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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5136933 No.5136933 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not one of the big boys here with 100k or more ( I have way less), but still, I get very strange feelings nowadays. Like everything is possible and that within a couple of years I might be a millionaire if crypto keeps going up like this year. What do apart from enjoying the ride?

>> No.5136942

What happens when everyone is rich?

>> No.5136948

kill yourself

>> No.5136979
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>I might be a millionaire

>> No.5137031

>nocoiner filth

You jelly?

>> No.5137041

post-scarcity economy here we come

>hooked into ultra-real VR simulations 24/7
>drip fed tendies by IV
>robots clean your ass and suck your cock as needed
>never have to leave home again

>> No.5137075

*bubble pops*

>> No.5137094

>find qt3.14 girl hooked into vr
>fuck her senseless while she's still in
>wait for the reviews on the grand theft litecoin 218 steam page saying that the game is great but it has a bug with the sexual stimulation and feelings of disgust

>> No.5137099


As someone with 100k I can tell you i am definitely not one of the "big boys" by any means.

>> No.5137127


Anon, we found the cheat code and fucked the system

I feel you, I have been feeling like I'm pulled more into the matrix lately

>> No.5137142



>> No.5137169

>big boy
that's one years salary. Whoa dude you're a huge boy now

>> No.5137184
File: 145 KB, 720x764, 1513213953347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>tfw you will watch the technological singularity unfold from the comfort of your mansion paid for by meme money you learned about on a malaysian magic the gathering image board

>> No.5137192

as someone who is already a millionaire, no

>> No.5137336

It's not real money until you cash out.

>> No.5137404

I get the same feelings. I remind myself to stay humble and focused in the long term. And to remember there's only so much money can buy. Looking good right now though so let's enjoy the gains.

>> No.5137412

> I'm pulled more into the matrix lately
Thats exactly how I feel man. A bag of money growing bigger and bigger which breaks the concepts of how money is made by 99% of people.

>> No.5137644

> everyone
It's a zero sum game dude. Your gains are someone else losses