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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51380315 No.51380315 [Reply] [Original]

>Will this affect markets?

>> No.51380328

it was literally down for a grand total of an hour, meanwhile belgorod still has power out as of 2 hours ago

>> No.51380367

i heard russia is losing badly this must be a desperation move

>> No.51380384


>> No.51380403

lmao you're fucked

>> No.51380407
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>Just 2 more weeks and we'll have Kiev!!!

>> No.51380420
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>> No.51380443

por favor háblame en español ya que onions un mexicano gordo. La solución es simple: debes comer tacos mexicanos, burritos mexicanos, enchiladas mexicanas, quesadillas mexicanas, fajitas mexicanas y takis en porciones familiares para sobrevivir. en mexico hemos hecho la revolución verde a los paneles solares y acarician los senos agrandados de nuestras latinas que nos brindan sustento y bienestar.

>> No.51380464

Russia has been fucked badly by Ukraine, of all countries. Now the tide of the war has turned. Once this enters the common consciousness, markets will gigapump as everyone expects the war's end, and Putin's death.

>> No.51380496
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>> No.51380508

In Feb. I legit thought Russia would have severe difficulties, but still win this war.
Reality has been humiliating for the Russian army though. I still can't find the right words.
How was I so fully deceived by Russian online propaganda?

>> No.51380537

It didn't help that most of 4chan wanted Russia to win just to make the west seethe

>> No.51380541

Your Spanish is so bad that it's clear that you can't speak it.
>t. Spanish

>> No.51380589

the entire point of this war is to fracture currency system, once russia/china start doing deals in yuan and OPEC really implements yuan Western intelligence agencies and the fed will be forced to ramp up crypto implementation
Great Reset is a contingency plan for old elite in the West, they need it to happen or everything they did over last 3 centuries is lost

>> No.51380595

/pol/ has been wrong on just everything since Trump lost

>> No.51380608
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>It didn't help that most of low iq /pol/ tard losers wanted Russia to win just to make the west seethe
Here corrected that for you. Daily reminder /pol/ is always wrong.

>> No.51380627

el mi señor

>> No.51380636

>the enemy moved first and retreated
>we liberated
lol lmao

>> No.51380642

Compra BTC. Sí, no habla español.

>> No.51380699

same but with Moscow and ukkie flag in the background

>> No.51380725
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It must be sad for them to not actually stand for anything