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51390167 No.51390167 [Reply] [Original]

100 years of Kadena

>> No.51390635


My name is Bill and I was told to come here and introduce myself in order to begin the process of courtship with my future Kadena Girlfriend.

I followed the instructions in the docs and obtained 7777 KDA. It has been suggested to me that that particular number is out of date now and the minimum is either 77777, or 777777 KDA now depending on your 'preferences' whatever that is supposed to mean. But I believe I am entitled to redeem my Kadena Girlfriend based on my current holdings due to the amount clearly being stated in the official docs as mentioned before, as well as being the amount mentioned by Emily who from what I understand is the lead who oversees these Contracts at Kadena.

Please begin the process.

>> No.51390640

KDA's pronoun is they
and they are the best blockchains

>> No.51391184
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we just spiked on binance my fellow kadenAnons

>> No.51391354

I oftentimes forget that KDA is already listed on Binance and Crypto.com

Coinbase is next. $300 in 2023 is all but guaranteed.

>> No.51391449

Holy cope. Try $3.00

>> No.51391464

Fucking retard. Try $3000

>> No.51391637

no garunentees
its all based on the broader market
but when hype comes to crypto KDA is a gem in a pile of shit
fundamental value will shine overtime
for now jus accumulate

>> No.51391741

Ded coin

>> No.51391830
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This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed /biz/ for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.51391857
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>> No.51391985

I for one am excited to see really what the PoS aftermath will be. Maybe ETH merge will be the best thing to happen to KDA.

>> No.51392055
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we will astroturf for a 100 years. 100 years of Kadena

>> No.51392065
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This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards. They have astroturfed /biz/ for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.51392087

>fundamental value will shine overtime
how is kadena any better than any other shitcoin? how is it better than say icy pee or fucking bsv?

>> No.51392249

scalable POW with a fairly efficient mining algorithm

>> No.51392256

ez 5-10 years out
so much cope will be here by those who missed out

>> No.51392266

>fairly efficient mining algorithm
>scalable POW
who needs that when you can have zk on matic?

>> No.51392338

POS could do well for a bit but its a tower of babylon like system, the longer it lasts the worse off we are (the world not just KDA holders)
its entirely possible that KDA doesn't do well and is never adopted
in timeline this would be a good thing (if a genuinely better piece of technology replaced it)
in another way this could be horrible (KDA stays out of mainstream because POS absorbs everything)
I have my POS exposure through owning LINK and some other tokens on the ETH network that are banned from being discussed on biz (NO IA) but I won't buy ETH because I want it to fail (and believe it should). I am okay with LINK, if ETH does well so will LINK and I will be fine
Also always hedged with physical silver

But there is nothing with the potential of KDA That I have seen. if you know of anything please let me know.

>> No.51392376

what are you going to roll up onto ? a POS chain or POW... lol
matic still uses solidity
this space is in its infancy, in comparison to home computing we are at the Apple II stage where screens were just released. Good luck guessing where blockchain tech goes.
The sucessful tech in the first 10 years of computers is mostly not around anymore.

>> No.51392397

just roll it on eth, whats your issue?
>b-but you can attack pos with 33%
you can attack kadena with 16%

>> No.51392427

I dont know much about ICP desu, but seeing how your NFT disappears from the network if you don't perpeturally pay gas for it to be there thats a major problem (idk if they fixed it) but NFTs are supposed to be forever, my understanding is that they are not on ICP
as for BSV big blocks <<<< sharding
also pact, marmalade, along with a team that has industry experience (and connections, the important one)
they are building the platform to be used for decades and have built platforms that have been used for decades in industry finance
there is no comparable team in crypto

>> No.51392542

kadena is big blocks, you're coping if you say its not
>also pact
a hurdle rather than anything
god who cares there are 10000 nft marketplaces, who the fuck cares about nfts even
>they are building the platform
but are they building it to increase token price? doesn't seem so to me
>there is no comparable team in crypto
self-proclaimed best team in crypto, yea every project claims other teams are incompetent, nothing new under the sun

>> No.51392552

if you think you can attach KDA with 16% you dont understand KDA
as n_chains --> inf consensus attach requires 2/3rds of the hashing power.
with 1 chan it takes 51%

>> No.51392630

lol spare me some bullshit
you mine first block on chain 1, chain 1 is connected to 3 chains for next block, you only need 2 blocks to do irreversible damage, 3 chains is 16%
>b-but some chains have more mining power
no they don't, fees are irrelevant and reward on all chains in the same so miners will adjust accordingly and spread evenly across all chains
>as n_chains --> inf consensus attach requires 2/3rds of the hashing power.
completely inane bullshit that makes 0 sense lmao

>> No.51392663

>connected to 2 chains
cba deleting

>> No.51392666

>god who cares there are 10000 nft marketplaces, who the fuck cares about nfts even
everyone will care with the title to your house and your car is an NFT

> kadena is big blocks, you're coping if you say its not
this is such a retarded statement that I am almost sure you are paid to post here

>self-proclaimed best team in crypto, yea every project claims other teams are incompetent, nothing new under the sun
no I dont I think chainlink team rivals KDA, but its market cap makes it a worse value for the money. Ari Juels and some of the others on that team are hige
NO-IA is also a phenomenal team which has industry leaders in the space.
GNS has one autistic dev who probably is the most impressive singular dev in the smart contract space.
overall I recgonize talent in < 10 projects. While of course I am sure there is more I am unaware of.. I am sure that there are less than 50 projects in crypto with great teams
KDA is a top 5 team EASILY. Beyond there I won't try to differentiate because alot of it is personal opinion

>> No.51392682
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>you can attack kadena with 16%
>kadena is big blocks

>> No.51392694

you dont understand KDA if you are saying this
or you do and you are fudding.
I would spoonfeed you but you could also find it on youtube if you just searched chainweb 51% attack

>> No.51392765

lol hi anime posting fren
I am still confused how I am so passionate about KDA and could care less about anime.

>> No.51392784

>everyone will care with the title to your house and your car is an NFT
ah yes, i've seen this argument in 2016 where we didn't even have term for nfts, here we're nft are nothing more than hot potatoes, cope seethe and dilate
>this is such a retarded statement that I am almost sure you are paid to post here
you have 0 understanding of kadena or just a retarded shill that doesn't realise you still need to mine all chains and only thing kadena really brings to the table is standardized bridges between chains, but chains themselves are running old tech with 30s blocktimes, holy fuck is this 2012 or something?
>rest of that post
>muh funny hat credentials
as one particular poster would say
No you're just a coping shill.
>if you just searched chainweb 51% attack
why yes i'm gonna put a detailed description in my shill video on how to attack this shitcoin i hold with 16% of hashpower
stop being gay already and admit you're wrong

>> No.51392794

to give you a hint though, since you may be just an angry individual that lost on KDA

if someone 51%'ed BTC for 5 minutes and somehow made 2 blocks and then they went down to 40% they would have lose all their effort as honest blocks would override the dishonest ones
this happens on each chain with KDA

>> No.51392846

what would happen in reality miners would fork to your chain because they have everything running on auto and 2 blocks is enough to rape anything to the ground, same shit with kda but much much easier to execute since you only need 16% of hashpower to perform the attack

>> No.51393024
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Uhm actually, it's usually "couldn't care less" though I suppose you could argue that you care to some degree and it is possible that you could care even less.
I started watching Lycoris Recoil yesterday, it's pretty comfy cute action girls doing cute action things. Can't believe I'm watching 4 shows airing this season, I barely watched any 2021-2022 anime until this season. Blessed.

I'm not a pedo you fucking retard.
>why yes i'm gonna put a detailed description in my shill video on how to attack this shitcoin i hold with 16% of hashpower
There are papers proving how you can't, now why don't you write a paper proving you can?
You can't just make a statement without any evidence or arguing and just "uhhh trust me believe me its true i wouldn't lie".

See >>51392682.

>> No.51393155

pedo please, we both know you're wrong
kadena is big blocks with extra step, in reality full node with all chains would take more space than 20 separate eth chains, chainweb doesn't magically shrink data it just organizes chains in a way that all miners don't have to download whole chain to mine, but some nodes like exchanges would need to do that to ensure your blockchain isn't getting 16% attacked every minute
now cope

>> No.51393190

please please watch made in abyss

>> No.51393209
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Provide a single argument on how a "16% attack" would even work. I'd interact with your other arguments about other stuff, but I'm not going to continue talking to you about anything at all until you stop acting retarded and blatantly making things up.
And again, I'm not a pedo. I'm a tranny with a big futa cock who preys only on adult females (16+) in lockerrooms and bathrooms, not children.

>> No.51393229
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Hello, pedo here, kda a scam. Go watch made in abyss

>> No.51393289

Shitokenomics. There's no reason KDA would go up in price.
>Inb4 hrr read my blog because i don't actually have an argument

>> No.51393342

oh you're the one who paid to chop your balls off, well here you go:
I send tx to binance with all mine babena, I mine it on one chain, I then attack chain and reverse said tx, now i have twice the ammount of babena, I proceed to sell all of my kda in 1 click and crash price to 0. Your chain is now dead, thanks for playing.
I don't really watch anime, pedo. Still finishing f1's 2021 season and its pretty good so far, shame Charles doesn't do better, but then again insufferable nigger is losing so I'm happy.

>> No.51393393

How can I sell XCM at market price?

>> No.51393394
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If you know enough about KDA that I cut my balls off then you know how chainweb works, stop trolling. Not responding.

>> No.51393428

are you really transbian

>> No.51393490

Too autistic for arbitrary labels of uncertain and likely fluctuating states of sexuality.

>> No.51393513

I'll buy one (1) XCM from you for 60 eurocent.
Is that okay?

>> No.51393661

I have spent years wondering why autistic people are drawn to anime and still haven't reached a satisfactory conclusion.

>> No.51393696

Less than ~15k

>> No.51393697

I like the straight forward emotions and the simple drawings that aren’t full of all the noise that reality brings.
They’re also very cute and on-demand friends.

>> No.51393741

when is kda bonding coming back sisters

>> No.51393929

>not responding
bingo, only way to deal with these annoying things
put it on my to do list, but I generally dont watch anything not informative
pretty sure never

>> No.51394485

Which anime girls would you most like be friends with?

>> No.51394636
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The cute, outgoing, and friendly ones like who do all the things I don't have confidence or charisma to do.
Also the cute, shy, and smart ones like who put more effort into learning during youth.
Also the not so cute, but intelligent people who know how to have fun and come up with interesting schemes for the heck of it.
but for the most part, I'm okay with just watching their friendships and romances flourish from afar~ Moe moe~!

>> No.51394752

I meant which specific characters but good answer.
>Moe moe~!

>> No.51394796
File: 2.40 MB, 576x292, creep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm okay with just watching their friendships and romances flourish from afar

>> No.51394904

I mean do you only like girls?
She responded.

>> No.51394966

why do retards always think they understand how chainweb works. how are you going to fuck up the other 2 blocks which are ALSO connected to 3 other chains?

>> No.51395011

why would you need that? damage been done in 2 blocks time

>> No.51395021

fuck me you are retarded.

>> No.51395024

ZyeNRDJr knows how chainweb works (well maybe not) but he has been told to FUD it here
don't underestimate the powers that be who can send some low paid wagie to try and stir up some confusion via fudding in the generals for coins that they don't want any mid-wit autists acumulating
BTW just buying 1000 KDA today :)

>> No.51395054

proof? kadena has 3 blocks finality, you perform attack in 3 blocks

>> No.51395077

i get paid, yes

>> No.51395095

the burden of proving you can 16% kadena is not on me, friend.

>> No.51395213
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Specifically while I wrote that post I had Chisato from Lycoris, and Kazuki from Grisaia in mind, but there's so many girls out there... First came to mind.
Catbox gives internal 500, wsg doesn't allow mp4.
Best I can do: https://haiji.kissu.moe/jp/src/1662683509764.mp4
I want to go to a maid cafè one day with a friend and just talk about the girls there like total creeps. It would be fun I think.

>I mean do you only like girls?
I'm not interested in pursuing a sexual or romantic relationship with a man.
I don't know more than that. Lack experience with women with both male and female genitals, maybe I'd prefer just being alone either way. Who knows. Would like to find out one day though.
>She responded.
Not to your claims however.

>> No.51395296

you can attack chain for 2 blocks with 16% and even if miners running on auto they will just keep on mining your chain after attack has happened and you will reach another block, kadena has 3 blocks finality which means you can perform double spend attack with 16% if you won't get caught in the process or if you get caught during attack miners will need to fork
Alright, I see.

>> No.51395430

how do you replace the blocks of:
chain1+3 chain hashes block 0
chain2+3 chain hashes block 1
chain3+3 chain hashes block 2

where are you getting 3 block finality from lmao

>> No.51395572

you're performing transaction on block 0
you're performing attack on block 1 that you mine with 16% and revert tx
you continue attack on block 2 with your 16% mining another block
you stop your attack and wait for whats going to happen, if other miners continue mining your chain you win, if they don't they have to fork, both of those are a loss loss for them scenario
>where are you getting 3 block finality from lmao
there are 3 blocks until you need to get confirmation from all chains rn

>> No.51395658

sounds like a waste of hashpower to me, you have to wait and see what happens? to get two blocks of reward? why not just mine honestly?

>> No.51395729

you can doublespend a million of kda and profit massively if thats your goal, thats the best case scenario
worst case scenario you want to destroy chain and you can send it into eternal forks with only 16% hashpower

>> No.51395798

i'm all for your attempt to devalue kadena in this way, good luck

>> No.51395932

whats gonna stop me exactly, my chain would be longest one so it would be choosen as main and honest miners would need to do a fork, now try explaining binance and cuckoin why their nodes are not working correctly and they need to change networks 20 times a day
>but hey you need to amass enough asics to do that
cloudmining can provide you with that

>> No.51395993

what's gonna stop you is you devaluing the coin by trying to attack it? capital expense, mining expense? selling a known doublespend? good luck with that, it's not as easy as "x% attack"

>> No.51396125 [DELETED] 

how would you even know if doublespend has occured? theres no way know actually cause chainweb only stores hashes of completed txes

>> No.51396154

how would you even know if doublespend has occured? theres no way to know actually cause chainweb only stores hashes of completed txes

>> No.51396274

That explains why the circulating is so much higher than it should be.

>> No.51396300


>> No.51396351
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I need an answer please. If you send kda to chain 21, you're gonna get them on chain 21 once it gets added, right?

>> No.51396426

can't believe i entertained this for so long

>> No.51396438

I'm assuming you'd be able to call the other the cross-tx pact at that point to finish it, wasn't there when it went from 10 to 19 so not sure. A big shame what happened to chain 20 though.

>> No.51396725


>> No.51396791

i just destroyed you with facts and logic, stay mad, liberal

>> No.51397573

see >>51392682... till I see any formal numeric real analysis. As in the formal math area of proofs with number theory I'm gonna trust stuart haber. The most cited author on the bitcoin paper and co founder of kadena over your dumb ass

>> No.51397595

is this stuart haber in the room rn? maybe he is in kadena discord?

>> No.51397614

Anon, you lack critical "facts and logic." You simply can't do this on chainweb. To attack on chain you have to attack the whole network. 3 blocks is the shortest diameter of a potential spv cross-chain transaction, it has nothing to do with finality. This has been gone over plenty of times in previous threads, you haven't found "the secret that no one knows" about how to attack kadena.

>> No.51397656

ok, tell me how this attack would fail

>> No.51397689

I would tell you to stop and you'd listen, that's how it could fail

>> No.51397772

No lmao, you need to mathematically prove how you would 16% kadena

>> No.51397796

i don't know man, you tell me!
ok, im listening!

>> No.51397825
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I was following some hardcore pro PoW guy and now I see him post shit like this. Not sure whats going on

>> No.51397841

he dumped his btc for eth

>> No.51398178
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Hope we can reach ATH by next year

>> No.51398218

don't think we will ever reach ath again

>> No.51398251

Leave PoS. Find chains that use Proof of Randomness for the best rewards when validating a chain

>> No.51398335

Go back q*nxshill.
It's just Proof of Stake masquerading as something more. A lot of existing Proof of Stake protocols already have randomized validators like BSC.

>> No.51398490
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Qan is literally so dumb.
look at their own marketing from their own page, they btfo themselves.
>Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are two of the most used consensus mechanisms. PoW, also known as mining, consumes a tremendous amount of energy and requires unnecessary hardware. While the other solution, Proof-of-Stake (PoS), does not use significant energy, it is not democratic.
"Proof-of-Stake (PoS), does not use significant energy, it is not democratic. "
>Proof-of-Randomness (PoR) developed by QANplatform
>Thanks to the PoR consensus algorithm, validation ("mining") can be done by anyone, even with just a mobile phone or Raspberry Pi.
>QANplatform leverages the Proof-of-Randomness (PoR) consensus protocol which possesses inherent verifiable pseudorandomness. As a result of its streamlined consensus protocol, there is no need for complex mathematical computations that require large amounts of energy.
"there is no need for complex mathematical computations that require large amounts of energy."
lol btfo'd
>Within the QAN public blockchain (MainNet), block proposers are not selected based on the value of the stakes they committed. They are elected amongst themselves in a verifiably random manner, all without the possibility of tampering and manipulation. All validators have an equal opportunity to validate a block at any given point, based on a deposit paid in the
>All validators have an equal opportunity to validate a block at any given point.
They call it mining, but that's fraud. It's proof of stake. Don't know if it will be slightly better than BSC's randomized validator for periods, but it's not anything other than proof of stake.
Deceitful marketing at it's finest.

>> No.51398499

yeah, max 10$

>> No.51398588

WARNING: This is a scam thread, where shills are paid to post.

>> No.51398592

how about you btfo this >>51397825

>> No.51398600

can you pay me to post?

>> No.51398746
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I need a link to read it, not a twitter screenshot.
Tornado Cash is a good enough reason to stick to PoW in my opinion seeing as all the big validators are fucked if they evade sanctions and smaller validators can't push legitimate and valid blocks without breaking consensus or losing money from being "an attacker" while pushing legit blocks whereas a 1% hashrate pool could submit sanctioned transactions from time to time. Suppose one concern here would be if all nodes were legally required to reject any block containing such a transaction even if it was the longest chain. I'm actually kind of worried for both protocols which is why I've been leaning slightly more towards Monero being the chosen one and not giving a fuck about regulators or shitcoins and just having a comfy womfy illegal payment coin (to be used for legally ambigious things only of course, moneropedos are a turnoff).
I am of course open to using centralized permissioned chains as long as they are advertised as such and regulated as such. Already use visa/mastercard anyways... With proof of stake being a centralized mess refusing sanctioned anything, may as well just let it die. I might just be being a baka right now and change my mind again in the next 12 months though.

>> No.51399202

>I need a link to read it

>> No.51399420

>In a PoW system an attacker can attack the network for little to no cost. There is no penalty for doing so and this can be attempted an indefinite amount of times in theory.
This argument is kind of bad, you are still paying for equipment and energy. Every moment spent attacking is a moment spent not recouping losses.
>Since hashpower can change IP addresses and point to different BTC deposit addresses, there is no way to surgically remove the malicious hashpower
Okay is he arguing for or against here? lol
That is a good thing.
>Due to the very low consequence of attacking BTC, renting out hashpower to attack becomes a very profitable business. The miner gets a guaranteed profit without any negative consequences.
The miner, but what about the payer? His miners would also devalue and result in losses.
>In PoS since every validators’ ETH address is known, and since the validators need their stake to perform an attack, the solution to an objectively malicious validator is to slash their stake
Also much easier to track down and financially and legally destroy for even daring to touch sanctioned contracts and addresses.
>A recent collective brainstorm goes something like this: Coinbase holds 1/3rd of active stake. If they censor all sanctioned transactions via attesting against any blocks with sanctioned transactions, then social consensus becomes activated. There are two solutions, the first of which is an outright slash reducing their stake below the 1/3rd necessary to censor. The other solution is to create a softfork where their stake would be made inactive. This would consistently slash them for their inactivity until they are below the 1/3rd threshold, then kick them out of the validation set.
Bad faith to focus only on Coinbase, Coinbase is not the only big exchange owned validation pool that would get targetted by legal actors. What would really happen is all exchanges screw over all legit validators and slashing anyone who dares defy the government.

>> No.51399440

POW is worth going after

>> No.51399836
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n-word used
has anyone actually learned pact after reading these threads or is this the same developer who posts here

>> No.51400042
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Yes, I am the pact developer of course haha... Lisp syntax does not filter some great neet dev like me, I am unstoppable.
We don't actually have similar typing styles at all though. She's much more vague and mysterious and stutters 1000x more.

>> No.51402228

>I want to go to a maid cafè one day with a friend and just talk about the girls there like total creeps. It would be fun I think.
Where can I make friends this cool?