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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51379433 No.51379433 [Reply] [Original]

"The concept of the central bank controlling the economy represents a centralized non-democratic decision-making process without the involvement of the population. This centralized monetary system is susceptible to single point failures. The money supply is under private control. Central banks are responsible for inflation, boom-bust cycles and banking crises. The lack of a credible democratic control and monitoring system of central banks and the fiscal system will likely lead to events like the 2008 crisis. The idea of a decentralized, blockchain-based new economic system alternatively over the present economic system appears slightly presumptuous, given the immense complexity of developing the various economic models, but there seems to be a growing consensus on the existing situation: central banks have lost the trust of the population.
What emerges from this observation is clear: with public permissionless blockchain technology and on-chain governance, we can transmit from a centralized economy to a decentralized blockchain based economy and create a new democratic self-regulated new economic system in which the entire economic system can be democratically monitored by the population. The new blockchain-based economic system will transparently self-regulate to deliver desired results, just like a computer, but with pseudonymous information."



>> No.51381588

why did they dumped so hard anon
i thought they would be insanely op after they worked on dots dex

>> No.51383250

They dumped because they printed XOR out of thin air and put it towards non-productive use (EVM bridge that DOT is also building). Makoto BTFO. They are now pivoting to an IBAN card which is just funny as hell, trying to build a new non lame narrative. Meanwhile they have huge invoices every month to some company. Their commits in github have no changelog. They have good videos and marketing, but under the covers the whole operation lacks professionalism and poor judgement.

>> No.51385081

IMO it was a soft rug from the start. Makoto worked on NEM and figured he could start his own blockchain and siphon the liquidity dry. Makoto is a scam artist, there's no doubt in my mind. He markets Sora as an anti-central bank system while Soramitsu develops CBDC technology, probably using funds siphoned from Sora. There's probably only one or two developers working on Sora so the entire invoices referencing thousands of manhours per month are absolute bullshit. The entire roadmap is one giant lie and Makoto's claim that he pays Sora devs 150-300$ per hour is false. I spoke to a dev and Soramitsu pays them according to regional salaries. His two devs are from third world countries so one can imagine what that implies. Soramitsu/Sora/Makoto aren't even invited to Polkadot events anymore (they were absent at Polkadot Decoded) due to their scammy reputation. It's like you said, Makoto and his friends have their fingers hovering the mint button, and another finger on the sell button. They've devalued XOR worse than deutschmark during Weimar. It's funny because he does exactly what he criticizes banks for.

>> No.51386463

Oh yeah SORA, this was a good play in 2020 summer along with YFI. Sora did a sexy 1000x

>> No.51388444

SORA is the only non-scammy project in the whole Polkadot ecosystem. No other project delivers shit, only SORA delivers what they promise

>> No.51388562
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CBDC is going to happen regardless, so who do you want building your CBDC, somebody with freedom and liberty for the humanity in mind questioning everything, or somebody who just does as they are told. soramitsu built the CBDC project for Cambodia already years back, currently doing research projects supported (funded?) by the Japanese goverment, so how much actual in production CBDC work do you think they are doing, doesn't it seem like the major focus is and has been rather on sora and polkaswap and fearless wallet ever since bakong was launched in cambodia 2019 and polkadot really got started around the same time? They've been building polkadot since the start, heard of Kagome? and still building it, just check soramitsu twitter. They were part of building filecoin, and building Hyperledger Iroha, again check soramitsu twitter, they have a version 2 release candidate. Fearless Wallet is a great wallet for the Polkadot community. Polkaswap DEX works, the ethereum bridge works. XST asset design is superior. Everything has been audited according to highest industry standard practice. They are building a DEX for Klaytn. Does this sound like something a "scam artist" does. Minting any tokens on sora has always been done via governance by the community, the community also voted no eventually, and funding was put on pause indefinitely for now. The claims about the devs and "team", where they are from, regional salaries, thrild world, etc., what do you have to back that up and put into context with, what have you built first of all, what kind of company do you manage? It's easy to grab a few details from here and there and string together a nonsense post like yours that has no actualy base in reality.

>> No.51389177

1-2 devs working on Sora in 3d world countries is FUD. There should be dozens of devops building & testing all the thing allready implemented and cilutrently in the making. CERES is one of the contributors to Sora. They have open profiles and also doing great job with Demeter farm and other tools