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51368054 No.51368054 [Reply] [Original]

So anons we need to talk about aridification. You know how you heard many time that "california is runing out of water." So often in fact that you stopped caring a long time ago about that noise?

Well it's no longer runing out of water. It's run out. For good. (In some places)

If you live anywhere is the south west United States or if you want to understand what's gonna happen starting summer 2023 please watch this video anon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MZFrJPPIQ8 [Embed]

It's one thing to be "runing out of water" that's fine, you switch your lawn to pebbles, you pay a bit more, you buy water, etc.

It's QUITE ANOTHER to HAVE run out of water. When you can't take a shit in the toilet or a shower in the bathroom, it's time to move. And good luck selling the house. Real estate goes to 0 overnight.

Your million dollar california home will be worth 0$ the instant people figure it out anons. Right now it's starting, this summer of 2022 a few towns ran out for the first time ever. Next year and every year after that more and more, you'll start to see it on the news, in magazines, on social media and then it will be too late to sell.

Move now anons. Move now. It's not gonna be pretty when the water fights start. Civil wars anons, over water.

While we're distracted with a million useless things, the water is disapearing. No you can't get it from the ocean, it wouldn't be realistic in terms of cost. When it runs out, it runs out. The second it runs out, life ceases to be possible there.

Moving is the only recourse.

>> No.51368062
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>> No.51368076

Yeah I watched this. As a californian, I'm planning on moving to Idaho in the near future.
Also, I think investing in companies that build desalination plants is a good idea, but I dont know any.

>> No.51368092

They'll force the Federal government to let them steal water from the midwest and Great Lakes before they let their property values go to $0.

>> No.51368093



just slide into the ocean already you stupid fucking arrogant irresponsible wasteful selfish cunts

>> No.51368107

hence the water wars. people will bomb to pipeline to keep the water, water terror, etc. Yes it will take time and human ingenuity will slow it and confuse it. But in essense, no water and it's over.

>> No.51368108

Some biz fags said I was wrong when I posted you're better off buying acres of land with no plan to develop them other than the immediate fat that they are in flood areas, have water wells and flood plains.
Buy cheap land that receives water NOW.
Doesn't matter where it is.
Second best would be land with a lot of timber.

>> No.51368123

Nevada and new mexico are in the same boat.

>> No.51368129

California is literally a godless commie shithole full of sodomites of course all the water disappeared. you reject God to that degree and you think you're all still entitled to his resources? Bad news. You shit in the yard now

>> No.51368155

Agreed, but the most egregious of sodomites needn't stay in Babel.
They have the resources to flee and live next to you additionally change political policy to benefit themselves.
Babel no longer has borders.

>> No.51368171

Yes it fucking is possible to run on desalination plants, they just denied a huge plant for environmental concerns. This is a controlled demolition. Lake Mead and Lake casitas are running dry youre 100% right we need to find a new source. They argue it’s better to save some crabs n sea sponges than to have water for humans. So when I’m fighting for water and people are killing each other in the streets, at least the sea horse on the coast is chillin.


>> No.51368174

It just rained. Checkmate

>> No.51368190

Ok so it's possible to get drinking water from desalination, absolutely. But not to run civilization on reverse osmosis water that's costing an arm and a leg.

Any form of industry, hotels, pools, agriculture, etc. Uses too much to make desalination viable. Not if you don't want your tomato to cost triple.

>> No.51368194

>Your million dollar california home will be worth 0$ the instant people figure it out anons
Finally, some affordable houses.

>> No.51368198

Real estate in the Olympia coastal area is still dirt cheap.

>> No.51368227

Not to mention, what if your entire city of ten million people runs on 2 plants, and one goes offline due to whatever? Earthquake?

Just don't get thirsty for 3 months?

>> No.51368249
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translation: "we shouldn't have a city here ffs."

>> No.51368256
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>> No.51368265


Every business or industry other than agriculture would make due, farms are responsible for 80% of Cali's water usage. And maybe they should fail, why are you growing extremely water intense crops like almonds when your state is in a state of emergency due to drought.

>> No.51368281

Ok what’s the alternative then smart guy?

>> No.51368307

Stupid niggers need to stop building in the desert while simultaneously importing millions of Hispanics to make sure population growth only ever goes up.

>> No.51368320

You are such a fucking retard. Imagine believing in Jewish fairy tales, but even worse, imagine interpreting god as a human-like figure who gets angry like a Greek god or something. Prole christcucks get out of my Biz reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.51368335

They can easily supply water to all residents. It's entirely agricultural demand. What a non-issue.

>> No.51368347


>is chillin

Californian confirmed

>> No.51368376

If I were Mexeco I would build nuke power and desalination plants in Baja and sell it to Calaforna for a premium. I'm sure they could strike a deal with the US Fed to get the Nuke plants built too.

>> No.51368393
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nuke it from orbit. its the only solution
and commieforinians should be quarantined insode that shithole of a state they turned it into. we shouldn't allow any of those cancerous commie fucks into other parts of the US

>> No.51368407

San Diego already has a desalination plant. And commiefornia is accepting that they will need to keep their nuclear plants going i.e. Diablo Canyon

>> No.51368457
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Literally No one cares about commiefornia.

>> No.51368461

Notwithstanding the fact that SoCal might have a years worth of rain dumped on it in the next few days, the fact is, a lot of populated California is actually desert.
So, here's the solution:

A) Ge out. Not realistic.
B) Nuclear power, desalination on a massive scale, and rethinking land use. No more lawns, No more wasteful water use. You live in a desert, act like it.

>> No.51368470

That's what people don't get. When water runs out you don't have options. You move or you die.

>> No.51368474

This is the worst part. I know a few Californians who have relocated to red states, and taken their leftist horse shit with them.

>> No.51368500

People think desalination will work, they are very very optimistic. Leaving aside the cost of it (cost meaning limited ressources) there's a fragility there and externalities that weren't there with groundwater.

First of all what if the plant goes offline? Everything and everyone dies if there's a massive earthquake at the plant and suddenly there's no water for agriculture or people.

Second throwing back the externalities (the super salty water) will kill the fish in a massive way, you can kiss the fishing industry goodbye. And over time, you can kiss all coastal business goodbye as the coast dies.

>> No.51368505
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>David Attenborough voice: today we witness the catastrophic results of global warming. And the utter destruction of a civilization. A woman gives water…to a Californian. To say this is global warming….is an understatement.

>> No.51368522

You don’t understand how retarded liberals are. They think they can just write legislation to force more water to materialize from nothing.

>> No.51368603

>First of all what if the plant goes offline?
There should be several plants and ideally they’d be separated in such a way that a single natural disaster is unlikely to knock them all out. Also you’d need some water storage to lessen the impact of production disruptions and back up units with a rapid start up time. Not sure how realistic that is as it probably costs a lot but in principle that should be the solution

>> No.51368614

Just build a few nuclear plants powering desalinisation plants with new membranes technology, store everything in a bunch of artificial lakes, move water intensive culture north and problem solved.

California is the richest state in the US and has a bigger GDP than any european country, if it wasn't run by a bunch of corrupt nigger faggot spics it would be solved in a few years.

>> No.51368641

Even if it worked it's building fragility into a vital system. And cost.

>> No.51368652


It's a silly point anyway, it's not like regular water treatment plants can't get knocked offline by natural disasters either. If there's a big earthquake or tsunami trucks are going to be bringing in assloads of bottled water for Californians until infrastructure is repaired and back online.

The only real barrier is the high energy requirements and relatively high cost compared to non-desal sources water. But Caliniggers are used to paying more for everything, they may whine about paying 5x the national average for residential drinking water, but at the end of the day they'll spread their cheeks and take it.

>> No.51368684

>residents have water, but no food
This is not a solution, retard

>> No.51368734

When you live opposed to nature's laws, you're going to be in for a hard time. Its not necessarily that God is punishing them.

>> No.51369017


Yeah but we actually conserve water plus half the reason Lake Mead is out water is we ship a shit ton of it to California who fucking wastes it.

Good fucking riddance when that hit hole implodes

>> No.51369677

>As a californian, I'm planning on moving

Stopped reading there. You should plan on staying where you are and dying. No one likes you.

>> No.51369708

1 seahorse is worth the life of 55 million californians.

>> No.51369717
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Nooooooo!!! There can’t be any rules except the rules I want!!!! Reeeee!!!!

>> No.51369751

I quite like this post
Good one anon, quality shit

>> No.51369784

Guess I’ll just hold on to my houston home for a while and let the communists inflate its price for me

>> No.51370342

The Pacific Northwest will become a 'climate refugee destination.' I'm using that term somewhat lightly, but people with existential concerns about climate change will go where the water is. Who knows - Alaska may also become more desirable if there's talk of warming. That place certainly can support life - and land there is insanely cheap.

>> No.51371145
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This little niglet was caught stealing water.
> Attenborough remarked