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File: 100 KB, 1306x590, Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 6.15.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51382452 No.51382452 [Reply] [Original]

What does this mean?

>> No.51382541

women are fucking demons

>> No.51382572

assume intimacy? wtf does that mean

>> No.51382581

she's implying that she is a bad person and has emotional/psychiatric issues, probably resulting from either a fucked up childhood or adolescent trauma and failed relationships

>> No.51382615

The incel in all of us assumes she’s a bipolar head case, when in reality she likely just means don’t hug me or physically embrace me if I don’t know you well. Maybe a touch if Asperger’s. As 97% of you have the same affliction, surely you can understand?

>> No.51382708
File: 8 KB, 263x191, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you absolutely have Asperger syndrome or maybe some kind of mental retardation if that's how you interpret the words she posted

>when in reality she likely just means don’t hug me or physically embrace me if I don’t know you well

fucking lol. Also talking about "intimacy" or interpreting every single intimate circumstance in terms of "earning" it or "what has this person ever done to deserve [insert intimate behavior] from me" it is absolute psychotic behavior. Maybe she's a fucking idiot though and could not explain her thoughts properly, I can forgive that

>> No.51382792

Imagine being a fucking loser that thinks women owe you hugs KEK. you owe me a hug! I NEED it! WAAH!

>> No.51382821

women owe men sex for letting them live

>> No.51382827

Autism isn't real.

>> No.51382847

Rules for betas that they need to be cucked slaves of women and do everything the women want before they can become intimate.

>> No.51382869

It means that she`s a stuck up, entitled bitch that isn`t worth your time.

>> No.51382954

>Imagine being a fucking loser that thinks women owe you hugs KEK

what the fuck are you even talking about? Where did I mention anything that has to do with what you just posted? With every post you're proving that you're either a total retard or you are incapable of correctly interpreting words (because you have autism)

>> No.51382998
File: 1.98 MB, 640x640, humm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like when you call pajeet to find out why your internet is so slow and he refers to you by your first name instead of sir,,, the gall

>> No.51383035

If you don’t understand her tweet you’re literally the fucking problem.

Do better.

>> No.51383139

>random faggot OP posts random rambling from random woman
>autistic incels begin to sperg at each other for no reason
damn I'm growing tired of this forum

>> No.51383176

Probably someone from her childhood ran into her and called her by her first name

>> No.51383211

Nice bait. Also fuck niggers, Jews, trannies, and jannies

>> No.51383222

Do amerisharts really never hug each other? Is that why they're all such monsters?

>> No.51383224

>t. woman who get's poo'd on in dubai

>> No.51383231

Sorry I whipped my dick out and told you to suck it I thought you'd like that

>> No.51383372

some average guy at work said her haircut was nice or something

>> No.51383474
