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File: 130 KB, 1200x818, chainlinkdemoralized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51365881 No.51365881 [Reply] [Original]

ICP has demoralized
>Solana baggies
>Avalanche baggies

Now it's time for the chainlink baggies.


We coming for you, chinklink.

>> No.51365922

well i received your message but i didn’t make this thread. not much i can do

also could you send me some alpha. the bear market is long

>> No.51365965

VCs bought ICP at 3 cents and then dumped on retail baggies as soon as it was listed.
You're literally buying a VC pump and dump scam.

>> No.51365989

>We coming for you
and I'm cumming in you

>> No.51366018

>High end server rack hardware node requirements
>Claims not needing oracles as an accomplishment
>Still can't exceed 500TPS

ICP shills crack me up

>> No.51366052
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>> No.51366193
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> Permissioned
A non-issue, as permission is granted through governance. If you think this is a problem you have a problem with DAO governance in general (every project)

> Centralized
Not as decentralized as BTC for sure, ICP is on a different place in the trade-off spectrum, closer to SOL, Near, DOT, etc... Trading decentralization for feature richness, maximizing decentralization at all costs is a meme, and not use-case friendly.

> High end servers
Only if you choose to use ICP in high performance, you can also choose to use Badland subnets with shit performance, ran in raspberry pis.

> Claims not needing oracles
Incorrect, claims being an oracle, an improved type over chain link as well.

> 500tps
A non-problem, ICP apps can run across subnets, if an app needs 500k tps it can just run across 5000 subnets, with no degraded performance. As opposed to AVAX subnets that can't talk to each other so they're dead on arrival when it comes to scalability.

Thx for coming to my Ted talk.

>> No.51366228

Across 1000 subnets*

>> No.51366253
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>> remove the need for external oracles

Chainlink holders in shambles.
How will they ever recover?

ICP renders sooooooooooooo many cryptocurrencies completely and utterly worthless. The internet computer is the best tech in crypto and will be crowned King.

>> No.51366580

hilarious if true, could somebody elaborate on the technology and why it makes shitlink obsolete?

>> No.51366585
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>ICP renders sooooooooooooo many cryptocurrencies completely and utterly worthless.
It will be fun watching people slowly realise this.

>> No.51366599

icp, went from 50B marketcap on market entry to what... it only ever dumped. what a joke. yall got scammed.

>> No.51366606
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>tfw no big vc daddy bf

>> No.51366678
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you mean 5000TPS? kek

>> No.51366845

>icp fags incoming to call you shill, fud, jew, etc
the ic is a cool idea in THEORY, in practical reality it’s worthless

>> No.51366925

It works great actually. Seamless, instance transactions and that’s just talking about token movement.

>> No.51366980

>"This enables a huge range of on-chain apps that would have not been possible to build on other chains. You can interface with external data sources such as financial markets and crypto exchanges, weather, etc."

LMAO. Like Oracles, which literally exist on EVERY other chains. Why are the ICP devs such massive liars, they have solved a problem that only existed on ICP and yet act like they created something completely new and innovative.

>> No.51367050

I think the real solution ICP provides is asynchronous consensus. It is what will allow a shitty subnet running on pi’s to have a lower TPS but still maintain sync with a subnet running on conventional datacentres.

>> No.51367055

How is that possible to do securely? I guess you can maybe do it if you have the CA's public keys on chain, then when establishing the https connection you give the canister all the certificates leading up to the CA so it can verify their signatures. Are the oracle equivalents tunneling the tcp connection (very expensive but secure) or acting as a https proxy (as cheap as can be but insecure as far as I see it)? That tweet doesn't elaborate on this and only states the obvious. Though since they're able to see the response to compute the image of the transform function then I guess it's the latter.

>> No.51367100

Yeah, this proposal is just a lower-level variation of oracles. The only benefit being that it allows you to use obscure API's that no ones made an oracle for yet. Though I wouldn't trust giving my API keys here.

>> No.51367118
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>making a http request
holy fuck web3 really IS the future!

>> No.51367841

it's funny how link fud usually ends up being bullish for link. people are just starting to realize how important oracles are. chainlink realized the importance of oracles over 6 years ago. good luck catching up.

>> No.51368057

catching up? they’re making direct calls to web2 apis millions of web apps use lol what

>> No.51368156
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reminder that these are salty poorfags from some TG who spam fud every day for months because they lost their life savings of rupees buying ICP last year

>> No.51368513

if your lord bezos and ranjeet runs out of funding or otherwise shuts the centralized oracle server down what will you do?

>> No.51368708

Anyone find it weird how bezos is funding DFINITY through "the village" despite the fact itll put AWS out of business?

>> No.51368730

source or silence

>> No.51368743


>> No.51368991

I would imagine bezos, gates, etc don't actively have a hand / pay attention to what village invests in, they just provide the initial liquidity and village puts it wherever

>> No.51369185

yeah rich people just love to throw money around and not track it or have any interest in their investments that’s why they’re rich

>> No.51369220

I believe I will install 400 servers in independent Data Centers, then create a coin to pay them with, I shall then proceed to sell this coin to VCs for 3 cents, and then finally dump on retail. That should effectively remedy the Jeff Bezos centralization problem.

>> No.51369479

congratulations, icp will soon(TM) have an inferior version of chainlink. this is what happens when you live in a bubble, you think you're a genius for discovering fire and you don't realize everyone else has already discovered electricity.

>> No.51369577
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>Every IC app will allow users to be able to transfer bitcoin through simple messages.
>Spinnercash allows private transactions with zero-knowledge proofs. Will monero still be needed?
>Bitcoin lending without bridges through ECDSA.
>Interopability is no longer a meme. BTC first, then ETH, then the rest of the projects.
>8GB-200GB smart contracts at $5 per GB that can host everything.





>> No.51369640

a lot of this wouldn’t involve chainlink at all anyway since so much of web dev is api back and forth. no need for chainlink in those scenarios.

>> No.51369699

if you unironically do not think this is a big deal then you're an actual retard

>> No.51369753
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Dom be like
>Don't build on sand using web2
DFINITY be like
>Here's some sand to build on, have fun!

>> No.51370059

Midwits love projects that try to be jacks of all trades but end up being masters of none and don't understand network effect, b2b marketing, adoption metrics

>> No.51370152

Sergey gave himself 65% of the supply and has dumped over 1 billion USD worth and still has 95% left . You're literally donating to him

>> No.51370326

imagine thinking direct HTTPs requests = the oracle problem

>> No.51370512

>The oracle problem revolves around a very simple limitation—blockchains cannot pull in data from or push data out to any external system as built-in functionality. As such, blockchains are isolated networks, akin to a computer with no Internet connection.
chainlink's definition sounds pretty close to what dfinity is doing here

>> No.51370554

Yes the consumption material for the normie is absolutely the extent of the technical complexity involved in solving the oracle problem for any and all use cases within a single protocol/layer.

>> No.51370680

not icp's problem using oracles is a giant clusterfuck and they were the ones to build their chain connect to web 2
they are absolutely taking care of the oracle problem for icp

>> No.51370767

yeah except the situation is the opposite, lets see x billion secured with these direct http requests during market volatility

>> No.51370842

so instead of it's not solving the oracle problem it's now well let's see it actually work
okay then i guess we'll see - the direct call is faster and cheaper for icp done on it's own nodes as well

>> No.51370874

no, the point is they haven't even attempted to put it into practice, unlike chainlink these guys just slap shit out there and expect someone to build something viable with it - once actually attempting to do that, you will discover it isn't so simple as he makes out - hence lets see it in action

>> No.51370943

> For ICP
He doesn't know about chain-key. Literally writing your smart contracts on ICP will be the standard because you won't need to worry about interoperability OR oracles, and I mean the standard for any chain whatsoever, ETH smart contracts as well as XRP, ADA, and ALGO smart contracts will be written on canisters to be executed on their respective chains.

You're basically saying web2 isn't good at handling a problem that doesn't exist in web2, there's no basis whatsoever for this.

>> No.51370948

>web3 doesn't solve any web2 problems
okay idiot

>> No.51370949

fair enough let's see it in action and what can be done
it's actually bigger in my opinion to have this since the goal is moving projects away from aws and a ton of web dev work is api to api and doesn't require complex solutions like chainlink. a lot of web2 work can move to the internet computer with this

>> No.51370966

it's actually the opposite but ok. most people said the same thing about eth in 2017

>> No.51370974

If you tried devving on ICP you know it's the smoothest shit ever, compared to other chains. they build products for real life use.

>> No.51371001

you guys are really sold on the internet computer meme eh, lets move my enterprise workloads with our specific negotiated SLAs and network peering agreements onto ICP because its magically somehow better.

>> No.51371014

I have a canister - it was a bit of work getting running on wsl but it's incredibly easy to push live. .net dev and it really is amazing working on the IC
all the shit i build is api's talking and this is huge

>> No.51371042

> let's not move to the heliocentric model because we already wrote so many books about the earth being the center of the universe!
You guys ever listen to yourselves?

>> No.51371066

don't know what to tell you - it's a legit product and there are millions of sites and projects that will benefit from the removal of the traditional IT stack and the extremely low cost of putting work on the IC. projects die from server costs alone

>> No.51371068

obviously that would be the last thing to migrate einstein, especially before large adoption

>> No.51371106

triggered the desperate bagholders who have no experience in the cloud compute industry to comprehend why no serious workload will ever be moved to ICP.

>> No.51371113

ICP is the new BSV and Dominic is the new creg right. Good luck with your bags clowns.

>> No.51371140

I'm sure the 300 engineers coming from aws, IBM, azure, and Google to work full time on ICP are clueless about cloud computing, you're right I'm market selling at this instant

>> No.51371162

Icp is comparable to cardano, not eth. Eth is still by far the most widely used layer 1 while icp has zero usage. Techno babble vaporware with zero adoption and zero dapp devs only meant to grift gullible midwits. You're so retarded you can't even comprehend how a blockchain agnostic solution like chainlink already has the monopoly and enables multi chain contracts while a chain specific solution with a handful of engineers is DOA. You don't understand concepts like strategic moat, biz dev relations, reputation. You don't even understand the real scope and complexity of the oracle problem but believe it can be fixed at the chain level. You believe some petulant researcher on Twitter with no actual deliverable adoption knows better than a huge team who have been laser focused on this one area for almost a decade now and have built the standard which enabled defi to become a billions dollars industry, used on every chains, by every dapps that matter. Chain level oracles have been tried before and it does not work, but you don't know that because you're a late comer bag holding tourist who got dumped on by VCs, you have no knowledge of fundamentals, of what happened in blockchain before and what other projects are doing. Trying to bait linkies for a little bit of attention but they don't give a shit because they saw the same chainlink killer scenario peddled a hundred times from desperate projects going nowhere already. What's even more embarrassing is despite me shoving this spoon down your throat right now, you still won't be able to comprehend and will remain deluded and defensive about your garbage position.

>> No.51371178

ICP canisters being able to make HTTPS requests is great for doing simple queries, but anything that is safety-critical like price feeds needs to go through consensus for trust-minimization. I predict ICP will integrate Chainlink at some point in the future, probably along with ETH integration. Dom himself has said that he sees Ethereum as being the backbone of DeFi, and the ICP will wrap around all of it; meanwhile Ethereum requires Chainlink for any real use case.
>t. 2k LINK, 1k ICP

>> No.51371220

>coming from
They still in transit are they?

>> No.51371223

HTTP calls to through consensus, every node makes the same request before delivering it to the canister. And any special kind of consensus you may need can be coded in the canister logic, example polling multiple exchanges for a price and returning the mean.

>> No.51371265

>HTTP calls to through consensus, every node makes the same request before delivering it to the canister.
Good to know.
>And any special kind of consensus you may need can be coded in the canister logic, example polling multiple exchanges for a price and returning the mean.
So just replicate Chainlink? Might as well directly integrate with Chainlink if you require robust consensus. That's the thing, there is no need for ICP to handle the oracle problem itself, since Chainlink already solved it.

>> No.51371300

no ones saying this is replacing chainlink what are you so worked up about
the fact is icp is going to be able to bypass the main reason for chainlink's existence here - gathering off chain data to get it on chain using it's own nodes for consensus. you still have to trust chainlink too

>> No.51371352

> No need
I'd agree if you could also write smart contracts within chain link, sign transactions directly on other chains within chain link, serve web content within chain link, you get the idea. It's better to have a single protocol do these things instead of interfacing with a billion disparate protocols, as the later is a massive security risk for large services that are actually used, of course what has been built of ethereum so far is not large services that can be used, and to the extent that they have been they have also suffered massive hacks due to the complexity that ICP eliminates.

>> No.51371406

>Lets use something as basic as a price feed..
How are you securing each nodes API feed to verify data origin? HTTPS is not signature based, so are we (ICP dapp) going to the trouble of establishing SSL certificates for every node bound to MACs of the nodes? And how are we generating a volume-weighted average price through this consensus method?

>Once a block maker has enough signature shares for exactly the same transformed response, it includes it in the next block.
Id be curious about the latency of this consensus model also.

There is a lot of complexity / work involved here that you are putting onto the dapp team through an inferior method and when this is in theory scaled up to secure larger values there are all kinds of security concerns around how all of this is managed because you haven't actually solved the oracle problem.

>> No.51371472

you don't have to trust chainlink at all no, that isn't how it works when it has been fully deployed with staking and self service model - you know - actually solving the oracle problem

>> No.51371483

>I'd agree if you could also write smart contracts within chain link, sign transactions directly on other chains within chain link, serve web content within chain link, you get the idea. It's better to have a single protocol do these things instead of interfacing with a billion disparate protocols
I'm accumulating both, so obviously I believe in ICP. I just think it's a low probability event that an oracle service on the IC will be able to displace Chainlink; I think it is too easy of a solution to spin up a canister which runs a Chainlink node connected to a wider DON which IC dApps will be able to query for secured data, relative to spinning up a new oracle service specific to ICP. We'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.

>> No.51371575
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t. we all gonna fucking make it

>> No.51371651

IC itself acts as the certificate authority for all nodes through chain key cryptography

yes you are trusting both models to provide you with accurate data no matter what methods they are using is what i'm saying. whether they work with chainlink or not for oracles this is a big feature to have for web dev alone

>> No.51371719

>IC itself acts as the certificate authority for all nodes through chain key cryptography
Are you just saying stuff - that is ICP protocol? What does that have to do with working with a data providers server and implementing SSL for an HTTP request?

>trusting both models
>no matter what method
lol fella

It is pretty clear you don't really know what you are talking about and are just parroting ICP narratives/soundbytes.

>> No.51371798

You’re right it’s better to trust some random incel on an anime investment board than 150 experts in the field with actual experience. Just sold 100k pees.

>> No.51371949

I can't believe the internet is getting real cryptographic and immutable capability where everyone who wants can gain access to cryptoservers and protocols running web speed it's so terrible.

>> No.51372706

Yawn, looks like they tried to code up the solution to the oracle problem in a weekend

>> No.51372920

thats how alien iq ic devs roll

>> No.51372939

altcoin niggers fighting each other is the funniest shit

>> No.51373056

n-word used

>> No.51373247
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>fetch('http://you-are-a.faggot.com').then((response) => console.log(response));
How do I dump my life savings into a token that will let me make a fucking GET request? sweet titty fucking christ, mary mother of joseph's jewish child, this is revolutionary!

>> No.51373275


>> No.51373326

not even a linky but this shows a dire misunderstanding of oracles

>> No.51373399

what was misunderstood?

>> No.51373711

Back in '06, the flash animation that was all the rage was "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny." Everyone and their grandmother knew about it, and its lyrics by heart.

Early on, I thought to share it with on a message board I frequented. Posted a thread with the .sfw embedded from some site, and a moderator swept in and deleted my thread! How abusive! How could this happen? The moderator was kind enough to reply: because it was goatse. The host converted all hotlinks to fucking goatse.

Chainlink ensures that you and your message board always get The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, not a picture of old man wearing a gold ring spreading his asshole and displaying his cock and balls for all to see.

That's the difference between http requests and oracles.

>> No.51373807

so your npc brain basically got pozzed and turned gay from it, good to know, but point and question still withstanding.

>> No.51373900

Oh man, another Chainlink killer. Surely this one will work and not implode almost immediately, causing Chainlink dominance to exceed 96%.

>> No.51374045
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I know you faggots fear the IC because it and it's devs are absolutely capable of destroying your coin, why fight it?
link had years to catch up,
link had years to excel at something,
link had the money and years to hire people but did they? No, you actually don't even get staking on your POS-coin, it's actually embarrasing how pathetic that is. And I don't have anything against your coin except (((you))).
Don't cry to me about how other chains are trying to do it even though your shitass coin exists. You had your fucking chance.

>> No.51374063
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weak bait kek, I'm not spoonfeeding retards

>> No.51374279

Linkies remember it's NOT our problem everyone the likes of fatfuck king of your village owns 60+% of the supply like a true bsc jeet and is the epitomy of greed grifting and scamming the early crypto market pre-enlightenment-age.

YOUR fucking problem.

Your cheapskake grift king even had random influencer thots(probably his low budget prostitutes) shilling LINK to normies last cycle, that was your chance to get out. Did you? No clearly not. Again not my fucking problem.
Instead of seething about what the IC does (you) can do something about it or rope later.

>> No.51374331

link holders have heard it all, anon. they've had vitalik fucking buterin fud their coin, you're gonna have to do so much better than this. the singular thing you have going for you is that you're named "Internet Computer". its an extremely funny outcome if something that badly named ends up taking over, and the universe seems predisposed to make funny outcomes

>> No.51374346
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who are you kidding, anon? at least linkies had a top to sell.

>> No.51374373

I don't get why people find "Internet Computer" so funny honestly. It always felt like a forced meme to me. Dfinity is beter though.

>> No.51374385

it's like something a boomer marketing team would come up with.
"mitch, we gotta get in on this crypto craze. we bought this dfinity startup, and we need a rebrand."
"well, dfinity sounds like an internet provider...cryptos use math to power the blockchain or something, right? bam, internet computer"
"you're a genius, mitch"

>> No.51374675

Thanks anon but for a POS coin how is it fear uncertainty and doubt link does not have their basic staking idea functionality down since announced in 2019? We're almost in 2023. Explain how that takes several years to implement? By reasoning, if merely that takes several years to implement what time would other new additions take? That's just what I'm pointing out to those whangry about what icp is doing. Time isn't just going to stand still even how much hodlers want it.

>> No.51374776

Does it? Do they even have incentives in place for shit data not to be fed to their systems?

>> No.51374807

its the most stupid name ever.

>> No.51375213

Are there actually engineers in this thread? I'm tired of hearing gas-station workers like this retard here babbling on about something they don't understand.


>> No.51375289

Holy ESL. This comment gave me a headache with how poorly it is worded
>POS coin
Link is not a blockchain

>> No.51376267

After trying dapp development on most platforms (as a neet), dfinity is by far the only one actually useful for anything right now. It's possible scaling solutions based on zk could catch up eventually, and if combined with filecoin-like services, might potentially provide the same set of features than the former. Dfinity can be the "apple of crypto" (ie holistic vision) if they properly use their advantages, unless the higher centralization levels backfire and some actors in there refuse to evolve and adapt.

>> No.51376351

The nodes verify the TLS certificate of the remote server when making the connection.

>> No.51376404

not an argument buddy

>> No.51376725

vitalik is an idiot and anyone listening to him is even more of an idiot.
Compare David Schwartz or Dominic to Vitalik for two seconds.

>> No.51376734

They literally built on top of ETH.
Imagine being octogenarian WEF globalist faggots and not being into tech and thinking they were going to move forward this way.

>> No.51376743

>Do they even have incentives in place for shit data not to be fed to their systems?
The tweet doesn't elaborate too much on how that part works, but that's part of the reason why the transform function is there. It's supposed to convert the API's response into a form where it should be identical for all the callers, then the node's agree on which API response (or rather the response after being passed through the transform function) looks correct.

>> No.51376784

>Do they even have incentives
Best incentive is always no incentive.

>> No.51376869

Protip: this still uses oracles.
Just shitty centralized ones.

>> No.51376880

Choose one sweaty.

>> No.51376881

Noone will ever use your centralized VC scam, you will be dumped by VCs who bought for 1 cent per token forever. It always blows my mind you fags keep buying the same scams like EOS, Hedera or now ICP after years and years showing that everytime it's a cashgrab with 0 future.

You could just buy projects with users and fees generation on ethereum L2 that will be booming in the coming months, instead you stick with your failed shitcoin.
I guess it's the trap of midwittery, too dumb to make it but too much ego investment to realize it.

>> No.51376888

>an improved type over chain link as well.
Oh god no.
Every canister runs one single oracle. It's just a much more cumbersome and shittier system compared to Chainlink where nodes are inherently lightweight and offline.

Imagine making every single full BTC node be a single oracle. Try building one single big feed with like two dozen oracles.
It's just retarded.

>> No.51376894

Then why even pretend to be a "blockchain" project lmao

>> No.51376905

>blockchain has anything to do with being decentralized
How new are you?
You seem to be still at 2014 talking points.

>> No.51376912
File: 680 KB, 3356x1134, compound open oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your centralized oracle, bro.

>> No.51376921

>here's someone else failing and this applies to other people and things

>> No.51376926

It failed because it was a centralized oracle.

>> No.51376938

That's not why it failed.
Surely you know this and are just paid to fud.

>> No.51376946

That's literally the only reason it failed.
The price on a single exchange was off compared to the market, so the oracle naturally gave a price that was off compared to the market.

>> No.51376951

The point he’s making is that you don’t need to be beholden to one or two oracle providers and forced to use their shitty tokens, even for retrieving basic information.

>> No.51376960

But the problem there is only that they didn't use a weighted basket for their value.
Even Chainlink isn't stupid enough to do that.
Being totally incompetent in every way does not mean you can transfer that onto anyone else doing something similar mate.

>> No.51376969

It’s called hedging anon. What a novel idea

>> No.51376975

>they didn't use a weighted basket for their value.
A single oracle can't do that.

>> No.51376988

>forced to use their shitty tokens
You mean like ICP?

>> No.51376999

Yes it can. At a certain point the data has to come from real people and a system that isn't "secure". And anywho, using a single oracle is not even the proposed solution and it was never ANYONE'S proposed solution.
Only retard boomers running Coinbase can be that stupid.

>> No.51377011

You need various oracles to create a weighted basket.
If you don't use multiple oracles, you're just using the same oracle over and over, which creates an obvious single point of failure and attack.

>> No.51377020

>using a single oracle is not even the proposed solution and it was never ANYONE'S proposed solution.
But earlier you said centralization was good lmao
Keep your shit straight, Ranjeet.

>> No.51377039

ITT retards who dont understand the point of oracles.

>> No.51377063

lol imagine still trying to shill this non existing web3 scam tech

>> No.51377121

Top Brainlet Pro Max(tm), crypto is literally all about incentives.

So we're expected to take care of truth at the app layer? This doesn't sound appealing at all.

>> No.51377185

So what prevents me from eventually utilizing your supersayian 9001X ultra epic stinklink oracle if i absolutely want in my icp canister? Nothing as far as I'm aware. Freedom of choice sure is great.

>> No.51377203

The OP was implying this would supplant Chainlink.
The reality will be more like you describe.

>> No.51377211

The data being fed in came from multiple inputs prior to this point. So it matters more WHERE and WHEN you want the oracle.
I was commenting on the actual state of affairs. Nothing decentralized works. And it's a meme anyway with no real meaning.
It was a joke/jab to instigate a conversation.
Decentralization for the sake of it adds nothing.
At some point there is an input that is "insecure". There are steps before and after this point. Someone must decide where the appropriate time to "decentralize" the process and to what extent.
Protip: It will be different for every application ever if you want to optimize the system.

>> No.51377227

>crypto is literally all about incentives.
Economics is incentives and so yes. But I was quoting a famous person who makes a good point about how the incentive needs to be as clean and pure as possible. Profit driven incentives are good for bringing in money and investment, but are not necessarily the basis of the best system you can build.
And/or the profit incentive should be in upholding and maintaining an efficient system, not just participating or getting voting rights.
You want ACTUALLY benevolent actors administrating the system to have a level playing field.

>> No.51377241

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Great, you played yourself.

The most flexible, lightweight method of creating oracles is to have dedicated oracle nodes.
As soon as you start attaching oracle functionality to things that already have other tasks, you're compromising flexibility, security, speed, uptime, ...

>> No.51377271


>> No.51377288

But what if it's not impossible to replace it?

>> No.51377312

Thankyou anon, finally someone has explained what chainlink does for someone stupid like me. So chainlink takes multiple sources (who picks these sources?) and makes sure they correspond exactly the same. That’s it, that’s all chainlink does, is take a few numbers from multiple sources and make sure number is the same. Amazing, revolutionary

>> No.51377351

>So chainlink takes multiple sources and makes sure they correspond exactly the same
lmao no

>(who picks these sources?)
The user.

>Amazing, revolutionary
Apparently so, since Chainlink is literally the only oracle in active use that has had zero failures or exploits.

>> No.51377363

>So we're expected to take care of truth at the app layer?
Part of the process, yes. Though I do suggest an even lower level approach that would even allow other protocols to be used. The idea being that you can verify that you're communicating with the server for the site you want because you're able to verify their certificate from a fairly minimal set of root certificates, and Diffie-Hellman works for establishing the secure communication channel, no need to trust the oracles (needed with the twitter solution since they can see your request and response for that matter) or worry about performing any kind of consensus. There's still some details that need to be worked out to make this practical but that's more or less how it'd work.

>> No.51377420

>You want ACTUALLY benevolent actors administrating the system to have a level playing field.
I agree with this, but I don't think it is realistic to expect benevolent actors at the data feed level.
It's actually the main reason I'm sticking with Ethereum, the community can be misguided but I don't believe you can call them malevolent.

>> No.51377433

Ok, where did I go wrong?, what does chainlink do? let’s say i want a price feed on my web 3 website. So I as the user pick three price feeds let’s say Coinbase, Binance and something else- what is chainlink doing with my choices here?

>> No.51377447

Yes but that's not guaranteeing truthful data at all, at best what you're doing is making sure you're communicating with the right party. And we've been doing that with SSL Certificates for over 2 decades now.

>> No.51377451

>what is chainlink doing with my choices here?
Essentially what you want them to do.
If you want them to make sure all the sources "correspond exactly" then you're a dumbass and your shit will fail.

>> No.51377546

So.. token not needed

>> No.51377628

You are missing the point. The oracles don't solve the problem at all. They take one step in an insecure process and secure it. It's pretty arguably the least important part of the process. A process than can and has been done for decades without them.

They are only "necessary" in some hypothetical perfectly decentralized trustless system.
That is never going to happen. Hypothetically solving a hypothetical is...well...not that important.

>> No.51377648

>A process than can and has been done for decades without them.
lmao yes, which is why the EEA is actually using ETH right now, right?

>> No.51377699

http requests will make chainlink obsolete
tech moves fast

>> No.51377718

Aren't ICP holders the biggest bagholders on this board? Most Solana, Avalanche and Chainlink "baggies" are still up tremendously

>> No.51377740
File: 4 KB, 83x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're advocating going back to "just trust me bro" promises, and have a secure channel to that source.
How is this any different than what everyone is doing today?

I've worked with entities that wanted to certify something came from source X and was made according to Y process, you usually have a semi-centralized third party gathering witness data from all the actors in the supply chain, check boxes, and put a seal of approval label on it. Great.

Real oracle networks are trying move away from that..

Probably bait but this has been discussed ad-nauseam and was even a point in Ethereum's design rational, you're so behind the curve it's not even funny.

Enjoy your thread.

>> No.51377817

Can http requests pull off chain data on chain?

>> No.51378392

no, you're actually the one behind the curve lol
you do realize that many eth core devs moved on to icp right?
eth and icp will co-exist
eth can't do anything more than defi, unfortunately
tell me how much it costs to store an nft on-chain with eth
it's a simple question that none of you eth maxis can ever answer correctly.

>> No.51378409

i'm not saying eth will be ousted, it won't
vitalik and dominic will be speaking at a conference in a couple months, i suspect the icp-eth integration will be discussed
but there's a huge chance that icp flips eth within the next 5 years

>> No.51378416

>Sergey gave himself 65% of the supply and has dumped over 1 billion USD worth and still has 95% left . You're literally donating to him

There is NO SHITCOIN with a token distribution more criminally corrupt than LINK, except for maybe XRP...

>> No.51378443

Damn that’sa good meme

>> No.51378466
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Hardcore banter aside, if it makes you happy anyone can use le bvased stinklink on the 100% on chain canister if they want, and nothing stopping anyone, that's the beauty of the IC innit.

Just be aware the vast array of ALIEN IQ madmen from dfinity will still try to come up with their own takes in self-reliant fashion, and yeah they will try to improve on ideas why the fuck wouldn't they.

And why should competition be feared so much? What's wrong with that? Seems that zoomers don't even understand that an atmospheric sealed enviroment of "No-competition" didn't bring us to the level of technology and invention where we are now. It's an historical fact competition is healthy.
Why fear it?
Could someone be hiding something?

>> No.51378551

what about the 2/25 keys for chainlink nodes?
I hold both but I try not to be deluded.

>> No.51378857

>ICP will use Chainlink
thank you for finally arriving at the end of the train of thought. it only took you 18 hours and 43 minutes to figure it out.

>> No.51378877


>> No.51381025

>It's possible scaling solutions based on zk could catch up eventually.
When do you think this will happen?

>> No.51381055
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 1660717647013526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the chainlink baggies, the ETH baggies and the MATIC baggies. the hype over rival ETH L1s is over, we've realized they're all crap. Only the necessary will survive anons

>> No.51381075


>> No.51381156

Just forget LINK, is a done feast for whales.. keep an eye on SPOOL,a tool hedging against market turmoil

>> No.51381369

Respond to:

>> No.51381398
File: 219 KB, 850x594, centralised-decentralised-and-distributed-networks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not as decentralized as BTC for sure, ICP is on a different place in the trade-off spectrum, closer to SOL, Near, DOT, etc... Trading decentralization for feature richness, maximizing decentralization at all costs is a meme, and not use-case friendly.
Then what the fuck is the point? This level of decentralization already exists in the centralized world, it's called federation, examples being ActivityPub (Mastodon et al.), Interledger, Matrix, and XMPP.

>> No.51381482

>Solutions based on ZK-teck that matters
The ones enabling on-chain anonymity, most certainly

>> No.51381521
File: 21 KB, 640x628, 1647966989165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth can't do anything more than defi, unfortunately
With privacy enabled on Ethereum, thanks to Railgun and allied protocols, you'll be surprised to see how much can be done on the chain

>> No.51381548

>crypto is all a scam
Yes, I agree.

>> No.51381623
File: 67 KB, 1400x784, zksync-zkevm-compiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> With privacy enabled on Ethereum, thanks to Railgun and allied protocols, you'll be surprised to see how much can be done on the chain
on-chain anonymity and privacy is absolutely the greatest thing ever and extremely important to implement.
But what is actually pushing the limits for what can be done "on-chain" are zk-proofs and validity-rollups (aka. zk-rollups), since they change the game so that transactions don't have to be recomputed on every single node in order to prove their validity. This means that any computation for which a proof can be formulated can be put on-chain, in the (near?) future this could even include supercomputer and quantum computation.

>> No.51382086


>> No.51382263
File: 238 KB, 2172x1096, 1637605184892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual good thread my goys
is a 50/50 eth/icp portfolio a good choice? my sister wants to invest and i told her im pretty clueless. i suggested eth and icp and maybe bnb and avax, but i think i should not recommend avax

>> No.51382273

You do realise that 95% of the internet are smaller webapps that do not require multimillion dollar SLAs and profit immensely from moving to a web3 stack

>> No.51382377
File: 439 KB, 2852x1626, 03757397593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on-chain anonymity and privacy is absolutely the greatest thing ever and extremely important to implement.
Big plus on this! It's not difficult to imagine that a time will come when privacy becomes a standard

>> No.51382504

Kys railgun jeets. You faggots seriously come into ever fucking thread and try to shill your garbage. You don’t realize you are shilling to the same 10 people who are always in these threads? NOBODY is buying your jeet shit token please go play in traffic you retarded shit colored niggers.

>> No.51382569

ICP niggers are becoming worse than BSV schizos

>> No.51382597

isn't this all for show? Didn't they have integration options with chainlink still and are just providing an alternative service lol

>> No.51382658

railgun jeets can go back to xmr general

>> No.51382815

Benchods. Too retarded to even realize that it's not a token-gated system. You can both fuck yourselves, brainlets.

>> No.51382884
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 1642891717343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag with some personal beef with railgun

>> No.51382906

Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.51382919

NOBODY is buying your erc20 jeet token NOBODY. Get it through your head you retarded faggot. Every single icp holder on biz has seen you 1pbtid shill in icp threads. You suck ass at your job and I’m trying to tell you to stop wasting your time.

>> No.51382947

Kek, obviously personal. Go see a therapist, boy.