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File: 102 KB, 2000x2000, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51369974 No.51369974 [Reply] [Original]

All altcoins will lose 70% of their BTC-valuation by EOY

You gullible retarded newfags

>> No.51369992
File: 149 KB, 698x920, 1662620098506096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hear you over all this slurping

>> No.51370002

Bitcoin will have to either adopt PoS or PoUW or it is not going to survive.

>> No.51370061

i hope so fren. I'm positioned well 80pct into btc. i want to buy alts when they tanked and then sell when they pop. pls

>> No.51370066

Why would increasing scarcity be a bad thing for BTC?

>> No.51370076

take benjamin cowen's dick out of your ass and get with the times.
it's not 2018
alts market is stronger
btc dominance wont top 50% if even that

>> No.51370129

The energy consumption argument is going to kill Bitcoin.
Sure, people will still mine it, but it will fall out of favor and drop in price tremendously.
If Bitcoin remains PoW, the flippening is guaranteed 100%

>> No.51370450

I have monero it isn't tied to bitbucks cause it's the leet gamer coin for porn and drugs stay mad chud

>> No.51370505

I jumped off the bitcoin train at over 50k
not getting back on
that dinosaur is going extinct
you will be lucky to maintain triple digits as a novelty in the coming years

>> No.51370548
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Yeah. I'm gonna go all-in on ROSE at sub 2 cents.

>> No.51371196

tragic board

>> No.51371256

>The energy consumption argument is going to kill Bitcoin
It’s only going to kill retarded statist companies like Mara (who tried to mine OFAC complaint blocks and almost got rekt, then stopped), Compass and Co.
The ones listed on the Nasdaq are going to be buttfucked hard, and since they over leverage with cheap debt they are gonna implode (and that’s a good thing)
Honestly a mining ban is the minimum we should expect and it’s a good thing, it means mining operations will go fully stealth, anonymous, distributed in smaller farms, and everyone using Tor
Daily reminder China applies a full ban but chinks still retain over 20% of the hashrate in underground operations
BULLISH on BTC decentralization and resilience to state actors

>> No.51371292

BTC.D is never going to reach 50 ever again.

>> No.51371297
File: 125 KB, 1121x967, BB473511-92E8-45ED-BFF3-85726C2EBD5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Bitcoin remains PoW, the flippening is guaranteed 100%
It’s not an if, it’s not a when, it’s just a NO, GO FUCK YOURSELF
You can insert your mETH trannies LLC shareholders tokens deep into your anus, they are great as suppository
oh boy

>> No.51371481

BNB is literally holding better from the ath despite having thousands in roi since the covid low
BNB is an actual store kf value just foing by performance

>> No.51371570

get fucked maxi nigger

>> No.51371613

Monero is the only coin I have a tough time holding, because it's so useful for buying things online. Bitcoin was the same way until monero replaced it. Fucking based

>> No.51373861

It would be better for the world if bitcoin dies. I am thankful that it laid the foundation for future blockchains but nowadays PoW does far more harm to the world than good.

>> No.51375500

eth is already dead, they handed over the keys to the US government; 60% of staking is controlled by the exchanges who are controlled by governments; mining is never locked-on chain and can switch pool or even asset at any time so it's inherently decentralized.

the "wasted energy" is also a meme for retarded redditors; 0 energy is wasted; 100% of energy goes to ..proof of work which 100% an increase in security (but in a decentralized manner too).

>> No.51376447

best thread

>> No.51376687

Sub 20% dominance eoy

>> No.51377029

PoR is the best way out for Bitcoin. You can't tell me otherwise

>> No.51377079

>0 energy is wasted; 100% of energy goes to ..proof of work which 100% an increase in security (but in a decentralized manner too).

lol you are still running the engines of 100000s cars to solve useless sudokus retard

thats energy wasting

>> No.51377982
File: 588 KB, 994x989, cia wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energy to power your electric dildo good

Energy to secure the largest decentralized form of money bad

>> No.51378040
File: 117 KB, 1780x786, ETH.DvsOTHERs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controversial but ETH.D will collapse and then Alts pump, Then sideways and then BTC start another cycle

>> No.51378061
File: 834 KB, 1068x682, sam hyde idubbbz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 75% in BTC

>> No.51378212
File: 7 KB, 250x187, 1649769679621s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It combined the best of PoS and PoW. So it maintains decentralisation while being ecofriendly right?

>> No.51378252

You think we'll have a late '17 style bitcoin milkshake effect? Bitcoin did a 6x and murdered alts.

>> No.51378363
File: 145 KB, 768x1024, 1645153222755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The energy consumption argument is going to kill Bitcoin.

Civilization consumes energy for various trivial things.

A universal currency is not a trivial thing, and thus Bitcoin's energy consumption is legitimate, more legitimate than other human/economic uses of energy (what is the energy consumption related to hosting TERABYTES of pornography on thousands of server farms across the world just for the pleasure of worthless cooomers?).

The Bitcoin energy argument is fraudulent, and POW can't go away because that is one of the main reasons Bitcoin has value that is universally recognized.
PoS methheads should fuck off back to their double digit shitcoin.

>> No.51378903
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It even enabled validation by a raspberry pi or a mobile phone.

>> No.51379611

Fuck you man and your stoopid ass TAs. Alts gonna boom and there's nothing y'all gonna do, I got my bets on Azero, Sylo, LRC and more.