoke weed, faggot

>> No.51399269

I Appreciate the insight bros! I figured it was an escape but I’m thankful I never felt the need to fall under its grasp. I can see how many can become addicting especially if life is challenging.

>> No.51399369

>Cold Turkey Cuck
Just wean off:
Day 1: 16 drinks
Day 2: 8 drinks
Day 3: 4 drinks
Day 4: 2 drinks
Day 5: 1 drink
Day 6: 1/2 drink
Day 7: 1/4 drink

>> No.51399409

You're now free, how are you anything but fucking ecstatic? Every day will get better from now on, bro.

>> No.51399415

drinking your own urine doesn't work
chinese medicine shows it has to be the urine of a young boy

>> No.51399997


What if I use booze as escapist coping mechanism? I don't drink that much (I've got a 0 alcohol during the week policy) but it's one of my vices... but even when I drink I don't feel a pleasant buzz like I used to.

>> No.51400438
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yes, horrifying dreams. a drunk person doesn't actually sleep when they're drunk, you're basically just passed out. very little REM sleep. i was sober for 5 years and recently relapsed, sobered up for 3 weeks, then relapsed for a solid week of drinking. my main takeaway: you don't realize how much sleep you've been losing until you're well past the withdrawal phase (after the shakes and gripping the pillow and howling like a wounded dog), needing to close your eyes , and your eyes automatically go left-right-left-right REM twitch mode. it's almost been a full month of alcohol sobriety and my sleep schedule is still out of wack.

but when good sleep comes back, your dreams bring you back to memories and experiences that are enriching and powerful in subtle ways

>> No.51400458


>> No.51400495

don't you ever get sick? i feel ill if i drink for more than two consecutive days

>> No.51400497

Being tired is good. Go run a marathon if you want actual endorphins, but the goal otherwise is a sense of personal pride and actually being tired.