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51372955 No.51372955 [Reply] [Original]

So the plan is to repeg ustc and make stablecoin holders whole, again. In doing so the algorithm will burn lunc and propel the price. This in turn could make original holders who lost everything, recover something far more substantial than what they were compensated with. This will encourage devs to continue building on classic and restart the ecosystem boom. In doing all this, classic bottom buyers believe they could also become wealthy. Sure the plan could fail, but it’s better than nothing. Do Kwon is seething because it’ll prove him wrong again, after he rugged his own project and rigged the vote. What exactly is so “bad” about this?

>> No.51373127

Shameless bump.

>> No.51373147

>some guy is bragging about selling 21 m tokens
Does he think that's a lot or something?

>> No.51373190

21b obviously

>> No.51373215

Because retarded fudders are either so mentally challenged that thinking something like LUNC can’t be revived because it’s a “dead ponzi coin” and so they devote their tard energy into stopping people who are interested in investing into LUNC maybe or being paid by Do Kwon or some other interest group to actively fud LUNC to sway investors into either 2UNA or MATIC.

>> No.51373299

Boo hoo, someone shorted for a total value of $12k USD. That's nothing.

>> No.51373342


>> No.51373353

$500k w 20x

>> No.51373364

>Lunc bagholders in charge of basic math and reading

>> No.51373372

This dude's going to make a lot of money

>> No.51373380
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If do Kwon is behind the fud, he’s a genuine psychopath. What an absolute piece of shit.

>> No.51373389

Short with him then and post short. If not it’s because we both know he’s going to get rekt. Burn in 2 weeks, exchanges agreeing to it include mexc gate and kucoin. Probably Binance which will be massive.

>> No.51373412

He's about to get liquidated by midnight PST

>> No.51373486

>What exactly is so “bad” about this?
because even in optimal conditions it will take billions of dollars, to revive what, a crappy cosmos chain and broken algostable? (you) aren't going to do it, you need big money to save it, which at this stage would rather invest in tech with a record of performance and fee generation

>> No.51373596

ustc is going to $8 luna is going to $100 lunc is going to $1000000

>> No.51373741
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>makes this post >>51373364
>doesn't know what a stable coin is

>> No.51374334

Rollin for confirm

>> No.51374351

You should follow him on twitter. Based AF and legendary trader. Made millions upon millions shorting the market on the way down.

>> No.51374374

Yes that's what we want sell it so someone else can burn it

>> No.51374377

>Short with him then and post short
I already posted my short in the luna general. Pump it above 50 again and I will double down. But looks like you Chuds cant even get there anymore.

>> No.51374419

>This in turn could make original holders who lost everything

Ah yes, the people that bought Luna for $100 to $200 are gonna be made whole

and the people that bought millions of Luna for a couple of bucks? They will be trillionaires I guess?

>> No.51374434

>This in turn could make original holders who lost everything, recover something far more substantial than what they were compensated with.
they are the typical predatory self righteous normalplebbitors, too midwit to see this
retard moonboys crying wolf about lunc in advance, praising luna

>> No.51374449

why you fud

I bought Luna for $140 it is going back to original price

But just forget about the people who spend their lunch money to get a few million Luna

>> No.51374528

>went from $1 to $0.01
want to try a different name for it big boy?

>> No.51374568

>a fucking jew

>> No.51375163

Bizfags would rather mindlessly browse shitposts for hours than go and follow 10 godtier traders on twitter to get actual info quickly in just 15mins.

>> No.51375329


I am interested in learning more, who would you recommend?

>> No.51375597
File: 3 KB, 253x75, 7A86F877-535B-467E-958C-66F39A342374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha imagine seething at a godlike trader like GCR

>> No.51375638

That's GCR bro. He doesn't use leverage.
But personally i do believe that even if it takes thousand years, UST will eventually repeg thanks to the algorithm. Humanity may be extinct by then but algorithm will keep running.

>> No.51375683

is he actually a kike? or just makes money like one?

>> No.51375855

>I bought Luna for $140 it is going back to original price

mentally ill LUNatiCs indeed, they'd better seek help before they resort to harming themselves or anyone

>> No.51375867
File: 48 KB, 425x195, it was written.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.51375869

>In doing so the algorithm will burn lunc and propel the price.
The burn will not work because it will only burn onchain transactions. This has been explained several times. It will take too many years to reduce the supply in a significant amount.

>> No.51375926

>This in turn could make original holders who lost everything, recover something far more substantial than what they were compensated with.
Take the TerraLunaClassic.com pill

>> No.51375949

>doesn't use leverage
the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.51375967 [DELETED] 

>that GCR bro

is that supposed to convince me?
Hold LUNC!

>> No.51376114

I added to my LUNC short. It's over.

>> No.51376819

>Doesn’t know you can take a short position (sell) without borrowing money like a broke little fag

>> No.51376909

yes but unlike longs all shorts are at risk of liquidation even if using 0 leverage
there an asset can only fall 100% in value, it can rise in value indefinitely

that looks like an impressive number of coins but that was just 1.1 mil usd not too long ago
compared to full volumes that isnt enough to crash the market with no survivors

>> No.51377462

> Ah yes, the people that bought Luna for $100 to $200 are gonna be made whole
Can you even read? Kek
Apparently you haven’t been keeping up, don’t even need to respond for lunchads to know you’re dead wrong.

>> No.51377526

obviously he doesn't move the market with a $12m position but he makes bank, already $3.5m in profit